you know the Research indicates that these forever chemicals can have lasting effects on our health including hormonal imbalances increased risk of chronic disease and all kinds of other consequences and they're entirely unnecessary these compounds found in a wide range of consumer products from non-stick pans to waterproof clothing have been linked to numerous health risks you can even find these in common household cleaning products and we're using these every day to clean the surfaces where we eat and where we ingest our food where our children crawl around on our floors it's time to sort of Peel back the layers of products we've taken for granted and discover the power of nature and how we can create a truly clean living space we do not need the level of chemicals and synthetics in our lives that we have today ultimate human hey guys welcome back to the ultimate human podcast with human biologist myself Gary Brea today's episode I'm going to invite you to Envision a cleaner safer more natural way of living a chemical-free lifestyle as you know the ultimate human brand and the ultimate human podcast is really transforming into a chemical-free living brand so imagine transforming your home into a sanctuary of Purity not just free from dirt but also free from the invisible threats of what we call Forever chemicals remember these forever chemicals are the ones that the body has a very difficult time if at all being able to get rid of it's time to sort of Peel back the layers of products we've taken for granted and discover the power of nature and how we can create a truly clean living space we do not need the level of chemicals and synthetics in our lives that we have today you know I always talk about building this invisible fence around yourself so that you filter things before they make it to the temple this doesn't just have to do with the air we breathe the water we drink and the food we eat it has a lot to do with how we clean our homes and our living spaces our homes are meant to be our safe haven and they're often an unwitting repository of chemicals from the spray we use on our countertops to the liquid we pour into our washing machines many of these compounds and these substances contain chemicals that linger in our environment and even worse they linger in our body posing risks that we only beginning to fully understand the research is slowly catching up to the risks of these micro doses of poisoning over a prolonged period of time that are creating toxic effects in human beings you know the Research indicates that these forever chemicals can have lasting effects on our health including hormonal imbalances increased risk of chronic disease and all kinds of other consequences and they're entirely unnecessary so I believe that knowledge is the first step towards making a positive change and in recent studies we've shown light on the pervasive nature and dangers of forever chemicals officially known as per and poly floro alal substances or PFA as's these compounds found in a wide range of consumer products from non-stick pans to waterproof clothing have been linked to numerous health risks you can even find these in common household cleaning products and we're using these every day to clean the surfaces where we eat and where we ingest our food where our children crawl around on our floors the Environmental Protection Agency has even raised alarms about their persistence in the environment and in our bodies sort of highlighting that pf's can accumulate in stay in the body for very extended periods of time research published in the Journal of American Medical Association has highlighted high levels of pfas exposure with increased cholesterol levels changes in our liver enzymes reduced immune response and even a heighten risk of kidney and testicular cancers the Center for Disease Control and prevention estimates that pfas are detectable in the blood of 98% of Americans and this underscores the urgent need for us to create Alternatives especially in our homes which is the environment that we should spend the most time controlling one of Nature's most compelling answers to our quest for Purity is hypoc chlorus acid sounds crazy but this substance is naturally produced by our white blood cells to combat pathogens it offers a remarkable model for non-toxic cleaning modeled after something produced by our own white blood cells its Effectiveness against bacteria and viruses Rivals that of the harshest chemicals that you find in your home yet it remains safe and gentle for for human use Studies have explored its applications in healthcare from wound healing to sanitizing medical environments underscoring the potential for its use in homes so hypochlorous acid is a naturally occurring substance in our immune system it offers a Beacon of Hope for us in our homes its efficacy and safety have been the subject of extensive research in fact there was a landmark study published in the anals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials that highlighted that hypochloric acid is highly effective against a broad spectrum of microorganisms the ones we find in our home every single day which include bacteria viruses fungi and do not carry the harmful side effects associated with typical disinfectants furthermore it's rapid action and lack of resistance to buildup as noted in the research from the National Institute of Health make it a superior choice for disinfection the Food and Drug Administration recognizes hypochloric acid as safe for various uses including Wound Care Eye Care and this sort of underscores the safety profile unlike traditional cleaning products hypochloric acid breaks down into a simple saline solution leaving no toxic residues empowerment begins with awareness so let's start by conducting a deep dive into your cleaning products read the labels research ingredients and identify those containing harmful chemicals don't just stop at cleaning supplies consider your air fresheners your laundry detergents and even your personal care items replacing these with natural alternatives like vinegar baking soda and yes hypochlorous acid-based cleaners will offer a potent safe solution for a wide range of cleaning needs I literally use these every single day to clean my kitchen my bathrooms my countertops my showers my tubs and all the surfaces that my family is touching so if you're living a chemical free life or you want to live a chemical free life beyond what's in our spray bottles it's about adopting a holistic approach to our consumption habits offer products with minimal recyclable packaging embrace the do-it-yourself Solutions where possible using everyday ingredients to create effective cleaners by making these changes we're not only protecting our health but we're also contributing to more sustainable Planet what if I told you there's a way to clean effectively without contributing to this toxic Legacy this is where the echo go clean enters as you know I'm a huge fan of echo's water filtration and hydrogen water bottles but they have a breakthrough and natural cleaning technology that harnesses the power of hypochlorous acid it's the same substance your body naturally uses to fight off germs it's a cleaner that's not only 80% more effective than bleach but also completely safe for your family pets and for the planet and with the ability to tackle everything from your kitchen counters to your kids toys it's The Versatile all-in-one solution you've been waiting for I always promise that I'm not going to increase your budget nor am I going to put your family at risk and we're going to find products and services for our home that fit a chemical-free lifestyle that do not break the budget and can actually save us money in a more sustainable fashion the echo clean is grounded in solid science hypochlorous acid a miracle worker in germ fighting with a pinch of salt putting into this Echo clean water bottle can produce this sodium hypochloride it's a bleach alternative without the side effects this isn't just about cleaning it's about redefining what clean means approved by the USDA for organic crops and awarded the Mayo clinics awarded by the Mayo Clinic for being 100% allergen free what's produced by this Echo clean sets a new standard in cleanliness in my opinion the move to a chemical free lifestyle is about reclaiming your health in our environment from the clutches of Hazard substances I use this thing in my daily life it's called the echoo clean it's about 99 bucks you fill it with water you put a little bit of salt into the water you turn it on and with the hydrogen and the combination of the salt you make this hypochloric acid so if we're moving towards a chemical-free lifestyle we should use things that are reusable and sustainable the only fuel needed to go back into this bottle is salt and water so this is a choice that Echoes through every aspect of my life from the food I eat to the products that I use adopting Solutions like Echo clean is a step towards a future where our homes are safe havens not chemical warehouses it's not just an investment in cleaning it's an investment in sustainability and your Healthy Future as we conclude today's exploration of a chemical-free lifestyle let's make a PCT let's choose products that are kind to our bodies and kind to the planet let's support companies and Innovations and give a voice to those companies products and services that are leading the change towards your chemical-free lifestyle because when we clean out our homes we shouldn't have to compromise our health or our planet in the process so join me in making the switch to a cleaner safer tomorrow because clean living isn't just a choice it's our mutual future and that's just science