I've always wanted to get better at Valerian to be immortal and Smurf to get egos unfortunately I'm hardstock gold with what you would call no but today that changes today I will get better at valeran today I spent the rest of my money on skill capped will I managed to see instant Improvement or am I just terrible at the game so I tested if using skill cap for seven days will improve my game and you wouldn't believe how good I got day one is where it all started I looked on skill cap to see if anything caught my eye and it did yeah I want to be a name God I watched every video on this topic and then went into a death match to see if I was now good at the game I wasn't this is also where I queued my first ranked game of the seven days and it was on Haven the first two rounds weren't amazing and we were already losing by two rounds until on round three I traded my Gecko and planted the spike neon popped off and we were going to make a comeback I checked the leaderboard and there I was joint bottom I needed to pick up my game and fast which is where I came back with two easy kills to start winning the match we then one round six lost round seven and one round eight and nine at this point I wasn't doing much for the team I was playing Jet and only had five kills so I needed to step up and start to carry I hit some good shots on round 10 but we still lost it and before I knew it we were back to an equal game the second half started promising I got two early kills on pistol round which we ended up winning I then died behind to a classic apparently no one was watching garage the game kept tying up until we were winning 11 to 10 and this happened I'm definitely gonna need to use skill cap more if I want to improve within this week the game ended 14 to 14 and I got zero RR this just looks like I need to improve some more to end the day off I spent some more time looking through the same course as before and also trying to work my strafing and tracking day two started and I was already feeling good I warmed up name labs and also went into a death match I watched a few more videos on skill capped and one thing I knew I needed to improve on is seeing where I'm making mistakes so I went through my game from yesterday and picked out things to improve on I found out that was crouching basically in every gunfight which ended up in me getting a headshot I tried to work on these in the custom game and then I went into another comp to see if I changed anything anymore oh my God all right now it's ready last player standing smoke trained you remaining not sure did you guys we picked up a loss and I didn't play that well I also crouched a lot of the times when I shouldn't have I was now two games without a win and I knew I had to put in some more effort if I wanted to see any sort of improvement in the next seven days I then decided to spend an hour working on my tracking strafing and Crosshair placement another hour in death matches to actually try and put that into gunfights and then 30 minutes watching another skill capped course this time it was a test on what you should do in specific situations and in each video I was learning something new and rethinking my life choices do you think should be pushing this be falling back or do you think that he should just be holding this position he he pushed because he's got the better gun right because he's got a specter in their saving so what I think he probably should be doing here is either holding this or falling back from this position and then I was on to the final match of the night [Applause] [Music] even though it didn't seem like I played that bad I really just did not feel good every play I tried just failed and I couldn't hit any headshots so I ended the night there now that it's day three and we are almost halfway through I wanted to use skill cup to actually improve more at this game I spent about an hour going through these courses and practicing what they say I also went into a death match and then queued for a comp game I actually enjoyed playing Brimstone quite a lot in the previous game so I decided to play him some more however this game felt very different 190 9 and one enemy remains one enemy remaining okay one enemy remains my aim just felt so good and I was hitting all the shots that I knew I should be hitting in the end we won 13-2 and I went 18-6 this also gave me a double rank up to Gold three which I actually missed happening I wasn't even recording I just got a double rank up for some reason I was already playing in plot lobbies even though I haven't been plaque for over five months I also gained 37 RR so I guess my MMR is just really high I ended up playing another match because I felt really good and we ended up destroying the other team thank you sure [Music] all right yeah you catch me so like why you trying to stop me yeah hey nobody finna come and body me I know what you want but you wake up we absolutely destroyed them 13-0 and our jet went crazy I'm not even sure if they were a Smurf or not but I'll take the win anyway I was now done for the night I needed some rest because I was on my computer for the entire day it's now over halfway in the seven days and I'm already seeing some progress most of this is just in the way that I'm playing but there's not much change in my rank so I wanted to play more comp and get some more wins there was also a problem with the way that I played yesterday and it was that I didn't actually know how to play the objective all I was doing was just sitting on a site looking for kills until I saw these courses on skill cap specifically for how to attack and defend honestly these were probably the best guides that I watched after spending way too much time going through what each one of them taught me I decided to get into my first comp game for the day and oh my did these courses help like butter one enemy remains bingo down seat s down Spike planted enemy remaining enemy remaining last player standing 29 ah what oh look at this what for some reason my MMR is just super high so I was just putting a high plat low Diamond Lobby I still managed to MVP which just shows how much I've improved my eyes were actually really hurting after this game for some reason but it was probably because I was playing valorent like it was a full-time job for three days beforehand I rewatched the attack and defense guides on skill capped and then I went to bed on day five I wanted to learn how to play Brimstone more but there wasn't actually a course on skill cap for him so I did end up watching a few YouTube videos instead I also went to warm up my aim and then went into a few death matches this is because if I won my next game I would be ranking up to Platt which is actually a lot more than what I hoped for in the seven days and then finally it was time for my comp match this time it's on fracture and of course I played Brimstone the game starts off well as we already have comms which is better than basically every other game that I've played on round one I get a kill on raise and then get the spike down their Fey tries to kill me when I'm pinned on site but I managed to kill her and then I get killed by the enemy brim who pushed me I say twins us around and we get to a good start a similar thing happens on round two where I get a kill through the smoke and then we end up winning the round the other team brings it back to 3-2 and I'm not doing that good but it's still not terrible then finally something happens on round 8 where it's a 1v1 between me and the other Brimstone I guess you would call that a brim diff the first half ends with me going eight and nine and we're drawing six to six but don't worry I was just getting started the second half I went crazy and I ended up winning a few runs for my team down now one enemy remaining we end up winning an overtime and why am I in such a high ranked Lobby oh my God yes so you know I said that was my plat rank up game I got a double rank up to Plateau don't ask me I have no idea why wait what what just because of that I decided to call it a night and now we're on day six I didn't exactly do much on day six apart from watching this really long course on skill capped of someone smurfing through some black games I also played some Deathmatch to keep my aim warm but I didn't really want to play any comp games and here we are the final day of the seven days using skill capped I started off with the usual warm-up watch some Smurf gameplay and then went into a comp game but this game was very interesting to stay the least thank you planted players standing oh my God rush out hey player standing [Applause] Defenders win so yeah I lost the game and pretty badly I really did not want to play anymore and I was on my d-rank game so that's where the seven days finished we went from gold one to plot two in my first ever video that's pretty cool