Transcript for:
Boot Camp Week 3: Check-in and Community Engagement

what is Good Guys welcome to I forget what day boot camp this is but I'm in Miami as you can see back on the shitty laptop setup I will say feels this is my first time using my laptop after using the PC and like this thing is ass I I know I was sneak this in the PC and all the Nerds about it and I still think you're a nerd if you have a PC but I'll claim I'll claim nerd I'll just run with my hair I'll claim nerd status because like I have to I have to because I have a PC um but anyways that has nothing to do with what we're talking about um today I just realized we hit week three and we had a check-in at week number one after week one and I said I was going to do a check-in after two weeks and now we're at week three and I never and we already passed week three and I never did a check-in so to make life I guess a little bit easier for me while I'm here because I I'm I'm on zero hours of sleep um and I know you guys I I last time I was in Miami I was on zero hours of sleep this is a different story I just got here um I just got here and I'm still on zero hours of sleep I was up way too late last night in Puerto Rico I missed my flight to come here anyways whatever I just want to check in um because I said I was going to do this in the first place and then just like kind of forgot about it but I loved the first check-in that I did because that actually gave me Insight of like what you guys want to see going forward like you know some things that I could improve on um and you know like the more constructive criticism I get from you guys like obviously dude I [ __ ] love every single video I drop on the boot camp everyone's showing love everyone's like you know being great people and I love that it's hard to understand like what I need to do to help you guys even more because this is what this whole thing's about right it's hard for me to understand what you guys need and I have a pretty solid like idea of where I want to go with this boot camp but um it's hard for me to understand like the smaller things or you know like just small little benefits that you guys um would want from this because remember this whole thing is all about you guys so it would be kind of it would be stupid and this is why this is why my [ __ ] is way better than any any other course because it's literally interactive like we are posting videos every single day and I can actually read the comments and be like oh they want to learn about this cool I'll make a video versus of course it's like you have this and you just paid for it and if you have any questions [ __ ] you you know um like look it up and then you're like oh damn everything that I just paid for is free online um so this is what I want to do today going to be a nice little short video let's check in literally just flood the comments with um video I guess ideas or like things that you would like to see going forward I do have like a pretty set up plan of of where I want to go until we finish the strategy in like the whole in like my psychology section um but after that like I said I want to continue doing this boot camp series um and once I get all the main topics out of the way you know we can start delving into like the super you know many many things that are very beneficial right if you have if you have a hundred little mini pieces that you can plug into your trading to benefit you like all of those little mini pieces are benefiting you one percent yeah you know what I'm saying like you're you're going to be you're going to be great you're going to be awesome um and it's going to drastically improve your trading and you know the I I have five years of experience five years of market experience and um in these markets so if anything like if I can even give you bits and pieces of what I've learned through those five years that could you know potentially accelerate you maybe even like a couple months ahead where you would be losing by chopping those because the way that you learn and the way that you turn profitable in trading is you lose you learn from it you lose you learn from it you lose you lose you lose you lose you lose you lose you lose you lose and you're just continuing continuously learning these small little lessons whether they're like you know major themes or just like sometimes like small things like oh I shouldn't trade directly after news comes out I should wait for price to develop a little bit boom free game game is game um so boom that it's just like small stuff like that that I've already had to learn and maybe you guys just have like these you know kind of small um uh what's the word small and like um dude I'm blanking like individual questions that you are that you want to know about drop them in the comments um and and I'm here for you guys right because like it it'll get to the point where I don't really know what to post anymore but I still have so much information I just you know it's it gets hard for me to think of like okay well what do I tell them now because I think that basic information those little pieces I think that's just normal right because I've already been through it and it's just in my head and I don't know I don't I I'm not consciously thinking like oh yeah maybe they do want to know how to close half of their position on metatrader maybe they want to know like stop like how to place this like correct stop loss placement maybe they want a video on where to set take profits um and I've seen that that uh video recommendation come up multiple times so we'll do a video on that and those are the things that I want you guys to drop in the comments for this so I can start I'm literally I literally have a Notes app bro I'm such a [ __ ] I'm a little [ __ ] [ __ ] for you guys I'm such a little you guys are you guys literally own me I hope you understand you guys own me I literally do like I see you guys comments I see literally everything you guys say I see your guys comments and you know like you guys say something I put it in my notes I'm here for you guys like this whole thing is just for you um because guess what you guys are giving me the opportunity to do fun [ __ ] um like not not through like money obviously but just through me having an audience being able to meet these cool people just through having an audience it's amazing and and you guys are the reason that I'm able to do that so I I have to something about me you will never you'll never be able to gift me something and expect nothing in return I will always get you back and the and some I will always get you back and way more um because I come on now you're not you're not gonna buy me any gifts you're not gonna give me no handouts I'm not I'm not your little baby I'm not your girl okay if I Was Your Girl I'll be arching my back all right um and and I'm not doing that right now okay so um you know like drop drop your [ __ ] comments and and I'm I'm here for you guys I'm here to do whatever the [ __ ] you guys need me to um to help you guys succeed and improve because again this boot camp has just been it's been fun bro it's been I love making these videos why I I very well could have just made a tick tock or like Po like I don't know like some story posts on YouTube just like yo Boys in Miami forgot my computer when I didn't uh forgot my computer I'll make it up to you by posting like two videos when I get back to Puerto Rico that's a [ __ ] move and I wouldn't even do that because I I like sitting down in front of the camera and just talking to you guys bro I swear the reason why like you guys kind of [ __ ] with me it's because we're having a one-on-one conversation it's between me and you even though I'm talking to like technically a lot of people it's a one-on-one conversation between tjr and whoever is behind the screen right now and there's a bunch of people behind the screen just in different places but it's still between me and you and right it can't be a one-sided conversation I need you I need y'all to hit me back right it's like when you go it's when it's like when you go up to a girl who thinks she's like super cool and you're like oh it's good like talking like talking to her and she's like giving you like super dry boring responses because like she thinks she's hot [ __ ] and it's like like this is a two-way street like this is a hand in hand like we gotta work together on this and like and then like you know an hour later she's like feeling you and it's like okay bro like what happened uh okay yeah like what are you stupid all right um but yeah so don't be a hot girl well if you are DM me but you guys know how that goes um but yeah don't be a hot girl in the comment section comment it like stop saying oh no this sounds so terrible I don't even know if I want to say this stop saying like oh bro like I love you I appreciate you I do I love seeing that trust me I love it I appreciate it thank you I see that and this is gonna sound like such a douchey thing I see that so often that it's like I I it gives me it gives me nothing like I want to have more of a connection with you guys let me be your boy let me be your friend you know like don't treat me like some [ __ ] Idol don't treat me like that I'm your friend bro I'm your boy so treat it like that let's have a [ __ ] conversation okay this is my this is my conversation this is me talking to you hit me back in the comments say yo tjr bro you can say yo I've been loving the boot camp I would love to see this yo I [ __ ] with your videos bro you're motivating you're cool you got a massive ass dude it's so big I would love to eat it but can you make a video on this or do literally like tell me [ __ ] that's going on in your life did you bag a girl last night what day is it today Sunday do you bag a girl on Saturday are you texting a girl do you have a girlfriend why are we only talking about girls how's your breath how's your how's your job situation where are you working at how's your family Happy Father's Day by the way I bought my dad a Rolex for Father's Day shout out pops um you know be be human don't don't treat me like it don't be a fan don't be a fan of me I want you to be my friend genuinely like because you guys are cool people you guys are awesome bro like I love I lit I love I love meeting you guys out in public and it's funny like how many people are like bro I saw you but I was too scared to come up to you why I feel like if anything I'm like one of the most like don't give a [ __ ] influencers where like if somebody were to come up to me it's like bro I'm dapping you up and it's like yeah we'll be boys and we'll talk versus like some people like you know they just think they're hot [ __ ] and like you know people will come up to them and um they'll be like Yeah man you'll make it one day little [ __ ] [ __ ] you know like I don't I'm not gonna do that I'm not gonna little bro y'all IRL unless you're like you know like a dick then a little bro you um put you in your place but like still you're still like you know what I'm saying like be my boy be my friend if you see me out in public say what's good give me a [ __ ] just be like yo literally if you see me see me across the street yell at me bro dude like okay last uh this past weekend there there's a there's a kid in my community in in Puerto Rico and he saw me at the gym and he was like bro tjr and I was like yeah yeah and he was like dude no way like I didn't know you lived here and I was like yeah I just moved to like all this stuff and um and then we hit a lift together because he was cool and he treated me like just a normal ass dude don't whenever you're meeting someone that you look up to or someone that like you know maybe you like idolize or whatever you know someone that you watch on YouTube You're a fan of don't approach them as a fan just say literally like this would be an example of how to approach me yo like yo tjr we're good um bro I [ __ ] I [ __ ] with your stuff and then it literally just be like yeah you don't even have to say I can [ __ ] with yourself you can literally just be like bro yeah like I seen your stuff and like you're you're cool peoples and and then just go into conversation don't be like holy [ __ ] can we take a picture dude yeah we can take a picture but be my boy first bro I hate lit bro when we were at FX Summit and I'm sorry if this was any any of you guys but this was real when I was at FX Summit I literally had I I you know when you can tell when someone's looking at you I felt all your eyes bruh I felt your eyes on me and I saw you there was multiple people that did this but I saw them walk past me once and like did a double take they were like and then walk past me again and you could tell they were like waiting for me to get out of conversation with like the people that I was I was with I wasn't even in a deep conversation I was just sitting I was literally sitting on a couch I was sitting on a chair um and like these dudes they literally just like walked Walked back and forth I mean it was multiple people that did this but they just like walked back and forth and then they finally were like okay and then they like went up to me and they were like tjr and I was and then like we were cool bro if anything like when you all approached me I'll I'll start the conversation for us I'll make it normal for us just don't be a fan again be my friend so you're now my boy um you're now my boy what's good let me know how I can improve and help you guys with trading and with that being said I'll see you guys for boot camp um who knows what day it is uh what boot camp day it is tomorrow but finishing up the order blocks series and then we get into equilibrium and then after equilibrium boom strategy time putting everything together and that's that's when this show will get exciting so with that being said I'm going to try and upload this uh this video on this terrible Wi-Fi right now um if it gets uploaded later I'm sorry but that being said that's it from me I'll catch you boys peace