Transcript for:
Understanding the Essence of Islam

[Music] alhamdulillah so you already you already know this about Islam he already talked to you good one God you believe is the last messenger don't Jesus and all that righta there you go bro you know your stuff man my you got family that's Muslim nice black is on point man you you got the address to the mosque let me get you the you have the sticker for the mjid yeah yeah yeah I'll get that so that you can connect with the community make brothers over there they show you love anything you need get you that's the mosque right there uhhuh so you go out there you tell them a Muslim you want to connect all right so he's going to do it with you Arabic English ready say it with him all right Muslim in English I bear witness I bear witness that there's no God that there's no God worthy of worship worthy of worship except Allah except Allah and I bear witness and I bear witness that muhamad is his messenger first day of your life bless just one God not three yeah right and that God sent prophets like Abraham and Moses and Jesus the last of them being the prophet Muhammad so you believe in all the prophets yeah yeah you believe in Muhammad being the last prophet yeah that's it you're Muslim bro that's right you're Muslim let's do it man all right so to be a Muslim officially we're going to Ste your testimony it's called shahada right oh okay so we'll do it in Arabic and English yeah okay all right you want to do it with them oh you can do it do it I'll do it all right you with me all right okay English first or Arabic first English all right say I bear witness I bear witness there is none worthy of worship there none worthy of worship except Allah except our know and I bear witness I bear witness that Muhammad that Muhammad is the servant is the servant and messenger of Allah and messenger of Allah allahar you're Muslim allahar all right we're going to do the Arabic just say it with me okay okay ASU Allah that's it it's a brand new day of your life your past is cleansed it's clean you're a new person today whatever in the past pain suffering sins mistakes all that's gone okay and you are a Muslim we're going to get you a Quran we're going to get you the address so here's the address to the local mosc out here oh okay yeah so you go out there you're going to meet the brothers we'll get your let me see that address again there you go bro Island oh okay I see yeah yeah yeah soah maybe you want to put it for him in a bag bag yeah you can put in the bag inshallah and then we'll get the brothers to get your contact whatever you need were your brothers man all right you know what I guess I'm confused because well well got hurt and and that's not and that's not in me to me as I'm getting older it's not right how people you know you they be running from Muslims and you know why they be running from Muslims I don't know we we're we're just so good-looking is that what it is people like that musim got swag you gota run away like every this what I've been heing all my life I close my do they I don't close my go to no one I don't close my go I'm willing to listen anything that's talking about Jesus there you go I'm willing to to hear the word so let me tell you something I got a Bible right let me check this out this the Bible check this out right you read the Bible growing up you going to a Baptist Church right not really my mother have no I don't have a full understanding but he gave me the common sense and the willing to know the truth to hear the truth Common Sense the common sense a lot of people don't I have good I have good kind so in the Bible in Matthew it says about Jesus peace be upon him he went a little further and fell on his face he put his face on the ground and prayed so now you tell me who was Jesus praying to God there you go so Jesus isn't God cuz he's praying to God right you think God pray exactly see we as Muslims exactly believe that Jesus was a prophet right now those people that were around in the time of Jesus this is in Luke right right here in 1332 he says I must Journey today or tomorrow and the day following it cannot be that a prophet should perish outside of Jerusalem you see this is Red Line the red line mean according to Christians the the words of Jesus so Jesus calls himself a what a prophet right now the people that were around Jesus when they were asked about Jesus what did they say about Jesus they said this is the prophet of Nazareth okay right they didn't say he's a god from Nazareth right no what does Timothy in the Bible Timothy 2:5 say for then there is one God only one God not three not two and one mediator One messenger one mediator between God and man that is the man Jesus Christ Christ Jesus what does that mean that means god is one between God and Men is a mediator is the messenger that's Jesus as Jesus says his follow exactly like his followers are the humans that the regular people they have a prophet for example Abraham he was a prophet Moses was a prophet Muhammad was a prophet peace be upon all of them we love them all we respect them all but we don't worship them that make sense to you yeah you're Muslim just like he is all right this is what a Muslim is the base of our belief we believe there's only one God yeah we believe you don't worship any human any animal any no prophets no Saints none of that you worship the one God above right is that your belief yes absolutely your belief there you go Muslims we believe that that God sent us prophets and Messengers like from Adam Abraham Moses Jesus Muhammad we love them all we say peace be upon them we we don't worship them but we follow them doeses that make sense to you yes you're Muslim we're doing this right now and look and I believe everything that you saying but I just got to get that straight within me right right within me so right now in your heart do you feel comfortable with one God yes do you feel comfortable with those being prophets yes then you already got it straight within you now slowly slowly you will learn learn right like I was talking to some young Brothers earlier they were like we got some bad habits I like we get it and slowly slowly you're going to get rid of those right and that's so true that's so true but you got to take that first step otherwise you don't you know if if you if you want to walk from here to Cali I'm from Cali right let's say somebody wants to walk I don't know why they're walking but I'm just saying right how you going to start you got to take that first step take that first step you take your first step that's how it goes I got you said bite down all right look we we we'll talk to you in a minute if you don't mind let me just finish yeah I want to talk to you okay let me talk to them man all thank you Tak all right so I feel it's so block we good with it all right so let's do this right to be a Muslim you will say I bear witness all right say it with me okay I bear witness there is none worthy of worship there none worth your wor except Allah except Allah and I bear witness I bear witness that Muhammad Muhammad is the servant is a servant and messenger of Allah a messenger of Allah allahar that's it you're Muslim is the best day of your life you taken that first step to a cleaner life to a disciplined life a prayer fasting best version of yourself right all right now I'm going to say it to you within Arabic with me okay okay say it with me Ash Allah allahar you're Muslim this is the best day we've got the mosque address for the sister I I'll go grab it all we'll get you the address to the mosque here local I'm from San Diego I'm from Cali but these brothers from Chicago so whatever you need we're your brothers and sisters now [Music] Muslim