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15 Tips to Become a Pro in Gaming
Jul 16, 2024
15 Tips to Become a Pro in Gaming
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1. Play the Game More
Gain familiarity with the game mechanics.
Understand what to do and what not to do over time.
2. Learn What Every Ability Does
Know how and when to use each ability.
Optional: Watch video on abilities for a comprehensive guide.
3. Pick One Character to Learn First
Stop switching characters frequently.
Recommended beginner characters: G and Saitama.
4. Do Simple Combos
Start with simple combinations.
Progress to harder combos once comfortable.
5. Side Dashing
Important skill for advancing to pro level.
Practice in private servers; use dummies to master the skill.
6. Counter Dashing
Dash towards opponent's direction to get behind them.
Use this position to start a new combo.
7. Timing Your Ragdoll Cancel
Only use it if enemy will continue a combo.
Avoid wasting this technique as it can lead to being comboed.
8. Ragdoll Counter
Cancel ragdoll towards the opponent to initiate a combo.
9. Movement
Backdashing to create space.
Jumping side to side for better positioning.
10. Reading Your Opponent
Notice repetitive actions by opponents.
Act upon opponent’s mistakes.
Example: Blocking when predicting a barrage attack.
11. Punishing
Act on opponent’s mistakes to start your combos.
Applies to dashing, ability usage, and movements.
12. Opponent’s Ability Waste
Note when opponent uses abilities; know they are on cooldown.
13. Blocking
Predict opponent’s moves to block effectively.
Avoid holding block for too long to prevent easy combos.
14. Cooldowns
Keep track of your cooldowns to unlock combo opportunities.
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