Comprehensive MATLAB Programming Guide

Sep 5, 2024

MATLAB Crash Course: From Zero to Hero


  • Overview of MATLAB as a programming environment.
  • Focus on basic operations, variables, and the IDE.


  • Command Window: Acts as a calculator for quick computations.
  • Workspace: Stores variables, e.g., ans is a default variable.
  • Clearing Commands:
    • clc: Clears the command window.
    • clearvars: Clears all variables from the workspace.

Basic Operations

  • Perform arithmetic operations directly in the command window.
  • Variables can be created and manipulated, e.g., x = 10, y = 20.
  • Use ; to suppress output.
  • whos: Lists variables and their types.
    • Common types: double, char, string.


  • Scripts allow for executing multiple lines of code sequentially.
  • Start scripts with clearvars and clc for a clean start.
  • Save scripts and run them to execute the code.

Vectors and Matrices

  • Create vectors using x = 1:10 or linspace(0, 100, 20).
  • Matrices can be defined with semicolons to separate rows.
  • Perform matrix operations following linear algebra rules.
  • Element-wise operations use . before operators, e.g., .^ for power.


  • Use plot(x, y) to create graphs.
  • Customize plots with titles, labels, and grid lines.
  • Use hold on to plot multiple data sets.
  • Subplots allow multiple plots in one figure.

Functions and Logic

  • MATLAB has built-in functions like max, min, sum.
  • Logical operations: >, <, ==, ~=.
  • Use if statements for conditional execution.


  • For Loops: Execute a block of code a specific number of times.
  • While Loops: Execute as long as a condition is true.
  • Avoid infinite loops by ensuring the condition eventually becomes false.

Custom Functions

  • Create functions with a separate .m file.
  • Define function output, name, and input.

Best Practices

  • Use camelCase or underscore naming conventions.
  • Ensure .m file names start with a letter and are descriptive.
  • Utilize MATLAB's extensive documentation for help.

Advanced Topics

  • Vectorization for efficiency.
  • Timing code execution with tic and toc.


  • Recap of MATLAB’s capabilities for basic and advanced programming.
  • Encouragement to explore specific topics and utilize the channel for learning.