Introduction to MATLAB Programming Basics

Oct 2, 2024

Learning MATLAB with Phil Parisi

Introduction to MATLAB

  • MATLAB is a widely used programming language and software suite in academia and industry.
  • Used for data analysis, scientific computing, and visualizations.

MATLAB Environment


  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for MATLAB.
  • Command Window: Acts as a calculator for quick computations.

Basic Commands

  • Arithmetic operations: e.g., 7 + 8, 10 - 5.
  • sqrt(): Function to calculate the square root.
  • Variables:
    • ans: Default variable for storing the last output.
    • Creating variables: e.g., x = 10, y = 20.
    • Clear variables: clearvars, clear command window: clc.

Data Types and Variables

Creating Variables

  • Assign values: x = 10, y = 20.
  • Workspace: Displays current variables and their values.
  • Types of Variables:
    • Double: Default numeric type.
    • Char: Character strings (use single quotes).
    • String: Use double quotes.

Suppressing Output

  • Use semicolons ; to suppress output in the command window.
  • Comma Operator: Allows multiple commands on one line.

MATLAB Functions and Commands

  • Whos: Lists current variables and their types.
  • Linspace: Generates linearly spaced vectors.
    • Example: linspace(0, 100, 20): From 0 to 100 with 20 points.
  • Ones and Zeros: Generate matrices filled with 1s or 0s.
  • Identity Matrix: eye(n) generates an n x n identity matrix.

Matrices and Arrays

Creating Arrays and Matrices

  • Define manually with brackets [], e.g., [1 2 3].
  • Operations: Addition, subtraction, multiplication follow matrix rules.
  • Transpose: ' operator for transposing matrices.

Element-wise Operations

  • Use the dot . before operators for element-wise operations.
  • Example: x.^2 for squaring each element of x.

Indexing and Manipulating Data

  • Access elements by indices: a(2,3) for 2nd row, 3rd column.
  • Use colon : to access entire rows or columns.
  • End keyword: Represents the last index.

Plotting in MATLAB

Basic Plotting

  • Plot function: plot(x, y) creates a graph.
  • Customization: Colors, markers, and line styles.
    • Example: plot(x, y, 'r--') for red dashed lines.
  • Titles and Labels: Use xlabel, ylabel, title for axes and titles.

Multiple Plots

  • Hold on: Overlay multiple plots on the same graph.
  • Figure Windows: figure(n) for separate plot windows.
  • Subplots: Display multiple plots in a single figure using subplot.

Logical Operations and Control Flow

Logical Tests

  • Perform logical tests: x > 5, x == 3.
  • Output is a logical array of 1s (true) and 0s (false).

If Statements

  • Basic syntax: if condition, actions, end.
  • Used to execute code based on conditions.


For Loops

  • Syntax: for variable = range, actions, end.
  • Used for iterating over a sequence of numbers.

While Loops

  • Syntax: while condition, actions, end.
  • Loop continues as long as condition is true.

Custom Functions

  • Creating Functions: Use function keyword.
  • Input/Output arguments: Define in the function header.
  • Save function in a separate .m file in the same directory.

Optimization and Performance

  • Vectorization: Process data in vectors for efficiency.
  • Timing Code: Use tic and toc to measure code execution time.


  • MATLAB offers extensive capabilities for data manipulation and visualization.
  • Encouraged to explore MATLAB documentation and online resources for further learning.

Note: This is a comprehensive overview intended to give a foundational understanding of MATLAB basics.