Recognizing Anxiety from Sleep Deprivation

Aug 28, 2024

Signs of Developing an Anxiety Disorder Due to Sleep Deprivation


  • Chronic sleep disorders can lead to anxiety.

Vicious Cycle of Sleep Anxiety

  • Entering the bedroom triggers heart racing due to association with sleep problems.
  • Worry about falling asleep exacerbates the inability to sleep.
  • The bedroom becomes a source of stress rather than relaxation, creating a cycle of anxiety and sleep deprivation.

Warning Signs to Prevent Anxiety Disorders

  • Making Big Mistakes:
    • Examples include sending inappropriate emails or forgetting important meetings.
    • These mistakes are often due to exhaustion.
  • Cognitive Impairment:
    • Forgetfulness is common; people may try to work harder instead of addressing sleep issues.

Importance of Rest

  • Rest is crucial for recovery; many Americans neglect sleep due to work culture.
  • There's a stigma around getting enough sleep, often viewed as a weakness.

Physical Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation

  • Many people are unaware of their physical tension and stress levels.
  • Common signs include:
    • Clenching teeth while trying to sleep.
    • Difficulty relaxing into sleep.

Professional Help

  • Signs that a professional should be involved include:
    • Deteriorating physical health: stomach issues, digestive problems, body aches, back pain, tension.
    • Inability to maintain an active lifestyle or meet deadlines due to focus issues.


  • Recognizing these signs is essential for taking proactive steps towards mental health and well-being.