Quick Review of World History
Neolithic Revolution
- Discovery of agriculture led to permanent settlements.
- Use of slash and burn farming.
- Domestication of animals.
- Emergence of traditional economies and barter systems.
Early Civilizations
- Mesopotamia: Fertile Crescent, Sumerians, cuneiform writing, ziggurats.
- Babylon: Hammurabi's Code - "eye for an eye" law.
- Egypt: Nile River for farming and trade, pharaohs, theocratic rule.
- China: Early civilizations near Yangtze and Huanghe rivers, dynasties, Great Wall expansion.
- India: Advanced cities in the Indus Valley (Harappa and Mahenjo-daro).
Chinese Dynasties
- Tang and Song dynasties' contributions: porcelain, paper currency, movable type.
- Dynastic cycle and mandate of heaven.
Mongol Empire
- Largest empire under Genghis and Kublai Khan.
- Failure to conquer Japan, protected by samurai and Bushido code.
Religions and Philosophies
- Hinduism: Reincarnation, caste system, karma, dharma.
- Buddhism: Enlightenment, Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path, nirvana.
- Confucianism: Harmony, good conduct, relationships.
- Taoism: Following nature.
- Shintoism: Animism in Japan.
- Islam: Five Pillars, spread through Umayyad and Abbasid empires.
Greece and Rome
- Greek city-states: Athens (culture, democracy), Sparta (military).
- Greek contributions: architecture, literature, Olympics.
- Philosophers: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.
- Alexander the Great: Hellenistic cultural diffusion.
- Roman Empire: Senate, 12 tables of law, architecture, aqueducts.
- Byzantine Empire: Justinian's Code, Eastern Orthodox Church.
Middle Ages
- Feudalism: Land for military service, chivalry.
- Crusades: Conflict and cultural diffusion.
- Black Plague and Renaissance.
Exploration and Colonization
- African trade, Mansa Musa.
- Native American civilizations (Mayans, Aztecs, Incas) and European conquest.
- Columbian Exchange, mercantilism, slave trade.
Revolutions and Nation-States
- Protestant Reformation: Martin Luther.
- Absolute Monarchy: Louis XIV, Peter the Great.
- Enlightenment: Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu.
- Revolutions: French, Latin American.
Industrial Revolution
- Began in England, spread globally.
- Urbanization, capitalism, socialism (Marx), social Darwinism.
Imperialism and WWI
- European imperialism in Africa and Asia.
- Alliances and militarism lead to WWI.
- Treaty of Versailles and rise of fascism (Hitler).
WWII and the Cold War
- Axis vs. Allies.
- Holocaust and human rights violations.
- US and USSR superpowers, Cold War tensions.
Modern Conflicts and Developments
- Fall of communism, reunification of Germany.
- Apartheid in South Africa, Middle East conflicts.
- Globalization, technological advancements (Internet).
- Nations are interconnected and dependent on one another.
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