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My Journey to Building Confidence
Oct 28, 2024
Building Confidence: A Personal Journey
Story of transformation and building confidence.
Transition from middle school insecurities to a confident persona.
Creation of an alter ego named
HBK Mind
(Heartbreak Kid Mind).
Transformation Journey
Overcoming Insecurities
Insecurities about hair, face, and overall appearance.
Developing a new persona to handle heartbreak and rejection.
HBK Mind Philosophy
Not set to break hearts but rather to protect own heart.
Refusal to give reactions that allow others to break your heart.
Avoidance of entertaining negative behavior.
Skills Development
Improved communication skills by studying conversation and people.
Learned eye contact by observing babies.
Babies' natural ability to maintain eye contact.
Used exercises to practice eye contact and reduce nervousness.
Building Self-Belief and Acceptance
Lying to oneself about not having insecurities to build confidence.
Taking risks and accepting oneself.
Importance of not seeking validation from others.
Embodying Confidence
Practicing becoming the desired persona until it becomes second nature.
Friends began to recognize and call by the alter ego.
Transitioned from fabricated confidence (bravado) to genuine confidence.
Personal Grooming and Style
Addressed acne and improved skincare routine.
Experimented with hair growth and styling, ultimately growing locks.
Consistent working out since childhood, always had an interest in fitness.
Developed personal style, dressing for oneself rather than others.
Contrast with the local trend of dressing alike, inspired by rappers.
Embraced unique clothing choices such as revolutionary-themed outfits.
Lessons on Confidence
Confidence stems from self-belief and practice.
Professional athletes and musicians as examples of confidence through repetition.
Confidence comes from familiarity and practice, not fear of the unknown.
Example of driving in a new city vs. a familiar one.
Practice and familiarity lead to genuine confidence.
Encouragement to practice being the person you wish to become.
Final message of self-love and gratitude.
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