Understanding Righteousness Through Faith

Dec 13, 2024

Lecture Notes: Book of Romans - Chapter 3 Verses 21-25

Key Bible Passage

  • Romans 3:21-25: Explores the concept of righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ.
    • Righteousness of God is manifested apart from the Law.
    • All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
    • Justification is a gift by His grace through the redemption in Christ Jesus.

Introduction: Job's Fundamental Question

  • Job's Question: How can a man be right with God? (Referenced from Job 9:2)
    • Job acknowledges the difficulty of disputing with God due to His greatness.
    • Describes God's immense power and man's inability to stand justified by his own perception.

The Dilemma of Righteousness

  • Human Effort and Religion: All religions attempt to answer how humanity can be right with God.
    • Common belief across religions: Righteousness is achieved through good deeds and rituals.
    • Bible's stance: Righteousness cannot be achieved through human effort.
  • Paul's Message: Human efforts and Law cannot justify anyone before God.
    • Romans 3:20: By the works of the Law, no flesh will be justified.

Function and Purpose of the Law

  • Purpose of the Law: To bring awareness of sin, not to save.
    • Demonstrates our sinfulness and inability to achieve divine perfection.
    • Calls for holiness beyond human reach.

Transition to Hope: Righteousness from God

  • Romans 3:21: "But now...": Marks a transition to hope.
    • A righteousness from God is now available, apart from the Law.
    • This righteousness is from God and given to us through grace.
    • Manifested in the New Testament era, specifically through Jesus Christ.

Characteristics of God's Righteousness

  1. Apart from Legalism:
    • Not achievable by keeping the Law; emphasized repeatedly by Paul.
    • Law exists to highlight sin, not provide righteousness.
  2. Built on Revelation:
    • Witnessed by the Law and the Prophets (Old Testament).
    • Consistent message: Righteousness by faith, not by works.
  3. Acquired by Faith:
    • Righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ for all believers.
    • Faith is believing in God's promise revealed in the gospel.
  4. Provided for All:
    • Universally for all who believe, regardless of background.
  5. Given Freely through Grace:
    • Justification is a gift, not earned by human merit.
    • Grace is undeserved favor from God.

Redemption and Sacrifice

  • Price of Righteousness:
    • Christ's sacrifice is the price paid for our redemption.
    • God displayed Jesus publicly as propitiation through His blood.
    • Propitiation means satisfying God's justice.

The Gift of Salvation

  • Receiving Salvation:
    • It is a gift through faith, not by our works.
    • Emphasizes the importance of faith in Christ for justification.

Conclusion and Prayer

  • Summary: Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
  • Prayer: A call for understanding and acceptance of the gospel's truth. A plea for salvation based on God's grace.