Transcript for:
Speedrun Presentation on Melee Seed

okay anyway let's get started yeah this will probably be long all right melee seed want to do like a speedrun start like I was going to get uh St bombers notebook is that even on the tracker I don't think so I have nuts oh that was GTG keying I think uh which one is it uh yeah uh okay three GTG keys so GTG is mq uh I can't Mark GT mq and starting out with some rupes that's good yeah boss so bosss are randomized that means uh 260 that means that a boss will not spawn in its boss room until I get it Soul uh adult wallet 255 might as well get that H Oh I thought I read that is 30 rupees somehow yeah so that wallet uh is kind of bad because that means that wallet can only be Tycoon wallet or like the 999 wallet cuz I need Giants wallet to get it better not be important I mean I'm going to have multiple chances like it's an easy shop to come back to range defense is water small key okay uh okay so LG is on Range defense I have only a dungeon entrance on moon logic I need I think four or five uh dungeon rewards to get to the moon okay uh ocean spider house what do you give red stone tower key so this only works on either N64 or emulator uh prute nice it doesn't work on VC because of VC size limitations Gant Nick I should probably buy that yeah oh huh interesting so because it's in the same item slot as the Highland Shield he gave me the the highly in Shield discount dens Great Fairy sword 65 150 okay cool uh silver scale 295 okay I need I need that Great Fairy sword for sure oh yeah this is We Shop music in in Market is perfect actually just [Music] realized all right Great Fairy sword uh where is it on tracker I don't even I can't see it on tracker Bomb cheu Bag nice it's one bombchu uh well great fa do four damage same as big war sword Vina and kakar okay so I want to go to kakaro early on then all right time to go to mm oh nice reum right off the bat okay reum this early is really good key uh Forest key ey drops mask of Truth or it's probably in the mm section gor R okay gor R is Spin Attack upgrade uh might actually be worth it for this Rando a potion all all the trade Quest items are here guys F shot is in Goran City hook shot is shared yeah predictions on how long this will take I'm not sure if it'll be shorter or longer than the previous one I like I think it should be shorter cuz I think I'm a lot better at MM now but I'm not sure if the shared items are going to make it longer or shorter I see kamaro mask looks like the only good thing here uh 50 rupees okay I'll come back to that in a sec yeah maybe 15 hours instead of 16 Progressive Ocarina I need that okay that means I basically know where both Ocarina is are cuz tingle has one and I know one is in K that's really good DEA Shield I okay dega Shield is not shared between games but DEA Shield is good to have uh all the items that are shared are the items that are the same between games so that have the same name so bomb oh well speaking of Shield so bomb bag uh wait no don't go that way uh Bomb Bag bow hook shot uh uh some of the songs song of storm song of time sun song included entitle dud six more wait was it it was 85 right or was it 95 oh it was 90 I thought it was 85 but okay that's good [Music] enough bombing okay that's uh shadow shadow pot key [Music] all right back to oot okay I'm just going to grab rupes real quick wait until night check night stuff and go to adult yeah I think hero and high and sheeld are the same uh Shadow boss key 255 okay uh okay so I am allowing myself to do bossy skips but sometimes they're nice to have Force key 110 Stone Tower key 230 well so I'm allowing bossy skips but I also have boss souls randomized so a lot of the time they probably won't even matter yeah bosses are randomized thank you for the $5 Ruben oh you're the one that that uh accidentally bought 100 Subs you got the refund nice okay so I guess we have a uh a positive ending to that story from the other day The Accidental 100 gift Subs was refunded scammed yeah okay so free kakiri Emerald uh nice just run off the ledge Hammer that's good that's a very good item to have this early on so froges junk bunny Hood nice does this have bunny hood on is uh how do you change it in okay it's l that's it uh I can't equip swap it nice yeah I know there's a setting for child trems as adult but I you I like to leave those off so that I have to equip swap them I like uh usually when there's settings that I can do with glitches I'd prefer doing the glitches version yeah I like the struggle and I like that I like that equip swap is like situational based like there's ways that I can do it like I I have to like know the correct situation okay these are all junk dungeon map jabu that's the closest thing there is to a useful one I mean I I'll take the jabu M yeah what's the point of having the speedrunner glitch knowledge if the Rando devs do it all for me exactly I didn't spend all this time learning speedrunner stuff just to have it handed to me cl do so I can do skip then do skip is the one exception because not not being able to just freely go back and forth through time uh specifically if adult doesn't have hover boots or like forcing myself to save War out a Tempo time as adult every time is just kind of annoying uh this doesn't have the dampe hint uh I can't see is that what is that a Bomb Bag looks like a bomb bag I think looks like uh it looks Round and Brown Compass nuts ches nice and a [Music] bow the way that people would do it in the speed run 46 okay it is that's I do not have him long time I have to find it but I have a guaranteed hit for it there's some gossip Stone somewhere will guaranteed tell me where it is but I haven't found it yet it's unlikely that one the gossip would be impossible but two there's ALS there's a copy of the hint so there's two possible places I could find the hint okay beneath the well so there there's two different gossip Stones around that will give me the hint I need and it's highly unlikely that both of them would be impossible I don't even know if there are impossible gossip Stones do I think there's anything left to know to to discover dude we literally just had a huge glitch found literally 3 days ago [Music] yes for those who haven't heard the news there's a new glitch in dang's Cavern where by reloading the main room you can cause some Flor corruption to turn uh floor into a loading zone for ganon's Castle and so if you know about Ganon door now there is Ganon floor is it hard to do depends on your definition of hard to do uh doing it at all no doing it under the under the conditions of how it would be useful in a speedrun yes but yeah it's already confirmed faster for defeat Ganon no SRM um I don't think anyone's gotten a record with it yet uh okay snowe head has Mora oh count did okay cool oh RC has it now Okay cool so I guess there already been two records with it then that's neat but yeah uh OT still has new stuff yeah bomt of the well is St Tower should actually be able to get a few things here or maybe not a few maybe just one actually oh my God so I think just grab this and leave and it's nothing okay I'm going to do a little bit on Death Mountain and then come back down for daytime C stuff saw getting a lot of the trade items already what's up there I can't see N64 pixels Fire temple uh [Music] vanilla magic beans okay I guess magic beans are the one thing that's are they one thing that's not shared fire arrows uh 170 okay uh small Key Forest 90 Mir Shield djero uh well I already know dung's junk um fire key 220 Ocarina 145 Mir Shield 185 um silver be you know what [Music] sure okay two Forest Keys is pretty much good enough for anything or tunic I guess I should check G tunic white tunic yeah I got a hand for hook shot here so I definitely want to uh make sure I look everywhere for hook shot I think this guy says what he's selling are you selling a hook shot a small Key Water no path to snow head okay path to snow is foolish not like Pokemon okay slingshot Chateau uh so key 50 one rupe short I'll buy that well uh yeah I should buy it uh okay I'll be back in a sec okay so very expensive [Music] Chateau okay snowhead key song Time H probably song Time locked I I don't really see how song time can lock any hints but maybe okay Kor King is junk magic nice yeah magic is [Music] shared mon [Music] mask okay death on cratus scrub is legely [Music] Cafe let's go uh where I want to go towards River yeah I do not have hook shot I know where hook shot is I I know well I know I know that hook shot is in Goron City or at least one of them uh Bomb Bag 415 uh pendant 160 uh clim check 45 and nothing else unless that Ruby is good no going to go until the run is finished I don't know if I'll finish this in one day song of time is in snoow Temple that's uh that's not as long as I can find snowhead Temple quickly that's the problem I don't have a song what am I doing no it doesn't mean I need to do L by skape cuz remember dungeon entrances are randomized if I get lucky then like snowh head could be an oot dungeon it could be Ice Cavern even when I go down here in a sec I mean I probably want at least like hook shot oh yeah fall damage is a thing well that was a waste of explosives that's either a red rupe or a heart I saw one red pixel Jau purple song you guys saw purple I saw red I don't know I love that uh this is the discussion we have to have on in 64 definitely a purple song stop blue and gold don't even start yeah I love how Chad is so confident in what they saw when it was two pixels actually I should have done vibo cuz I don't want to do qpa for the tentacles right now skull MK all right whose boss room is this GMA I can actually do that right now no I can't cuz gma's soul is not here uh then I should actually just reset because I saved wait did the stream go down or did you guys see the screen go blank oh healing tomorrow's Boomerang okay oh well I have oh never mind I I had kamaro Mass so I was like oh I can do that but no it's uh Sonic feeling it's nothing oh key okay fire key is actually decent uh I don't know how long this usually takes cuz I've only done one before this I I've only done one otmm Rando and it was 16 hours and that was with no shared items and I'm not really sure if shared items make it easier or harder it might seem like it would be easier because it means you only have to find them in one game and not two but it also means there's less of each so I'm not sure yeah and also this also has bossel but also uh one less dungeon I need to beat to beat the game secret Shrine I cannot do anything here uh that's a bottle right yeah that's definitely a bottle okay so diving grot is a bottle typing while Hing yeah it's it's dude optimizing writing notes while playing Rando is hard H reward the Moon is four or five I forgot which one I put but I still need 11 to actually fight Majora uh inverted Stone Tower can I do anything here uh I don't think so actually no rock the horse okay the horse is fire bossy bran [Music] [Music] mask uh what did it say the dungeon map was oh well okay bomb of the well is at par Fortress oh I learned a new trick yesterday you guys want to see something so I learned there's an alternate way to get past this gudo you do this actually it might be too close this might not work okay no it's good yeah I love this it's such a fantastic way to get past her master of stealth yeah so the way that works is you specifically have to call the guto guard by making sure she's off screen far enough and so the normal way you would do that is uh you just have the camera at a certain angle while sidewalking past her but it turns out by aiming upwards you force the call Zone to be like like the area that loads to be more downwards cuz it's the call like the area that is loaded is stuff in front of you by like I don't know maybe 90° or something and then behind you by like a a smaller amount like it's it's a cone with like a flat back or something so it's a lot in front of you and a little bit behind you but if you aim that far up the bit behind you is underground instead of like actually behind you so she gets cold uh get cold idiot yeah or I'm not sure she might not spawn I forget there's one condition where she doesn't spawn I forget if that's just if you don't have bow it might just be if you don't have bow okay GTG is ionic Castle uh I know I know ionic King is junk so I guess I just leave immediately yeah what key was that pector graph box oh yeah I forgot it puts you out here which is weird no I had okay okay I think I did everything I want to do in here or yeah I should just go straight back to mm oh I new postman's game whoops I it's too late now right yeah rip uh wrong entrance nice just flip the entrances for that uh I'm actually going to save game time by doing this going have to slow swim all the [Music] way are you serious I just climbed it dude I was in the middle of the climbing animation I got robbed Rob like [Music] Grandma oh yeah I forgot to take fanfares out yeah okay ganon's Castle wait does this send Q no all right I just have to hope I get rupes here oh well that was easy Cafe's mask of course it just turned day two potion mm uh I mean I don't have a bottle a bow uh why is this is this a bug or is this this is a nice Trap Is it okay that's just a [Music] bug the lag L intro actually I'm not going to mark that cuz I don't think this tracker has intro only okay an oot bottle nice uh yeah so I do have the setting for song of time allowing me to change between adult and child but only if I have Ocarina of Time but I know where the Ocarina of Time is uh Stone Tower entrances the bottom of well and spirit temp okay so bottom of the well is oh I already know both of those it's actually useless [Music] bosy snowhead that's good okay uh take Rico and then this will go to aana okay Smithy is junk both smithies BOS key oh but that's mask of sense check yeah requires okay BOS key uh 330 uh is that okay that's bottle of milk 110 wait how do I change minimal it locked up dude when this happens I can't get rid of this on screen without resetting my N64 yeah I mean I just saved but I also don't want to have to come back here especially cuz I just wanted to get the tingle okay you know what all right I'm going to have to do have to do this a little bit blind uh I can't tell if that's a good picture or not this is going to be annoying at least at least I can see the item name so yeah this is an issue I've been having with my N64 digital is okay surely that's good is that a lot of the time when I try to mess with the settings the the OSD just gets stuck on the screen I can't get rid of [Music] it oh wait sometimes if it does this again it'll fix it uh okay it's okay it's gone okay wait this setting did I want to set frame lock to normal I think I want to decide as normal right I guess just yeah okay I mean there's no screen sharing right now but don't assume that means it fixes it cuz I mean it wasn't screen tearing for 2 hours before I mean it wasn't screen tearing for days before uh does not include Kiri sword uh I think I think has to be the exact same name that's a Stray Fairy actually that looked like Town Stray Fairy although I already know that Town stri Fair is junk anyway Great Bay Temple uh uh I can't get out of here can I I need to warp out I need to warp out I I have to hover out I [Music] forgot okay I need to hover out because uh normally you need to hook shot uh the you need to hook shot the uh Turtle to get out and if you play song of soaring it just takes you to the entrance of the dungeon not to the general soaring map more optimal way than I did there but that was just I just wanted to do it quickly okay swamp spider is pretty good there's a lot of items here and a lot that I can't get including bug ones minuette okay that's good Bruto card iron boots a boss ke earn boots great b b bot of Chateau that is super good that also means I can get bugs and do the bug [Music] checks I just did this one what am I doing please tell I can recatch them okay I'm not paying attention senior moment I'm getting old day three reset problem with day reset is I need zor mask so uh I am not Sol twin Roba nice I can't just do a day reset just like that I there are resources I need to do it okay conic Castle was swamp spider so now I really want to check ocean [Music] spider okay four assemble entran is DC K [Music] Miss song feeling that is super good because that gets me Boomerang I have gotten the song of time hint I know that it's in snowhead Temple and now I'm looking for snowhead [Music] temple okay Boomerang where got Hammer I forgot where Hammer was but it was very early on oh it was uh ganon's Castle skulla outside G Castle ska oh Giant's mask Giants mask anywhere is not in this by the way before you ask all right this is [Music] oot Shadow uh I have 50 chws I can afford to uh try this unless it's mq which it's not oh chatau counts for oot too sick makes sense cuz shared magic huh Shadow key and Shadow [Music] Temple Giant Knife [Music] um uh I shouldn't go down here yet yeah I'm going to go somewhere else I need to go oh yeah I need to leave in order uh I guess I can menuette [Music] actually Empty Bottle mm nice kamor mask really can't even clutch here have you ever seen kamaro mask be so useful woodfall Temple I don't know if I I can't really do much here unless I want to hover a ton dude the jump worked are you serious don't that's that was insane how did the how did The Chew perfectly run around to hit me like that I can't believe [Music] that I not upgrade uh I need to go back to oot or no I should have just play the song to go back to oot uh fury sword and mm nice mm finally has the B sword although probably still continue to use Great Fairy sword everywhere [Music] anyway couple's [Music] mask okay I think that's it okay nice [Music] egg oh that's weird Okay weird egg is actually oh wait is that an item egg or okay yeah that's an item okay so the weird egg in this is weird where it actually like just gives you an item yes the weird egg is weird adult's wallet uh did twitch die again uh do I even have any regular songs I don't what am I thinking okay sh Shadow boss is Twin mold powder kick [Music] uh hi again uh where am I going okay so nothing to do here okay I need to go buy stuff uh I can go buy fire arrows I can go buy ocarine of time and mirror shield and den yeah I should go bu DS so if snowe head is not fire entrance then means snowhead is one of the five main dungeons in mm I mean it could be uninverted Stone Tower which would be okay but if it's the other ones it's going to be rough jabu was water temple okay okay yeah I might actually have no mq dungeons I don't think I've found any mq dungeons so far and I think I haven't found any mq dungeons yet I think I found almost mq might or uh deu might be oh yeah GTG is mq never mind uh I'm not sure about deu I got a hint that I think implies mq deu but I'm not 100% sure on it no not Ganon for Ganon floor you know you know Ganon door the Goron M that's super good bomag yes dude Bomb Bag almost vanilla one check behind it one check behind the noral Place yeah DC loaded DC was a good check Bata nice I did gr city pck as child already I did it with chw all couple's mask uh Forest is king donga or Forest boss is king donga or did I already know that no I didn't know that no yes I did no I don't yet I don't know no I didn't know that I couldn't remember what I I couldn't remember what I knew and what I didn't know I don't know what I knew all right who is the boss of or I already know it's [Music] adola I forgot I need the bossel how do I get out of here does song of sing take me to the entrance [Music] yeah that's are you serious fine I guess I play menuette I mean that's right in front of the where I was going to exit from anyway so it's fine in fact it's probably fast anyway what if I didn't have a warp song I think save warping would be fine I did check Jau Jaa was water uh you guys probably didn't see it cuz I think that's when the stream went down get hook shot I can't just get hook shot I mean I might be able to I think I think the checks I have left in gor City are The Grotto and darunia and I mean it is essentially a 75% chance that it's The Grotto uh but I don't have hook shot but I could hover I think I can hover The [Music] Grotto [Music] [Music] okay please be hook shot yes there we go all right so that should be hook shot for mm too okay so this actually the seed actually already has most of the like really important items hook shot bombs bow Hammer Boomerang I forgot I was going to go get Mir Shield I guess I can go get Mir Shield after [Music] this GTG that is not snowhead I at least I have hammer and all the keys Kanga Soul nice okay I got uh the other soul I found was was it twin Roba Soul or twin mold soul I got a twin Soul somewhere uh tuna okay okay so I Got King Dongo Soul King Dongo is boss of forest temple so I could go beat Forest soon yeah kind of like a bosi but I am allowing myself to do bosi skips for this oh another Soul twin W Soul okay I got both twin [Music] souls will I die uh that's not a good [Music] start came out of nowhere yeah surely the one one unit of Health going to the water was a perfectly fine decision I mean I knew what I was getting into I went for it oh come on I've always thought it was so weird that this room requires less silver rupes in mq compared to vanilla in you knowa it's five and mq is three like a lot of mq rooms require extra silver rupees but not this one and it was all for skull [Music] token okay I need to buy buy this first oh I got to discount no [Music] dang fire arrows oh yeah so yeah so for sherock Arenas um so there's a setting to just add FY aaren to mm so I did that just so cuz so if I didn't do shared o arenas for mm then what would happen is uh fairy Ocarina would not count for mm and so I'd have to get Ocarina of Time for mm which would just suck so I just did that to make it easier if I want to be consistent I should do that with hook shot too but I hate small hook shot I will absolutely size Stream hook shot small hook shot is cringe yeah so once I get song of time because I have Ocarina of Time I will be able to change between adult and child this long a time in know okay and this will get me mirror [Music] Shield and that should be mm de sh or mirror Shield also I go to ganon's Castle I think I should go to ganon's Castle because I know that Forest Temple is there and it's also the uh one of the few bosses I can beat right now yeah so snowhead must be an mm oh I can go get the bottle from the dive Grotto what I'm stupid I had a bottle right here oh wait it might I guess it could be an mm bottle okay s bottle OT oh have I found the spirit Temple like actual Spirit Temple yet I haven't right I don't think so cuz uh that means the uh spirit Temple hands give me free access Spirit Temple I mean Spirit hover without hover boots kind of sucks it's not that bad if I enter child side actually oh wait I forgot I don't think otmm has the PO cut scene in it right I don't even think there's an option for having it in I don't even think I can do that Hideout key okay I don't even think I can do the uh cut scene [Music] skip Okay cool so Stone of Agony in this I have a setting for stone of Agony to do chest size match contents so now I'll be able to see big chests and small chests okay yeah it's not no setting for that okay in that case I should switch my bugs back to a real bottle wait a second I don't have wait a second I have iron boots I was going to say I don't have hover boots for the Mega Jump but it's okay because I have iron boots which lets me do an alternative method I get to do a cool trick you guys like cool TR St Shu ENT okay Stone Tower okay so uninverted Stone Tower is DEC tree okay that means that snow head is one of the dungeons that requires a song to enter or well song or light arrows I mean I have I have Sonata at least so that's not good yeah so uh snoow head is going to be rough um yeah I can definitely do lullabi skip so snowe head could be vanilla wait wasn't snowe head vanilla in my last what color is purple I don't know what that means okay straber yeah dude what if snow is vanilla twice in a row that'd be insane okay fire fire bosses Phantom genon so I did a glitch where if you equip iron boots right before you grab uh right before you grab vines in water you get a low gravity effect and so now I can do the super Mega Jump or super mega flip like that no inverted song of time is still connected to song of time oh big chest bomb shoes I mean bomb shoes are [Music] good and this is why I got the Fairy Oh wait I don't have the boss key but it's the boss soul that I have wait so I okay I just need the boss key skip from here then right yeah drunk could so rupes yeah but I there's nothing I can buy right now that's really [Music] important um so yeah I I don't think it's worth it I mean it could be worth it but it's ch that's uh that's weird that's the weird egg chicken so now I can uh go wake up talon pick out this bomb save better at Che sick dunk all right there's my first dungeon beaten just under 5 hours in razor sword nice spirit Medallion I could go to deu very quickly I think that's a good idea [Music] actually where am I going okay so deu is vanilla yeah so the deu skull that was hinted at being junk earlier oh I want hammer for this was uh the back room skull not the mq ceiling skull why is this guy not quick text okay now it is so I don't need a check deu back room which is really good cuz that check is as adult the most timec consuming check that's ice arrows another fire key that's good blue fire arrows I haven't found Ice Cavern yet have I water boss key oh yeah uh well okay yeah I still want to know the boss even if I can't beat it okay so de boss's barinade [Music] guto mask my favorite mask is that even on the tracker I don't think it is yeah just go to Ocean spider house should be very quick and should be loaded dude is that swamp title [Music] lead yeah room key good dumb ass okay uh that wasn't all that much I got room key that's nice I guess oh I have G mask why am I not using G [Music] mask okay that's junk I guess why is my mask stream getting filled up in reverse order aside from transformations you know what yeah I think I'm just going to have to accept doing fourth day and I think doing snow head on fourth day is going to be much better cuz right now I can actually do checks like time related checks but I'm not going to be able to oh that was super worth I got a double my return on investment I know zor mask was is used for day reset uh fourth day doesn't require a mask technically there is an alternate there's a random exclusive method of day reset using the built-in save function of this Rando that I might I could use I don't know do you guys think it'd be cheating if I if I did the Rando exclusive day reset yes kind of no yes do it last resort well see I kind of want to do it as a last resort but I can only do it before fourth day so I'm thinking like well if I can do fourth day and fourth day would have to be if I do fourth day then I can't do day reset so I'm thinking like I don't know not having song of time after this long is a rando exclusive problem that is true yeah it's just like I'm not sure if I want a day reset or fourth day is the main thing I have fire arrows I was going to do I was going to do action swap but I don't need to do that nice Got Love mm's [Music] Camera oh uh no cuz not worth wasting my time for right now it's not going to help me are the Goran setup shop there if gorons can't climb that that is a good question asking the real questions did I check the torch chest in Royal Family 2 I don't think I checked that actually yeah I think I did forget that oh well I will go back there at some point surely it was nothing important uh yeah I did see uh stuff about the the DS FR neighbors love stuff in mm that does sound very cool I'm excited for that fr's win in mm especially sounds super great yeah let me void warp an mm I don't know what do you guys think fourth day do I do fourth day or cheat day reset like the Rando save day reset day reset fourth day fourth day oh important item surely this a Zora mask and will fix my Zora tunic that's the wrong Zora item and reason to go to fourth day there's no benefit to fourth day fourth day is like strictly worse because I can't do time base checks at least I don't think so but day reset I have to use a rando exclusive like something that is only based on uh a save system that Rando Implement which kind of feels like cheating it's a new cheat you want to see you know what yeah I it's it's a just a special new thing Pam father yeah I'll do Pam father soon I should deposit okay I'll do the cheat day reset whatever oh I forgot I can go to Milk Bar uh does Milk Bar still sell stuff this late in the night in night three I think so right got to have a drink before the world ends until 5:00 a.m. okay I got just enough time okay so if I understand this correctly it's do this okay just keep pausing this will delay the moon [Music] crash then save and then reset I assume already worked oh I didn't even need a reset okay well I I'm back to OT okay where do I want to go uh uh let's okay just go to Clock Town uh laan yeah I saw it it looked like it was already working before I reset uh okay yeah day three uh I need to finally check this actually is that neighbors's lover no it's not neighbors love is it a fairy I think it's a fairy in a bottle maybe it's a bossel yeah actually yeah that is a bustle I do Soul oh that's really good cuz I can actually be a DOA dude dude I'm I'm I will get up the stairs okay I shouldn't waste my time well this be one sessioned unlikely I have beaten one dungeon and I am required to beat 11 to finish huh oh B actually dudee dude that's not fair he's in loading zone okay you shouldn't need to equip uh maset trat for this yeah okay he's going oh man look at him go dude he's destroying everyone oh my God that's that's that's a that's a world record yeah that that's that's the 112 did you see that line he took is the Breman mask please tell me I can still do the bran mask thing all the way in the [Music] corner don't kick me out don't kick me out don't kick me out dude that's not fair this is the least appropriate Final hours music of all time good music not Final hours appropriate oh bosi whose boss key is it oh boss Soul yorg that's cool the boss souls are in bosy [Music] chest ocean title deed uh surely ocean title deed won't be important but I guess I shouldn't ignore Great Bay stay [Music] fairies boots very nice I like [Music] that okay it is rud's letter that's kind of [Music] appropriate you want to know something dumb Goran can hop up there but he can't hop up this [Music] one it's [Music] [Music] annoying okay so if I just let it go okay yeah then it does crash yeah so otmm adds in like a manual save functionality uh by pressing L on the title screen or not title screen the uh um quest Quest status screen and so you can uh Mash pause to advance it to past past the moon crash and then manual save and then it does a day reset no I didn't lose everything it's it's still day three uh okay now I think I should actually try to go to snowhead seeing 45 choos and mm is so wrong I love it dude seeing 45 choos and mm is so nice it's it's not wrong it's correct bosy Stone Tower good thing I'm doing bosi skips [Music] I should be in there right yeah okay I actually want to walk out slowly so that I can run back I should actually put on bunny Hood cuz I want to be able to run back in so I can check the great the fair reward oh yeah I also should do kamaro isg for this actually maybe I shouldn't I don't know if I should do kamaro isg because I'm used to bomb isg like I I shouldn't do something that I'm not used to okay Progressive strength uh I mean I'm not going to need gold gauntlets um yeah I think I should do what I'm used to and not something unfamiliar even if I if it's theoretically [Music] faster don't okay easy easy trick could never fail that trick easy okay is it snoow head it is not snoow head it's Pirate's Fortress that's not great uh all right I am making these guys Dr this might this will take a lot longer without quick transform but I don't want to get thrown out and then I can actually ride the boats which will be easy and I miss it anyway yeah it works it's the same thing as the scrub playground thing it's great I don't know if it works in mm3d my gut would say no but I can't say for sure that's not the hook shot it's a good thing I drown the guards or else I would have gotten caught boss key or Soul a barade okay that's cool cuz I know where barade is okay so I can go be barade and AD DOA now well bossy chests are souls and big ones are Keys okay all right that makes sense oh big [Music] chest don't catch me it's bomb shoes Okay okay so now the only dungeons that can be are woodfall Great Bay or inverted Stone Tower I I could invert Stone Tower hover in Pirates Fortress uh I think I already got a hint for yeah Pirates Fortress Is bomb of the well oot uh honestly might be worth because bomb of the well assuming it's not mq it's definitely not mq because I got at least two keys already or wait how many I forgot how many keys mq bomb the well has I think it might be one but um yeah I think I should hover to bomb the well barade yeah bar is probably what I'm going to do next I'm probably going to go to bottom of the well and then from there stay in oot there's going to be so many [Music] explosives all right going to oot and this will be bomb of the well okay it is vanilla big chest mushroom still don't know where snoow head is while junk not bugs and it'll just get me a lot of a lot of new stuff does SRM work in this you would have to make up brand new SRM setups exclusive to random but theoretically yes but vanilla setups wouldn't work and no one is going to make setups for Rando and even V it could probably change between R [Music] settings uh I'm not sure what happens to your bombs when you song A Time oh I got the Great Bay Key until remains from deu uh I should go to where was adola adola is DC which is at Forest okay I should play minu is it possibility I would follow that deu mask uh yes and no in vanilla mm or at least in mm Rando the answer would be yes uh you can do a zero day glitch uh to transform into Deku without Deku mask and then place a na to open it uh the problem is that requires going back to the prologue and I don't think you can in oot mm Rando because going into Clock Tower takes you to oot no you can't just hover into woodfall actually so uh woodfall without Sonata is actually a really weird case where unlike Great Bay Temple where like the loading zone just doesn't exist without um playing the song the loading zone for woodfall does actually exist and it's really weird cuz almost every case in both OT and mm if a loading zone exists somewhere we can almost always get to it and woodfall is this one exception because it's above out of- bounds water and out of bounds water in mm always voids you out and it's very it's like super close to being possible but not quite possible at least last I checked although I feel like I would have heard about it if it was possible but yeah it's like one of the very few things where uh even though the loading zone does exist it's not quite possible to get [Music] to goats remains oh and oh soul of goat and goats remains that's actually perfect uh that was DC yeah I beat deu and DC uh how many bossel do I have okay I have KD barade twin rova uh adola goat G oh wait I have all four mm BOS oh I didn't know iOS needs a boss Soul okay interesting I guess that makes sense um I should check water temple CU water temple could be a boss I can beat uh water is secret shrine where's water temple uh jabu jabu is water I should go to jabu okay so go to water temple I think I think after water temple I'm going to go to Spirit and do Spirit hover go into Spirit from there and then exit spirit so I can see what the entrance is and I can at least mark off one more dungeon Zoro tunic is the UPS uniform the UPS tunic okay I'm just going to check the boss real quick it's vajia I do not have vajia soul yeah it's junk okay I need to leave I need to go uh what was my spirit Spirit was my plan true Spirit hover music uh this might be bad I think I messed up okay no never mind it's a small chest chest size match contents is actually destroying me right now no uh no way dude chest size mat contents is ruining everything okay I'm going to do something really [Music] stupid dude dude dude [Music] okay very cool uh I need to save before I waste more shoes all right I'm gonna have to hover all the way up this is going to be fantastic this is such a bad [Music] idea am I over a slope I don't know if that counts as a slope okay I'm close to the hand here let me do this yeah this is good I think I would love if I had th wind and not having for wind is actually really terrible at least I have the key ring if I have the key ring this would be so bad you can't hook shot through a hover if you try to use hook shot it just doesn't come out B big chest Postman set I think it's close to 1,000 checks total across both games sorry song nice okay there one oh ble [Music] bungo L of stray fairies wait that's what you guys are posting the three for a stray fairy I've been so confused why you guys have been posting that this whole time it does not look like a face yeah I just accepted it for so long cuz I just I know that you guys a lot of the time just post random stuff and I also kind of just don't care sometimes sometimes I'm just like you know what I'm just going to let them do whatever they're doing I don't I don't need to know what's up I don't need to learn their language I can't understand it I'm too old okay so what entrance was this woodfall okay wait is that autosave that please don't tell me please tell me I'm still an oot okay so woodfall is Spirit which is my magic it looks empty but also why did bunny Hood not equip uh I'm going to assume this is a bug b bag [Music] all night mask no it's not Chateau it's not infinite magic it's preventing me from evening magic the opposite of infinite magic it's Chateau is interfering with the way that oot normally loads magic uh which is preventing me from having any at all yeah it's infinite empty magic uh here let me what if I grab a magic jar I think one of these are a magic jar okay I have half infinite magic not Infinity just half Infinity yeah I guess it locks uh Magic at the current value cuz so the way that magic loads in oot is like when you load a file you start with zero magic and then like right at that point it starts loading up but then why did it load up this time when last time it loaded up as it might be because I left the area like before it could load yeah okay that makes sense actually it's because I exited Spirit Temple while before my magic loaded it went into MM Autos saved with uh no magic and so that that must be why okay I guess that's not really a bug then that's that's technically is vanilla Behavior it's just stupid vanilla Behavior there we go mm B plus I I have a few okay yeah I have G Soul uh I get to do an interesting fight kind of sucks that I'm not on Japanese though [Music] what shouldn't it hit him I know it's not power cross stab damage but it should still damage him oh I need to have it in my hand right okay so I probably need okay I actually need to use like letter or something okay there we go there we go water [Music] Medallion uh okay what Medallion from uh what dungeon was that that was Spirit oh so that wait did that not clear swamp why didn't that clear swamp cuz that's the dungeon inside woodfall I feel like that should have cleared swamp the temple still has to be raised in order for it to count now the dungeon at woodfall but woodfall itself I could have sworn it was the other way around okay whatever wait gray Bay is cleared now wait so it's the boss inverting Stone Tower with hot spring water would tell me for sure where snow head is cuz now it's only between Great Bay Temple and inverted Stone Tower Temple it has to be one of those two okay is Great Bay cleared no there's no boat the boat would be here [Music] [Music] okay second key Shadow that's good just want to see who the boss is it is goat who I do have the remains for nice or not remains uh boss soul for uh where's the item oh red [Music] potion gorg's remains from inverted Stone Tower Stone Tower yeah um okay I need to go back to mm uh I don't care where just uh okay good I uh should have thought that through before I did that I'm I'm pretty sure they like specifically I'm pretty sure that would have crashed if they didn't specifically fix a crash for [Music] that it's okay I tricked the [Music] Moon stick upgrade I mean [Music] sure okay that's much easier prescription oh yeah prescription that means Bolero so that's good okay that should be everything in inverted Stone Tower or the regular Stone Tower uninverted I think there's only like a handful of checks I didn't get I didn't get the Sun check with light arrows and like the two underwater uh switches in the water [Music] room there's Bolero oh wait I can check uh bottom of Lake now just in case we were all debating on what it was I remember I remember people were saying they saw purple right so maybe it was a a boss Soul so this might be worth checking is it a boss soul is it lens okay I am seeing purple now wait I think it's a purple rupe that's a purple rupee okay not quite interesting really Zora new a is impossible dude imagine imagine Great Bay Temple really is snowh head and one either one of Zora or New Wave is in in there uh was that soul of Queen GMA I think that was GMA right oh it's Phantom gon okay never mind do I know where Phantom genon is have I checked behind me oh man I can't believe Phantom gon is in my walls Fire temple oh yeah I think I did yeah yeah I think he's boss of fire I have not found snow head I've narrowed it down it's either Great Bay or inverted Stone Tower can't see wish I had uh great FR mask is that great FR mask no that's a song that's uh okay this room is going to be awkward yeah I think it must be [Music] nocturn silver scale that look like gold scale okay nothing here I'll double check this one more time just to make sure it's a purple Ry I can't even check [Music] it dude I I pressed start I swear okay wait I need to see where where the moon crash sends me apparently Moon crash just sends you back like 10 seconds in time I'm supposed to pause like right before the moon crashes no it's okay Moon crash isn't like super bad in this it just sends you back slightly before yeah like see [Music] here okay now I did reset okay yeah now I need to invert Stone Tower okay so this will be the last thing I do today is just um try to invert Stone Tower with spring [Music] water I need elegy inverting this needs elegy unless I unless I L pause literally like 200 times I did have a hint for elgy El is aliens I can't do aliens I can't go back to day one without song of time uh so I really need light arrows okay I think I'm going to stop for now I think I'm going to go to OT I'm going to go to OT and stop for today no it's not a seed killer it's just I got to continue not having song of time but yeah anyway I'm going to stop for now thanks for watching I'll finish this tomorrow well hopefully okay so I want to start I want to go do some dungeons I need to check my keys real quick make sure my keys are up to date okay I need to go buy the water key that I can three Shadow okay definitely want to go to Shadow yeah still in the S of time I have narrowed I've narrowed down snow head to be two possible dungeons either Great Bay or inverted Stone Tower so I need either zor mask and N boss NOA or light arrows or L although I know where LG is and I know it's on Aliens and I can't do aliens because it's on day one and I'm stuck on day three which one would suck more graay Temple would suck more cuz then I need two items instead of just one I want to go to shadow shadow is Oceanside spider house uh do I have I have fro wind no no fro wind uh think I want go backwards through Shadow here but yeah uh boat skip hover might actually be a thing here now that I think about it although I mean I'm not going to do it right now but as a last resort thing maybe letter to Mama that's something that's something I can do on day three that gets me two checks on day three oh is that a soul that's a soul whose soul is it iOS okay that's not important I'm pretty sure I already got a hint for iOS being junk let me double check oh the pona song I got cows I have so many cows to [Music] milk all right who's here all right there should be a boss I can beat yeah old okay cool n it wouldn't let me Arrow Cycle during the magic cool down that's annoying I do have Giants Mas magic that is true maybe if I had uh gild sword it' be worth it but with only razor sword I mean I guess I could do the equip swap or Great Fairy sword even then I like the AR method anyway all right how many dungeons is this going to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 so this will be seven b shoose light Medallion from Shadow okay how many boss Souls do I have I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I'm not going to count EOS okay so I have nine boss souls so wait have I bought have I beaten all four mm bosses I beat gorg twin mold goat and AD do yeah I've beaten all four of those okay so I only have OT bosses left work on my boss list um I have not gotten GLE yet so I can go to the end of woodfall so I think I should actually go to woodfall or fire let me go to DC I think DC will be easier right now and I only have two keys I can only check a little bit of fire I guess I could go to the moon now but I'm not sure what happens if I go to the Moon without song of time cuz I don't know if I don't think uh that's not fire DC is fire not fire oh actually you know what uh while I'm here I can actually there's one more check I can get in GTG that I probably should just do it if you go to the Moon that s a time you die in real life yeah I got a hint really early on about LG being aliens but I didn't do aliens day one and I can't exactly go back to day one now oh my God in hindsight I think I should have prioritized LG more in my head I was like LG doesn't really matter but I forgot that I need LG for No Light Arrow invert yeah I did get the the chest I missed in stone tower okay so this is nothing okay uh go back to GTG or not GTG uh DC DC on entrance is fire temple I still don't have Song of Storms I guess I got to do I got to do cows soon too after I do fire temple I should do cows oh I'm allowing BK skips but I also have boss souls on which sort of act as their own bossies yeah I think I think boss souls on and allowing bosy skips is good at the right angle yeah and genon [Music] no I didn't get the quick kill s a sapphire and some money from fire temple okay go back in I can do a few checks as I go up what am I looking for right now I think the the best item I could find right now is light arrows and then zor mask light arrows zor mask and new BOS NOA are important right now I do have light Arrow hint but I need Ganon bosi for that actually you know what I don't think I'm that far from Gan bosi actually I have 1 two three wait how many dungeons do I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 yeah I need 10 I think for Ganon bosi and so I have eight out of 10 so if I get if I can get two more bosses uh I think that's all I can check and fire yeah says 11 it's it's 10 for uh it's it's 11 for Majora 10 for Ganon okay I should go do some cows are any cows day one too locked actually yes uh good thing you brought that up because I forgot that uh Romani Ranch cows I cannot get three of them are locked I mean I think you can get them on day three if you do aliens but I did not do aliens which in hindsight was a very big mistake Fierce Dy mask that's nice I do have Fierce Dy anywhere [Music] on okay well okay cool gilded sword yeah cows are cows looking loaded I like how I have gilded sword in mm and blank B in oot all right last oot cow that isn't okay that isn't uh cow house oh OT spells an mm are out now nice all right next next Rando IDE I'll use them oh you know what FD can swim [Music] faster look at that well it's just you and me YouTube all right no as soon as I said that twitch came back they heard hello twitch I don't know why twitch keeps dying all right mm cows are not nearly as as good uh okay I need to go to woodfall from Swamp spider don't [Music] ask there we go OT it is uh okay that's not fair I can be twin Roa but not child I do have age change with song of time I don't have song of time yeah maybe you know what that's honestly on me I should have known it had to be an oot boss there's it's there's no option for it to not be an O boss anymore so I should have known I should have known that I should have changed to adult before doing that yeah adult can beat all [Music] bosses okay actually shouldn't have jump slash there I still had Giant Knife jump slash stored yeah the N64 fire for twin Robo looks so good th Ruby so this will get me song of time check or like Ocarina of Time I mean like the song the Ocarina Throne from Zelda uh I guess just Prelude huh oh it's just already in the water is that long [Music] shot long shot my beloved and mm potion okay go do frogs what songs do I have Sor song opponent song is that all I have really only do two oh I think they're not randomized I'll do Aon just in case okay yeah they're not randomized I can't believe I still don't have strength okay I was supposed to do this way earlier and just forgot and it's nothing okay so what dungeons have I not beaten so I've beaten decad DC jabu forest fire or wait did I beat fire did I just find the boss of fire fire who was the boss of fire it was is Phantom Canon right yeah I beat okay I beat [Music] PG horrible [Music] aim there's kakiri sword I finally I think that's all sword or no I don't have bigor sword I only have Giants knife okay what dungeons can I still do I can go back to water I I only have one water key though right one water key I can't really do anything I have like multiple hints for other water keys and I can't do them right now like one is that one is aliens one is Butler race wait can I do Butler race cuz I beat woodfall right but I didn't raise woodfall so no never mind yeah I checked all of woodfall uh on an earlier trip no B race is not junk it's it's a water key but I can't do Butler race okay yeah wood fall is UN poison okay I can do uh boat archery at least oh I can also do Great Bay Great Bay Temple is beneath the well ionic Castle okay so if I could go to Great Bay Temple I it's annoying without Zora but I can still get most stuff without [Music] Zora I don't need to bother with anymore Dre fairy okay yeah I think I might want to try the uh going to the moon and then warping out uh should have done that yeah I might try that after this big chest Mountain title deed uh that gives me [Music] something oh thanks [Music] money arrows okay I need to go back to gen's castle entrance which is Forest Temple it should activate Rainbow Bridge is Rainbow Bridge vanilla I must have said it's a vanilla or something I mean after this I should go to gay bay Temple and just do all of gr Bay with zor mask uh that's a junk chest there's only one chest in here yeah I think it's master quest with us too so yeah I guess that's it so that was all for nothing okay so I need to go to mm and do a day reset and then I'll go to Great Bay I guess I can do K Canyon [Music] Karo oh a boss that's really good or boss key solar key boss key Forest not particularly useful okay I'll day reset and then I'll do and then I'll do Great Bay oh yeah I can do the moon thing okay let me do the moon thing first oh yeah I should copy my save you're right [Music] uh no I've never accidentally deleted a save instead of copying it oh I didn't didn't mark Mountain title deed okay so let me see what happens if I talk to majora you'll say no right yeah wait okay he just says you're too weak okay okay it doesn't let me play OT songs okay so I am stuck so I can't play OT songs and Majora won't send me anywhere songur I mean soring I'm sure is going to say the same [Music] thing yeah I guess I can save no I can't save okay so save is deleted or uh disabled on the moon yeah so I guess I'm stuck in purgatory if I don't have song of time kind of fitting yeah how about dying dying would just put me back on the moon [Music] all right so this will reset day three again and now I'll go to Great Bay how many day threes is this this is probably like day 10 just try to rule out stuff broken G sword okay eyeball frog is the only uh only thing I haven't gotten yet that's red po I down there only tra item I haven't gotten is Idle frog uh that's not junk Bros wind thank you that is good item well actually it would have been good item a while ago I don't know about might be expired now the fairy rewards do not give song of time I already know where song of time is and I know what the fairy rewards give fairy rewards actually kind of give somewhat decent stuff in the seed it's uh it's like a boss key ocean title DED that's junk uh I wouldn't quite say I'm running out of possible checks I think I still have a good number left I can't believe how few fire Keys I've gotten I can't believe I played for this long and I have two fire Keys FG doesn't even need a bomb jump here but whatever I actually have the boss key here is this a boss I can beat I think if it's Bongo it is bongo nice okay so this actually means that I should be able to get the light over H Li arrows in snowh head dude if Li Aros are in snowh head you know it it that's going to happen Li arrows are going to be in snowh head twin mold remains from Great Bay Temple ganon's Castle secret Shrine so I just swp down here it's yeah it's 10 so I need 10 dungeons for Ganon and 11 for Majora all right tell me light arrows are in snoow head dude yeah we all knew it we all saw it coming okay this is potentially super bad okay so I was thinking okay maybe I just beat the game without song of time right but I can't be Ganondorf without lighters obviously and I'm not doing wrong warp so I have no way to get into snoow head without genon floor oh my God no on in 64 I can uh how I think my only hope is finding both zoram mask and new wave bosanova and hoping that snowhead is great Bay Temple cuz uh if it's if it's inverted Stone Tower I don't know what to do cuz I'm not doing the 200 pause buffer thing if I was on VC maybe okay I still have stuff in fire to do but I don't have any fire Keys how I don't know how I've not found more fire Keys um jabu I could go back to jabu actually I think I can do more in jabu I can do more in water I think I cleared out uninverted Stone Tower okay I think I go to jabu right now I can get like two or three check in jabu yeah if any if either of uh zoram mask or new boson NOA is in either snowh head or Ice Cavern then it's impossible impossible seed it's it's now it now has the potential to be impossible well impossible as in solvable with a 200 pause buffer trick which I'm going to consider not possible I mean it wouldn't even just be not fun like pausing pause buffering on N64 sucks pause buffering that many times on N64 without failing a single pause buffer is going to be a nightmare like I don't think I would if I started doing it today and I stream for 8 hours doing it I don't know if I'd get it want can the G hover dude G hover is easy honestly G hover there's literally one precise trick in the whole thing it's 40 minutes of just back flipping and then you have to do one precise Mega flip can I RBA song a time I could have RBA song A Time uh when I still had odd potion but I gave it away when I did the trade trade thing more stray fairies uh okay I think that's all for jobby then uh I can go back to water dude water with one key is going to suck all right is this junk it is might be possible to flip with water using regular explosives how uh Gorn bracelet that's not actually useful how would that work wait are you talking about the hover but even even if I did the giant hover how do I move the block without ly hover higher wait you hover so high that the block is unloaded or something oh drop the water and run to the switch oh my God uh how high would that need to be I don't think I can do that with 90 explosives and actually I only have I can only get 80 yeah I don't think I can do that with 80 explosives and I don't have blast mask yeah out running the rain oh yeah I guess I can get blast mask hint from the Moon Moon okay you know what I I guess I should go to the Moon I'll okay I'll do and I'll did it oh my God am I actually going to have to do this oh cuz you can climb outside here right I forgot about this uh okay I I'll put that on the maybe list uh let me do a few a few more things in here first though um uh actually I should just leave here okay I'm going to go get that that one key in uh uh one key and G of Valley okay I'm going to do the key and G Valley see what the key is see if it's like a useful key fire fire or water would be really good then I will go to the moon and I I'll just see what's on the moon and get hints do I kill theor the reset cycle uh maybe cuz actually so I have only 10 dungeon rewards to beat genon and 11 for Majora but I guess theoretically if I beat Majora that might reset the cycle which could allow me to get uh light arrows for Ganon so Ganon might be last even though there's technically a lower dungeon reward count oh my God I can't do this yeah I think to get another dungeon reward I need another Soul I've gotten all the bosses that I have souls for small Key Forest that does nothing for me I was right to skip it storms behind 10 I don't have storms I know where storms is it's too expensive okay I guess I go to the Moon I go to the moon and just check out what's there nice Kon gor village already got that [Music] Gio hello am I alive franker Z if you can hear me hello something weird happened okay so I got a hint from mask of sense so mask of sense is apparently in Goran Village and I know mask of sense actually gave me something good it was uh what was it oh it was woodfall bosy I guess it doesn't matter now okay blast mask is blast mask is a Ice Cavern everything is oh that's a soul that's a soul that's really [Music] bad [Music] GMA I'm able to beat GMA that's really bad uh cuz GMA beating GMA could potentially get me out of this Loop if beating Majora actually does send me back to day one or wait was it blast mask hint that I wanted specifically what other hint can I get oh great fairy mask is also good actually Great Fairy mask can't won't even you know no at this playing great Fair mask won't be useful actually uh is that it for the moon for yeah I did goat trial I did adola trial I did gorg trial yeah so that's it for the moon checks so I can't do anything else here and I got the hints okay so now uh what of my options here okay I got to go back to lyia but yeah if I can if I can think of some way to force a save on the moon then I can steal gome soul and then I could beat Majora oh my God okay so that that kind of rules out gome Soul so yeah I think my only other option is vajia soul okay that was actually really good nice it's a [Music] skull oh yeah I got to go back to CAC and trade in POA Coco green rupy yeah snad and Ice Cavern are both in IST and g a temple which one is which not sure but they are for sure those two roed rupe that's not great uh now I'm running out of stuff um deep Shadow you know what I have fro wind now so I could actually do void warp to deep Shadow instead of boat hover okay Shadow Temple is ocean spider okay so set for wind this is going to be kind of annoying cuz I have to go to spirit and spirit is woodfall which means my only option for getting in is uh spirit hover I mean I have enough explosives I'm going to save just in case so I have the spirit hover and I have to do wait cuz I can't oh my God I can't do regular Spirit hover I might be able to there might be some angle I can get to hook shot to Long Shot the thing oh you know what I should have planted the bean here it would have made this easier oh my God [Music] [Music] hey [Music] is this [Music] no uh okay I think I can make it up to a higher place that I'll be able to hook shot from how do I want to do this actually wait does this work no how am I going to do this what yeah Stone of Agony is actually ruining everything right now this is so [Music] [Music] annoying really please tell me I saved right before this did I save right before this I don't think I did did I there we go all right this time I for sure saved seriously dude let me hover dude how was that a side hop in what world what is happening dude how is everything going wrong it's a new thing every [Music] time [Music] flashbang [Music] [Music] uh I think this is good yeah uh [Music] wait okay [Music] okay now I think I just save warp yeah cuz I checked everything in spirit right yeah except for L by checks and I just need to void [Music] warp all right so with this I can check the back of Shadow Temple I already beat the boss oh is that vul Soul if that's vul soul we have a chance morha uh okay that's all of this then yeah morphos soul is something but it's not something good enough I think at this point my only option is the snoow head uh not snoow head inverted Stone Tower with uh with spring water with running to the switch blast mask is in Ice Cavern which I can't get to yet oh yeah Breman mask check I guess I'll do B Mass check no not 200 pauses there's a different method that I forgot about that doesn't involve so many pauses but it's also kind of stupid and just requires a really big hover in vanilla mm you can Mash Paws for 130 real minutes to loot back to 6 p.m. and avoid Moon crash all right you know what that yeah that validates me I'm just I'm just it's just a randoom quality of life Improvement right you know skipping cutcenes skipping 130 minutes of pauses you know just quality of life yeah just minor time save [Music] 48 oh New Way boss NOA okay there's there's hope okay surely BR mask check will be zor mask all right not quite zor mask okay I have three options one I go for inverting Stone Tower with a giant hover and running to the switch and it might be really bad it could literally take me hours I don't know I could check spoiler log for like just one item for like I could check spoiler log for like just volvagia Soul or just zor mask or something that's cheating still don't want to do that it would be good to have a mod look just to see if zor mask is in either Ice Cavern see if zor mask is in either Ice Cavern or snowe head you volunteer actually okay yeah Zoe here I can that might be good I trust uh a knowledgeable mm expert okay Zoe I sent it okay so just just say if zor mask is in either Ice Cavern or snoow head just yes or no and then or if you happen to notice otherwise it's unbeatable it says it's private I could have sworn I set it to unlisted pending moderation huh yeah I have it unlisted why is it what why is it pending moderation doesn't now like that I have bombs in my in my Pace pin okay wait Zoe I'll just send it on Discord so I guess we'll have an answer soon uh what do I I do meanwhile I guess go back to O chess game uh you mean oot chess game I guess chest game without lens yeah I I I could do chess game without [Music] lens all right can I get it under 20 tries dude no sun song reset cuz I don't have Sun song so either all up or all down or like alternating but I think are you [Music] serious oh my God I can't get past the green roomes oh my god dude this is the worst dude yeah I can't I can't switch now I can't switch this far in but oh my God how is this so bad I mean I guess I am better off failing early rather than late okay new record okay three nope well I skipped two it gets reset okay three tide tide record four all right it's 50/50 I got to stick with it it's got to be up all right the one in 32 that only took like what okay it's junk absolutely nothing boms that only took like what 15 tries probably less that probably no it's probably like 12 for bombs try cheating I've been trying that yeah I don't know I still haven't gotten a response from Zoe okay Zora is confirmed not in snoow head or Ice Cavern or not locked behind them either okay so doesn't necessarily mean zor Mas is possible but it's at least not not there okay so I can confirm that zor Mass is at least not impossible well not in the guaranteed impossible places could be a day one or two check I mean remember that I I do still have oot stuff to check not a lot but I could still have o stuff ask for wallet I won't ask for wallet yet uh wallet would actually get me a good amount of stuff wallet would get me lens another wallet okay I guess it would actually oh and storms storms would actually be significant yeah all I can think of is doing some of water but even water is going to be annoying don't know if the seat is beatable going a Fallout DM oh okay so the initial check was that zor Master was not in snoow head or Ice Cavern but on further investigation zoram mask is locked behind finishing one of snoow head or Ice Cavern which essentially means snow head because it can't really be Ice Cavern so Zora mask is locked um that doesn't necessarily mean impossible seed that just means that there's no way that I beat the seed without inverting snow Stone Tower with uh Spring Water okay let me do this for first and then I'll decide what I'm going to do oh no okay I think that was one [Music] frame [Music] okay [Music] so I'm in dark Link's room [Music] okay it's a key if this is a water key it' be such an insult okay it's a forest key that's even worse okay here's what I'm going to do I'm going to check this SP log myself I'm going to check so I'm not going to check zor mask I got soft confirmation that it's impossible anyway I'm going to check for vag's soul there is a small chance that vajia Soul can get me out of this predicament and if not then I guess I try the stone tower thing Great Fairy dens fire soul of volvagia so that means it's behind lullabi do I check lullabi I'm going to check lullabi I think it's late enough that I can check loli Fire temple below maze chest okay so one fire key actually gets me somewhere how do I get more fire keys do should I check spoiler log for fire temple keys but there's there's eight of them I feel okay I'll just yeah I mean I'm already basically out of checks unless I'm missing something obvious OT sacred metal storms Grotto can't get that without storms kakaro bizar item to small key Fire temple did I buy that I think I bought that let me I'll check before I continue you checking I'm fairly sure I bought that I either bought that or that's too expensive yeah yeah oh never mind it's in my notes yeah fire key 220 yeah it's too expensive I need a wallet for that OT lakeyia HP that is one of the keys that I did get oot decry Compass side room chest Fire temple small key that one I also got I believe yeah I got that one fire temple maze okay so one key is in fire temple another key is in fire temple one is and snowh head and one is aana Valley scrub rupe which I think is uh trading ocean title deed let me make sure this is trade ocean title deed yeah no ocean title deed is uh a Great Fairy reward so that means I need 15 stray fairies for one of them should I grabb the fairies I guarantee you there's at least one of each fairy or yeah there's must there must be at least one of each fairy in snowh head plus Ice Cavern combined there's like no way yeah and I need Zora to trade the ocean deed too yeah wasn't ledge a key was ledge a key uh let me see ocean yeah mm M belly no it says scrub HP fairy oot I'll let me double check yeah that yeah that's a fairy and then trading title deed to this guy yeah he sells a fish and then if I trade title deed he will give me uh a fire key okay was that all fire keys so yes there are six fire temple keys that I really cannot get right now so a wallet would get me storms and another fire key so now I will check wallet OT security shop item seven Progressive wallet that's the the twoo expensive one I think yeah kakiri wallet 255 so one wallet I cannot buy OT Zora River GS3 Progressive wallet pretty much I pretty sure I got that one and take a guess take a guess where the third wallet is you will never be able to guess where the third wallet is it's snowh head you know what yeah I was going to say void warp into fire did I save after I opened that one key door if I didn't save after I open that one key door I think I did it never occurred to me that I might have to save scum the key door leading to the big lava room in fire temple okay did I yeah this is already saved dude I guess I could check check real quick okay you know what we're going to do some science ignore the aspect ratio for a second this is just me quick I just need to check some room room numbers here we go room 21 that's not good uh I don't think there's a good room 21 void [Music] warp uh hold on a sec that's perfect I hate that that's actually going to be so easy well not easy easy but like it won't won't be that bad okay so I have to get in this room I just have to okay I I just got to do a quick Theory crafting on how I make this work okay so I got to jump down here can I slide hop directly [Music] down okay slide up directly down works then I go here navigate [Music] here yeah okay this should work okay uh I just need to find a pseudo setup real quick yeah okay it's doable uh let me double check and make sure that I just haven't opened this door yeah this door okay yeah there's a key door that I have not opened yet okay so I get to Spirit hover again that's fun okay so this woodwor is going to be annoying because if I save in spirit I'm going to go all the way back down and so and I have to do this from up here so every time I fail this I'm going to have to go all the way back up here I mean I might just get a first TR so I don't think it's going to be that hard okay down the stairs Target the wall jump the Gap get the wall here go back [Music] forward come down here this is the snake statue hit the slanted wall super slide huh uh-oh that's bad I didn't equip hover boots huh hover boots never got equipped somehow where am I uh this is bad wait I don't know where I am uh how do I find out where I am okay this in front of a wall I have no way to figure out where I am you know what choose uh that didn't help okay wait where is okay so I think the pit is over there uh where is that going I think I want to go that direction uh that's fine I guess let's me just restart I forgot how to count this uh okay it's on like flash five I think most of the time when I'm doing void warps it's usually on gz uh where I don't have to time it because I can just look at the numbers too early did I save inside Spirit no it was correct room I just had to wait a tiny bit longer I didn't save inside Spirit in this game you always void out when you hit netive 4,000 y coordinate and so I have to time it just as I have to press a right before I hit that number and then have it pass that number before the Fade Out happens it's not that tight of a window it's like I don't know half a second or something but without looking at the number on screen it can be kind of hard dude I hate the SL [Music] there dude that was close [Music] easy and that's how you skip the key all right so with this uh this gets me I I actually forgot what the chain of events that this gets me to is what what was it I think it was to get it was to get lullabi to get W's Soul yeah I'll find lullabi here and then I'll find waji's soul and I can be you is that lullabi there's lullabi the very next sh I'm going to check a few other things here I might as well while I'm here or should I just go okay I'll just I'm going to enter and exit this door here and then I'm set for wind just check stuff in this room and then leave [Music] I got another Fire temple key finally let's peek this go okay so now I go to child and I get D's I got a mark all way so now so I go get um Den's fairy fountain check which which is going to be volvagia's soul and then I can go beat volvagia volvagia is in water temple boss of water temple that will give me enough bosses to beat Majora's Mask so my hope is that I don't actually know exactly how this works but I'm hoping that beating Majora's Mask will send me back to day one in Majora's Mask if it doesn't if it doesn't then I do have to do the uh the stone tower hover invert yeah and if I if I manage to get back to day one by beating Majora then I can get L and then everything is easy it does send me back okay so this should in theory this should work all right volvagia soul yeah snowe head has light arrows snowe head has light arrows song of time a wallet which is my only my only option for Giants wallet because another wallet is locked behind having Giants wallet it probably has more stuff snow head is just like super loaded is it see make me consider starting this s of time I'm so conflicted on starting this song of time well okay I probably wouldn't start with song of time cuz like even even with logic you don't start with song of time it's oh I'm going the wrong way even with logic it just uh forces song of time to be an mm but or to be an oot so that you're guaranteed to find song of time in oot so that you can't get stuck in mm but I don't know I like I like the idea of not starting the song Time CU I do think it's cool for that to be I I think it's a cool challenge while also being manageable because you have oot to work with but at the same time it's pretty [Music] rough nice fire Medallion so now I can go to the moon go mode light kind of I keep pressing a before playing oath no Moon Moon I can beat Majora now I can just straight up beat Majora so now I just need to get light arrows so this will send me back in time and then beating maora should send me back in time and I I will get a Gomez Soldier just in case I don't think I need it but just in case okay it was the Great Fairy mask can okay great fairy mask is that Mountain Village that's interesting I think that means it's didn't I get a different hit for a different mask that I haven't gotten at Mountain Village oh yeah it must be snowe head lock or wait oh that must mean it's The Grotto I I thought hello is everyone back no it's not frogs cuz uh I already got a hint for frogs being junk good Final Boss music I've never seen him jump so much there we go okay so mm done although actually not done because I still need to use mm to get El hopefully nice just C okay it's it's done I'm back I spent like 11 days on that cycle now I just have to do aliens uh let me just do this first oh yeah I I I should have known well that's a cool new alternative of uh going back in time without song of time just beat the game yeah so I guess I guess I can beat Majora anytime I want to reset the cycle so I just have to wait for alien oh my God I'm going to have to wait all the way until day two I'm going to have to wait so long should I be doing other checks while I wait like I I should be doing other stuff but I don't know what else I can do Grandma oh yeah I can do Grandma oh yeah Grandma Grandma's the Savior no I don't have [Music] sunsong oh and I can check the [Music] cows yeah I forgot to take a fanfair is out the music pool cuz this doesn't support fanfares yet do aliens nend way I kind of have to I don't even have ssung I couldn't even cheese it if I wanted unless unless postman has ssung all right I was supposed to do this way back at the beginning and I forgot if this is somehow something good oh I didn't put on bunny hood you know what not even close that was really bad actually bunny head makes the timer stay on [Music] screen nope I still not have have not been to snowhead snowh head has been a nightmare a nightmare to get to at least all right so uh I guess I just wait granny I don't think you can do granny at night yeah I have now learned that L is important and I should prioritize getting it bomb sh Grandma dude I sa Grandma last cycle she spent like 11 days being saved she'll be fine she can she can handle a cycle where she gets robbed okay no so so Inver Stone Tower could still be Ice Cavern which it it would be so funny if it is there's a chance so the specific wording I got from Zoey is that zor mask is locked behind completing one of Ice Cavern or snowh head now the The Logical the the like likely explanation for that is it's in like springtime snowh head or something but it could also mean Ice Cavern gives me an item that lets me check something that gives me Zoras but if I finish Ice Cavern and I have no clear path to zor mask then I will just check zor mask are the aliens in the room with me right now they are now good music yeah you get him dog what if I fail aliens then I reset cuz I just saved earlier it's kind of hard to fail aliens though I'm pretty sure it's already impossible for them to win they'll never make it oh you made Den fire use fire damage so it kills the aliens nice I will I will be sure to use Den fire on the aliens when I try that uh okay so now I need to go dance with scarecrow again LG is a creamy escort although that was a water key which is also good cuz water key gets me stuff also no shut up not you shut up not [Music] you oh my God I hate this why does she do owl strats and make me say default no I can't believe I never got dekum mask either can I sh still shoot them for fun I will shoot one I'll shoot them each once just a little tap and there's [Music] elgy all right so this is going to be really annoying because I'm going to have to do do I have sticks U maybe I should have got I'll try with sword first I'm not sure how slow sword [Music] is this is fast enough uh I hope I didn't go too far to the side uh I might have can I does this work if I okay it does nice uh I think a tiny bit more one more is that good I think two more all right this is [Music] it that was late hold on I got to learn the right frame for that I thought I thought that was a correct frame yeah that's a soft lock yeah I saved I saved right here don't worry okay is it this Frame okay it's the frame [Music] [Music] before all right is this it did I miss I missed dude okay wait that's why I got a second [Music] one oh yeah I should equip swap then why am I not doing [Music] that there we go all right uh I don't have a bean to check the top whatever I'm not checking the top all right is it snoow head or is it Ice Cavern it's snowhead here we go all right so all I'm looking for is light arrows I literally do not care about anything else I'm not even going to get song of time it's going to be song of time the seed light arrows on Mora could be there is a fire temple key is this light arrows one [Music] bracelet oh there's my wallet you know what lens is wallet locked I could go get a wallet or I can get the wallet go get lens and then I'll be able to see what the strafe fairy is in the in the ceiling probably not the best idea there's a wallet I just realiz it turn final day yeah back to day three again all right I am ignoring the ceiling for now unless there's some way I can peek I don't think there's any way I can peek it Spirit bosy it is a good thing I love boss skips in this all right who wants to bet that one of these has long time and the other has light [Music] arrows light arrows oh 50/50 all right I don't care about anything else light arrows is go mode all right finally yanon Castle is a secret Shrine so just go there and then I can beat the game sub 15 uh not sub 15 but it'll be like sub 155 this is the final game change eving in this one is baby seed yeah yeah this was a pretty easy seed nice I don't have an bottle actually wait I don't think that's enough magic for a light Arrow then actually this green potion is coming in clutch giving me enough magic and then I can use the bottle to reflect it CL screen potion that knife breaking was intentional by the way I knew that was going to be fine since uh I would keep Crouch daab damage yeah that was Giant Knife a wild genon appeared nice jump slash all right there we go what a seed I can't believe I got a hint for S of time being in snoow head so early on and I tried so hard to make sure I was prioritizing find snoow head find snoow head and after all that it was the worst situation imaginable actually no it was the second worst situation imaginable the worst being zor mask or if it was great Bay Temple speaking of which I am so excited to look at the spoiler Vlog now okay can any of you guys access the pce spin no forbidden private yeah it's not private okay uh ppin thinks I am a bad person I guess uh what is the next best ppin alternative where do I put this paste. this is the first result on Google here is the pce spin or not ppin anymore the past. here's the spoiler log all right let's check this monstrosity so where was zoram mask OT Death Mountain Grotto oh that's Song of Storms that's a Song of Storms Grotto okay that means that I must have gone into snowh head to get the wallet in order to buy storms and storms would get me the wait the pace doesn't work you guys just DS them oh my God okay whatever I will just explain this s lot okay so zor mask was the Song of Storms Grotto on Death Mountain so I needed the wallet from snowhead in order to buy storms in order to access The Grotto in order to get zor mask um okay what else deu mask deu mask was mm deu playground reward so Deku mask was impossible so very convenient that woodfall with Spirit Temple so I could actually get in through the hands so yeah deam mask is not happening uh let me check Ice Cavern see if anything good was in Ice Cavern Okay Ice Cavern had blast mask and everything else was junk so blast mask was not good I mean Ice Cavern was not good song of time oh yeah check song of time which snow head thing was song of time okay it was uh Central room Al Cove that's like the in the central room where there's like that little side area in the wall you have to jump through that's where song of time was Sun song and Pinnacle Rock nice void warp isn't going to work in mm you don't void if you're already seen transitioning dang that sucks I think it'll still be really cool for mm though all right anyway I think I'm done for now guys thanks for watching hope you guys enjoyed that mess of aando uh I'll definitely do more of these I mean I still this was still as frustrating as it was at some points it was still pretty fun I do think I still want to do no song of time at the start but yeah I will see you guys later bye-bye