Learn German for Beginners: Numbers 21 to 100
- Welcome to the video series on learning German for beginners.
- Previous lesson: Numbers from 0 to 20.
- Reference to additional resources on Patreon (worksheets, podcasts, transcripts, and early video access).
Key Points from the Lesson
Number Learning Strategy
- Focus: Numbers from 21 to 100.
- Important: Listen and repeat the numbers after the instructor.
- Difference between English and German: In English, tens digit is mentioned first; in German, the units digit comes first.
- Example: ein und zwanzig (one and twenty).
Specific Numbers (21-29)
- Note: Numbers written without gaps.
- 21: ein und zwanzig (1 + 20)
- 22: zwei und zwanzig
- 23: drei und zwanzig
- 24: vier und zwanzig
- 25: fünf und zwanzig
- 26: sechs und zwanzig
- 27: sieben und zwanzig
- 28: acht und zwanzig
- 29: neun und zwanzig
- Pronunciation Note: Numbers have a specific pronunciation where certain letters might be dropped (e.g., "sieben und" becomes "siebund").
Numbers in Tens (30-39, 40-49, etc.)
- 30: dreißig (note: 'ß' sounds like 'ss')
- 31: ein und dreißig
- 32: zwei und dreißig
- 33: drei und dreißig
- 34: vier und dreißig
- 35: fünf und dreißig
- 36: sechs und dreißig
- 37: sieben und dreißig
- 38: acht und dreißig
- 39: neun und dreißig
- Pattern continues similarly for subsequent tens (40-49, 50-59, etc.).
Specific Pronunciation and Exceptions
- 40: vierzig (not vierßig)
- 50: fünfzig
- 60: sechzig (drop the 's' from 'sechs')
- 70: siebzig (drop the 'en' from 'sieben')
- 80: achtzig
- 90: neunzig
One Hundred
Practice and Usage
- Practice Activity: Identify and write the numbers shown.
- Common Question: "Wie alt sind Sie?" (formal, "How old are you?").
- Informal Version: "Wie alt bist du?"
- Response Example: "Ich bin fünfundzwanzig Jahre alt" (I am 25 years old).
- Recap of numbers and pronunciation:
- 21: ein und zwanzig
- 22: zwei und zwanzig
- ...
- 90: neunzig
- 100: einhundert
Additional Resources and Closing
- Access free worksheets and transcripts on Patreon.
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- Thank you and encourage engagement with the content.
Note: These points summarize the key aspects of learning numbers from 21 to 100 in German as covered in the lecture.