Exercise's Impact on Mental Health Revealed

Sep 13, 2024

Lecture Notes: The Connection Between Physical Exercise and Mental Health

Key Speaker: Joe Rogan

  • Joe Rogan advocates for strenuous physical exercise, emphasizing its benefits for both physical and mental health.
  • Exercise is not only beneficial for the body but also for mental well-being.

New Research Findings

Source: Cell Metabolism

  • Recent studies reveal the molecular mechanisms linking intense physical exercise to improved mental health.
  • Specifically, exercise is found to alleviate and protect against anxiety.

Role of Lactate

  • Lactate: A byproduct of intense physical exercise.
    • Functions as a signaling molecule in cells.
    • Can change the function of proteins and enzymes through a process called lactillation.
    • Alteration in brain function and mental state occurs when lactate is involved.

Research Hypothesis

  • Exercise may modify protein lactation patterns in the brain, enhancing resilience against stress.

Study Methodology

  • Mice were subjected to chronic resistance stress to induce anxiety.
  • They were provided with one hour per day on a treadmill to increase brain lactate levels.
  • Increased lactate levels negated anxiety effects.
  • Direct lactate injections without exercise also blocked anxiety.
  • Blocking lactate production during exercise reduced its anti-anxiety effects.

Discovery of SNAP91

  • SNAP91: A protein targeted and modified by lactate.
    • Important for assembling vesicles and maintaining neurotransmitter release.
    • Chronic stress decreases SNAP91 lactillation and neuronal transmission, reversed by exercise.

Visual Data

  • Healthy SNAP91 state versus chronic psychological stress effects and exercise restoration.
  • Yellow tagging indicates SNAP91 lactate tagging.

Functional Implications of SNAP91

  • Decreased SNAP91 lactillation leads to decreased neuronal signaling.
  • Exercise reverses these effects, showing increased SNAP91 tagging and improved synaptic function.

Experimental Evidence

  • A molecular tweak at the lactate attachment site on SNAP91 in mice abolished exercise's anti-anxiety effects.
  • This confirms the causal chain linking exercise intensity to anxiety reduction via lactate-mediated SNAP91 modification.

Practical Takeaways

  • High-intensity exercise increases brain lactate, enhancing SNAP91 lactillation and reducing anxiety.
  • Intense workouts (e.g., hill sprints, muscle-ups) induce beneficial molecular changes for stress resilience.


  • Joe Rogan’s promotion of hard physical labor has scientific backing.
  • Lactate is a key mediator behind the anti-anxiety and pro-mental health effects of strenuous exercise.