everybody packed in let me properly introduce our guests okay so this is alex hermozy from gym launch okay so listen to me guys this is the all-time biggest internet marketer for fit fitness there ever was okay so i'm going to share my screen in just a second here and um you guys have heard me say this my one of my all-time favorite entrepreneurs is russell brunson from clickfunnels russell brunson calls alex hermosie the best sales guy that he knows he said to you one time on a vlog okay so this is a big dude i just said this not too long ago i ran into a situation being uh six months ago i was feeling a little caved in somebody said some stuff a couple pieces of some stuff i'm like yo alex i'm facing this dude what are your you know like what's your opinion and you basically told me what i kind of knew which was like dude it don't matter what people say about you matters what you say about you and if there's a little truth of what they're saying that's when it hurts so if you know like what you're doing what you stand for none of that matters and dude i snapped out of it okay so you guys know you know some of the stuff i've been able to achieve oh yeah this is a guy that i'm like dude this is like a big bro this guy right here is the real deal and he's here today he had a surgery and he's like mike whatever i can do to you know support the community drop some gems inspire like i'm here i got a presentation if not i'm gonna share my story whatever you need i'm here so um alex or mosey for gym launch these are 25 million dollar plaques the one thing let me give you the updated one let me give you the updated one bro i got i got all four i got all four i got all four bro 100 million dollars fourth one this is the michael jackson usually they said the michael jordan but these are like flats this is michael jackson of internet marketing guys big freaking deal so alex from gym lost bro welcome man good to see you either way um alex becker who's the who's the founder of that uh clued me in recently to something he's like dude your your your roads is insane because he can see everyone's revenue and their ad spend and i was like oh what do you mean he's like you have the highest return on ad spend of everyone in the entire platform by like a mile and i didn't really ever think about it but our lifetime return on advertising is 36 to 1. so to do over you know 100 and now you know 5 or 10 million whatever we're at now we've spent just under 3 million dollars in advertising and so there's a lot of other pieces to you know making more but just for everyone on this call we're talking specifically about sales correct yes so alex yeah yeah 99 of these guys are closers and they're getting closing positions a couple people are starting like a closer agency where they partner with a guy like you and they're like hey let's do like a little jb deal icelander deals okay sweet well then why don't i so what i'm going to do is because i do have a presentation um which is just how i think about sales and i have the third part of the presentation about scaling sales teams does anyone here have multiple closures to work for them or is is most people just closing on your own right now you guys got to talk with alex you don't bite i also can't i can't see the chat i can't see the chat we're working towards that alex okay so how about this i'll give you the things that so um russell when i first met him was like dude how did you learn how to sell so well and it was because i looked at my crm and i'd done 4 000 sales one-on-one uh in fitness and so that's a lot of reps you know i was taking 20 consults a day for like four years and so that's in person face to face my team would double the triple book me every 30 minutes and i just sold the same thing over and over again and because i was really good at sales i ended up not hiring a ton of sales people and i would actually have my managers set appointments for me all at one location so i had six gyms and so i would go there they'd stack up an entire day i'd mow down a whole day go to a different gym and they'd been stacking all the appointments and i'd mow down and so usually i do 20 to 25 consults a day and you just get you know you just get these reps in of reading people gauging tonality and seeing where you need to lean in and where you need to lean back and so um you know over time i then started training sales people and sales managers i had a remote sales team we fly we'd fly out and do turn arounds um like in person so i had eight guys we'd fly out to eight facilities every month and we turn these facilities around because i know mike you're in the fitness world before this um and then i brought that sales team in-house and they started doing phone sales for high ticket so i've had um i've had in-person phone high ticket low ticket we've kind of done a lot of those things i trained mortgage leads teams so kind of the whole gambit and there's definitely some things that i've seen you know i've brought every sales product on the market i bought grant stuff about balfour stuff um and i think there's a lot of merit and there's a lot of good stuff out there but in my experience uh simplicity is with scales and so i'll give you if you're okay with it i'll give you the few things that i have implemented consistently within my companies that have generated outsized returns is that cool all right so what i'm going to do let's rock and roll all right full jam so as i said simplicity right i'm the world's best graphic designer as you can see here so i'm trying to uh show the the real keys of the kingdom so everybody here is everybody here selling expensive stuff is that most people on this call yes everybody's high tech alex fantastic all right everyone still see me in the screen yep all right rock and roll all right so i'm guessing this guy isn't your first rodeo um not your first presentation with sexy headliner big promise and so if you have failed for you guys to uh grow your thing in the past i promise you it's not your fault lots of information very confusing um and you can sometimes be inundated with lots of different salespeople's information you've got mike here who's a gem and knows his and you guys are lucky to have him um but and hopefully in this presentation i will uh put some of those fierce rest of like what if i'm never what if i never make it what if i never turn this corner um and become the sales person i want what if i never hit the 100 grand a year what if i never hit 100 grand a month or whatever i don't hit the million a month goal that i have and then what does that what does that mean about me right if you've ever thought those things um like i can tell you i did too um right after the instance that i had uh mike with that individual and that individual drained my entire bank account and then sent it to their girlfriend in sweden and then filed bankruptcy after that happened i had 1200 because i had sold all my gyms and put my money into that account so i started at zero which i'm very grateful for because it gave me the experience that i have now and so what i'm going to show you is that you can have a simple sales process that can yield outsized returns a lot of people like to make this fancy because it makes it easier to sell stuff to people about selling but these are the things that i have seen that have unlocked the growth for us because i don't think i'm the best marketer out there i think we've simply attached a phone to a funnel and we've been very efficient at it and so as a result of that i've always been able to make more per customer than anyone else because of how efficient we are at the conversion process all right and so that's what we're here for so i want to show you exactly step by step our process for selling all right and so there should be uh two types of people here some of you guys who are under a hundred thousand dollars a month and i'll show you how to never compete on price again all right and if you guys are over a hundred thousand dollars a month i'll show you exactly what we did to scale a team to get to a million a month and beyond is that cool because if you're under 100 it's just you right if you're over 100 you need people all right so it's going to kind of be like the actual selling itself and then the scaling of the sales all right so that's kind of the goal for the 60 minutes i'll probably be able to get it done in 40-ish i'll talk fast so we can have some time all right everyone can just listen fast is that all right all right about it so i've been really fortunate um yeah now we're at 105 or 110 or whatever it is in selling stuff which has been cool what's been coolers we've been able to donate to causes you guys don't know my story but um i had a i had a gym teacher after school who stayed with me he didn't have to he didn't know me from anybody and he worked out with me for an entire year and taught me how to work out because i was like a really insecure kid and as a result of that i got into fitness and so i feel like it's all of our opportunity because a lot of you guys are on here like we're already in the top one percent in the world you know what i mean like we're bitching about not making 100 grand a month like you you know what i mean like really and so um it's been a great privilege to be able to give back and we've donated 1.4 million just in the last three years actually 1.7 now i have to update that um but anyways just the causes that we that we care about and so for us it's it's kids being able to have the opportunity that we had all right and uh if you guys are in the fitness industry arnold was my hero is the reason i quit my job um and i've been able to you know grow a friendship with him which has been awesome um and we've had you know over a thousand clients hit a hundred thousand dollars a year using the sales framework i'm going to show you all right so like you can imagine that these people are not maybe as good as you are you can imagine that somebody in that thousand is probably not as naturally talented right so the process works okay and we've got a lot of people over seven figures now um but it wasn't that way right so this is me when i started my first gym i slept on the floor i had five thousand dollars total my rent was five thousand dollars um and so i had one month that i had to learn how to make money and uh i built a funnel because i learned this from the internet and i was actually i sent this picture to my dad because i was so excited i was so proud of this picture because i sold that many people in the first in the first two weeks uh for free um and things started to grow right that was my one of my gyms i had nine employees i felt like a badass you know my dad finally told me he thought i you know wasn't a schmuck for you know being an idiot and getting into fitness so i thought i felt like i was figuring things out and then all of a sudden facebook slap happened this is years ago there's been many slaps facebook just kind of kind of has it's it's hand proverbially swinging back and forth but um you know we got slapped and overnight my lead cost went up 5x right and so my my money my money making rain turned into a desert and the thing was my marketing was losing money every day and all i could think about was letting my dad down and more realistically having my dad be right i'm gonna i'm gonna all right cool um and so the question i asked myself was like how can i afford to get more leads right and so i called my friends up and he had he was a brick and mortar uh gym owner and he told me that things were going great for him and i was like what the hell dude what do you what are you doing he was like dude we just we just attached the phone to the funnel and i was like no he's like we're selling expensive stuff on the front end now instead of selling trials i was like well that's cool i'll do that and so we went from losing two and a half two to one to making ten to one return on the front end right what that meant for my business is i went from being able to break even at ten dollars a lead to be able to spend up a hundred hundred dollars a lead and still make money which is crazy right and so then things started grow again for me and then we you know open location after location and things grow and i met this guy and uh i was i was i met i joined his mastermind i was trying to i told him i wanted to create a nationwide jim jim chain and he said uh you should teach other people how you do what you do and not grow that chain and i was like well you make more money than me so okay i'll listen and so then i started making um our doing our marketing system mike this is by the way at that guy's gym um i did 191 signups in 19 days and that was the stack of contracts um some of you guys may have seen this it was like the most run ad for like a year and a half um but we did a hundred thousand dollars in 19 days in sales like in the ghetto all right so these are the three frameworks sorry i sped through that because we already covered a little bit of my story early so i want to get through it um and these are the free frameworks that i kind of discovered um to scale high ticket all right and it'll take if you're if you're partnering someone with someone then it'll help take their losing funnels and turn them into into cash machines and i mean that genuinely all right so the free three frameworks that i do is one is the closure framework all right these are the questions that get prospects to say yes all right so adding this to any kind of any funnel process is gonna instantly make it more profitable all right i'm gonna walk through the questions that we ask and specifically what only three things that you can say on a sales call period it's the number one mistake that all the sales guys that even my guys make and i have to remind them of all right the second thing is the conviction framework so anyone who believes can outperform a season sales rep by simply learning to control their tone all right so some of you guys right now can i get a hand i'm to unshare my screen real quick can i get hands on the screen of who here is newer to this newer to high ticket sales okay great perfect then this is for you i'm going to show you how you can beat the best sales reps all right and this is how i never ever hire seasoned closers just fyi no no it's not like we're going to trade trading sales people so i don't um but i'm going to show you how you can beat season prep season prize all right which if i can find my presentation there we go um by learning control your tone and the last one is scaling so for all you guys who are over a hundred thousand dollars a month and need to scale a team i'm going to show you how to duplicate the skill in other people all right because it's one level of the skill is learning to sell another level of the skill is teaching to sell and it's a more valuable skill so if you can duplicate your skill in someone else that is how you can make 10 times 100 times more money because it's no longer you're no longer constrained by your time all right so let's rock and roll close your framework so after pouring over like hundreds of scripts like i mean hundreds of scripts um i realized that there was always like these minor differences in wording but if i hit these kind of main milestones along the way i ended up closing the sale right and the nice thing is that this process works for b2c and b2b so i don't know what stuff you're selling but it works for both and it'll work for 500 tickets as much as 100 000 tickets the process is the same all right and the way i teach my sales teams and now thousands of clients is this acronym right and like even when i'm thinking through sales calls we use we're like closer c right l so the c is clarify why the person is on the phone with you right that's the objective why are you here why'd you take the time to take the call what's the problem right what are we trying to solve here after that they were like got it so what i'm hearing is you're struggling with this does that sound about right i'm going to label you with a problem after that we overview their past paid so it's like okay so you have this problem i can't be the first person to talk to you about this tell me a little bit about what you've done so far to try to try and get past this all right tell me more about that how that work out for you okay understood after that it's like okay so i'm hearing all these things this is why you're here this is what you're trying to get this is what you've tried and hasn't worked okay well can i tell you about how i think we might be able to solve your problem this is where we saw the vacation right and then finally step before finally we explain away their concerns so this is where we tell them about the program and then we're like do you want to do it they say yes or no if they say no then we explain away their concerns so they say yes and then once they say yes we reinforce the decision and this last r here is a point that i added years later because we realized that the sale the sale just continues throughout the entire customer relationship right and so for you guys if you're dealing with clients uh who you're selling for you have to also sell them on continuously selling right you might have closed the card or closed the first payment but their onboarding experience they got to close them again and then after that when they have their first week check-in call they got to get closed again because we have to consistently sell them on why they should do anything why should they not just watch netflix why should they why should they take action why should they have the discomfort of getting you know smacked on the phone by a stranger right why should they why should they feel the sting of failure we have to sell them consistently to help them overcome their pains right and so i'll show you some of these more closely so clarifying why they're there right it's like what made you come in today what made you reach out what's your goal right now why is that important to you right okay helping me understand what what are we doing here right this is one where someone in the beginning like you have to hit this because if someone says like you know i just wanted to find out more information you're like cool but why like what did you want the information to solve what was the like i'm sure you don't just go around collecting information all day right like there's something you're trying to get out of this what's the problem and then they and then you get what you need you're like got it okay so just so i'm hearing you right it sounds like this is your goal correct then they acknowledge they have a problem this is important because they have to say it they have to own it i can't cure cancer until you admit that you have it right we got to give it to you before we can cure it after that we overview the past right so it's like what have you tried so far to accomplish this how long did you do it for how long ago how did that work for you what else have you tried we call this the pain cycle right we consistently do this over and over again so we've exhausted all options right at that point we have tons of ammo that we can use later in the clothes which i'm sure you're aware of right and the big piece here is we explain how it's not their fault because if they had this missing piece or two of the equation they were halfway there they were three quarters the way there they were just missing this one piece which we're going to provide for them right and the nice thing is is for most of you hopefully you're selling a a holistic solution right so for example i'm going to use a fitness example because mike's from from that background too if someone came in and said they've tried workouts in the past and be like i'm not telling you don't that you don't need to work out it's great but you also need the nutrition and the accountability right you need nutrition to make sure they stop eating because if you just start working on eating donuts it's not going to work right of course now if i make you the best plant in the world but you don't follow it's not going to work either that's why you need the accountability that's what i'm here for and so from that point that's kind of how you can naturally transition so it's like i'm hearing these things this is what you were missing well do you any how the program works because i think we might be able to solve that for you they'll say yes all right so what we've seen is that there's three things that make clients successful right and at this point this is my belief is that three things has been you know unequivocal in most pitches is that i think it's human brain is that you can't take more than three but typically it's like three pillars to the to the stool or three you know finishing accountability if i was selling leads i'd want them to be you know timely uh you know qualified and you know uh exclusive right there'll be three elements to make without what makes a good lead right there's always three that you can usually find when you're selling a solution and most times not most times every time if you're on the phone with the prospect you always have the upper hand because they have admitted at the beginning of this phone call that they have a problem they have not solved it and so inherently they're going to be missing one of the keys they cannot have them all or they would not be on the phone so you have a you you you are in an unlosable situation unless you choose to lose it right unless you choose to lose the frame and so in this instance it has been my experience that we use stories short anecdotal stories to to break the belief of the prospect around a topic what's important here is that we don't get into uh jargon right we don't get into technobabble and talking about the program and the modules and the the things they're going to do because all of that sounds like work and that's not what they're there for they're there for a result right and so instead i would say something like with the fitness nutrition accountability like i said earlier so if i was trying to explain accountability i'd be like listen you don't have accountability when you were a kid you ever like have your parents tell you to brush your teeth they were like yeah like you know you're like i don't want to i don't want to and they would tell you oh no you got to go brush your teeth and you go you brush your teeth you sulk back to bed and next night you do the same thing they say brush your teeth you go first you go back to bed but you're an adult now right you brush your teeth they're like yeah and that's because you had external accountability that turned into an internal habit right and that's what we're going to do for you here right so i didn't tell them about the coaching call that they're going to have and the post that they're going to have and the blah blah blah we told them as the result of that we gave them an anecdotal story that made sense to them that's probably a really key point i just want to drive home here is that when you have your pitch part it shouldn't be longer than three minutes like tops because no one really gives a and at the end of the day the reason they're gonna buy is gonna be because of how understood they feel so how much when you went through that overview of the pain you were able to restate back to them accurately exactly how they felt and the struggles they are experiencing which is why you need to shut the up when they're talking right and so there's only three things that are ever said on a sales call do you guys know what they are there's only three things that ever come out of your mouth questions restatements and anecdotal stories which is the story that i just referenced the three stories that you will use to break a belief that's it so this that's how you sell them the vacations you have these little sound bites right i'll give you another example so if i was doing um if i was doing food right i'm like listen uh three parts of the program finish your shirt accountability so nutrition wise you've got to eat stuff that's gonna make you lose weight can we agree on that yes okay cool but the problem is you don't want to do that right that's why we're here right right okay so let me ask you a question when uh do you feel like what's your favorite tv show they're gonna be like uh whatever game of thrones you're like okay game of thrones do you feel like you need to get like motivated to watch game of thrones like man i was trying to watch it tonight but i just couldn't you know i just i just i got really busy and i just couldn't sit down on the couch and turn the tv on i couldn't do it right of course not because you look forward to it because you wanted to do it and the key that we're going to do here is we're going to get you to look forward to the foods that you're eating because if you look forward to you don't need to be motivated because you do it on your own because you like it does that make sense right so what i didn't talk about the macros and the carb cycling and the intermittent fasting and the calorie counting and the blah blah blah because the end of the day that does not matter what they want is for them to solve the problem and have it be pain-free right and that's what we're explaining to them so that's selling the vacation right and this is a saying that i've used for a long time which is cellification not the plane flight right and so this is what everyone else talks about they're like sir for us to get you these results you're gonna have to take your pants off you're gonna have to jump through this loop you're gonna have to go through the tsa the airport lines pack your suitcases take your shoes off do the layovers connect your flights uh have a person farting next to you don't worry they don't have covet you'll have tourbillons probably on the plane then as soon as you're out you think you're done you stop the way to baggage claim they probably lost your bag right and in our world it's your modules your meal plan your macros your workouts your support team your urls your domains your funnels you're targeting your ads and the other that doesn't matter right but instead what they want is you sell maui final destination and you always sell the same thing because the difference is only the level of service and how they want to get there right if you have multiple levels of service so do they want to swim to maui to where they're trying to go they're sharks and you could drown or get robbed right like this chick crazy uh do they want to take a boat to maui it'll take a little longer there's no shark attacks but there's still no wi-fi and you're kind of you know in the sun do you want to take a normal flight to maui get there a little faster still smells bad has security bad food but you're going to get there or do you take a private jets in maui right direct non-stop champagne on the plane suitcase is packed when you arrive right and so that's the selling piece e is explaining away their concerns and so these are the questions that sound like um so there's i'm sure mike has already taught you a lot of the uh the obstacle overcome concepts right so fundamentally there's three big ones right price and rather than teach you like the uh the the drilling of the obstacles i told you there's two things you need to memorize one of them are the stories the second are the obstacle overcomes right because those are the things that you're in the red zone like that's not where you start thinking about what you're gonna say all right so the two things that you need to memorize as a salesperson are the stories about what you sell and the obstacles that you're going to encounter when you're in the red zone the questions on the front end you need to know the milestones you need to hit in order to move forward and this is one of the big mistakes i'm sure mike talks about a lot which is you need to sit in the pain if someone does not clarify why they need a solution you do not ask for the sale if they're if we just say hey you know what what brought you here today i just want to find out more information okay cool so you know let me tell you about the program like that's not we didn't get the like we don't know why they're there we don't know what their goals are like one of the things drives me nuts about my team sometimes is i'm like dude we're eight minutes in the conversation i was like i don't know how many clients they have i don't know what their revenue is i don't know what their profit is i don't know what their biggest pain and struggle was right now i'm like what are you doing i'm like you just told them they're like oh gym launches 100 million dollar company i'm like they don't give a but they do my sales guys because they get their egos puffed up right but has nothing to do with the prospect they do not care right they only care about them so right right yeah the issue right everyone talks way too much about the product and so when you're training sales people you don't train them on the product you train them on the prospect the product doesn't matter i mean it matters obviously from like how you're going to make money because you have to do a good job because i'm going to get that in the second point but in terms of when you are selling and training someone if you guys know someone or know a specific niche really well then you will know their pains and if you have a new salesperson you hear them say and you're like that's not what he thinks what is he doing he might know the product perfectly but he just said that the guy's problem was not the problem and so then it doesn't matter what the product is because he doesn't feel like it's for him even though it's totally for him but you just misarticulated the problem that's where the clarity has to happen if you nail that the rest of the pitch is easy all right and so the key here is relying on past agreements that have already been made so this person with their partner with their spouse with their business you know whatever has ar that person knows that there's a problem and they also don't approve of that problem and so why would they be in any way against remedying a problem that they already don't approve of right and then finally we always tack on sometimes it's better as for forgiveness than permission right hahaha depends on the ticket sale right but you can get those in right and then obviously last last case here is you just do a delayed close and say let's get your card down we could put a down payment we can pay the rest on friday and if between now and then you know your partner comes back and says no man i want to be poor i want to keep struggling and like i want to never make money and like continue to do this for the rest of our lives then i'll absolutely tear up the contract don't worry about it right finally you've got stalls right i need to think about it so these are because people don't people are afraid of making mistakes right people are afraid of making mistakes and because of that they don't like making decisions because it's easier to let life make the decision for you and so they like doing it that way because then they feel like it's not their fault right and so i mean a great obstacle for this is what's your main concern which is usually my number one thing i go to when someone's like you think about it's like totally what's your main concern right let's think about it together right and so fundamentally these are the things that they need to know do you feel like what we're doing can meet your needs and solve the problem yes or no yes do you want to work with us as a company do you like our values do you like what we stand for do you believe what we believe about the world yes do you have access to funds or know someone who does yes well then let's rock and roll because those are the only things we know to me to make the decision right do you like the product do you like us and do you have the money to do it that's it simple as that right and so when we walk through those if you encounter these situations obviously there's you know if you're going to do it now sooner or they don't see the value later you didn't articulate it they have an objection on decision maker usually because you something up earlier in the sale but at this point you're in the red zone so you got to deal with it so you rely on past agreements if they come with a stall then you help them confront a decision and make a logical choice and teach them how to make a decision that in that moment you say what are you most afraid of happening i'm afraid you just you're afraid of me taking the money right just taking your money and you getting nothing right again well let me tell you how that's not going to happen right you can bring their concerns all right then finally they say yes and you're like awesome and this is where if you're selling for someone else get them to send a personalized video like hey johnny saw you just signed up with us today super pumped to have you uh you're gonna be meeting with heather tomorrow she's gonna get you kicked off um you should in the mail get a special gift so keep look out for that and then uh you know send a handwritten card if someone just bought a really expensive thing people are making their decision about whether they believe in you as a company within the first 48 hours after the sale they make a decision of whether or not they're going to be with you in the long term and how they are treated in the first 48 hours after they give you money so it's critical and it's usually in that point that people up and just ignore them framework two and you know mike i can stop i'll just do framework two and then we can do the q a because if i don't have time to scale the sales teams i can hit on the points later um so this is a big one for everyone who is who's newer to sales all right if you believe you can outperform the season sales rep by learning control your tone all right and so i reworked all of our scripts into the closer framework and the thing is immediately some people were crushing it right while others were still not selling and i was like what the right so i talked to my friends and they were like dude you should read this book by jordan buffer and the biggest thing that i got from the book was just he was very specific about tonality and that was a big shift for me and just learning to teach how to ask the question not just asking the question right and so in the book he talks about having the same issue that i had with scaling sales like i give the script to two guys some guy crushes some guys i'm like what the right and the thing is there's a hidden dialogue that the sales team does not know that they are talking it right and so the words are not going to be enough all right they're just literally ten percent so the words that you have it might be the most tested script in the world it's still only ten percent ninety percent is how you say the words right because how you say what you say is tonality like right now i can give everyone hears you know jerry seinfeld stand up script you could read it it wouldn't be funny right because it's not just that you had the script it's how you deliver it right and that takes time to develop right and that's kind of unconscious mastery and so there's two ways to do this all right that i have found you can either trick yourself into it or you can train yourself to do it all right and since we don't have enough time to uh to train on the influence of tonalities here's the trick that i teach all right conviction will correct your tone conviction made real so um let me tell you this story so i was i was brought in to do a day of consulting for this mortgage leads company to train their sales team and the first half of the day i reworked the whole script i put the closure framework made it a question-based um sale and then i came in and they were expecting me to like rain you know fire and brimstone on these guys and so i sat down and i was like who's the guy you having trouble there was this guy john so i was like john and they were selling leads i was like john i'll go to the leads he was like well you know and i was like we're good thanks and i was like let me show you how you would answer it if you actually believed the leads were good i was like you'd say like dude these leads are unbelievable right now i'm studying for my real estate exam so i can get in on these leads my aunt is a realtor and she has more business that she can handle and i'm sending her traffic i'm trying to get my my my brother to do it with me i'm not sure how long i'm going to work here because these leads are killing it for us right if you believe in the product you don't need to have all the sales skills you'll do it the right way because you'll actually want to help the person so that's why the most important part of the sale is the product because unless you're a malicious person like most people here was everyone here have some level of ethics on some level like no near just wants to like take someone's last dollar right so then the only way to sell hard because if you're going to close you've got to sell hard the only way to sell hard is to believe through and through balls to bones when you look at yourself in the mirror at night this is what i talked about mike said in the very beginning like what happens when people start hating on you the only way that i've been able to stay where we're at in the gym industry mike knows the amount of hate that i get right the only women will do that is that i read the testimonials the thousand of them that i have of gyms who have gone to six figures of the hundred gyms we've taken to seven figures right like i know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our product works i also know that if you sign up for a gym not everyone loses weight and i'm willing to deal with that i i'm willing to give everyone the opportunity to change their life so here's the tactics around this re-read testimonials out loud daily in front of your sales team all right and if the business that you're working for doesn't have testimonials find another business all right i'm serious you're not gonna be able to close unless you're like literally unless you're unethical you're not gonna be able to close so go find something that is a good product because there's plenty of them out there all right find a good product that you believe in you see tons of testimonials and then read those every day in front of the team all right second well this is for the business owners but fix everything you possibly can about the product all right and never blame a customer for lack of success so as much as there are people who have not been successful who've used gym launch i still take the fact that they were not successful and i think what could i have done that would have made the next person like them successful and you plug the hole right if you do that over and over and over and over again you know truly at the end of the day when you look at yourself in the mirror when no one else is watching whether or not you truly put the effort forward that merits the price that you are charging right only you can know that and the thing is is like the reason sales people get beat up is because they don't put the work in and then it grates on their soul and then eventually they burn out they burn out not because they can't handle no but because they can't handle how they feel about themselves right and so you have to put the work in to have the conviction because that's what's going to get you through it if you've ever met someone who's a born-again christian all right they are convicted they do not care how many people tell them to shove it because they are trying to save people's souls it's real like if you let that hit you it's real you know what i mean and if you can be a disciple of whatever the product that you have an evangelist in the truest terms then all the scripting stuff it won't matter why are some of the best sales people clients who had success because they believe in it that's it and the most convicted person will always win the fight right they'll always lead the dance because they have conviction in their skepticism you have conviction in your product and one of you is going to win out right and it's the question is whose belief is stronger because belief isn't binary it's not do i believe or do i not believe it's how much do i believe to what extent do i believe would i bet a thousand dollars on this product or about 10 000 on this product would i sell my mother this product think about it if you would sell your mother this product how convicted are you probably very and you will have no problem closing deals and notice that i have a lower tone right now so that you listen to the words that i'm saying so you think that they're important in terms of uh the training schedule 60 minutes a day five days a week my guys do world-class sales training they text me in the morning before they wake up they text me once they're done uh they do the first 25 minutes they read the script out loud five minutes they draw obstacles i need to think about it i need to talk to my partner um this is expensive and then they talk they draw the second half right as a closer you got to talk you got to listen you got to train both skills all right the talking's the tone and saying the words the right way and the right sequence without having to think about it the listening is going over recording and figuring out what went right what went wrong and what we're going to do next time and saying it drilling it as a team marking it and moving to the next one that's the short answer i appreciate that and i love the conviction by the way i can tell that this isn't scripted or anything and you're just going like your full heart out there yeah so i'm on instagram at appromozy my youtube is alex ramosey my podcast if you just type in alex mosey i've got a book some power yeah if you guys want i've got a book called alex's alex's book.com um it has 35 pages of obstacle overcomes in the appendix for each one of those obstacles if you guys want to go grab that there's i think there's a there's a sales training in there for like 100 bucks too if you want to grab it you can grab it it's very good [Music] i do it because i know it's so good people buy other so it's worth the money um hell yeah alex thank you bro thank you