How to Create a Toggle Button in Roblox

Jul 11, 2024

How to Create a Toggle Button in Roblox

Setting Up the GUI

  • Insert a TextButton into the screen GUI.
  • Drag the TextButton to the desired position on the screen.
  • Set the default state of the button to 'Off' by setting the text to 'Off'.
  • Insert a local script into the TextButton.

Scripting the Toggle Functionality

  • Use script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() to detect button clicks.
  • Store the toggle state as an attribute to allow for access from other scripts:
    • In the properties, add a new attribute named 'Toggle' of type Boolean.
  • In the function, reverse the current toggle state using:
    script.Parent:SetAttribute('Toggle', not script.Parent:GetAttribute('Toggle'))
  • Update the button text based on the new toggle state:
    script.Parent.Text = (script.Parent:GetAttribute('Toggle') and 'On' or 'Off')
  • Optionally, set the initial state of the text outside the event for better initialization.

Example: Toggling a Light

  • Create a part to act as the light in the workspace.
  • Define a function to toggle the light color:
    function toggleLight(value)
      game.Workspace.Light.BrickColor = value and'New Yeller') or'Medium stone grey')
  • Call the toggleLight function within the button click event:
  • Also call toggleLight outside the event to maintain the state on game start.

Advanced Functionality

  • You can toggle other actions, like changing the time of day using similar logic.
  • For server-side interactions, use a RemoteEvent to pass the toggle value to the server.


  • This tutorial covered creating a toggle button in Roblox and linking it to various actions.
  • Remember to handle both client-side and server-side needs as appropriate.


  • The code on the client-side can be expanded or modified to fit other use cases, such as teleporting players or changing UI visibility.
  • Always ensure initial states are set correctly to avoid issues on game start.

Final Thoughts

  • Experiment with additional functionalities by changing other properties or behaviors based on the toggle state.
  • Always test thoroughly to ensure the toggle works as expected in different scenarios.