Hey guys, so this may be a bit of a boring video for some of you But I thought it's good to just get all the basics covered and out of the way Just in case there are some that are starting from square zero like absolute beginners it's good for them to have material to to work with and we can then work our way up to more advanced level as I film more videos, so I have gotten a lot of questions D Donizzi Donizzi D E Elefantti Elefantti F Fingino fin-ki-no fin-ki-no g gorilla go-ri-lla gorilla g g g h h throw throw h H H H heittää I I isä I I J J Juosta Juosta Juosta J Kantaa K Go! carry bread bread bread bread bread sea sea sea rise na omena o o o pe peura peura pe pu pu peura pe ku qatar qatar ku this one's kind of like a k sound qatar you don't find q in finnish so you pronounce it as a k qatar R, repia. Re-pi-a.
Repia. R, you really have to learn how to roll your R's. I'm not...
I don't know how to teach that, to be honest. It's like your tongue is at the front right behind your top teeth and You kind of it just kind of vibrates It takes a while to learn how to do that if you don't already know just Practice I guess I honestly I don't really know R R-E-P-A S or sisilisco S-S-S-S-S-I-S-I-L-I-S-C-O Sisilisco AS DE Dunder Dunde Tuntea. Tee.
T. Tee. U. Uskoa. Uskoa. Uskoa.
U. V. Vesi. V. V. Vesi. Tupla V. Vese.
This one also it's not really used in Finnish. You would pronounce it the same way as you would pronounce a V. So Vese is tupla V. WC, but you would pronounce the W the same way as if it was just V, like a V. WC. Or for example Whisky. Whisky. That's what a W is in Finnish.
Whisky. Ax. X. X. It's like a KS sound.
X. Ax. Y. Yhdeksään. Finnish I would say ooh ooh you have to purse your lips ooh ooh ooh don't really exactly know how you would they say it's like in between an English I and you so you you you you but I don't really hear it um Just try and say it after me like The voice is coming like right from here I don't know my mouth is just normal in a pursed It's coming from right here Y-de-ks-san.
Y-de-ks-san. Maybe if someone in the comments can have a tip that you've used to be able to pronounce Y, it would be much appreciated if you could explain how you pronounce Y in the comments below, since I clearly fail at this. And then last but not least, Z.
So Z. Zeta. T-ta. It's kind of like T-S sound.
Z has a T-S sound in Finnish. So for example, tombi. It would be like zombie but with a TS instead of the zombie or some versions you would say tombia tombia tombia but that's not the point the point is to set up so to recap everything I'll say the whole alphabet out loud ah bae say day eh ah gay H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. And then O, A, Ö. Hopefully my pronunciation was alright for everyone and you could understand it.
I probably sounded a bit like a loony at some points, but I just tried. my best to make sure I slowed everything down, tried to make the sounds as clear as possible so people who had no clue what they were doing or what kind of sounds they were trying to make in regards to the Finnish alphabet you'd maybe hear a bit more clearer and get a better understanding or you would able to at least repeat it back and hopefully get it right. So yeah I guess that just about concludes this video. Until next time!