My Journey to Building Confidence

Oct 28, 2024

Building Confidence: A Personal Journey


  • Story of transformation and building confidence.
  • Transition from middle school insecurities to a confident persona.
  • Creation of an alter ego named HBK Mind (Heartbreak Kid Mind).

Transformation Journey

Overcoming Insecurities

  • Insecurities about hair, face, and overall appearance.
  • Developing a new persona to handle heartbreak and rejection.

HBK Mind Philosophy

  • Not set to break hearts but rather to protect own heart.
  • Refusal to give reactions that allow others to break your heart.
  • Avoidance of entertaining negative behavior.

Skills Development

  • Improved communication skills by studying conversation and people.
  • Learned eye contact by observing babies.
    • Babies' natural ability to maintain eye contact.
    • Used exercises to practice eye contact and reduce nervousness.

Building Self-Belief and Acceptance

  • Lying to oneself about not having insecurities to build confidence.
  • Taking risks and accepting oneself.
  • Importance of not seeking validation from others.

Embodying Confidence

  • Practicing becoming the desired persona until it becomes second nature.
  • Friends began to recognize and call by the alter ego.
  • Transitioned from fabricated confidence (bravado) to genuine confidence.

Personal Grooming and Style

  • Addressed acne and improved skincare routine.
  • Experimented with hair growth and styling, ultimately growing locks.
  • Consistent working out since childhood, always had an interest in fitness.
  • Developed personal style, dressing for oneself rather than others.
    • Contrast with the local trend of dressing alike, inspired by rappers.
    • Embraced unique clothing choices such as revolutionary-themed outfits.

Lessons on Confidence

  • Confidence stems from self-belief and practice.
  • Professional athletes and musicians as examples of confidence through repetition.
  • Confidence comes from familiarity and practice, not fear of the unknown.
    • Example of driving in a new city vs. a familiar one.


  • Practice and familiarity lead to genuine confidence.
  • Encouragement to practice being the person you wish to become.
  • Final message of self-love and gratitude.