so apparently if you shoot two Hollow purples at the same time they'll cancel each other out and here we go nope yeah they straight up cancel each other out in this video I'll be busting 50 new myths in Jiu-Jitsu Shenanigans oh y'all thought I was done if I see a myth on Roblox I'm busting and for this myth apparently bji kick can counter rush you annoying Brett oh I should have I was not even close enough two three wow that is insane and for the next one apparently you can counter open too oh no I just it still works what no that's actually insane all right this one is definitely not true there's no way I'm about to Maji kick this world slash all right time it time it oh I did not time it all right hit me with it that was perfect time can haki's jackpot survives auda's domain all right hit that domain oh damn what's going on here all right let's see how we can try yo start throwing moves at me okay so when you're taking this much attacks it actually just lowers your Awakening part quicker so I can't survive it a jackpot technically but let's see if hakari can survive two Hollow purples damn by spamming jump W2 and R while you have no cooldowns with itadori you can fly oh yeah y I'm actually flying I want to get to this building get me on the top of this building there we go for this one let's see if the new newa move can knock you through the wall yes it can for this myth can you wall jump into a black flash wall jump yes indeed I'm not going to lie the wall jumps are going to be a part of combos it's going to get crazy okay using cursed strikes with the right timing you can throw somebody into a domain that did not work all right let me try that again no that did not work that is Cap can a hollow purple break a domain and Smoky go ahead and open up that domain go ahead and break that thing [Music] Dojo Flawless Victory okay okay so what we're going to do is I want to see if Hollow purple can destroy two domes now Sage go ahead and shoot them mhm one two one through both okay for this B apparently you can climb a flat wall if you turn your bows correctly there we we go I'm not going to lie that took me a lot of practice to learn apparently using rush you can knock somebody into a domain what the heck it put me in here oh you're in there you're in there yeah I'm me yeah get beat up this man apparently almost all of the Billboards are spoilers and if you haven't watched jjk well don't just don't look at these Billboards well this one is just straight up not true this is just not true especially this one bakari died to two Hollow purples but can he survive a hollow purple and an open what's the name they call it fire arrow okay Dam I still took a lot of damage from that though oh my gosh I surv H the hollow fuga one more time one more time say go ahead shoot me I dare you okay so apparently with kakar's third I should be able to break it oh yeah it's actually the time you did I lied I use a world slide Oh wow was that was me the power that blew away that mountain that was my sword okay let's try you go that did not seem like it worked I even think K Cari can break a domain this timed out for this myth I wanted to see if you could actually save somebody from a domain with Mega's new toad variation kill each and yep that did not work [Music] you can jump over a world slash pleas go ahead go ahead and come down hey oh you were behind me I don't have my cool down sorry my cool Downs back there you go you try [Music] again you pretty much can't cuz you have to stand still in order to do it okay no yeah you can okay you can jump over the world slash but can you teleport out why do I have no pants go ahead and use that world slash wow you actually can you can straight teleport out of it there's too many ways to dodge that can haki's unique skill block reversal red all right throw that red at me that blew right through my doors damn that [ __ ] go through right like the even the Red Dot just goes through my door oh yeah knocks it away yeah I guess it didn't explode on me though it blocks or yeah it BR yeah Jiu-Jitsu Shenanigans has a mechanic for getting teamed up so if you both can like punch me come on your bumper yeah just keep hitting me I don't know if I have to block how do you do it Dam oh did it that time can you make a hollow purple Duke with a black flash okay so I'm MO Co set yeah it does not go through at all so did world slash get nerfed and you cannot break Dum AIDS now don't now break that joint put your back into it I didn't put my back into out now break mine that was a the purple that wasn't me you spooky but whoever said it world slash could destroy a domain I guess it should it's a world slash you slash The Space Between The Domain it should work can a hollow purple beat 50 W's okay survive that [Music] [ __ ] okay that seems like it did the trick oh no there's no left can you save somebody from a domain with toad come back oh no it sucked right back in so I guess it kind of depends on the timing if you're early you can but if you're late it's a no go the shoot okay let's try it with laps blue y I actually think I oh is he still in there I pulled you out but it dragged you right back in no you dragged me cuz you decided to kick me after you pulled me try to turn Keem so when you kick it's not toward just teleports you right back in there can not save nobody from it okay so for this one can newe stop a hollow purple Duke all right oh damn I did that way earlier okay God damn it new way you missed damn I could even get the red yeah New Way can indeed stop all right can haki's doors stop new way damn a little bit after you missed missed again Dam the shitty it actually blocked it okay's R is actually good now we're going to see if haki's R can stop the toe tuong D okay boom nice it actually came I had to time it yeah can 50 dubies survive Sakura's domain oh he oh my God slashes are insane Here Comes fuga oh no oh no oh no look at all the bodies two folas will destroy a building all right so sage and ey here ready as sakuna and here's one full building damn that did not really destroy nothing so this time we're inside the building so let's try it out all right on three one two three I hear the fire it's boiling up oh my gosh well it kind of almost did N I did destroy the full building that's a fail kind of okay so this was more simple we're going to see if hakari R can drop uh block a trash can no it takes so long to get to you the trash can all right I'm going throw it and then you block it okay all right all right one two three wow wow wow wow one two three yep yes it can car are is cooking now it blocked a trash can but let's see if it can block a chair sorry rest out about the bar this you put that chair now damn oh damn folded that chair okay next one can you teleport out of a domain expansion with Gojo ready yep H oh I actually teleported out okay W only teleport if somebody in your vicinity hello but if I do it like this it will not work can you bji kick a toad tongue okay ow my neck okay yes you can you can shoot someone while they're climbing with the awaken reversal red all right Sage go ahead and start climbing D and then for this next one can you stop somebody from climbing with blue obviously for this one you can stop somebody from climbing with this hey hey hey I'm about to shoot M kick you can bito inju shig gam G well domain expansion cancel open from shooting okay okay start open oh but not while you're inside yeah it'll cancel the move but it won't stop it from the inside so if you get the timing right you can set off a hollow purple nuke while in a domain as I'm doing red use your domain perfect oh wait is that still yeah I did it okay for the next one can World SL beat 50 dumes okay Dam one three two R spam that didn't do nothing to those dummies bro oh no I [ __ ] it up just keep hitting them D you're using normal dismantle [ __ ] all right you know say leave him alone actually leave him alone can two Hollow purple nukes beat 50 dubies we both J oh I'm lagging yo Dam woo oh I didn't kill them all but we got a lot of them oh my God domains can still trap you from different floors and here we go yep it does it very easily all right now let's try it from underground why is it so [Music] bright yep it work works just fine too and for this myth I've definitely done this in public servers before if you use Rush on the bottom floor it will knock you up to the top floor bom oh I guess not oh am I missing what the heck's going on does it not knock you up anymore no way this myth there is apparently a mega secret domain leak out Yep this is exact exactly it now I'm not going to lie I hope they buff Mega me because I think his character is trash garbage and for this myth you can Gojo people in jitu Shenanigans can malevolent Shrine defeat 100 D oh my God my PC it's so SLA me oh my God how did you get in here what the heck and number 50 the one you always know you will like this video in 10 seconds or I will Hollow purple your toe all right it time it's just like you said [Music]