I wish somebody would have told me that you are not meant to attract everyone you're not meant to get every job you applied for You're Not Meant To Win Every Game there are losses in life but that don't mean it's a loss so when I was younger I was extremely insecure about my looks and the whole time right and most of it came from me being bullied and talked about all those things we get over all that stuff but um when I was young I tried to talk to these girls but they were not interested and I'll explain the dynamic of it so where I'm from it's kind of heavily populated by both black and white so um most of the black people are related a lot of people don't know that and back in the day a lot of incest and stuff happened with black and white but my family taught me early on look this is your cousin this is your cousin you don't mess with like cuz they seen all that stuff happen cuz all these people was thrown into these little towns and stuff and nobody knew where they came from so things happen but um so when I heard that it made me gravitate take more towards white people in my area right so I tried to get the white girls but they were not interested and it it tanked my security level I was very insecure I'm like well man I must be ugly and you know I'm asking for to be honest I'm getting rate threes and you're cool you're funny but I wouldn't date you like my security level is trash right I didn't understand that everybody is not attracted to everyone some people have outside influences like their family tell them hey you shouldn't talk to black guys you know like you never know what's going on but what I'm what I'm saying is there's somebody for everyone right and just because you can't and let me be clear for the people who don't understand just because you can't get a white girl in a town that may be Prejudice don't mean there's not a white girl you know another state or a city or another town like bro there's someone for everyone you just may not be in the right area there's artwork everywhere some people people don't like this artwork but go put it in another Museum people will worship it there's cars you you might see a Honda Civic and you might love that Honda Civic you might see a Lamborghini and hate that Lamborghini right but the Lamborghini is the one with the price tag right because there there's a select amount of people there's a select group that it appeals to you understand what I'm saying and so you appeal to another group but you may not be around them that's why the important thing for you to do is focus on on yourself when you focus on yourself everything else will fall in line because sometimes you have so much Beauty and potential inside of you but until you realize it it will not come out you understand what I'm saying so all those days all those years that I was insecure thinking oh well why can't I just get everybody or how how to attract this or how to attract that I went through the whole thing like trying to you know manifest getting my crush and trying to wind over people like you you're not supposed to convince people to like you you understand what I'm saying either they do or they don't that's just the way life is let's put it into some perspective right so imagine a person that maybe wanted you or just imagine somebody you don't like like it may be a friend at school just somebody you would never date okay put that put that image in your head if they text you right now and said hello and then you said hello and then they waited 2 hours to text would that make you want to text them more no why is that because you're not attracted to them if that person called you and talked with a a sweet tone of voice would that make you attracted to them no because you're not attracted to them if you don't like Lamborghinis and I bring you a Lamborghini it's not going to make you happy right because you don't like Lamborghinis if you like a Toyota Camry and I bring you a Toyota Cameron you're going to be happy because you like a Toyota Cameron now what you might do with that Lamborghini is get it from me and sell it to get money because you're more attracted to the money and what are you going to do with that money you're probably going to go buy a Honda Civic because that's what you wanted you understand what I'm saying we are not meant to be attracted to everything we all have our groups we all have our desires there's certain things that click with certain people so it's important to focus on you but you can build attraction attraction is not all physical attraction is not all mental there's different things you can do so what what I can tell you to like I said this is why you should focus on yourself when in doubt look within right if you don't think there's love out there in the world look within you if there's love within you there has to be love out there somewhere you don't have to play games to attract people and do all this because I I learned this actually like this year this year I learned this well last year I learned this when you find someone for you you do not have to play games it is harder for you to get rid of them than it is to make them like you you understand what I'm saying if somebody doesn't like you they're just not going to like you can can you make you know yourself appear more friendly more useful and they may want you around more absolutely but if someone is attracted to you they're going to be attracted to you when I met my girl in um you know last year we're not together anymore but when I met her I didn't have to try I didn't have to wait 10 hours to text her back I didn't have to fix my hair a certain way now I'm going always take care of myself and I'm always look good that's just me you know what I'm saying I'm going to make sure I look my best am I going to like get doled up and you know what I'm saying get the jacket on and some some slacks and some boots to go to the grocery store no you know what I'm saying I look good in pajamas and a t-shirt you know what I'm saying but I'm I'mma always look good I'm always take care of myself that's what I'm saying you're not ugly but you could look better there's things you could do to make yourself look better like find a haircut that fits you get on your skincare routine get a better diet so that you look better you smell better get a fragrance get some better clothes clothes that fit you things that fit your Vibe you understand what I'm saying be comfortable in your own skin there's things you can do that make you more attractive listening more right and that that's where we going from physical to just your personality who you are you understand what I'm saying but all these games trying to attract 20 different people that don't like you I promise you you don't have to do that you don't have to do that it's effortless when you find people that like you but the thing is it's a rare commodity but what happens when something is rare when something is rare it has much more value much more value that's why people go crazy about trying to get 20 different girls because it's it's hard to find that one girl but some people sat down that shadowy path to lock in and focus on themselves and then when they on their Journey it's like oh snap is she shining like out out of all this time time nobody appealed to me but why is she shining and then boom there she is but when you focus on yourself and you take care of things you are more appealing to people right and if you don't have it all aesthetically your your your your confidence your posture just the energy inside you that exudes all over the place your journey your purpose all those thing all those things are going to shine light right because if you worked hard and you created this big business and and someone sees that they're going to become interested in you maybe they want to know you know how you did it and things like that they may get inspired to you and they may but o Overlook the insecurities that you have right I'm not the most beautiful person in the world but I'm not feeling sit here and say that I'm ugly and this and that you know what I mean I know I look good I used to hate the way I look I didn't understand it and a lot of y'all young guys or girls too do y'all not understand that y'all are young and y'all are still growing and morphing into your body like give it some time there's things you can do like I said you can take care of your skin you can wear better you know get your your a hair that a hairstyle that fits you more you know what I'm saying you can get clothes that fit you better there's things you can do to increase your level of attraction or increase the way you look you can breathe better use poer uh tongue posture and fix your jawline a little bit especially if you're young there's things you can do but I'm telling you you don't look as bad as you think you just looking at yourself from the eyes of other people and that is corrupt that is very corrupt how are you supposed to see the valuable contents of who you are inside of you from looking through other people's eyes they can't see it because when let let me tell you this when you feel bad and you tell somebody oh man I feel bad and they tell you you don't feel bad you're okay you're like how the hell you going to tell me how I feel how you going to tell tell me what I think okay so why would you use their opinions to judge yourself why because your brain is corrupted you're not focusing on yourself we've been lied to all this dating information about oh text this girl and do this and do that it's all corrupt if you play stupid games you win stupid prizes if you want stupid prizes then B all means play stupid games and I say that with with full knowledge of knowing that hey whatever is out there you know to get that's what you got to get but you really don't you could always focus on yourself and wait for better opportunities you could always focus on yourself and relocate and if you're young focus on yourself your time is coming my friend don't rush it I rushed it and I'm you know I regretted it I was exposed to things very early in my life and I I just can't wait to grow up I just can't wait to grow up it's not what it's hyped out to be I promise it's not now with with the other part of my soul with me being Freedom free and independent I do love that you know the ability to get up and do this and get up and do that and cook this and do that and eat you know what I'm saying experience this but there's more to life my friend and you'll get to that point but if you really focus on yourself you will appreciate things more later on so Start To Love Yourself find ways to take care of yourself better care of yourself skin care hair care right Nails clothes there's ways to make you look better but don't let what somebody else thinks make your the vision of you become distorted because we're not meant to appeal to everyone because if we did like if everybody was attracted to everyone that would make no sense it would literally make no sense that would be it would just be stupid let's be honest but um yeah man think about yourself in a better manner love yourself and if you don't you better start now it's time for me to go eat I delayed that gratification you know I was given the opportunity to come eat like 15 minutes ago but I said nope got to make a video for my people or I have to talk to my people my apologies I'll get 10 push-ups after that for that but um I had to talk to my people had to have a good conversation and now my stomach is turning over and I will talk to you very soon I love you the tribe is on the rise and let's get it man