Transcript for:
Bible Study Principles and Methods

um one is um I'm gonna quote I'm going to start by quoting my daughter Dede um and I'm not sure where she got it from so I'm going to give her credit for it until she tells me otherwise um the Bible can never say what it's never said and it can never mean what it's never meant it's not my job to use the Bible to prove my point right that's that's never a good idea um that's called um I think it's called isagesis and what we want is we want exegesis we want to get the word we want to get Knowledge from the scripture we don't want to bring our knowledge to the scripture and so um the scripture the Bible tells in first Timothy it says study to show yourself approved unto God a Workman that needeth not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of Truth so I have to rightly divide the word of truth I have to divide it rightfully um so that's one thing that's really important and a part of that is not having an agenda like if you study with an agenda I'm sure you know you could you could open up your Bible and prove anything you know I could I could I could take my I could take my Bible and have the random I'm gonna let the spirit Lead Me methodology right and I open up the Bible and I just it says uh okay I'll go right here oh Judas went and hanged himself right uh well that can't be what God wants me to know today uh find something out oh go down do likewise no this is not good this is not good right uh I'll find something else what I'll do is do quickly that is not an effective method of Bible study and unfortunately most Christians most followers of Christ most God-fearing people don't read the Bible for themselves they get all of the Bible they get when they go to church on Sunday or um maybe if when they go to synagogue on Saturday or wherever they're going they're getting their Bible knowledge from another human being I like I don't want to be the person you get the Bible from like I want you I want to inspire you to want to go study and find these amazing principles in scripture for yourself and so um when I I first came to Christ when I was 16 years old um those same numbers are in my age right now except they're in reverse order I'm no longer 16 I'm 61. and I started reading the Bible then a friend of mine Stan Harris who was in high school with me he led me to Christ and shortly after I said you need to start reading the Bible well you have to understand I was horrified and I wasn't horrified by the Bible I was horrified by reading I was 16 years old I had never read a book before in my life and now the first book I'm going to read is this big thick book right two columns no pictures this is not a comic book right um and so I was not I I didn't think I was ready but when I started reading it and by the way I prefer in the English language the King James Bible um I'm not going to go into why just I prefer it um I'm not fully persuaded that the NIV is even a Bible I'm gonna say that so I'm not going to go into why right now maybe I'll do something on that at another time um I think there are other versions that are acceptable but but we have to all understand when we're studying the Bible in English or Spanish or Portuguese or whatever the language French all translation is commentary and what I mean by that is in some languages in which the Bible was initially written uh in the languages in which the Bible was initially written there are some words that there is no modern day equivalent to so that's why it's so important to study the study the Bible and not just read it so if we're going to talk about studying the Bible the first thing I'm going to say is you should read the Bible and the reason you should read the Bible so you can become familiar with it like you can become familiar you can know Abraham from Absalom right you can know um you should know like um Solomon from Simon and so the objective first of all is read it to become familiar with it now if you're reading it you have to understand that the Bible is a library it is a collection of 66 different books right so as a collection of 66 different books but they all relate to each other and they were written over a period of 4 000 years and by I don't even remember how many different author like human authors and and yet they all tell the same story from a different perspective they all tell the same truths the same principles um and some people say well how can you believe that the Bible was written by God if it was actually written by man men because it tells in um first Peter it says uh no scriptures of any private interpretation but holy men of God um holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost so the Bible teaches that God inspired man to write the Bible and I believe that and I don't believe it just because that's what I learned I believe because I have been putting this book to the test for whatever 61 minus 16 is for that many years and have never found it to come up wanting and so first thing I'm going to say is read the Bible and I'm going to give you some basic foundational rules read the Bible you have to understand the Bible is not written in chronological order unless you have a Reese Chronological Bible so one of the professors that the Bible College that I went to for a while he worked on this project for over 20 years to take every verse in the Bible and put it in chronological order so you'll find verses from job in the Book of Genesis for instance you'll find verses from Ephesians in the book of Acts right because it shows you where these stories have so if you want to if you want to understand the chronology of the Bible and you know the different captivity uh different seasons of captivity that the children of Israel were in and you want to see the unfolding of the New Testament in chronological order like the Reese Chronological Bible is a really good Bible for you to do that I'm going to show you what it looks like on my screen here that's what it looks like okay that's the Rhys Chronological Bible okay that is the Bible that is in chronological order so if you want to study things in chronological order that's a good one that's a good place to do that's a good resource okay so read the Bible second thing I'm going to say is this um and we're going to get into the study part in a minute uh the second thing I'm going to say is this memorize Bible verses I like to memorize Bible verses categorically what do I mean categorically versus on prayer for instance uh Jeremiah 33 3 call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee Great and Mighty things which thou knowest not right so that's Jeremiah 33 3. so I would memorize that verse I might memorize um uh a verse like Matthew I think it's six um Matthew I don't I don't remember the exact passage but it says after this manner therefore pray after this man um uh when you pray don't pray as the scribes and I don't pray as the Pharisees for they think that they should be heard for their much speaking but after this manner therefore pray Our Father which art in heaven Hallowed be thy name a lot of people mistakenly think that's the Lord's Prayer but it's not the Lord's Prayer the model prayer he said after this manner therefore pray ye right and so so memorize versus categorically if I want to memorize verses about in the Bible about the Bible I might memorize Joshua 1 8 right or I want to memorize a verse about success right I'm a business owner I want to be successful what verse do I memorize well I might memorize a verse like um Psalms chapter one blessed is the man that walketh not in the counts of the ungodly nor stands in the way of Sinners nor sinneth in the seat of the scornful but his Delight is in the law of the Lord and his law that we meditate day and night he should be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters that bringeth forth his fruit in a season his Leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper okay so I might memorize that I might memorize Joshua chapter 1 verse eight this book of the law shall not depart from out of thy mouth but Thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein for then shalt thou make Thou shalt make their way prosperous and then Thou shalt have good success or I might memorize a verse like Isaiah chapter 55 verses 10 through 12 where it says as the rain cometh down in the snow from heaven and at watereth the Earth and maketh that bring forth and Bud that it may give bread to the eater and seed to the seed to the sower and bread to the eater so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth and it shall accomplish that which I please and shall prosper in the thing where unto I sent it so I memorize verses categorically so I'm going to say read the Bible I'm going to say memorize the Bible and then we're going to get into what I believe is one of the most important things you can do and that is study the Bible what does it mean to study the Bible Well it means you read verses and you look up verses for instance like Ephesians chapter 5 verse number 16. I'm sure some of you are familiar with it it says Redeeming the time because the days are evil I think that's Ephesians 5 16. okay Redeeming the time because the days are evil okay so I might I might read that and think I know what it means until I go into now this is what we used to have to do when I first came to Christ we used to have to use this book called the Strong's Concordance okay I'm going to show you what that looks like um that's what this is the strongest concordance the Strong's exhaustive Concordance of the Bible so you can see you can see that this book is really thick right it's really thick and it's got three columns inside you can see on the show on the screen again like the Whiteboard okay on the right side um on the right side you can see um that it's got all these different words I'm gonna put my glasses on so I can see what even they what those even say um so it says um like it'll it'll give me verses from Colossians whatever I'm let's say I want to look up the word throne so if I want to look up the word redeem I'm gonna go into the Strong's Concordance this is what I used to have to I don't have to do this anymore and neither do you I'm showing you this so you so you can know how much work it used to take for just to look up one word right so I look up the word redeem uh R comes before s so I look up the word redeem get back here to r e r e e we're getting close we're getting closer redeemed okay red there it is redeemed okay so at the top of this page redeemed redeemed redeem redeem uh that word is a bunch of times in here um oh it's a top of this this page over here okay redeem redeem redeemed redeemed and Ephesians I'm gonna go down to Ephesians um redeeming it's not redeemed it's redeeming okay redeeming Ephesians 5 16. um and so I go to Ephesians 5 16 there's and it says redeeming Redeeming the time because the days are evil and then it says 1805. so now I've got to go to the back of the Strong's Concordance so I looked at that page it looked like that then I gotta go to the back of the Strong's Concordance and I have what did I say 1805 1805 so I'd have to go to the back of the Strong's Concordance and I have to look up 1805 with all these reference numbers I'm getting close Okay 16 and I have to look up um 18 1805 1805. oh that's Hebrew I need to go to the um so it has the Greek and the Hebrew it has Greek numbers and Hebrew numbers so I got to go to the Greek because it's in the New Testament got to go to the Greek and then go to 1805. so Greek 15 and I'm showing you this for a reason guys so don't don't don't don't give up on me here because like this is going to be I'm gonna show you a much better way to do this here in a minute so just hang on um or a much faster way um so 1805 and it says to Ransom to rescue from loss to redeem okay to buy up to improve opportunity to rescue from loss but did you see all that stuff I had to go through to find that now watch what I have to do now I open up my Bible my Bible Software um in my and so go ahead and Larry show them the uh show on the Whiteboard so I open up my and I go to I open up my Bible Software I'll show you what software this is in a minute and I go to New Testament and I go to Ephesians and I go to chapter five and I go to verse number 16 and it says Redeeming the time because the days are evil so all I have to do now is touch the word redeem and it pops up the strong concordance what did y'all see how much easier that was this is why that this is why there's no excuse for a person who is in Ministry a pastor or evangelist or whatever somebody who's a Bible teacher Sunday school teacher there's no excuse for not studying the Bible like to stand up and give you know three points in a poem in a nursery rhyme and or whatever the Bible has gotten who's going to make better like Dr Seuss can make better content than God seriously right we want to we want to preach from Dr Seuss and nursery rhymes and stories and about football games and about baseball games and basketball games and that's the main point when God has given us a guidebook from Heaven to make it through um this life like abundantly and bless blessedly so look it says it says um to buy up I.E to Ransom figuratively to rescue from loss to improve opportunity so when the scripture says I'm supposed to redeem be Redeeming the time I'm supposed to be buying it up huh buy up my time I wonder how to do that I know how I do it I do that I buy back my time by paying somebody to cut my grass even though I know how to cut grass I buy back my time by paying somebody to fix my car even though I know how to fix a car I buy back my time by paying someone to clean my house even though me and my wife both know how to clean the house but I'm buying back that time so now instead of taking that time and using it for uh um some menial task not only do I get to bless myself and my wife by us not having to do that work but I give somebody else a blessing because I pay them to do it right and so so I buy back my time I rescue I rescue it from loss once the time is gone it's gone and so what should I be doing with the time that I'm rescuing from loss I should be improving my opportunity wow that totally changes the meaning so let's go back let's go back to that same verse Redeeming the time okay so I'm supposed to buy back my time rescue it from loss and re um improve my opportunity why because the days are evil now here's what says that word evil is um is paneros which I I don't speak Greek so that doesn't mean anything to me but it says um influence or thus differing from so that this this word is from 4192 the 4190 is from 41.92 if I touch 41.92 it takes me there anguish or pain okay so this is not talking about evil from the standpoint that the devil is evil right he said it says it says the days are evil so uh 40 it's a derivative of 4192 which means anguish or pain properly um or to influence and thus differing from 25 56 what is 25 56 that's another time a different Greek word that's translated into the word evil but it's different than that and that is um Bad Evil harm ill noisome or Wicked so when it says the days are evil it's not talking about the days are wicked or evil like the devil is evil it's talking about the days are evil like they're hard and painful so I'm supposed to buy back my time rescue it from loss improve my opportunity because life is hard oh now I under now I don't just know what it says so I'm going around quoting a verse that I think I understand but I don't really understand because I don't even know the meaning of the words and if I don't know what the words mean I can't know what the word means right I have to look if I'm going to study a passage of scripture I have to look up every word in the passage for me to come to a clear God intended biblical understanding I'm gonna I'll tell you what the app is in a minute guys Derek I see you're asking what app I'm using I'm going to show you what the app is okay so and then if I want to keep reading um um rather essential which refers to rather the essential character as well as from 45 50 which 45 50 says worthless okay it's not it's not like it's not it's not that the days are evil like they're worthless it's not like they're evil like Satan it's evil they're painful and full of anguish oh so if I use my money I want you to think about this just as a principle before we even go any further when you think about this as a principle is it fascinating isn't it isn't it fascinating to you that most people struggle their way through life financially and they think it's something they think it's because of maybe their their a minority or because they are don't have an education or because but maybe it's because they're totally doing the exact opposite of what God Said do what'd God say do buy back your time rescue it from loss and improve your opportunity what do we do we do the exact opposite we sell our time to the highest bidder ten dollars an hour fifteen dollars an hour 20 an hour fifty dollars an hour and we wonder why we can't get ahead you're doing the exact opposite of what it says in the scripture now some people might say well Myron well that's that's not what that means okay well then you go do a word study please tell me what it means I'm like I don't need it to mean that I wasn't looking for that when I found it I wasn't looking for it to mean that when I found it when I was a shocked when I found it as you are if you're hearing it for the first time right because I don't bring my ideas to scripture looking to prove them I bring my empty canvas my I bring my question mark to the scripture and I allow the scripture to be the sentence the subject the verb or the subject the predicate and the exclamation point right that like we need to let God be God now so as I'm studying these verses that's one that that's one part of Bible study I want to like if I'm using a verse or something I want to make sure I'm not using it for something for which God never intended because as I quoted my daughter earlier she said uh the Bible can never say what is never said it can never mean what it's never meant now if you really want to like if you really want to have a an amazing experience learning the Bible okay here's what I'm going to tell you do the last thing it told you you should do what do you mean the last thing I don't mean last is and final I mean the last thing that you found out in scripture you should be doing that you weren't doing start doing that why now I'm going to show you something else this this app can do and then I'm going to show you what app it is so Larry go ahead and pull that up so if I want to look for something I can do a search right and I can do a search for a phrase or I can do a search for a word I can do it if any of these words are in it or if it needs to be an exact match so if I type in um do will no Doctrine okay so here's what I found John 7 17 right so so I if I if I kind of know what the verse says if I type in some of the words it'll find the verse for me so here's what it says in John 7 7 17 here's what it says uh if any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself so Jesus told he was talking to the Pharisee but he told them he said If any man will do his will he shall know the doctrine right so what is he saying the way we learn the doctrine the way we have a better understanding of scripture is by doing the stuff we already understand if I'm ignoring the last thing God said to me he's not going to show me the next thing right like the scripture builds and it says this in Scripture it builds line upon line precept upon precept right you can't you can't build the roof if you don't have a foundation in walls right so you have to start somewhere right and you say but Myron the Bible is a really thick book how am I supposed to expect am I expected to get through that in my lifetime you're not the objective is not to get through it the objective is to let it get through to you I haven't studied every word in the Bible I haven't studied I haven't done a word study on every passage but I've done a word study I've done word studies on complete books in the Bible which is what we're going to get to next but before I do that I want to show it I want to show you all what app I'm using so I'm going to close the app and then I'm going to show you so I have I have all these Bible apps in my iPad and um and by the way Larry you can do picture-in-picture still you know that right so cool um so if I put my glasses on it helps me see better um there we go so so this app that says s KJV it's in the top right corner you see that one with the Olive and the bait alif and bait or the Hebrew Olive Bates it's a white white one with the black letters in the top right corner of that of that folder when I hit that it opens up that's the Strong's KJV app okay now that's the one where I look up the words now it doesn't do every single solitary words but it does all of them like the main words it's it's it's a great way for you to start doing word studies in the Bible like when I hear preachers preach on passages and I've done word studies on their passages those passages and they say it means something I know it didn't mean I'm I'm like I'm I already hung up the phone I'm like hasta la vista baby I'm done I'm checked out right um a a modern day um a modern day phrase that is so anti-biblical it's so it's such a it's it's and and some people are gonna have a hard time with what I'm about to say but that's okay they'll be all right um it's it's so satanic and you have these churches talking about that at the end of the service they give an invitation and say if you want to come and give your life to Jesus and be saved that is not biblical that's just what what show me that in the Bible That's not in there give your life to Jesus so now salvation is a gift that we give to Jesus no no he gave his life for us we receive the gift it's in fact it says in Romans um Romans chapter 3 verse 23 the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord it says in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 9 for by grace that word Grace means a gift are you saved through faith and that that faith is not even of yourselves it is the gift of God not of Works lest any man should boast so God gives us the gift of faith to receive the gift the great of Grace I'm going to give my life to Jesus and now I'm saved Hocus Pocus that's Hocus Pocus that is not biblical at all anyway little pet peeve of mine um because and there's a pet peeve of mine because I believe it's leading people astray and it's making people believe something that's not true and it's giving people false hope so anyway okay back to the Bible study so now I'm going to show you what I do um how how I I'm this is not how you should necessarily but this is how the app is called Strong's KJV that's the app I use um so um the next I'm going to show you how I study a chapter in the I mean a book of the Bible so we're going to go to one that I've already done a word study on every word in the book and it's one of my favorite books to teach from too it's like it's like the Proverbs of the New Testament okay the book of James okay so the book of James so James has five chapters and when I was a senior pastor at church in Georgia I on I think it was on Wednesday nights you started teaching through James and it's really fascinating how God's word does the work like God's like Jesus said my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give them to them eternal life like yes there have been many pastors who've built churches on personalities and there have been a whole lot of Ministries building personalities and talent and all the rest of that but the word of God does the ultimate work period right um I don't want y'all the reason I'm doing this I don't want you to think you need me people say oh Myron I love how you make the Bible so simple I don't make the Bible simple the Bible's simple when I got here what am I going to do to make the Bible simple I'm going to make the Bible simple I'm simply saying that's not possible right um the Bible's like I think the reason people mistakenly think I make it simple is because I don't confuse it I don't try to add anything to it I'm not trying because I don't have any some people say oh you haven't I don't have an agenda I don't need it I don't I don't need it to say anything when I come to this word I'm coming looking for orders from headquarters right so what I do when I'm when I'm studying a a book in the Bible the first thing I do if I'm going to do a word study like I'm going to a word through an entire book I will start with the last chapter and read the last chapter first the next to the last chapter second the next chapter before that first before that the next and then I'll read it backwards then I'll read it forwards then I'll read it backwards then I'll read it Forward again I'm going to read it backwards and forwards several times just so I can become familiar with all the stuff that's going on okay that's one of the things I do then I go to the first chapter and um and I start reading now so this is James by the way I may have other commentaries like I may so I've got these you can't really see this I don't know if I don't know if we took pictures of this or not but I've got an encyclopedia called all the like all it's the all the series all the men in the Bible all the women in the Bible all the children in the Bible all the prayers in the Bible all the parables in the Bible right so I might go to all the men in the Bible and I might look up who is this James character right I might go to there I might go to a commentary by Warren weirsby or some other commentary I just want to find out what they say about James now I'm not doing it because I want to know what their thoughts are on the book I just want to know who James is because it says James like my dad's name is James is this about my dad I don't think so my brother Mike his middle name is James it's about my brother I don't think it's about him either so who's this James well the what I know about this James is this is James the Lord's half-brother so this is James the half-brother of Jesus the son of Mary and Joseph right the reason I say is the half-brother of Joseph of Jesus is because God was Joseph's father and I mean Joseph was was Jesus stepfather and God was Jesus father so but James was Jesus half brother right so I want you to think about this I want you to think about a modern day social media growth oriented individuals so he's the half-brother of Jesus he's also the senior pastor at the church of Jerusalem he's writing a letter to the churches that have been scattered abroad by persecution of the Roman government initially and then later the Roman Catholic church but initially the Roman government and there wasn't really a whole lot of Separation but that's another conversation for a different day so James he's the staff brother of Jesus and the senior pastor at the church of Jerusalem I don't know that seems like a pretty good claim to fame right there like if I was if I was doing a resume right and I'm telling people like this is who I am I would start with James half brother of Jesus senior pastor church of Jerusalem some people call me Dr James other people call me Reverend James right he didn't do that he said he said James I want you to notice this a servant of God of the Lord Jesus Christ why so like the Bible tells us to meditate on scripture right so I'm going to meditate on this why is he saying James a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ and not James the half-brother Jesus senior pastor church of Jerusalem some people call me Dr James other people call me uh Reverend James no he didn't do that why some people call me Apostles no he didn't do that here's what he did he said James a servant of God in the Lord Jesus Christ because he realized something that we as followers of Christ need to realize our primary identifying factor in our lives doesn't need to be what organization we're over who we're related to what are Al murmare what are alma mater is that's a hard word y'all know what I'm talking about that thing where you associate yourself one another colleges right uh um it doesn't need to be that it doesn't need to be your race it doesn't need to be your gender it doesn't need to be your political party that does not need to be your primary identifying Factor why because if your primary identifying factors that you are a servant of God under the Lord Jesus Christ then you are going to act from that place before you act from the place of a Democrat or a Republican or a black or white or man or woman or alumni or phyta Beta Kappa or whatever CEO Co a b c d e f g like before any of that stuff PhD and LMNOP all that why don't we just why don't we just do it I mean he's got a much better claim to fame than I've got and I want to tell I'm Dr Myron golden bless God you call me doctor I don't care if you call me doctor nurse janitor if I can be a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ I'm happy that's my primary identifying Factor not some initials that I put behind my name not some school that I went to not I'm a black man bless God I'm a black man well and that changes what that's not yeah I am a black man but I'm not that's not I'm not that first the first thing I am if I am a if I am bought by the if I am if I Am Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb the first thing I am is a servant of God in the Lord Jesus Christ which means every other servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ is my brother and my sister and I am not God didn't put me here to be over them and guess what people who are not who are not Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb God didn't put me here to be over them either he didn't put me like the whole idea of a human ruling over another human is a Satan idea it's not a god idea how about them apples okay I'm gonna I'm gonna pump the brakes I'm getting a little worked up James the servant of God by the way isn't that interesting that just in the first half of the first sentence of the Book of James we find something we can apply to our lives if we're looking for something to do so let me say this I in fact I wrote myself I wrote myself a note in my phone so I'm going to read it so I don't leave anything out right so a lot of people a lot of people mistakenly think the Bible is a book about religion it's not a book about religion it contains religion but it's not a book about religion so uh notes notes notes how do you find notes by typing in note okay there we go so um recent notes well I hope that's what I did oh no I did I I didn't know I texted it to myself okay I don't know if y'all did y'all know you can text things to yourselves okay anyway side note okay here it is the Bible is a book of principles promises patterns parallels precepts practices prayers and prophecies I'm going to do it again the Bible is a book of principles promises patterns parallels precepts practices prayers and prophecies that give me the ability to predict outcomes in the future how do well how does a principle how does a print well here's I'm going to show you how principle gives you the ability to protect predict what's going to happen in the future you already what goes up must come down because it went up you know it it has to come down it's a principle right so if I can find a principal and I see something happening and that principle applies to it I can know what's going to happen next so good promises well if the Bible's a book of promises and the Bible has two kinds of promises now the Bible has unconditional promises and conditional promises and unconditional promise is a promise that's just a promise because like uh because it's a promise a conditional promise is a promise based on you meeting a condition then you get this promise okay then you get the benefit of that promise okay but here's one of my favorites patterns so good the Bible's a book of patterns like I love pattern recognition I think that's one of the reasons why I like trading options I think that's one of the reasons why I love business I love patterns I love to see patterns unfold because if you can recognize a pattern then it gives you the ability to know what's going to happen next so for instance I know that when I begin to do something new I know the pattern the Genesis 1 pattern is like all creation and high achievement begins with intention right so it starts with intention and then what disruption follows intention because it would say in the beginning God created the Heavenly Earth that was God's intention to create the Heaven and the Earth what happened next and the Earth was without form and void oh let me show you that really quickly while I'm doing it so while whilst I'm on it so Genesis 1 1 in the beginning God created the Heaven the Earth right and the Earth was without form so that word was is not the word used to be but it's the word it's the word um not um hold on it's the word became oh the word became without form and void so when it says the word Earth was without form of void it's not saying the Earth like used to be without form and void it's saying it became without forming void and darkness upon the face of the deep right so what do I learn from those two verses well what I learn is that God God himself had an intention his intention was to create what's and I'm recognizing a pattern what's the next step in the pattern disruption always follows intention okay that's pretty cool so what happens next well it says and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters oh so we have to find inspiration after the intention after the disruption that follows Our intention now how this is not I am not interpreting this to mean this I am recognizing a pattern in this do y'all understand the difference of what I'm saying I'm recognizing a pattern by the way I see that pattern over and over and over and over again in scripture I see it in I see it later in the Book of Genesis I see it in Genesis chapter 12 when God comes to Abram and says hey uh I'm gonna make your name great I'm going to make you I'm gonna I'm gonna make your seed as a Sands of the seashore and as the stars of heaven and he's 75 years old and 10 years later he still didn't have any kids right disruption always follows intention right another 10 years goes by I still didn't have any kids like wait a minute I'm 95 I still don't have any children what's up right disruption always follows I can see it with Joseph Joseph had a dream what happened after his dream his brothers hated him for his dream is for his words so I'm recognizing a pattern so what happened they threw him in a pit they sold him into slavery he went down into Egypt to a foreign land he was doing good work in Potiphar's house Potiphar's wife lied on him he's got sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit what am I saying disruption always follows intention we can go to we can go to the further through um the Old Testament we can find David David Gets anointed to be king what happens he spends the next many years of his life running from King Saul because Saul wants to kill him we see Jesus himself is baptized in Jordan right he gets the anointing the heavens open the spirit descends on him like a dove Heaven's open and the voice from Heaven says this is my beloved Son and whom I'm well pleased what happens after that go read it yourself that was the last verse of Matthew chapter three what's the first verse of Matthew chapter four then was Jesus led of the spirit Into the Wilderness to be tempted of the devil disruption always follows intention it's a pattern why is it important for us to recognize patterns so that we don't become discouraged in the middle of the pattern we know it's going to come next so we can see it doesn't matter if it's a promise if it's a principle if it's a pattern if it's a precept if it's parallel if it's a prophecy the reason all of those things exist well one of the reasons all of those things exist I should say is to give me the ability to make predictions about outcomes in the future so I can position myself on the path of prosperity buckets in hand when I say Prosperity I'm not just talking about money I'm talking about every aspect of my life if I align my life according to these promises principles parallels practices etc etc then my life is going to be blessed period in what way every way that I align myself with those patterns principle so so so so so back to James I just I wanted to give that to you really quickly I knew this was going to take a long time I didn't know it was going to take this long I hope this hope is this helpful is what I'm sharing with you all helpful Okay cool so I'm gonna go back to James because I just want to show you some like like when when you do word studies it's so exhilarating like it'll energize like you you don't want to do this too close to time to go to bed you won't be able to sleep I mean there I have never in my I've done a lot of exciting things in my life I've taken flying lessons I've not jumped out of an airplane and I don't have any intention of doing so um I have had a hole in one in golf right um um I've got a beautiful wife I've got amazing children I've got I've got an amazing granddaughter but I mean you talk about excitement you start studying the word of God like I'm showing you you start looking up these words you start finding out what they mean you're like oh my goodness this is amazing right so he says James the servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ through the 12 tribes are scattered abroad why do you write to the 12 tribes because he was the senior pastor of the Church of Jerusalem these were all Hebrew believers okay my brethren then he says count it all joy when ye fall into diverse Temptations well like when I read that even before I start study doing a word study on it he didn't say he said count it all joy when you fall into diverse Temptation he doesn't he didn't say counter all joy if you fall into diverse Temptation so in order for me to even know what this means I need to look up this word temptation what's the word temptation oh is it be tempted to do something evil um no oh by implication it means adversity a pudding to proof an experiment of good in other words when the trial comes to test your faith count it all joy when you fall into that kind of trial that the word see sometimes sometimes that word whatever the word is there that word um piramos is translated as Temptation sometimes it's translated into English as trial that's why I say all translation is commentary you have to do word studies for yourself and I know some of you are probably thinking but I wish it was I wish it were easier easier when is easier made something better so I I see that someone someone's asking me to slow down I get that but here's what you can do like when you go back and watch the video you can actually slow down the speed and you can pause it I I if I slow down I'm gonna lose my I'm going to lose my place I I get it I get I get a little worked up I'll pump the brakes a little but I like but but like Slow Down the video pause it if you need to I'm the kind of person even if I'm listening to someone who talks fast I have to listen to stuff at least one and a half times speed sometimes two times speed it's just how my brain works so I can't teach in a different way I would love to but like like it would not be helpful okay for me which would not be helpful for you so so so I'm looking at this okay so count it all joy when I fall into different kind of Trials okay what kind of Trials are different kind of Trials maybe sickness trials maybe car accident trials maybe lose my job trials maybe run out of money trials maybe relationship trials maybe I should count it all joy what does that mean count it all joy um um count it means to consider it means to esteem it means to govern huh to rule over to suppose in other words I account I count it by accounting it is Joy now is that saying I'm supposed to be all Pollyanna no offense to you Pollyanna if you're out there listening um and think um um oh yeah we got him praise the Lord I got in a car wreck today oh praise the Lord I just got bad news from the doctor no that's not what it's saying it's not saying pretend everything is hunky-dory that's not what it's saying it's saying count it all joy count is a perspective word in other words assign the meaning assign a meaning to the trial you're going through that will bring you Joy and you're going to find out how to do that count it all joy when you fall into different diverse means different I'm not going to look it up count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations by the way I know how to count it all joy I'm going to teach you a little I'm gonna teach you a little secret because over and over in Philippians chapter 2 here's what it says Philippians chapter I'm sorry Philippians chapter 4 verse number four here's what it says it says rejoice in the Lord alway and again I say rejoice the prefix re means to do again so when it says rejoice it means again have joy in the Lord when always and again I say rejoice or and again I say again have joy wow again have joy in the Lord alway and again I say again have joy to me that sounds like a follower of Christ is supposed to live in a state of Perpetual joyfulness despite what's going on around us how's that possible Myron what tells us in the next verse Philippians chapter 4 verse number five here's what it says it says let your moderation be known unto all men for the Lord is at hand in other words let your self-control similar word to this word count I'm supposed to govern my moderation be known unto all men for the Lord is at hand the Lord the Lord Capital El capital r capital D Adonai the owner Master controller of the universe is at hand where is at hand he's right here with me well if I'm more aware of the fact that he is with me then I am the trial that's against me I will have joy how do I know I'll have joy because the scripture tells me in his presence is in his presence is fullness of joy are y'all tracking so so now here here's so so I'm learning something from this that I can do on a daily basis count it all joy how do I count it all joy by being more aware of the presence of the Lord than I am the presence of the trial oh maybe that's how Noah had enough joy to energize him to work on an ark for 120 years because God said it's going to rain even though he was 420 years old 480 years old and had never seen one raindrop because he was more aware of the presence of the Lord than he was the presence or the lack of the presence of rain maybe maybe Joseph when he said to his brothers you meant it for evil but God meant it for good the reason he was aware of that because he was more aware of what God was doing than he was of what his brothers were trying to do maybe David ran towards Goliath the giant that everybody else was running from because he was more aware of the presence of the Lord than he was the presence of the giant maybe Shadrach Meshach and Abednego when they were thrown into the fiery furnace that was heated seven times hotter than was needed to be heated it was so hot that the men that threw them in died from the Flames it says these three men fell down Bound in their hats and their coats and their hosen and their other garment they fell down bound and the Nebuchadnezzar in his haste rose up and said did not we throw three men bound into the midst of the Furnace and his man said unto him true okay then why do I see four men loose walking in the midst of the fire in the form of the fourth is like unto the son of God that's an Old Testament illustration of this new testament principle that's being taught here in James are y'all seeing what I'm talking about and so what's amazing is Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were so aware of the presence of the Lord when the king threatened to kill them he said we are not careful to answer you in this matter O King Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us and he will but if he doesn't we're still not going to Bow let me ask you a question are you aware enough of the presence of God to know that he's going to deliver you but even if he doesn't you're willing to go down being a faithful witness because that's what they were why they were more aware of the presence of the Lord than they were the presence of the king or the furnace or the mighty men that threw them in okay count it all joy when you fall in diverse Temptations knowing this so count is a perspective word but then it says knowing this that knowing this the trying of your faith worketh patience okay so knowing is not a perfect perspective word knowing is a perception word so this these verses right here verse verse 2 and verse 3 are telling me something what are they telling me they're telling me I can only count the way I'm supposed to count if I know what I'm supposed to know if I don't know what I'm supposed to know I can't count right and the reason some people don't count right they don't count it all joy when they fall into diverse Temptations is because they don't know what they need to know what do they need to know God is Sovereign there's not a Maverick molecule in this entire universe if you're going through something right now here's what it says knowing this so not just knowing but knowing this the trying of your faith work of patience guess what patience is persistent consistent endurance the trying of your faith worketh persistent consistent endurance so when you go through a fiery trial it makes you stronger oh now I know how to have joy when I'm going through a trial God is making me stronger for a work he has for me to do that's bigger than I am now so what's really going on when I'm going through difficulty I'm not really having a bad day I'm having a preparation day I'm having a get ready day I'm in the middle of a get ready situation I'm in the middle of a prepare preparation situation I like that preparation situation right uh I'm not gonna say what I just I think it's some funny stuff my brain it just it just goes okay stop being an Energizer Bunny little brain okay so a preparation situation so I can know when I'm going through anything whether it be a relationship trial a financial trial a health trial I can go through it with joy because I know that that God is getting me ready for something he already has ready for me he's got something ready for me but I'm not ready for it yet so I'm going through this trial to make me stronger so that when I get there I'm strong enough to stay there now I can have joy you see uh this is this is this is so this is so much better I'm just having a terrible day I'm not smart enough to know if I'm having a terrible day because I can't tell if my day is good or bad looking through the windshield I can only tell when I look at it through the rear view mirror and when I look at it through the rear view mirror here's what I see every single time whether I was aware of it then or not God was Sovereign and in control and demonstrating his love in getting me ready for what he already has ready for me my brother Mike came down here uh to Tampa um almost two weeks ago now it'll be two weeks on Sunday came down come to an event we were having with two of his sons and he got sick started throwing up we thought he was going to get better I thought he's gonna get better didn't get better ended up having to have surgery he's been in the hospital for probably seven days now why God knows it's difficult but just because it's difficult doesn't mean it's bad did y'all hear what I just said just because it's difficult doesn't mean it's bad let's stop going through life playing God and thinking we know the end from the beginning sometimes we don't even know the beginning from the beginning right so knowing this the trying of your faith worketh patience and every one of these words so I've already done this in the past I'm just showing you you get I mean just like it's so interesting here's what's interesting when you study the Bible like this you never run out of stuff to talk about so now y'all now y'all know oh where did he come up with this I've been studying the Bible I've been studying the Bible since I was in my 20s I've been reading it since I was 16 years old like this book when I was preaching through the Book of James with five chapters it took me a year to teach five chapters in The Bible a year why because there's so much in there I wasn't trying to I wasn't trying to get through it I was trying to let it get through to me and everybody else with me so I will do um in the future I'm gonna do um a a YouTube video on how I memorize scripture okay which is pretty cool too um and one of the reasons it's so important to memorize scripture because I'm going to wind this up because I've been going for almost an hour um but one of the reasons so important to memorize scripture is because it gives you a point of reference in your mind so one of the books one of the books that that I had um that I use as a study a reference guide is this it's called the treasury of scripture knowledge so the treasury of scripture knowledge if I open this book so mine's really old and Raggedy okay not like the pretty one on the picture but if I open the treasure of scripture knowledge what it does is I can go to James chapter one in here and um I'm almost there so if I go to James chapter one I'm almost there y'all okay so James chapter one so when I look at verse one it gives me it gives me 20 different verses to refer to that add light to James chapter one James chapter 1 verse one I go to verse chapter verse two because like James chapter one it relates to Matthew 10 3 Matthew 13 55 Mark 3 18 Luke 6 15 acts I'm not reading them to you because I want you to go because I want you to look at them right now I'm just showing you like this one verse has cross references in all of these different places Romans 1 1 Philippians 1 1 um First Kings 18 31 um Ezra 6 17 Etc and so that one verse like you can spend all day just studying half of those verses I believe that one of the reasons one of the reasons there's so much weird and wonky stuff going on with within churches is because preachers don't preach the Bible Christians don't study the Bible we just make stuff up or we want we want like want to have a motivational session and insert some Bible verses the Bible like how can I improve on God's content God has the best content that's why even as an entrepreneur I teach Business from The Bible now here's what's really interesting when you become a student of the word of God you can study the books of the bot you can study a verse you can study an entire book then you can study in a concept like you say I wonder what the Bible has to say about for instance business and you study it and then you take all the stuff you learn and then you might come up with a book like this I don't know if this one's on here or not probably oh it is you might come up with a book like this Rabbi Daniel happens thou shall prosper this is a rabbi who's just teaching biblical principles of business in a book that is 300 I'm just going for the book part now over 330 pages long 340 pages long right because he studied one topic what if you studied everything that the Bible teaches about marriage you're a marriage counselor started teaching biblical principles of marriage what have you talk learned everything the Bible teaches about health I got a book in my office about this thick a guy wrote called God's ultimate God's ultimate plan for health right it's a big old thick book he studied what the Bible has to say about health and he wrote a book about it God has the best content now if I'm going to teach a book if I'm going to like I can't teach what the Bible says about golf right I love golf and I love the Bible but the Bible doesn't talk about golf but the Bible talks about marriage the Bible talks about business and the Bible talks about health what if you became the world's leading expert on what the Bible teaches about your Niche here's what's really good about the word of God you don't have you don't have to quote the chapter and verse When It Was Written there were no chapters and verses you don't have to tell everybody that's coming from the Bible here's what you know though you know that when I mean I I like telling people it's coming from the Bible because I don't want people to think they need me I'm like I am I am not essential to your growth here's what's essential you being willing to yield to the word of God and study it That's essential I'm just I'm a vet I'm a voice I'm a vessel right but God's word is essential and if I can inspire you to go and do what I've been doing and is it is it going to happen overnight it's not but it's going to happen over many nights it's going to happen in a year no but it'll happen after many years you will know more about how to study biblical principles you get you're having a problem in your relationship you'll now you know how to go find out what God says about it if you and the other person you're in a relationship with are both willing to yield to that now you have a common denominator you're having a problem in your parenting you go stay in the Bible oh wow what do you know God has something to say about rearing children yeah he does so hopefully this has been helpful um um if you get Strong's KJV um you get a Reese Chronological Bible complete Jewish Bible I didn't I don't think I showed that one I don't know if I have it on here or not no a complete Jewish Bible which is this I'll show it to you the complete Jewish Bible gives you a Hebrew like a Jewish understanding of our faith instead of just the Roman Catholic um um perspective um the rich Chronological Bible that's great um people ask me about Hebrew everyday Hebrew that's one of the books I have studying Biblical Hebrew I've got a lot of books maybe I'll do another thing on how I study Hebrew and all that stuff in the future but like this is a what I share with you all today is a great place to start if you'll just start with that it'll change your life and you're you'll look in the mirror a year from now and you'll be in a totally different place it'll blow your mind so in the meantime in between time I hope this blesses you stay blessed by the best one more thing I want to show y'all um I want to share recommend some videos for y'all to go and check out on our Channel that I think will be a blessing to you um oh that's that one um interesting so I need to I need to learn how to use YouTube on my iPad um Channel my channel okay so um couple like ones that I would really recommend um that everybody watch are well two I'm gonna I'm gonna recommend three um God's original design for wealth which was done that's this one um right here God's original design for wealth now it's not it's playing so it's not going to show you but God's original design for wealth is one I would recommend um also why evil people are rich that one has almost 2 million views from five months ago uh God's original design for wealth has 86 000 views I just think you need to understand money from a more from a Biblical perspective and why a rich man can't enter into heaven and why rich man can't enter into heaven God's original design for wealth so that is on the like a lot of people at say Myron you're always talking about money but the Bible says it's easier for a camera to go through the eye of a needle then it's for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven okay great that's exactly what it says but if you read the story in context you will see what it's talking about and it's not talking about what you think it's talking about so those three videos are videos that I would recommend go ahead and pull those up again like pull that up again stop sharing okay well um I didn't I didn't did I what no I didn't but it's okay I'll stop sharing then I'll do it again Okay so maybe is it working Ally no okay so don't worry about um anyway guys um yeah we'll yeah we'll put it in the description uh those three videos in particular will help you understand I don't know yeah so anyway I I messed something up oh it's sharing now okay cool Okay cool so yeah that those are the ones right there God's original design for wealth um or why rich man can't enter into heaven why evil people are rich God's original design for wealth go watch those videos you'll be glad you did stay blessed by the best of my peeps I hope that helps and go study the Bible become a student of God's word and let God's word do in you what only God's word can do in you stay blessed by the best peace out Cub Scouts