Transcript for:
Transformative Year Journey

if my life is like this next year I don't know how I'm going to continue and I don't want to continue anymore got rex rex rex to the ATM Jam [Music] freak hello everyone I'm back in Australia after 5 months of being away I've been through 13 different countries and well IE with you Dubai random I know we'll get into that in this video but today I want to talk about the most transformative year of my life like if I compare my life last year to my life this year it is on fathomable the difference and something that I totally did not expect and I'm going to show you how to do that as well before we get started let's go on a little bit of last year's law because I don't want people to watch this and go oh like it won't happen to me listen if you you are one of those people who first of all when you watch a video like this and someone's giving you tips you go yeah it will never happen for me you're right like you just secured your own fate of course it will never happen to you cuz you got a terrible mindset nothing good will ever happen to you because guess what you said it yourself and I'm not going to try to change your mind yeah the story is for anyone who thinks life won't get better it will before we get started tror trip applications are still out if you want to work on the trip secondly internship applications are still out thirdly School Journal is out fourthly private community is coming building the app from scratch let's get into it okay last year perhaps was out of my entire life the worst year I can't even like speak about what happened cuz I get too emotional but let's just say by the end of last year I wanted to like I felt like my life was not going to get better and that the whole year I was pushing pushing pushing this uphill battle and boulders were just like falling down this mountain that I was trying to climb up and setting me back and I just could not climb and this is not in a career sense it is there was a lot of things going on and it was just terrible yeah I remember like vividly thinking to myself like lying on my bed going if my life is like this next year I don't know how I'm going to continue and I don't want to continue anymore but I persevered am my life now holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] 1 year ago I'm lying on my bed crying saying I want to and now I live in Dubai like life is so Random you guys but this is going lead to point number one m you need to have a good mindset the more successful I get the more I hang out with successful people and I get older the clear difference between those who make it and those who don't is their [Music] mindset s my situation last year I remember my friends were telling me they'd say Simone if I were in your situation I would have given up like I don't know how you do it I kept persisting persisting persisting cuz I knew that is all I had to do there will inevitably be obstacles it's not always going to be smooth sailing so you need to figure a way to just continue and rewire your mind I think last year those adversities I went through damn they were a challenge to me it really challenged all my beliefs and my trust in the universe and in myself but it made me who I am now there are so many people I know and they watch my videos they even have me in real life helping them and their mindset does not change cuz I will tell them the answer and they're like oh I'm going to try it for a little bit and then if it doesn't work I'm going to give up yeah that's why you're never going to succeed the Stu like if it was easy everyone would do it nothing that is good comes easily by the way I need to paint my nails nothing that is good will come easily okay you know why cuz everyone would do it then and this will lead into a point later on okay so bear with me guys please watch to the end of this video I promise you it will help you every year I make a video like this and it's because every year my life changes in a very different type of way no doubt the next video I make next year will be so much different cuz I keep leveling up and so can you okay this is going to lead into point two you need to yes persist and continue because if you are always progressing even if to you it doesn't feel like you're progressing but at least you're making movement or small changes every day remember 1% better every day it equals to this you're going to get there eventually while if you regress and you don't do anything of course you're not going to get there you just need to make small changes every single day persist okay leads into Point number three you need to trust the natural progression of your life you know that song Vienna like it's true you need to slow down and this is what I tell myself every day like I assume you're young even if you're like under 35 you're relatively young you know the grand scheme of things not everything has to happen right now social media really makes it seem like things are happening so fast for people and yes it can happen fast like for me this year you know but I would say it's quite out of ordinary for something like this to happen will my next year be like this perhaps not who knows but don't compare yourself okay you need to trust your own timeline and your own progression and I also had immense trust in the universe now because guys if you knew what happened last year like the things that was happening to me last year I really had to believe something bigger was happening for me otherwise I would have gone crazy so that year challenged my beliefs challenged my faith in myself the universe the whole way through you need to trust the larger plan for yourself and also trust that you will get you to wherever you want to be I have unwavering confidence with myself there is nothing I can't do leads to point number one mindset ever since I was a little child literally nothing there is nothing Out Of Reach for me I had the craziest dreams when I was a child and my mom would told me you can't do it because she was a realist and I think most people in this world are realist I'm not even delusional because I know my capabilities and I know my skills and I know that I'll get myself there if I need to that's confidence and I made another video about confidence you can watch and it's like if you don't there is a difference between delusion and confidence you're delusional if you don't have the skills and the resources and the knowledge to get you to where you want to be okay that's delusion then but if you have that that's confidence don't be dulu be confident go get those skills in order to give you the confidence okay I've talked about this a lot but every single year I get a tarot reading at the beginning of the year I just like to see like outline of my year like how I can expect it to go and don't worry tarot readers don't really tell you bad things they tend to just give you like a little warning for example mine was like okay October you need to be like wary of your health and lo behold my jaws started to get more [ __ ] up IJ September will be an important month why was September an important month cuz I M to Du Buy in that month don't be scared to get a tarot reading um you also your life is in your hands okay I like to see a Tarot as kind of a guide so I don't follow it to a tea I might refer back to it every couple of months but it's just fun to see how things are going to go and to put your mind at ease for example my last year was so bad so when my tarot said this year will be a lot easier for me I just went into that year I'm manifesting that already cuz I'm like Oh my tarot said this year will be easy and I get these readings with my sponsor Kanan Kan connects you to talent to tarot readers and astrologers if you want to get a reading on ke it's super easy to start all you need to do is create an account and you'll be able to choose from hundreds of for are online right now each reader has unique talents and Specialties designed to provide a deeper understanding of your situation you want to learn more about your love life get a reading of your birth chart is he cheating on you talk to a dead or an a life pet for an example the options are Limitless and you'll be able to connect via phone call or text and as a new customer of keen you can get your first 10 minutes for only $1.99 which is over $99 in savings go to my link here get your reading and they over $99 on your first reading I did difficult things this is something I really didn't during the previous years everything was easy and free flowing what are difficult things I'll give you the first example number one I moved to Dubai I'm going to give you quick like Dubai context so I wanted to find a home abroad if you're a longtime viewer of me you know that I always wanted to leave Australia and I just felt like I belonged abroad but I didn't know where exactly I decided that would be Paris I loved it felt like home there's a million reasons why I don't need to explain but when you're self-employed in Paris you pay like up to 75% in taxes and social contributions and other fees and I'm like this is just not a logical and smart move for me if I want to build wealth at a young age to pay like that much tax like no so I had two options number one I could go to Portugal get the D7 visa and then you know travel back and forth between Paris and then the second option was move to Dubai Dubai is very easy to move to if you're self-employed you just start your company and sponsor yourself which is what I did so by the way if you want to start your own company in Dubai like click the link below I use creative Zone and that's so good use that anyways so these were two different options why did I choose you buy a place I had honestly not really been to I'd visited when I was a child don't remember it I visited one day before Paris as a stopover didn't really experience it it's much more expensive to live there compared to Portugal obviously a very different type of Life why did I choose that compared to Portugal which is a lot more easy breezy and cheaper it's because I knew that duai would push me I didn't know anyone there but I knew it would push me I knew the environment would push me I knew that having to spend more money on rent is going to push me to make more money push me to make more connections about strategy life strategy we talk about this in The Game of Life where is your location going to benefit you more I knew it was Dubai not Portugal how many entrepreneurs are in Portugal how many you know there are some but are there a lot compared to Dubai no people in Dubai they're all about networking so I knew that is where I was going to reap the most rewards especially when I'm young I'm 23 so I'm strategic watch My Game of Life video so yes this was a really difficult thing and when I got to Dubai 2 weeks ago cuz I was there you know doing the medical testing getting my residency I cried I had paid for my company before I moved cuz I was on a time crunch I paid a lot of money to set up there and I was like what have I done I didn't like it when I first went I was like so miserable going like what have I done like I really made the wrong decision here and I thought this because I felt uneasy but just because you feel uneasy about something it doesn't mean it's wrong which is my next point just because something doesn't feel good it doesn't mean you're making the wrong decision just because something's an unfamiliar feeling you've never experienced doesn't mean it's the wrong decision and in those two weeks in Dubai baby I was a different person and networked like crazy like I can't even describe it I feel like I'm in a simulation in Dubai is it my home forever definitely not in fact I will be spending half of the year in Paris as intended that's the little Dubai story there but yeah I really did it to push myself that was a difficult decision and like I live a really comfortable life in Australia Dubai so so expensive very uncomfortable the people there very different to Australians so yeah I was really out of my comfort zone that was a difficult decision I made leave everything I knew and move abroad to a place where I knew literally no one this is a really really big Point actually and I think if I did not experience what I'm about to tell you I would have never moved to Dubai I would have done all the things I've done in the rest of the year I solo traveled so I have always been someone who I don't like to do things alone entirely I was just scared I've told this story before but what happened was I booked a trip with a friend she cancelled she left me in the dark and I was forced to go alone and this terrified me cuz I did not want to go alone it turned out to be the best time of my life I really learned so much about myself I knew that I was now able to handle being alone whatever life was throwing at me and and it just opened the world up after that I just went and traveled alone for the next 5 months that gave me so much confidence I do like literally everything alone you guys if I want to go to Antarctica alone I'm going to go to Antarctica alone I really encourage all of you to try solar traveling at some point in time I have a video on my second Channel about this but it gives you so much confidence in yourself I did things which would give me the greatest Roi so that du buy decision is a big Roi in comparison into Portugal for example if I was in Portugal I would be chilling like on the beach probably like barley life every day Dubai [ __ ] no hustle bustle baby when I was in Dubai for those two weeks I worked like crazy every day all day babe like I work for myself not just YouTube 14 nowadays non-stop working and I loved it I felt The Vibes in Dubai would I feel these Vibes in Portugal probs not also you know we've talked about Roi other things that give you a high Roi are things like therapy working out out D I said yes a lot okay I used to be someone who was actually quite introverted I really kept myself bad idea so I said yes a lot why cuz next point I'm a data collector go watch the game of Life video I'm a data collector the more people I meet the more experienc as I have the more doors open the more data you collect about yourself the world other people this was huge and it really helped change who I was as a person as well I would say I used to be quite like introverted I didn't like meeting new people people at all in fact hated it would avoid it I love it now I live for it I collect so much data it's insane and that's why you guys get such good videos from me because who else is out there on YouTube collecting data like I am oh by the way you guys private Community is coming soon I've been saying this for months and it's because we're literally like building an app from scratch and everything it shall be the best community in the world I feel the final step is I lived for the now something I used to do in the past was I lived in the future future if you've been a longtime viewer you know that I was obsessed with Europe when I was like 20 every day I dreamed of Europe every day every day there is on a day that went by where I just didn't think of Europe or lived in the future of me going to Europe and what happened the year went by like that I don't even remember it by the time last year I went to Europe I was kind of miserable on that trip cuz number one the expectation it didn't live up to what I dreamed about for the previous two years two I was like what happened after this now I also had this realization then where you cannot constantly be living for better days your better days are right now you can't be like okay one day when this happens or like you b a holiday so that you can look forward to that or you're waiting for the weekend you need to wake up every day and enjoy the present moment and try to make this day a good day because we only have a limited amount of days on Earth so try to make every single day count even if you even if you're just doing like one exciting thing one thing a day that makes you go okay I did not waste today for me I wasted the day if I woke up late I'm scrolling on my phone all day like d like that is a day wasted for me even if I do the things I just said if I like go for a walk for example or I like hang out with a family member or a friend that's not a day wasted I've just redeemed that day that is how I changed my life in a year I hope you got some wisdom from this video if you watch this video and you instead of getting inspired you find all the reasons why you will not change your life the babe you're never going to change your life life stay a loser for life okay like this video is for not the so good luck okay guys thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed this video you're in the like the summer F away nothing can say right we make it look you're beautiful un we American give me dream make me happy and yeah yeah yeah [Music] yeah fer [Music] Hy and Hy and Hy and Hy