The Effects of Sin and Its Evils

Jul 11, 2024

The Effects of Sin and Its Evils

Key Points

  1. Prevention from Knowledge

    • Knowledge is a light that Allah casts into a person’s heart, not merely memorization.
    • Imam Malik told Imam Shafii: “I see that Allah has cast in your heart a light, so do not darken it with sin.”
    • Sin prevents the heart from receiving divine light and insight.
    • Imam Shafii’s memory weakened after seeing a woman’s ankle, illustrating sensitivity to sin.
    • Famous quote from Imam Shafii:
      • “I complained to Waki’ about my weak memory, and he guided me to the leaving of sins. He told me that knowledge is a light, and the light of Allah is not given to a sinner.”
  2. Prevention from Provision (Rizq)

    • Hadith: No soul shall pass until it's completed its Rizq and lifespan.
    • Prophetic advice: Have Taqwa (fear of Allah) and seek Rizq beautifully, without resorting to prohibited means.
    • Sin can prevent a person from acquiring their due provision.
  3. Feeling Distant from Allah

    • Sins create a sense of strangeness and discomfort in worship and proximity to Allah.
    • Increased sinning distances the sinner from the sweetness of faith.
    • Important Reflection: “If you feel distant from Allah, ask yourself who moved.”
    • Allah is closer to those who move closer to Him.
  4. Feeling Distant from Righteous People

    • People avoid overly righteous company and vice versa.
    • Concept: Believers may inherently dislike sinners due to Allah’s influence on their hearts.
    • Story: A person avoided by the believers due to committing sins secretly.
  5. Difficulty in Affaires

    • Quran: “Whoever fears Allah, He makes their affairs easy.”
    • Sins block facilitation and ease in personal and worldly matters.
    • Story: A disheveled traveler’s Dua is not accepted because of allegiance to Haram.
  6. Weakening of Heart and Body

    • Sin weakens both physical and spiritual capacities.
    • Story: Fatimah and Ali’s request for a servant and the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) prescription of Dhikr instead, which strengthens the body.
    • Practical example: Brotherhood’s strength attributed to constant Dhikr during physical activities.
    • Observation: Muslim achievements and expansion attributed to spiritual strength and sinlessness.
  7. Shortened Lifespan

    • Sin extracts the blessing and productivity from a person's life.
    • Quality, not quantity, of life is diminished by sins.
    • Saying: Considered alive truly during moments of remembrance of Allah, heedlessness is not real life.
  8. Sins Leading to Other Sins

    • Sins tend to accumulate and lead to committing more sins, such as lying covering other sins.
    • Story: Kab Bin Malik's contemplation of lying to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) due to his initial sin.
  9. Insignificance in the Sight of Allah

    • Sinful behavior may lead to becoming insignificant to Allah.
    • Quote: What Abu Darda witnessed in Cyprus and his reflection on the insignificance of those who disobey Allah.

Practical Guidance

  • Daily Devotion: Regularly invoke: “O Allah, make Imaan beloved to us and beautify it in our hearts and make hated to us disbelief, transgression, and disobedience.”
  • Importance of Seeking Forgiveness: Regular repentance can prevent the adverse effects of sins.


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