let's be honest the iPhone is a bit boring it's the exact same consistent experience which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it can get Bland over time and I'm seeing that happening in the iPhone community and I think it's what prompts some Apple users to seek Adventures elsewhere hence the s24 ultra which we going to dive a little bit more into in this video especially in comparison to the iPhone and as an iPhone user who switches to the s20 for Ultra what does that look like I mean I see countless comments year after year of former Apple users who have switched over to the likes of the s24 ultra or similar and who are happy and actually enjoying their experience or their freedom but that doesn't come without its tradeoffs what is it really like switching into the Galaxy s24 Ultra and let's get straight into what do you actually lose there is no no more iMessage once you go to the s24 ultra no more blue bubbles there will be no more ecosystem Unity especially if you continue to use other Apple products there will be no more FaceTime there will be no more airdrop there will be no more app priority and there will be no more High resale value now for all of the Android users and Samsung nights rush to the comment section to type out every single alternative to those features that I claim as a loss we can take a moment to appreciate and actually give respect to the iPhone on how well it's natively integrated as far as those features go they did a good job with that at least now you can live without those features there is life outside of the iPhone especially for those open-minded enough to experience it no while there's no iMessage you can enable RCS chat and have a better text messaging experience and Samsung actually has a solid ecosystem which I plan to make a dedicated video to in the near future so hit the Subscribe button and turn on the bell at priority is still something that's just always going to favor iOS in the current climate and it just is what it is now yes there are many alternatives to FaceTime but even if you switch to an Android device Apple users can still FaceTime you so um quick share is almost as good if not just as good as airdrops so you're not going to really lose out there and as far as resale value goes I mean iPhones are king at resale value but Samsung offers some of the most competitive trading rates when upgrading your Samsung device just kind of got to do it with them and some carriers offer a similar upgrade pattern or path but I think Samsung is the best at it so not only is the s20 24 Ultra just as well built as any iPhone it can do a lot more than any iPhone by far first thing first is you can really tailor your device to represent you as there's unlimited customizing opportunity as you can see my s24 ultra looks like no iPhone ever could and that allows for me to be an individual iPhones on the other hand offer no true individuality as they all look and function the exact same and yes you can somewhat manipulate your home screen layout but it will never be on the level of Android unless Apple chooses to make a change but let's be honest they've been on this exact same consistent grid style since 2007 we're literally coming around to near 20 years of the same grid make it make sense so the freedom you'll feel instantly comes from actually being able to make your device the way you want it to be and it gets deeper than just a custom look you can customize widgets you can customize your keyboard your home screen launcher macros and automation Android is truly the platform of freedom and you get access to this Freedom via the s24 ultra and it's a reason why Apple users who are bored with the iPhone tend to switch to Samsung and honestly if you're truly feeling the itch to make a switch you can can get the s24 ultra via the links that I have down in my description or in the first pin comment at up to 61% off so I highly recommend you check out those links if you feeling the itch to make a switch or you just out shopping the new s24 Ultra or Galaxy watch 6 classic and maybe the buzz Pro 2 Buzz 2 Pro whatever you call them it's nice ecosystem wait for that video I'm a big Galaxy watch classic user and fan just watch the videos that I've made on them now as a primary Apple user mainly in the area of their computers even I can see the benefits in comparison to the s24 ultra you just have to be open-minded to it you don't even have to be open-minded to be honest but it's okay to realize that you've been sipping the same apple juice year after year and not much has changed in the turn terms of its flavor but to many Apple and iPhone users that's exactly why they stick to the iPhone is consistent and familiar year after year but if you're open to trying something different and can become acclimated I feel like Android or the s24 ultra can feel just as familiar now the funny thing is in the past for Apple users switching to Android I would highly recommend in pixel devices cuz it kind of had that feeling a lot similar to you know an iPhone but as Samsung continues to develop one UI more and more and give it more of that cleaner pixel is feel while still you know staying true to Samsung and what they do I can confidently recommend the s24 ultra to Apple iPhone users who are looking to actually make a switch without hesitation and listen I got to be straight up not every iPhone user is going to enjoy their switch over to the s24 ultra or any Android device for that matter but for those who actually do enjoy the switch you're in for a treat the screen quality is just as good the camera is arguably comparable especially if you watch my you know video where I teach you guys how to use the pro camera photo and video features to get what these cameras can actually do the speakers on the other hand man I got to give the iPhone the edge up when it comes to speaker quality but you can still watch it cuz soon media here just as Wells just to year move on the hush never R for n i face my fears I just drop a n mon to month still from year to year new watch no diamonds new watch the performance on both of these is neck and neck so there's no argument for one over the other there but there is an S Pen on this one where there is no Spen on this one if you use the S Pen but most of all the most important of all is user experience and as I'm as real as I'm always am going to be here it is just as good and in many ways better on the S 24 Ultra [Music] M that is my long-term opinion that is my long-term review from the perspective of someone who is primarily an Apple user switching to the s24 ultra diamond new watch good timing yeah new watch no diamonds no watch good timing yeah a no middle man I'm the man the man send it in I like what I like me I know my right siing in I lay having fun I do what I want it's what it is for my son son for my daughters yet it's for my twin I work through the night