the most important thing is learning to speak with your actions and not your words the more you speak the more you reveal with your words the less of an effect it's going to have think about it and this is very this is something that's very linear the more somebody speak the less you listen the less you listen to them unless they're on YouTube and unless they're mindful attraction okay the more they speak the less they listen but one of the things that people pay most attention to is actions without words actions without words have a mysterious quality to them it forces you to pay attention it forces you to interpret what the person is doing what is the intentions behind their actions and that's the beauty you could verbally say you want one thing but you could also equally through your through your non-verbal cues tell people you want something else and that friction that friction creates an obsession it makes people pay closer attention to you and if they have the potential the inner potential to be able to love you that could provoke a a a reaction where they fall in love it's like this imagine you have a gene a um a predisposition for a certain trait and you know how certain predispositions are only activated certain genes are activated through the environment so for example let's just say goab you have a predisposition for schizophrenia and then you put yourself in an environment to have to activate that Gene maybe you took shs maybe you took aaska or even maybe you went to a 10day retreat and it it created it activated a psychosis a psychotic episode all of a sudden that Gene gets activated right and where it was dormant a lot of us when we meet people the dormant the love that we have for them is dormant because we're we actually have a connection with them and sometimes you either need time or pain in order to activate that feeling or in order to turn on that Gene and some of these traits that I'm going to be talking to you like speaking through your actions and not your word which allows a friction you can say I don't want a relationship but through your actions you show it that fr ition it's like turning on that Gene it's like creating the environment for that Gene to be activated in and so even so for example you can say I don't want love I don't want a relationship but then you give them a very very thoughtful gift or maybe you you you do them a big favor right or maybe you travel to where they are in their minds they're going to say okay you know they say they don't want a relationship but they're doing this for me and that friction it's like creating their environment that activates the gene it is the stress that activates the gene it is the the the friction between that that creates the fire right so it's always good not to if for example let's just say you have a a surprise gift don't tell them you have a surprise gift don't say it just be more quiet about it right all of those things or let's just say you you are going to um you want marriage right for example right and you want marriage but you don't want to be creepy about it you could just say you don't want it but then with your actions you show it the thing about it is that it's like intimidating telling people what you want creat psychological defenses doing it through your actions lowers defenses but it also allows them to take in the idea like allowing like like it's it's just more smoother you're not you're not you're penetrating the membrane without hurting the organism per se all right so don't reveal your intentions speak through your words you know it's like for example it's like saying I [ __ ] hate you okay that'll that'll get you you're like okay dude I don't know what the hell I did to you but you hate me but it's another thing for me to say I like you but then through my actions I say I hate you which one do you think will be more mentally destabilizing the action part because it's confusing it that's what I'm trying to tell you man is that this speaking through your actions engages a person's brain with more intensity and if there's potential for love they'll fall in love a little bit quicker right now the next one is showing your constrained anger when they do something wrong nothing with turn people off more than rage [ __ ] Bronx type of rage right like like like Florida type of Rage that will turn people off right or if they're toxic turn them off but during the moments of clear Injustice which is very moment a lot of moments in life when you meet people they're going to make mistakes right and if they make mistakes you have to be able to call them out on it and when you call them out on it you have to please do it and don't look happy don't look happy show them anger show them constraint and anger so and also hold in that anger hold it in and hold it in for a few hours or a few days the reason why is this there's power and showing people you're not happy with them one only people of power only people who have high high value in this Earth on this Earth are able to show F to show anger and self-constraint willingly inability to do that shows weakness so just being willing to show anger when you're always happy now they're [ __ ] up they're like um can we talk cuz um I I don't I be honest I just didn't like what you did last week right that change in tone makes people afraid for example it's like going to the principal's office it's the same sensation it's like uh oh I'm in an office and there's a dude and he's not happy that sensation of sensing their non-verbal cues showing people you're not happy with your non-verbal cues creates a longing a desire to see your happy side they desire to see the happy side they used to see before and that sensation creates a desire to get your validation a desire to turn that frown upside down and this like I said predisposition for a certain um um um mental illness can also if you they have a predisposition to love you it'll activate it easy money Easy Money the next one is rationality people when you fall in love the best thing you could do is is to make the person falling in love deeper is be rational be rational I swear to God so if you're long distance relationship one of the things a lot of people will do is that they'll talk about long distance and they'll say how we're going to overcome it and they'll be like Oh I'm a love hero I we will overcome this [ __ ] right when in reality I don't recommend it what you should do is talking about all the negatives say look man I like you but man like it's just so far away how are we going to do it most relationships don't last I don't know I'm moving out of here how are we going to plan it out nothing infuriates somebody who's in love than rationality oh my God I [ __ ] hate that [ __ ] what the hell you mean 1 plus 1 equals 2 what are you talking about we can make a work I don't care if you if you're if you're a [ __ ] Kenya I'll be an African I'll do it I swear to God I'll go there putting the obstacles in front of people makes them muster up the energy to jump over them and that mustering up of the energy if you really observe the inner mechanisms of somebody who's under receiving this what you'll notice is that they're convincing they're they're fighting with themselves no no no no no they're wrong they're wrong they're wrong no we can make it work we can make it work we can make it work that is a that is a self-affirmation you are pretty much conv telling yourself I will love you I love you I love you I will love you I will love you I will love you you're like convincing yourself of that we can make it work we can make it work I don't care I'll do this I'll do that if we try hard if you just try can you just try so you don't have to be an [ __ ] and say and be and go Full Throttle on this right well pride month is over you could just in initially just put up some resistance just put up some some resistance man show some pride put up some resistance it'll work that way now if you want to learn how to apply this in your life we're going to go to Quick a little commercial break um if you want to learn how to apply this in your life and you want to make somebody fall in love with these strategies or you want me to review your dating situation or maybe you have some footage of you on a date and you guys want me to review as long as it's legal you guys can can click on the description down below and purchase a one-on-one session for 15 TW um 5 minutes 10 minutes 45 minutes 1 hour there you could book the calls with me and you could show me your text messages tell me your life story it's not therapy but I will give you dating advice based on your situation I've had a lot of people work with me and a lot of them are satisfied I and the key the thing they like about working with me is that I don't give them [ __ ] I don't lie to you I give you my honest opinion I'm not giving you the advice your therapist is giving you don't get don't take dating advice from therapist I don't get I'm not giving you dating advice from your like your granny or your mama no my dating advice that I give is honest raw and straight to the point you're going to get honesty from me okay do that or or they're going to leave you the next thing is don't reveal how you feel at first there's nothing look man like and it's kind of similar to the first one if you feel like you like them just show them you like them verbally try your best not to say it try your best it it's going to look it's going to let you be your needy creep isord self to to to an extent that you could be needy but they won't get a little scared of you that's all with this strategy by just telling not telling them what you by just not revealing you how you feel and even throwing them off the mark saying you don't want a relationship for example you could be so [ __ ] creepy and needy and get away with it you have no idea so for all the people who just cannot help and they can't control their emotions this is the way for you to be creepy and get away with it now the only way for this to work is that they have to find your attractive nothing is worse than somebody who's creepy and unattractive in in your eyes all right and the thing is is that the reason why this works right is that you might say but you know why do I have to hold on to how much I feel why can't just just tell them now put it this way it's the mystery that matters for example have you seen those faceless YouTubers where they don't show their face and as soon and so the whole time it was fun and as soon as they show their face all of a sudden the mystery is gone but it was a fun experience right and that's how it is right you kind of had that mystery do they like me do they not like me do they like me do they not like me do they like me do they not like me and that undulation is so critical for people falling in love naturally when you meet people back in the prehistoric days if you met a prehistoric chick right and and and you're trying to holler at her initially you wouldn't know if she liked you back you wouldn't because she's going to play koi prehistoric koi right she doesn't want want people to see her flirting and so you're going to have to wait a few weeks or day or months depending on how how they're counting time in that tribe for you to find out and in in those moments you don't know if they like you you get glimpses that they like that they like you but you don't know and that's one of the qualities that makes relationships from people that you meet in real life more longterm and stable it's because there's a there's a it's a period of of uncertainty that increases how much they how much you like them cuz you're thinking about them more but there's a settling aspect to when you know they like you there's like a and and and just notice how it is dating people you meet through your friends and you had to go through this versus dating people in real life and and and matching with them and you know they like you that uncertainty period honestly is one of the most fun Parts it's it's it's it's honestly one of the it's honestly I think the best part about is that you flirt with people and you don't know if they like people you kind of get a sense that has such it's such an important part of the dating process because it increases your value your value is so high in those moments that naturally there's a lowering of the value once you know they like you but it's like when you meet on Tinder you start here but when you meet through real life you start here because you don't know they like you so you lower honestly oh you like they you you're you're finally dating them you guys kiss the the intensity lowers it lowers but not to the same degree as when you find when you know them through your friends and family and you don't know if they like you that that is so important man and so that's why I tell people just just just try to communicate that I don't know if you if I like you or not right or better yet meet people through your friends and don't show them how much you like them initially I'm telling you there's power in that to the mindful attraction University taught by Professor Alex where I teach you all of the strategies to improve your dating life and all of the courses that I have all in one place and you can get it at a highly discounted rate so that means you purchase all of my basic courses without the bundles usually at $600 $600 you could purchase it now at $3.99 people not 400 $399 for psychological purposes yeah that's right oh my [ __ ] got showing as a scam yeah that's right yeah follow Al does that so that means you could get emotional Mastery the psychological game of Attraction the feminine woman natural chemistry Charisma blueprint and nice girl at a discount of rate but then if you want to get the master's degree of the mindf traction University taught by Professor Alex you can get the premium version where usually all of the courses cost cost one $1,200 now you can purchase them all at $7.99 or four payments of $200 you guys can now also do like a payment plan feminine woman emotional Mastery the whole [ __ ] bang a bang with all of the bonuses at one lower price people and with that honestly this is the type of thing that I know that if you guys get it'll fix your dating life in ways you guys cannot imagine Now My worry is that it is a lot of content like it is and I'm not a fan of giving people a lot of content because I don't want informational junkies but this is the best way to get it all at all in one price now look mind you it's no if you purchase the bundle it I'm just going to be honest there's no refunds purchasing the whole bundles if you guys think you guys are not going to like it I will prefer if you buy if you guys buy one course to see if you like it and if you don't like that course you could get your money back and don't purchase the bundle right but if you like that course you guys can send me an email and say hey can I upgrade to the bundle pay the difference and there you guys could get it but it's just that look man you guys know my content I if you like if you like if you like one cour you you like it all right so that's the only caveat but I know damn well if you if you purchase it your dating life will never be the same okay now for those who purchase the courses but want to add to the bundle you guys can message me and maybe we could come up with a price so that you guys can get it um while being able to not have to pay all the Crazy Prices okay so now so just click on the description down below there you'll see um the ability to purchase the wifey Bund the wifey basic package which is the the one that you see here for $3.99 without the bundles and without the bonuses but if you guys want to purchase it with the bonuses which is a lot of content and I am afraid because it's a lot of content you guys can purchase it right here with either four payments of $200 or one time payment of $7.99 right and yeah this is and by the way I made this design you know father adex is being inclusive here and stuff like that um anyways hopefully you guys enjoy this hopefully you guys can um support the channel by purchasing those courses and I'll see you guys inside bye-bye