you ever wondered just why you just can't get healthy maybe that's it start making these little changes so that this was our emergency broadcast all right we're going to get right back into it Stacy and I are on the road away from the homestead but we are trying to bring you guys the news you can use so Stacy wants to share with you guys the latest study that just came out in January a lot of us kind of know this information already but they're coming out more and more with the truth of it and we want you guys to be aware of how it's affecting your health yeah and I think so many people this day in AG just want convenience and that's like oh well it's not going to mess with me or anything like that however this is so passionate and so close to my heart and I all of us can do something about it that's the whole thing I think a lot of us get lazy and we don't and it's affecting our health and it may not affect it right away and then we look at our young children that are developing um and things that are happening it it's just something that we could start changing and there's no coincidences a lot of this stuff all started happening during and the food Revolution and the uh industrialization of our food here in America if you guys are you know paying attention I mean grocery stores are only about 100 years old so until then all of us are growing our Necessities in our own yard but we want to talk about bottled water today cuz we know a lot of people drink bottled water we just had a conference the homesteading life conference and we saw a lot of people drinking bottled water and we want to explain to you guys what's going on with this bottled of water because it's not safe for you to drink even if you think you're getting the best alkaline spring water ever it's the container that's causing you a lot of problems so researchers from Rutter and Columbia University this past January they had done a study and it showed that there was quarter of a million Nano microplastics in one liter this is a liter one liter of plastic bottle water and they were like you know the good brands the bad Brands I mean there was a lot of different bottle water that are showing this and it's 10 to 100 times more of the levels that they had even anticipated and they were saying even the scientists that did the study after they did it they were so freaked out that they said they're never going to drink out of plastic water bottles again so we want to look at what this is doing it's causing like hormonal havoc on our body cuz we are just a bunch of hormones so when you look at men and the lowest testosterone in history we're having as well as hormone disrupting Cancers and diseases that are people that are having um this is affecting our hormonal system so these fake estrogens which are these microplastics they're called xenoestrogens and what they do is they're just going to go into the body and just wreak havoc so one thing that we could do that I think is so simple is we just need to have a plastic free diet so let's say well we're going to give you guys some Alternatives in this video but we want to talk about why are we even in the Plastics right we're in the Plastics because of some big families that run this place okay they decided that the big Plastics was the way to go so they could get more Petroleum in our hands and I know the big talk right now is about petroleum products and how we're supposed to be going green and electric cars and how petroleum's so bad and we should stop using it I want you to realize many of you do that Everything You Touch every day has Petroleum in it this bottle this C your clothes your toothpaste your medicines your hip replacement everything right that's they're they're just Perforating the market with all of these petroleum products at the same time gaslighting you telling you that they're going away and that we're going to run out and if you guys watched our earlier video that I did about the fossil fuel scam why they even called it fossil fuels I'll leave a link for it down in the video description below but you can watch that video in the big scam that we've been put through but a lot of this this ease that we're you know seeing in our bodies and Country and around especially in America is caused from all these products that we don't even need so we want to just try to educate you guys on this stuff and then give you some alternatives on how you can combat it so I'm going to I'm going to read this to you real quick so endocrine disorders are caused by dysfunction in your endocrine system so like I saying we are just a bunch of hormones so this includes your organs your glands your receptors that are affected by your hormones so some common endocrine disorders are your diabetes a lot of people have diabetes adrenal fatigue a lot of people have those I mean I suffered from all this I suffered from a lot of these hormonal problems and especially for ladies who are going through you know menopause param menopause you know all these different stages of menopause having these fake estrogens inside of us could make it so much worse as well as like Addison disease autoimmune diseases youve got hypothyroidism hyperthyroidism cancers PCOS so all these are regulated by our hormones and when your hormones are getting out of whack day in and day out you're having you know little water I know people that just drink out of those little plastic water bottles all the time and all the time and then we were driving down the highway um here because we're visiting our son and new grand grandson and uh there was a truck and it had cases and cases where out in the desert now it's 108° outside back of this truck it was an 18wheeler flatbed with them strapped Downes and cases of plastic water and the first thing I told Stacy was oh look at there's our video right there we didn't get a picture of it but man but that's one of the problems is this uh water is being transported and it's heating up to very high levels and a lot of times you guys are even buying them while they sit outside of the store so not only is the the sun Riser hitting them but the actual temperatur is warming them up which causes the leeching of the plastic into the water some very simple things that we could do is just basically switch over to Glass again get out of the Plastics now glass might cost a little bit more for you to get right but it's going to be better for your health and this is a great example of Mountain Valley Water they've been around since the 1800s they have glast bottle options this is how we started when we first started finding out about the Plastics and stuff years we were getting off the flued City water and we started investigating how we could get water at the house you know without a reverse osmosis or all this kind of stuff and we found a mountain valley and we liked them because they delivered their uh water in the 5 gallon deos glass Bott glass okay and so that's why we went with them and we investigated them and they have a lot of minerals in their water and so that's been really good this is a if you are wanting to know a really good Spring Water this is a great one that's a good one so just to just to pay a little more up front and get the glass bottles or one of the easiest solutions would be is to just have filtered water at home but then leave your home with your container that you have stainless steel how much does that hold oh this is uh what is this about a little over a liter yeah so if you drink more water like I do then you could get yourself a glass jug this is a one gallon glass jug maybe you buy some apple juice and then you get rid of it you know drink it up or whatever or pour it out most apple juice you probably would to pour it out uh and and then you get this jug here I think Gary our friend got this because his friend drinks some wine and this comes in this container here so this is how I roll with my gallon every day and then of course you guys know you see them in the stores there's plenty of stainless steel Alternatives that you can get them in all sizes you can get them gallon sizes half gallon sizes smaller you can get them in glass bottles with you know the covers there are ways of getting around putting things in plastic so don't go home you know leave home without your water and then be having toy this at the stops at the quick marks and stuff right make sure you're planting ahead put your water in here that you've already filtered not the tap water good filtered water or well water if you guys got that and make sure you're travel them with your bottle that you have so you don't have any Plastics going in you a lot of the um tap water even has the Plastics in it right so now we're going to talk about how we can actually get the tap water out of or get the Plastics out of your tap water there's a way you can kind of filter it or heat it up right yeah this is It's kind of simple so if you do have tap water and there it says it's like 90% effective um where you boil the water and then once it's cooled down because the calcium in the water the Plastics will attach to it and then you can filter it through a make sure it's an um unbleached coffee filter and then you can just pour it through there and then that way it can so we heat up the water to what a rolling boil yeah I would probably do it f and take it off and let it set for a second yeah and then just pour it and pour it through the coffee filter and then all the N plasticore it maybe in a glass container like this like I like to travel with this it's just a glass container that we keep cuz we drink room temperature water anyway so this is where I keep my water in a plastic container so if I go places and I find really cool containers or people give them to me all the time they're glass and I just love it so it works out fine y'all get out of the Plastics we're telling you that it's making havoc on your life and everything hormonal system and remember we are all hormones and without men and women and people are like it's no big deal I see people you know with their families cuz it's easier they're just buying cases and cases of those little bottles of water and their little because their city water so bad they're they think they're doing better by getting this but actually it's even worse because of the nanoplastics right so we're just trying to help you guys out we're taking time uh to to educate you guys even while we're on the road because we do care about you and your health and we know a lot of this disease that's being caused out there is from the environment so to speak but that's the environment that they're shoving on us to get us this way we're firm Believers that they are keeping us in a relatively sick state so they could big Pharma us to death until we get out of here and that relieves us of a lot of our money and a lot a lot of our you know time that we could spend being creative and loving and caring and stuff like that right so now we're all sickly and you know everything's so that's a big thing right so I'm always both of us are you know making these changes in our lives Little Steps at a time and I think not buying those little plastic water bottles is a good way to start you know if you don't want to change anything else and just oh here's another thing you want to also have a more of a like a detoxifying type of a diet so look at like in the morning Doug and I have lemon water organic lemon um with our pinch of Redmond salt um in some good clean water Citrus is really good your procious vegetables are good uh like your BL broccoli cauliflower your brussel sprouts things like that are good in your diet as well as some green tea it's got good polyphenols um your berries like your blueberries your blackberries your raspberries organic make sure you're doing that strawberries yes those are all very helpful you know and these things we start adding to our diet are going to be helpful but if we can get a plastic-free diet that's what I'm going to call it our PFD everyone we have to have a PFD try to stay away as much plastic as we can you know even if you're getting something in plastic if you guys are buying those dinners where you got to boil up them in the plastic bags please stop that anything that you have to heat up around plastic is not good for you right so just look into that make sure you're using real materials like glass or stone wear and all that and just some this is something simple anybody can do it so we don't like this a quarter of a million of in one pint it no liter one liter you guys are drinking several of these a day million nanom microplastic particles if you ever wondered just why you just can't get healthy yeah maybe that's it start making these little changes so that this was our emergency broadcast I would I'm just really have passionate about this and all of us can do something about it all right we'll see you guys on the next one share this video with your friends if you found it valuable and leave a comment down below if you are going to ditch the bottled of water see you guys [Music] did you guys know that in the 16 17 and 1800s chocolate was consumed as a beverage there was no such thing as a chocolate candy bar well we're bringing chocolate tea back to the 21st century because it's loaded with antioxidants our body loves and it's a great source of magnesium that's wonderful for bone and heart health it's a great addition to your coffee machine or your French press or just along with your favorite sweetener you can find it at offgrid withd along with our brand new tea infuser simple to use for easy steeping cheers