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Programming Quantum Computers - Part 1
Jul 2, 2024
Programming Quantum Computers - Part 1
Introduction to programming quantum computers.
Comparison with classical computer programming.
Explanation of compilers, machine code, and logic gates in classical and quantum computing.
Detailed discussion on quantum mechanics principles: superposition and entanglement.
Introduction to quantum logic gates and Quantum Computing algorithms.
Classical Computers
How Coding Works
Programming languages (Python, C++, Java, etc.) allow interaction with computers using near-human language commands.
Example: Code to count to 10 written by ChatGPT.
Special programs that convert high-level programming language into machine language.
Different languages have specific compilers acting as translators.
Compilers as black boxes: take human-written code (input) → output machine code (sequence of 1s and 0s).
Machine Code
Set of instructions telling computer about specific bits to operate on.
Contains 1s and 0s interpreted as direct instructions for electrical signal flow.
Logic Gates
Fundamental building blocks of classical computers (e.g., AND, OR gates).
Physical circuits made up of bits.
Perform mathematical operations and transfer information between bits.
Quantum Computers
High-Level Programming
Quantum computers are coded using high-level programming languages like IBM’s Qiskit.
These languages run on classical computers, compiled, and then executed on Quantum Hardware.
Principles of Quantum Mechanics
A Quantum system can be in multiple states at the same time.
System's state only collapses to a definite state upon measurement.
Probability of collapse given by square of the state's coefficient.
Measurement of one entangled particle’s state informs the other’s state immediately.
Example: Bell State
Entangled state probabilities (e.g., 50% chance of 00 and 50% of 11).
Quantum Logic Gates
Operations changing a qubit’s state in a known, repeatable way.
Single- and multi-qubit gates (analogous to classical NOT and AND gates).
Implemented differently across quantum hardware (e.g., neutral atoms, superconducting qubits).
Implementing Algorithms
Quantum gates strung together to form algorithms (quantum circuits).
Classical programming abstractions applied (e.g., coding in Qiskit).
Use of classical computers to write/compile quantum code.
Example Algorithm: Deutsch-Jozsa
: Determine if a function is constant or balanced.
Classical Solution
: Requires 3 evaluations.
Quantum Solution
: Requires only 1 evaluation.
Prepare qubits (0 and 1 respectively) and apply Hadamard gate.
Evaluate the function on qubits.
Measure results and analyze if constant or balanced.
Classical and quantum algorithms differ but follow some underlying principles.
Quantum Computing offers significant advantages for certain types of problems.
Next part: Implementation of Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm using Qiskit on a real quantum computer.
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