okay so in this video i'm gonna show you how to build a successful drop shipping store with zero dollars no shopify no ads you can start for completely free i've been able to build multiple seven figure drop shipping stores so i definitely know what i'm talking about and if you're new here i'm leon and i give away free drop shipping tips and tutorials that others charge thousands of dollars for for completely free all i ask is that you go ahead and like this video and subscribe to my channel so i can keep helping you for completely free so let's get started with this free drop shipping course and let me show you how you can start a drop shipping business with zero dollars and i mean completely free no money spent on websites no money spent on anything you can start with zero dollars okay so first thing first when it comes to drop shipping you might have heard of shopify and that's because it's the most popular platform to do online e-commerce with okay but as you can see right here there's a monthly fee when it comes down to using shopify and the basic plan is 29 a month and it doesn't seem like a lot but when you're getting started and you're not making any sales that's 29 per month that you're just losing without making any sales and this 29 right here does not even include any apps that you're gonna add onto the store and pay for and typically i would preach using shopify because i use shopify but then again i'm making sales and i'm profitable so i can do that without worrying about losing twenty nine dollars per month right but you're watching this free course because you wanna know how you can actually start drop shipping with zero dollars and 29 dollars per month is not zero dollars so with that being said we're not going to be using shopify at all because then you wouldn't be starting with zero dollars and on this channel we keep it as real as possible okay so why should you start drop shipping well you can work from anywhere in the world making it one of the best remote jobs and businesses to start because all you need is a laptop and an internet connection to get things going drop shipping also allows you to spend more time with your family friends and loved ones have financial freedom and it's one of the only businesses that you can actually start with zero dollars what are you gonna learn today from this free course you're gonna learn how to find winning products to sell how to set up a free zero dollars per month online store how to advertise your products free no paid ads no facebook no tick tock ads no instagram ads i'm going to show you how to advertise and market your product for completely free and then i'm going to show you how to fulfill your orders with fast shipping if you don't know what drop shipping is it's pretty much just going on a wholesale website finding a supplier that sells like a necklace for ten dollars and then because the perceived value of jewelry is so expensive you can then make a website and list that same necklace on your website and sell it for like a hundred dollars and then you advertise your website that sells that necklace and then when someone buys that necklace you then pay the wholesale supplier the ten dollars so that they can go ahead and ship the necklace to the customer and then you keep the profit of ninety dollars so first thing we're going to go over is finding winning products now what makes a product a winner a winning product must have that wow factor and be a problem solver okay so for example right here as you can see it's a beach mat and this is a sand proof beach mat meaning that no sand will get on top of the mat causing dirt on your shoes your stuff that you have on the beach and stuff like that you might not know it but it's annoying you don't want no sand in your butt crack do you you know what i'm saying it has that wow factor because when a customer sees it they're like what the heck what do you mean by sand proof mat right it peaks that curiosity but it's not all about problem solving products as you can see right here if it has a wow factor and a passionate audience it'll also work very well because people buy based off emotion so this product right here is a rose bear and obviously this is something for people in relationships or just a sentimental gift to someone okay whether it's anniversary whether it's you know i'm just just because you know i'm saying this is a great gift for people in relationships a bear made out of roses with a heart you know i mean so how do you actually find wooden products here are a couple of ways that you can go ahead and do it for completely free and do it relatively fast okay without suggesting just search tiktok mainly buy it or amazon finds on tick tock and just scroll and you come across a bunch of different posts and videos of literally accounts showing you the next hot thing to buy another huge way i've been able to find winning products is just simply following mean pages on all social media platforms twitter instagram facebook the reason is because other dropshippers and e-commerce people they're gonna pay these pages to promote their products so if you follow enough accounts what's gonna happen is that if you just scroll every single day on all these platforms you're gonna see ads for products and people are not gonna pay someone to advertise the product unless they really believe it's something that's gonna work so all you literally have to do is just sit there scroll like you usually would when you know i'm saying watching gossip or whatever just scroll and then when you see a product being advertised just save it to your computer add it to your store and literally test it out as well now after you've found some products that you're interested in testing that you know meet the criteria of a winning product you know that wow factor with a problem-solving ability or that wow factor with a passionate audience the next step is to then go ahead and find a store name and i preferably would do a general store name just because you can literally sell anything in any niche on a general store domain okay so how do you find a name for your website all you have to do is just come here to businessnamemaker.com and as you can see here it says enter keywords like tech marketing agency so that way they can generate a good name that you know is free and available for you to use so right now we're just gonna i'm just gonna write something like oasis because you know that goes well with websites and it's easy to pronounce and a bunch of names will literally pop up like look at this oasis hut so many different names and then let's say you want to click this one and then you want to see if it's available all you have to do is then come here on the dot com click on it it'll open up godaddy and to tell you if it's available or not after you find a starting that's easy to pronounce and just easy to remember the next step is to then go ahead and create an email account that matches that store name so that you know when people have questions about their order or whatever they can go ahead and contact you through that email that matches your store name because you don't want someone to go on your website that's called leon.com but then when they email you your email is rockstarbaby101 gmail.com know what i'm saying they'll get skeptical and it just won't work out okay so to create an email account i use gmail but you can use yahoo whatever you like to use i just specifically use gmail because that's what i've just been using for all my life and then you just come here click create account for the first and last name you want to enter the name of your store so for example if leon oasis.com is what i was able to find then the first thing will be leon last name will be oasis okay does that make sense and then you just come here and do like leon oasis store gmail.com that's literally what i'll do and then you create you know your password and everything and then you're gonna use this email account to create your online website and to do things like customer service so once you figure out some products that you want to test have a good store name created your email the next thing will then be to go ahead and create your online store using a platform that you pay nothing for it yeah it's zero dollars a month so so far you've spent nothing you found some products you found a website domain and now what's gonna happen is you're going to go ahead and build your website on a platform that you don't have to pay a monthly fee for unlike shopify and i love shopify to death i use shopify but i'm starting to think that that's definitely something for people who are already getting sales and profitable because i get a lot of messages from you guys saying my 14 day trial on shopify is going to end and so on and so forth so i'm starting to think that it's best for beginners to start with big cartel which is the platform they can go ahead and host your website on for zero dollars per month all right so if you haven't noticed we're gonna be using bigcartel.com to create our online store for completely free so you're just gonna go there and then you're gonna come here and click where it says open your store and as you can see they have different plans but the beauty of this is that you can start for completely free no credit card needed or anything you just click sign up for free and in the next few minutes you will have an online store where you can literally start drop shipping products directly from aliexpress completely free so you're going to enter the email that you created for this example i'm just going to use an email that i already have and then for your store name you just name it whatever you were able to find as you can see it literally has a checklist for you to already you know get done but what we want to go ahead and do is just go ahead and add our product and this is fairly easy to do we don't have to import anything whatsoever so you're just going to come here and click add your first product product name for this example we're going to be using the rose bear so you're just going to type in rose bear so for the description what you can do is go on google and type in the name of your product and then find all the stores that are selling it so for me i'm just gonna do the name my product plus shopify because then you're able to find shopify dropshipping stores that are selling the same product that you're gonna sell and what you can simply do is just you know click on anyone these are all ads but you can come down here and see this is not an ad right here and then you're gonna see you know they have a whole website about what you're about to sell and this is definitely a shopify store because i know my and as you can see right here powered by shopify let me get a like and subscribe for that you know i mean so then you're just gonna click here and then you see the description right here you're just gonna copy it and you're just gonna go in your big cartel and paste it description already done for you and then obviously you wanna go ahead and you know fine tune it and change anything you to go ahead and add or delete from here you know right here where there's no space you can go ahead and you know add extra space there add another space there you don't have to add a category leave it as thumb active and then here is where you're going to set your you know price for so if you go on aliexpress and type in rose bear which is the wholesale website where you're gonna get it for wholesale price right you can see here that you have an actual supplier that's gonna be selling it for around 29 okay you know that's the big 40 centimeter size this is the size that people you know would usually buy so let's say we're gonna be i'm getting this product for 30 wholesale then you're gonna come here and see what competitors are selling it for and as you can see they're selling it for 149 so the perceived value of this product is pretty high so then what you want to go ahead and do is you want to do maybe 119.99 because even with that price 30 no money spent on ads you're going to be widely profitable and if you want to take it a step further you can do 99.99 where people will be like wow i find this product for over a hundred dollars all the time but then this website is selling it for 99.99 damn they're definitely gonna buy it from you know what i'm saying and then if it's on sale you're gonna click here and make sure people know it's on sale so therefore you know it gives them that extra scarcity and urgency like they need to buy it now or else the price will increase and then if your product has like different colors so for example maybe the rose bear has a few different colors so what i'm going to do is just click right here where it says add group options and i'm going to do like get started and then i'm just going to do colors right and then i'm going to do black and then add another one pink and then add another one red so for example if yours has you know you know um different sizes you're gonna do that as well and right you know small you know medium you get the point and then you just click continue and then click done and as you can see it'll have all those options here okay and then as far as shipping you definitely want to add shipping especially this day and age when it comes to drop shipping people can spot a drop shipping store and you don't want customers to be able to spot that okay and you have to think and realize that most customers they're so used to shipping let's just do 6.95 for shipping and then you don't have to do anything else and then just leave it like that tax code leave it as it is and then come up here and then make sure you add the product photo so that's the rose bear right there so when they go on your website or whatever they'll see that to know exactly what they're getting and then you just click save and they're just gonna preview what it looks like right here and you can literally select the colors add to cart and someone can literally purchase and check out right now just like that without paying a dime you don't have to spend any money on anything and obviously for your description this is kind of lame so what you want to do is you don't want to go with the first one that you just find right you want to go through all the other competitors that are selling it and choose like the really nice things that you can possibly find and also maybe add like a couple of emojis after every little sentence just to give it that extra oomph and make it different from you know everyone else's store and then you can also go here in your account so click your account or whatever and then you click designs right here and you can just go ahead and literally design your home page however you want if you click themes right here on the left you'll see different themes right here that you can just use click ok and then just like that your theme has changed you can choose whatever you want to choose okay and then when you come here you can go to settings and then you can upload a logo if you want me personally especially from the beginning and starting out i wouldn't focus so much on you know purchasing a logo or spending time on that as you can see the name is good enough it looks clean a lot of websites just use the name for example as you can see a huge store like fashion nova the logo is just a font okay so you don't have to worry about getting the logo made or spending any time on that and then background image you don't want any of that and then right here you can change your colors so our stuff is about love so i like to you know you know um reflect my website on what i'm selling so i'll definitely do like a you know reddish color to insinuate that we're talking about love here just to make sure you know all the buttons are in red you know make sure all that is changed to the red so wherever you see you know the blue you change it to that red okay and then as you can see right here now that button is red the rose bear is red when they hover over it you can just play around with so many different things play around with the font until you see something that's nice and clean okay the goal is to make sure that your website is nice and clean when people go on it because this is where people are gonna land on they're gonna land on your product page so make sure it's clean when they're on it you don't want to have 15 different colors or something like that okay so the badge right here we're also going to change that to red because we don't want to have 20 different colors so the main color will be white the text will be black and the buttons will be red okay you understand what i'm saying then one final thing you want to make sure you have on your website are things like you know refund policy so refund policy is definitely a huge one and big cartel already has a contact us you know automatically on your website so as you can see right here on the foot of your website it's gonna already be there so you don't have to do anything people could just come here and you know message you right away and it'll go to your email directly so you don't have to have a page for that but you have to have a page for like shipping refund policy you know frequently asked questions and then once you've added those things you just simply click publish and then obviously when you're in your account you're going to want to go ahead and edit your location and enter all that stuff set up your payment options you can use paypal i would recommend using stripe you can create a stripe account for free and then once you create the stripe account and then literally once you've done all that once all your settings are complete you just turn off where it says maintenance mode and your store will be completely live and you can just go ahead and start making sales okay so now that you've set up everything and yeah you're probably like realizing now that i actually haven't spent a dime i have spent zero dollars so far and it's gonna continue you're not gonna spend any money until you start making money and if you want to decide to you know start running paid ads then be my guest but how amazing is it that you can actually start a drop shipping business with zero dollars now we're going to move on to how to advertise your products for free i'm not going to talk about using tick tock i'm not going to talk about using facebook posting reels on instagram none of that we're not going to be using any of that though posted on tick tock and making reals on instagram are both great ideas you also have to realize that there's so many people doing it right now therefore it's going to be hard for you to stand out and blow up we're going to be using pinterest to advertise our product for completely free now keep in mind if you're gonna use pinterest to do this method you have to understand that about eighty percent of pinterest users are women so when you're finding winning products you wanna make sure that you're you know selling things in the beauty niche in the relationship niche and stuff women are literally into pinterest is just great it's untapped not a lot of people are using it so instead of just relying on tick tock and reels you should definitely start advertising your products on pinterest for completely free so making content with pinterest is actually awesome and very easy like as you can see here they say get your next new look outfit they literally tell you what pinterest is for people come here to search for ideas okay preferably women like i showed you with the stats so this is a great platform to make content catering towards women you know whether it's beauty or in the relationship niche this is very untapped very unsaturated it's not as saturated like tic tac or instagram reels so you definitely should start doing this right now so obviously you're just going to come here on pinterest.com and then on the top right you just click sign up and then to find content to upload it's actually fairly easy you can easily go on ticktock.com and type in the name of your product so for example i'm doing like the rose bear for this example right so i'm going to type in rosemary and see what comes up and then see a bunch of videos that i can literally use obviously i recommend you making your own videos but if you're a beginner and you actually want to start for zero dollars then that means you probably can't afford to order a rose bear right so what you're gonna do is just come here in the meantime while you're you know still trying to get off the ground don't worry about getting in trouble most people will literally email you first if they want you to remove their content they'll email you first saying you have you know 48 hours to take down the content so just make sure you're always checking your emails you know what i mean so you're just going to come here and tick-tock so much content and all you're going to do is you know click on one that you like or whatever right and then you're just going to come here and click copy link right and then you're going to type in tick-tock downloader okay and then click right here where it says snapchat paste it right here download the tick tock so you're just gonna click download server one you know make sure these ads and stuff are you know out the way so on the top left you're gonna click create and you just click create idea pin okay and then you're gonna click create new and then you're gonna upload the tick tock that you literally just downloaded without the tick tock logo on it making it seem like you're the one who created this video right and then you just literally click next you don't have to write anything else because they already did all the work for you and then you're just gonna write the only valentine's you know day gift you need right if if it's valentine's season then you know you want to sell it for that you're gonna write that right or just write perfect anniversary gift because i'm sure people search for this kind of stuff on pinterest because that's what pinterest is for pinterest is literally for you know finding ideas for something so when you see that and you have your offer and everything you know it's very easy for people to just simply buy it based off that right and they can go ahead and create a board which is kind of like different niches so if you're going to be testing a bunch of different products at once let's say this one is relationship stuff right so you just name it relationship gift ideas and then you create that board and you're gonna add it to that don't check that leave that blank and then for the tags you just type in things like relationship like you see relationship goals stuff like that you know just add some tags and then you literally just come here and click publish and then now what's going to happen is just like all these tick tocks go viral if you have a good video on pinterest it's most certainly going to go viral once it uploads right and you're probably wondering like how people are going to go on my website you didn't put any link on the post or anything well calm down grasshopper calm down okay what's going to happen is when people see your post if they really like what you got going on if it's a product that's a great idea they're going to come to your profile obviously you want to edit your profile picture write you know bio and everything and to do that all you have to do is come right here on the top right and then come here to settings and then you just you know add your you know bio whatever like the number one website to buy this or whatever it is and then here you're gonna add the link to your website www.yourwebsite.bitcartel.com because on big cartel you're not gonna be buying a domain because that's going to cost you like 14 even though it's one-time payment this free course is about how to do with zero dollars okay and because big cartel is known to actually sell things like legitimately not drop shipping people are not going to look at bigcartel.com and be like i'm not going to buy from big cartel people go on big cartel to buy all the time so you don't have to worry about that now let's say you started advertising your products and you know you started getting some sales and something actually started working you need to send your customers what they ordered right so how would you fulfill your orders using usa supplies on aliexpress to make sure your customers receive their products in a good decent time frame okay so to fulfill your orders all you have to do in your big cartel dashboard is come here to where it says orders you click it and then you're gonna see all your orders right here obviously i have zero orders and i'm not about to you know i'm saying pay for some orders just to you know for this video use your imagination all right so you're gonna see orders here and then what you're gonna do is if you have three orders or whatever you're gonna click them one by one so you're gonna click the first one to open up the customer's information because you wanna see their first and last name you know the address and everything and then you're gonna come here on um aliexpress on the suppliers so let's say you know this is your supplier you're just going to click that and then what you're going to do is you're going to go ahead and then select what they ordered which you'll be able to see when you open up the customer's information right you're going to see what product they ordered what color what size and everything right and then what you're going to do is let's say they ordered the red one you're going to click red and then obviously if they did like for whatever product it is you're going to see the size and everything here and let's say they ordered two so then you're going to add two right make sure you add the quantity that they ordered and then you're just gonna click you know buy now or add to cart whatever i just do buy now and then what you're then gonna do is right here where it says shipping information what you're gonna do is you're gonna click add new address and then what you're gonna do is you're gonna come here and see the customer's name and you just copy and paste that so let's say the name is jeff dunham you're gonna do def done ham you know and for the phone number if they added a number then perfect if they did not then what you want to do is just add a 10 to the number so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten literally that's all you need to do and then for the address you're gonna come here look at their address and then also you know put the address right here main street whatever it is and then add the apartment number there's an apartment number whatever it is if there's a sweet number you just add it add that make sure that it's the right country make sure you know it's the right state like smith say it's whatever it is 29 palms 90210 add it exactly as it is in the customer's information so the product gets shipped to the right place and then you just click confirm and then that's pretty much it then you see the address right here one two three or whatever main street and then just add your payment method so when you get an order obviously you want to wait until you know the payout goes to your bank account and then once it goes to your bank account you can use that money to then go ahead and pay the supplier you know for the product that the customer ordered that's what drop shipping is so someone buys on your store for a hundred dollars and then you know you pay the supplier to thirty dollars and then you're left with seventy dollars profit right so that way you're gonna add your card and then you know go ahead and place the order and then the supplier will then go ahead and ship it so you know this address right here directly to them you're not gonna see the product or whatever and then let's say you get another order like the second order you're gonna come here open up the second order you know do the same thing put whatever they ordered in here and then the only thing you're gonna change is right here where it says shipping information you're just gonna come here and do add new address and then add the customer's information again you're gonna do this for every single order you get and then you just place them and then once you've placed you know all the orders and everything and you want to check on the orders to get the tracking numbers all you're going to do is go into aliexpress your account click my orders and they're going to see all your orders right here you can click here where it says processing so you can see which one is processing still and then you can click here where it says ship you see the ones that have been shipped you're going to want to open them get the tracking number it'll be right there it's very self-explanatory at that point and then you're going to come here and update the tracking number and then send the tracking number to the customers so that way they know that you know their package is coming as far as getting fast shipping with usa suppliers you can totally do so with aliexpress just come here it's automatically going to be on china by default but you're just going to want to click that and change that to united states so that way you can see you know what suppliers are going to be shipping now how long they're going to be taking the ship for example this one right here says you can get it july 26th which is absolutely not bad it's july 11 right now so customers can get this stuff in two weeks if you exclude you know the weekends because people don't ship on the weekends that's less than two weeks which is very good shipping times for drop shipping and just like that you just started a drop shipping business with no money watch this video to see how it made over 100 000 in just 30 days with no money on ads watch it now peace get out of here