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Understanding Righteousness Through Faith
Dec 13, 2024
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Lecture Notes: Book of Romans - Chapter 3 Verses 21-25
Key Bible Passage
Romans 3:21-25
: Explores the concept of righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ.
Righteousness of God is manifested apart from the Law.
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Justification is a gift by His grace through the redemption in Christ Jesus.
Introduction: Job's Fundamental Question
Job's Question
: How can a man be right with God? (Referenced from Job 9:2)
Job acknowledges the difficulty of disputing with God due to His greatness.
Describes God's immense power and man's inability to stand justified by his own perception.
The Dilemma of Righteousness
Human Effort and Religion
: All religions attempt to answer how humanity can be right with God.
Common belief across religions: Righteousness is achieved through good deeds and rituals.
Bible's stance: Righteousness cannot be achieved through human effort.
Paul's Message
: Human efforts and Law cannot justify anyone before God.
Romans 3:20: By the works of the Law, no flesh will be justified.
Function and Purpose of the Law
Purpose of the Law
: To bring awareness of sin, not to save.
Demonstrates our sinfulness and inability to achieve divine perfection.
Calls for holiness beyond human reach.
Transition to Hope: Righteousness from God
Romans 3:21
: "But now...": Marks a transition to hope.
A righteousness from God is now available, apart from the Law.
This righteousness is from God and given to us through grace.
Manifested in the New Testament era, specifically through Jesus Christ.
Characteristics of God's Righteousness
Apart from Legalism
Not achievable by keeping the Law; emphasized repeatedly by Paul.
Law exists to highlight sin, not provide righteousness.
Built on Revelation
Witnessed by the Law and the Prophets (Old Testament).
Consistent message: Righteousness by faith, not by works.
Acquired by Faith
Righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ for all believers.
Faith is believing in God's promise revealed in the gospel.
Provided for All
Universally for all who believe, regardless of background.
Given Freely through Grace
Justification is a gift, not earned by human merit.
Grace is undeserved favor from God.
Redemption and Sacrifice
Price of Righteousness
Christ's sacrifice is the price paid for our redemption.
God displayed Jesus publicly as propitiation through His blood.
Propitiation means satisfying God's justice.
The Gift of Salvation
Receiving Salvation
It is a gift through faith, not by our works.
Emphasizes the importance of faith in Christ for justification.
Conclusion and Prayer
: Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
: A call for understanding and acceptance of the gospel's truth. A plea for salvation based on God's grace.
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