Welcome back, my name is Adrià Solà Pastor. I am a passionate about entrepreneurship and a currently a triple major in political science, law and philosophy at the Parisian University of the Sorbonne and Columbia University in the city of New York. In today's video I would like to share my secret strategy for learning and mastering foreign languages quickly and effectively. This video introduces a new series of videos dealing with foreign language learning; I am pleased to address various aspects of this process; techniques, habits and psychology, including myths about foreign language learning; In this video, more specifically, I would like to introduce you to a non-traditional, unorthodox strategy, that is, completely different from the one you have been taught in academic institutions or at school, but which, nevertheless, is extremely effective in guaranteeing long-lasting and rapid language learning. This strategy has allowed me to study at the best universities in the world. Rank me as one of the best students in these universities. To give speeches in public institutions. To be able to participate in debates on politics or international security, international relations, all over the world, in different languages, to learn French in only 4 months. To be considered as one of the best French speakers after delivering more than 40 minutes of speeches, some of them in the famous Pantheon in Paris, all of them without written support or any kind of paper. I sincerely hope that you too will be able to benefit from the great advantages that language learning offers us. If you follow my advice to detail this unorthodox but very, very, very effective strategy. I assure you that you can achieve the same results. Step 1: Schedule an exam. Like everything that is related to the school environment and the traditional educational system. Language learning has been presented to us as a boring, repetitive and arduous task. Not only do we spend hours and hours repeating out loud absurd words or studying grammar to the point that the only verb we learn to conjugate is to dream, and we find teachers who emphasize absolutely everything except the most important thing in the language learning process: practice. In other words, my secret strategy invites you to: stay away from the 4 walls of any school or academy. Avoid ineffective memorization of verb conjugations or grammatical rules and burn right now any kind of books on grammar or language learning that you have. In other words, stay away from theory at all costs. If we want to learn and dominate a language it is because many of us can't resist resolving that incredible frustration we feel every time we want to communicate but can't with our counterparts coming from other countries. However, if language learning is considered so tedious and boring it is because we have been taught that learning a language means sitting in front of a book and repeating meaningless verb conjugations like an ape Then we find ourselves in a real situation and we cannot pronounce anything we have learned. We don't see progress, we get demotivated and we give up learning and the secret is: First, personalize your learning, this learning process. Second, apply the theory immediately, from the moment zero and third: Make this process to your liking, in other words, look for fun and my secret method begins with... Step 1: Schedule an exam You are probably thinking: Hey Adrià, are you crazy? have you gone mad? I haven't even started practicing, nor learning what the articles are, the masculine and the feminine, and you're already telling me to sign up, to schedule an exam date? Yes. Ladies and gentlemen...This is the first step in my unorthodox method. The main problem we encounter with language learning is that we do not commit ourselves to learning languages deeply and seriously in a limited period of time. Parkinson's law tells us that the completion of a task will expand as much as the time we have available or as much time as we commit to it. By scheduling a test date, we publicly commit ourselves, at all costs, to reach the desired linguistic level within a limited period of time. and I am the first to apply this step every time and the first time it happened to me was when I had to learn French in four months, it was a matter of life or death or I could get the c1 in 4 months, starting from 0 or I could not enter the university and I had to spend another sabbatical year doing who knows what. I don't know, where would I be right now, if it hadn't been for that first investment, that main effort to take that c1 degree in those 4 months and the next step is... Second step: The wisdom of the native. We will have to meet with a native speaker or someone who is 100% fluent in the language, but Adrià, you're crazy again, you're a fool, what's wrong with you? How can we meet with a native speaker if we haven't even started to study the language? Yes, ladies and gentlemen. This is the key, the secret of my unique technique, of my unorthodox method, but first of all, I would like to tell you that now you have no excuses. Thanks to technology, we are very lucky to be able to communicate with teachers or native speakers through the internet. There is no excuse for not learning languages. When I was preparing to get into Columbia University and I was preparing my candidature and they required me to go through the process and I had to score 110 out of 120 on the TOEFL. I decided to improve my pronunciation by taking classes with native speakers on Cambly. Cambly is an amazing platform to learn English with native tutors who are specialized in the topics of interest, also during the process, you can make friends and even learn a lot of things about the cultures of other countries. It's amazing and it gave me excellent results and since I was going to recommend it. Cambly is offering a super back to school promotion for my community and all my subscribers who want to learn or dominate English to get the same results as me. The guys at Cambly are offering this community 30% for their semester plan, a unique opportunity that wasn't there before when I signed up and 50% half price on their yearly plan and since the guys at Cambly are amazing and treat us so well in this community, they are offering us with this code that you will get here and in the description, a free class to start with a native speaker. Don't tell me it's amazing, really, I wish I could have had the same opportunity two years ago when I was preparing my admission to Columbia University. So, above all, if you want to get the same results as I did, don't hesitate to visit the link in the description and check out Cambly, try that first class and you'll see that it's going for nothing and then... Why do we want a first class with a native speaker. The key to this strategy is based on understanding that 85% of a language is based on about 800 essential words, only by controlling these 800 words you can speak the language, for example, the English, very aware of this, at the time of colonization and imperialism, decided to write a manuscript called: "The General Basic English Dictionary", composed of the 850 most common English words, which would would be used to promote the English language around the world. So, the ideal would be to hire, meet with a native speaker who speaks the same language that we want to learn, who dominates it and who also speaks our language, in other words, who is bilingual and what we are going to do is to start a discussion about banal topics, topics that we talk about every day, for example, about the weather, the home, our routines, hobbies, meals and so on. We will speak to them in our language and they will respond to us with the language we want to learn. Also helping us to translate obviously and why that. Because what we are going to do is to record the conversation and once we are at home, we will write down the most basic words of that conversation on a sheet of paper. All these words will be added to the 800, 600 or 700 words that we will have found on the internet as the main ones, the most used ones, about the language we want to learn, even, in that list we can even write patterns of speech, in other words, very common sentence structures when it comes to put that language into practice. The advantage of this is that we will not only have a list of sentence structures and words that will be the most basic and most used in the language you want to learn, we will also have a kind of context provided by the conversation that we will have recorded with the native and we can also identify with these answers of the native the slang. That is why it is so important that you subscribe to Cambly because they give us this first class, you can talk to a native and write down all this list of words, wonderful. Once we have this list of compound words, by articles, nouns and verbs without conjugation, what we are going to do is to memorize them with a system of spaced repetition we have already exposed this learning technique of memorization many times in this channel, I do not think it is useless to provide its definition and scientific evidence, there are many videos on the channel but use this system with an application, as for example, Ankiapp from flashcarts, that allows us to do Actived Recall, in other words, to think about the answer or memorize those words, over time in an intelligent way for us to pass, overcome the curve of forgetting and that training of remembering, memorizing that list of practical, basic words, what it will offer us is the most essential thing in learning a language that is... Step 3: Basic Level of Communication. We have always been taught, we have always been convinced that to learn a language well, to be fluent and to reach this final goal, we have to be able to elaborate, long descriptions and even to be able to build grammatical or complex structures without problems when pronouncing them, but that is a lie, when we learn languages we must avoid perfection and accept ambiguity as a reality. How many times have you been able to understand someone just with gestures. Communication, contrary to what we have been taught, is not reduced to oral production. Many times with gestures, simple words or verbs without conjugation, you can transmit a message and be understood by your interlocutor, by the receiver of that message and that is the least we need to put into practice our knowledge, go out and talk to native speakers or continue to pass classes with native speakers online. The key is to understand the logic of the conversations. Sorry, I had to go change my shirt, it's hot as hell here, I was roasting with the mosquito repellent that burns and gives off smoke and the candles behind me, it looks like a Turkish bath. With the experience, what I have realized and for me is the most magical thing about learning and speaking with native speakers, is that when you speak with a native person, that person will correct you out loud, replace certain words or complete your sentence, not to humiliate you, not to ridicule you, simply because they want to formulate with you, with your help, a clear message that is effective for communication. So, what happens in that conversation is that you are receiving a constant "Feedback Loop", in other words, you will receive corrections, improvements or suggestions from the person you are talking to. Then, the grammatical structures, the conjugation of verbs and others will magically fit in your learning, once you have a more advanced level to study in a formal way the grammar or the grammatical structures, the verbs and others, but in a magical way, you will be able to fill in those spaces that you had omitted, that you had skipped in the beginning because you will be able to relate it not only to a person with whom you were speaking but also to a context. The key to all of this is that you will process it so quickly and see so much progress so immediately that you will become addicted to language learning and the next step is.... In fact, there will be no point 4, because the video was getting a little bit long, but don't worry, there will be a second episode very, very soon on the channel. So remember, if you like this kind of content subscribe and do not forget to hit the little bell and finally I would love to thank you for your attention for spending this time with me and if you liked the video obviously I would love to ask you to share it with those people who can be helpful, especially those who are learning a language and want to make this process, a more dynamic, fun and above all effective, that you give them like, that you give the little bell to not miss any other video and if you want to obviously integrate this wonderful community composed of wonderful individuals, that you give it to subscribe and if you have any questions, comments, problems or want to share techniques, methods, secrets that have helped you well in this process, do not hesitate to write it in the comments I read absolutely all of them and I try to answer each one of them and finally I would love to just thank you for your attention, your time, wish you a good day and see you in the next video.