Transcript for:
Mastering Essential Linux Commands for Cybersecurity

[Music] hey everyone and welcome back to another Neilson networking video in this video I am going to cover what I consider to be the most essential Linux commands along with special flags for those commands that will take the command and your skills to the next level so if you are serious about getting in ethical hacking or any other part of the cyber security industry these are the Linux commands you need to master before you should even start worrying about more advanced commands and applications like Metasploit or nmap or Hydra Etc that said when you're ready I do have videos on those as well but trust me when I say you need to start here so let's kick things off with the basics all right now technically are a few ways you could navigate the Linux file system you could be one of those guys that opens up the um File Explorer or file browser or Nautilus whatever it's called on your Linux distribution and point and click your way through you know wherever you wanted to go or you could do it the right way which is the way we're going to do it for this video and open up a terminal all right now that we are in the right place let's start with the right command for the video see how I did that right there and the First Command I think we need to start with which is the right right one is going to be LS and LS at face value doesn't look all that impressive right it's kind of similar very similar actually to dir and windows it just gives you a listing of what is in that directory but let's say we want to take it up a notch and this is why I mentioned flags flags do just that they add capabilities to the initial command and we're going to start off with the first flag of ls- L which is actually I believe stands for long listing if anyone cares and what that's going to do when we hit enter here it's going to give us a lot more information about the files in that directory and just a quick rundown of what some of this means uh this is going to be l means it's a link so Ben is actually pointing to USR bin these are going to be your rights so you're going to get read write and execute and you're going to get the first three are going to be the owner the group and then everyone and then over here one is the number of items and then over here you're going to actually get the owner of the directory or file or whatever it is and this is going to be the group so the group would have permission whatever group this is would have permission to the folder similar to Windows over here is going to be the size and this is going to be the date it was modified when you have a D in front of it it's going to be a directory go figure right so that is the ls- L command let's say we want to soup it up and we want to look for hidden files you add an a it's all you have to do that's for all and looky here all these with a period or a DOT whatever you want to call them those are going to be your hidden files those don't show up usually unless you do a dash a now let's say we wanted to know when were these things last modified we can do that too all we do is add on a t now it's going to start with the oldest on the bottom with the most recently modified on the top pretty cool right pretty easy now let's say you wanted to let's say these were really long numbers and you wanted to know the size of these sure we can do that too what you're going to do is you're going to add on an h and again you could do just ls- LH you could technically just do a-h but I don't think you like the results it's always best to have it long listed with the um next flag you want to do combined so LS LH will give us a long listing but it also gives us the file size in human readable form so if these were really long numbers it would break them up into megabytes gigabytes you know and so on and so forth but they're not big so these are the results we're getting and you could technically combine all those commands we just went over into one long flag or option and hit enter and you're going to get them all in order oldest newest hidden files included pretty cool right now let's say we wanted to change over to the etet directory a lot more stuff in here let's say we wanted to know what was in this directory here in decom so what you can do is you can actually do a dash R and then you can do decom or whatever directory you want to know and this will recursively go down and show us everything in that directory without having to go into it what you can see is this is going to be what's at the top level this is what's going to be in the decco DB folder which is this one and so on and so forth it will go all the way down now what if you just wanted the top level of decm you can do that with a lowercase R pretty cool right and honestly that's about it for for LS I use this command all the time I usually do like an LSA just that's kind of my common goto command if you will uh and that's going to you know give you most of the information you need to and the next command that wasn't really part of the navigation but it's something I think helps keep your screen organized is the clear command you should use this all the time that said let's move on to ls's friend which is going to be C D all right CD stands for change directory which you probably saw if you were paying attention earlier in the video I went from we were in this directory right here and I did a CD into Etc or Etsy and that's great right but let's say you want to go several levels down like let's pick what was it that DM so if I were to type in CD D and here's a a little hack for you as you're typing D if you hit tab it will give you a listing of all the directories you can change to that start with D now I happen to know in mine is DC so if I hit DC and hit tab again it's going to pre-fill but here's what's really cool you hit tab again gives you a listing of all the subdirectories within dcom so let's say I do a DB hit tab again and one more time shows me even further what's in there so now let's go to local. D and let's just move there that's good enough right we've we've traversed enough we go in there and you can now see look where I'm at all that from without having to go in and LS to see where I wanted to navigate just using CD starting with the D hitting Tab and listing the directories out now let's say I didn't want to go that far and I wanted to go back where I was how do I get back to just the ETC folder very simple you're going to do a CD with a hyphen and a lot of people don't know this but you do that look where it takes me all the way back up here now let's say what if I did that again it's going to take me right back down there now let's say I didn't want to go all the way back up I just wanted to go up one level I wanted to go up to the DB folder I wanted to go right here so I wanted to go to this path all you got to do is CD with two periods that's going to take you up a level pretty neat right let's say you wanted to go to your home directory I'm root so this should take me to SL root so if I do a CD and I hit enter look where I'm at I'm in route and how can I see this if this little Tilda here is kind of confusing if I don't really know what that means another way to tell what director you're in which is actually the command I was going to finish with which we might as well go over it now is PWD PWD is going to stand show you your working directory your current working working directory so again if we were to go back to let's just go to Etc and let's go to decom let's just go there that's good enough right and then I were to type PWD it shows me here now I don't really need to do that for the most most of the time because it shows me right here but your version of Linux depending what you're on might not do that so anyway those are pretty much the things I wanted to show you that you can do with the CD command and the next command that was the last command for navigation was going to be that PWD command that's very useful to you know just throw out when you want to know where you're at so that said let's move on all right and now that you know how to navigate around the Linux file system how can we actually manipulate files and directories without breaking them hopefully it's the key word hopefully uh and the first thing I want to show you is how to create a blank empty text file similar to what you would do in Windows by right clicking and doing new text file or however you want to create a new text document um so what you do in Linux we use the command touch and it's not a joke you would type in touch and then you would just name test file one test test two test three you can name as many as you want I'm just going to go with three but or you could do one but every you do touch followed by file name space file name space file name hit enter and then we can verify that we created with an lslt and here you go these are our blank text documents that were just created pretty easy that's how you would do it now let's say we needed to create a test directory very similar all you'd have to do is make deer and you would just type in directory deer one which I already have so we'll do lowercase deer 2 hit enter go in here and sort lslt and you can see we have our text files that were just created followed by our test directories pretty easy right now let's say we wanted to make several layers of uh directory at once that's doable with a flag so what we would do is make deer DP and then we could do this and I'll just use what I had already done this is a test hit enter and now if we look here and if we were to go into CD into this CD into is CD a CD test P PWD you can see it created all of the subdirectories at one time pretty cool right so now let's say we wanted to go up a level again we can do CD up up now here's something I didn't show you but you can actually do CD up up- Dash twice and it will actually take you up two levels if you did it three times it would take you up three three levels so that's another way you can navigate around last thing what if we wanted to make a directory and give it certain permissions like if you look at our per permissions here they've all been given um read and execute for the group and for everyone what if we wanted to give everyone full rights easy to do you would go and make deer we would do dasm we would say 777 or whatever mode you wanted to pick and we would just say test per we'll say test perm for permission all right and now we do an lslt and you can see look at this directory it has full rights in Linux which is a no no by the way but for this example it gets the point across see how using that flag right there it already assigned the rights so you you can combine commands so you don't have to go back and do the rights later you could also do the same thing where you created like sub directories within it and M so you could do A- pm and do the rights or the permissions I should say permissions and the subdirectories at once all at once pretty cool right so what do we do next well I think we should learn now how to copy a file we already know how to create a file we know how to create a directory let's learn how to copy a file and a directory all right and it's very simple but you don't type copy that's a Windows things Linux doesn't like that what we're going to do instead is we're going to type CP the file name and then the new file name so let's do CP Test 2 and let's name it test 3.0 because I had already tested with 2.0 so let's go ahead and hit enter and now if we do an lslt we can see that the most recently modified file was our new one which is test 3.0 now what about a directory if you just try to type a or copy a directory excuse me like and you go deer one and you just try to do deer. new and you do this it's not going to work what you need to do is you need to add a flag so we're going to do cprf and now we'll put in deer one deer. new let's keep it lower case to for consistency here and now if we do LS LTR whoops I don't need the r on there you can see we have our new file and our new directory and something cool about when you copy a directory let's say we have perm here right and it has bad permissions and for whatever reason we didn't catch this uh but if we were to copy it CP RF test perm and we just copied it to uh test and you do an LT it corrects the permissions for you which is nice because then the um the group and the um everyone doesn't get um write permissions so it does correct that it's it's something you probably want use hardly ever because hopefully you would never um have created a folder with the incorrect pressions but it's something that kind of recorrect corrects something so it doesn't snowball if you will where you're not getting like cascading folders and files with wrong directories so that's pretty cool um not much else if you um you know you wanted to copy a folder like let's say uh what was the one we did we did um yeah so if we do lslt for recursive to this we could see okay was it not is it uppercase R this okay so we can see that this folder this that this folder that sounds weird to say has a lot of subdirectories because remember we created that with this is a test so if we wanted to copy that you just use the same command RF but you put an uppercase R and F and then you would do this and we would copy it to this. test and now if we go here oops we go here you can see this. test and if we were to do ls- r to this. test you can see all the subdirector as well so that's how you could copy recursively as well so that is how you copy now how do we remove things well we remove things by using the RM command but first let me get a listing of what we have here all right so let's say I wanted to remove the file one I would just do RM one now if we do an LS LT again one is gone what if I wanted to delete that directory can I just do an RM this. test no it tells me this is a directory so how do I get rid of it we call back in our friends RF this is a test now I have to warn you be very careful with this command because if you use this and you happen to put something like slash that that will literally delete your entire operating system so don't use this unless you know what you're doing but I'm going to do this recursively and I'm going to force it because I know what I'm doing and you do too especially after watching this video so what we're going to do now is we're going to get rid of the other directory so let's say I wanted to get rid of multiple things at once let's get rid of the directory and the files at the same time so let's do RM RF we going to do deer. new then we do 2 3 4 5 I'm also going to do test perm I'm going to get rid of this going to get rid of directory One Directory 2 could hit enter now I'm going to do LT and look they're all gone now what if I wanted to delete everything with the word test in it I would do RM and I would do test with an asterisk go back here LT all gone what if I wanted to delete everything with dir in it remember I can't just do di asteris here because those are directories got to do- RF and all that left all that is left is comment follow like And subscribe I don't know what that has to do with anything but it just happened to work out that way so that is the RM command now before we move on to the next command well you know we'll just move on to it now um the next command I want to show you real quick is the MV command that is going to be move another way to say that would be um rename so like let's touch a file again we got our three files there we do an lslt we got them there so I want to move one to two or to 1.1 let's say go here and there you go what if I wanted to move MV I wanted to move 1.1 into a different location sure I just do MV the file name and where I want to put it so now if I go into the like file or folder there you go pretty easy right and I think that does it for RM and MV there's nothing really fancy with MV you can move multiple documents at a time you could do mv1 2 3 and Al like oops there there's no one apparently anymore so let's just move two and three okay it did move them okay so it it it failed on one because one was gone but then it went ahead and moved two and three so anyways we're good there the last command I'm going to go ahead and move over to the VAR log directory so there's a little bit of data to look at in there what I'm going to do now is Du and what du is it's disk Usage Now what this does is it shows you a every directory and its subdirectories and its Total Space it's taken up now we can make this much easier on the Eyes by doing a dashh you do that it becomes human readable now let's say we wanted a summary for the whole entire directory sure you can do that you just throw on an a an S excuse me which is the same as looking right here now that may look similar to when you do an lslt because you can see the space over here or let's say we wanted to throw on an H but this does not show the um directories below direct or within directories I should say so du is really good you could even technically go out here to the root and let's just say I wanted to go into well you know what we'll just do it right here what if we do a sh right here because if I do a an lslt human readable you know it doesn't show me anywhere near the total size of what this is actually taking but du will so I'll do it and I'll pause here for a second while it does this oh well okay it's much quicker than I thought so Total Space I'm taking up on this installation is 32 gigs so that's helpful if you want to you know you're going in a folder and you need to know how big it is you can just go in there and do that it's similar to right clicking on a folder and going to properties and then waiting for the calculation to give you the size so with that said we are going to move on to a different segment all right you probably remember me complaining earlier in the video about file permissions not being correct and how they could cause a big problem y y and many of you were probably thinking well how do we resolve that and that's what we're going to go over right now we're not going to take too deep of a dive on permissions but we are going to go over how to fix permissions using a few commands that said let's take a look at what we got in here and I went ahead and I created another bad folder with bad permissions and then I have three files here with good permissions I should have named them good but I did it so we'll work with what we got here so how do we first of all what does this exactly mean real quick revamp in case you missed it at the beginning d stands for directory hyphen stands for a file first three are going to be the permissions for the owner which also shows up right here so it's root next one is going to be the group these three are group last three is going to be for everyone else or other other users or all of their users however you want to say it it pretty much is the equivalent to the everyone group in Windows um and RW is going to be read and write so this group or this owner I'm sorry which is rot has access to read and write everyone else the group and the users just have read access now down here everyone the owner the group and everyone else has readwrite and execute which can be bad because uh they that means anyone has full access to this file or this folder I should say this directory you don't want that so how do we fix it all right we're going to use the good old chamod command and as you can see here because it's so nice and pre-filled it for us you're going to want to do either user which is going to be the owner which would be root Group which is going to be right here the next one or other which is going to be the last three you're going to select one of those we'll just go ahead and we'll do other and then what you're going to want to do is you're either going to want a plus or you're going to want a minus the permission you want to take away or ADD since we're going to do a folder that we want to take away write and execute for other we're going to go ahead and do that and then all we do is type in the folder name or directory name and now if we go back here and do lslt you go over to bad and look at it we fixed the permissions for the other group so now only root which is the same root root has right to do that but let's say we wanted to actually take that away for the group as well you just add G for group go ahead and throw it in there whoops check it out again and the bad is not so bad anymore right cool now let's say we did have a file that we wanted to allow to be executed sure you would do the same thing you would do chamad and we would do let's do we want to give the group execute rights and what you would do is you would do plus and you put an X and then you would do whatever let's do one and three whoops one and three you have to put a space there and now if we look at it you can see they've turned green one and three and under the group permission they have execute rights meaning they could be executed so you could do a slash one and run it if there were something in there there's not but if if it were something nefarious in there you would be in trouble that is why you don't want to set the permissions that way so that in a nutshell is how you use chamad there are many other ways you can do it you can do it numerically so I can do a 777 for number two here then if I look at two it has full rights to everything it's back again we should mv2 to bad right so now it's listed correctly as it should be because it's it's set up incorrectly you would never want that to happen because anyone could go in there modify that file to be whatever it wanted save it because it has write permissions and then run it that's a no no now what if I wanted to change the ownership of the file what if I had a file or a directory that I wanted to instead of root root which I don't really want to ever do I wanted to change that to to say just my standard user that's pretty easy to do what you're going to do is you're going to do Chow CH change ownership and you're going to do first you're going to do the the um owner so I'm going to do NN Cali user and how nice it's prefilled for me here then you would put let's say I just wanted to change just the owner I would put one here and then if you go here and you do an LT you can see the owner has been changed but the group is still root now what if I just wanted to change the group well you would just keep it the same so let's go ahead and do root and then we'll just change users and we'll do this four two and three oops let's see here where did two go did I not have a two oh I I removed two and made it bad that's bad on me so now if we do LT and we look at it we can see that now root the user has access to read and write but the group users has read and execute rights which is probably not a good idea all right so we've gone over how to create delete change the name move the location all that stuff of text files and directors for that matter but what about if you just wanted to quick quickly view a text file well that is where the next um command comes in and that command is known as cat C A so how does cat work well first of all we need to see what we have to play with here so we have four files so how cat works is it will display the contents of a file by simply typing in the word cat and then the file name there you go you can see here's the output of that file you could do that for the other files now to take cat up to the next level you can actually use it to combine two files so you can do cat file one or file two I will start with I guess and file one and then you would use the redirector greater than sign and we're going to redirect it into file five and you would go ahead and hit enter and now if we do cat file five you can see what's there you got this is file two this is file one and now what's really cool about cat let's say you decided you wanted to throw another file you wanted to append the existing file five you can do that totally you could you can actually do let's say cat file three but then you would put two greater than signs and you would put file five now if we go and do C file five you can see we got file two file one and now file three that we just told it to append to so pretty cool it's pretty powerful I use it all the time like let's say you were in the Etsy directory that has a lot of configuration files and you wanted to know I don't know what's in my what's in my cron tab file you just do cat Chron Tab and boom you get the display right there it's a lot easier than open up opening up like VI or Nano if you just want to Quick add a glance to see what's even in a file you know you could do it again let's say you wanted to know uh let's say we don't want to do something that's going to you know give too much away about my secret operating system here but let's say you wanted to do and you can just do group for fun you do group you lick in there so you can see there's not a lot um you can't see with this the only thing you wouldn't be able to see and you'd still be able to see it would be like encrypted files it would just come up you know with a bunch of scrambled information but it's a really powerful tool and uh our Command and I use it all the time and we're going to move back to the lab by doing our CD The Hyphen pretty powerful there too so let's see what else we can do here all right logically I I guess it makes sense to do tail like t a i l so tail is similar in a way to cat but tail can be used to show the end of a file which is really powerful when you want to look just at the most current entries and say a log file we'll test it right here let's do we'll do a tail and we'll do file five it's going to show you just the last 10 Lines by default you can change how many lines it's going to put out by doing dashn and let's just say 15 and now if we compare the output versus the default you can see you get 15 lines so that's pretty cool you can change that you know number to whatever you want you can also which is pretty cool here and let's see if we can pull this off here so what we can actually do is we can let's do this let's just do touch one and two here and what we'll do is you can do a tail with a dash F and we'll do it on one okay that's going to duh we got to Su you over to root here bear with me here a second and let's clear here and let's go to there and let's touch one and two here all right now let's try to tell that all right so what the- f is going to do and this is what's really great for um log files and wanting to get continuous Updates this will give us anything that is added to the file so what we're going to do is we are now actually going to cat uh let's just do what did we have File 2 and we'll redirect that into one and as you redirect it you can see it's updated so what this is doing is it's giving you real time let's say now we did file one and file two into it it's giving you real time information of what's being added to that log file continuously until you go over and do a control C to kill it so that for like system administrators or just you know when you're running a port scan and you want to see the results immediately that's showing up there boom you run a you know a tail on that tail-f and you're going to get a continuous output of that log which is super powerful so that said let's get out of here let's go on and move to Tail's uh brother which is head which is going to be the opposite of tail so you would do head and you would do one and you're going to get the first 10 of a file and again you could do you could do head um dasn with the number that you wanted and you'd get the output for just those well why don't we just do it so you can see what I'm talking about let's say you wanted 15 you'd get the first 15 so tail is the end head is the beginning got it all right now let's move on to its close close relative which is going to be less and more and what less can be used for is to view a large document one page at a time and unfortunately I don't really have a large document here so let's create one shall we let's do cat file all of them and we'll direct them into file let's do one let's do that again and again and again so now if we do cat new file. one you can see we get a lot of output so if we do less and we do let's just see I have short-term memory L new file. one you do it you see how you're just getting page one at a time and then if we go ahead and hit space you get more and more and more and more until you eventually get to the end of the document so what pretty much all less does well I can do a little bit more you can actually use like a search screen here if you do a slash and let's say we wanted to look for hello pattern not found okay so apparently there's no hello in here which I don't know that I completely believe CU it's right there so let's try that again I think it might be case sensitive there you go so that was the issue so now we know see a refresh reminder for us all that it is case sensitive which a lot of stuff in Linux is so less will give you Page by Page and to get out of it you go ahead and you do a Coen and a q because it's actually run by Vi I believe uh don't quote me on it but it acts exactly like VI so that is how you use less right and really really closely related to our friend uh less is more but um honestly I would just use less because they're almost identical command one just is a little scaled down which is more is supposed to be a scaled down version of less when I say scaled down I think it just doesn't have a few of the features that I don't even use so I can't tell you off the top of my head I would just use less but I believe more when you scroll through it it gives you like yeah see it gives you a little percentage counter here and I think it just quits out when you're done it doesn't make you do like control q and all that to get out of so uh I don't think you get the full like features that you would if you were actually using less because less seems to invoke VI a little bit more where you have to quit out of it um but they both work if you just want to view a a long document one page at a time you could also do like U cat new file one and then you could pipe it into do more and kind of get similar but you can't do searches doing that command so um you know that's why you would want to ahead go ahead and use less and to be full full transparency I always just use less so anyways let's move on and check out some um text editors all right and nowadays there are quite a lot of editors you know there's gedit there's Nano VI uh there's a lot but for the point of this video and what I've always used I've used two I either use VI which you start with VI and you would start with you know whatever file name you wanted to I'm going to do our file here you would hit VI so you're in here VI is a text editor that allows you to go up and down it allows you to search like we were searching before so you could search for Ola you know you can do a lot but to actually edit a file in VI you have to hit the insert key and then you can type in hello this is me adding to this text Doc document uh yada yada and then when you're done you have to hit escape and then you got to go over and do a colon and the Coon's kind of the way you're going to escape out of the document and then you would do WR which would be W to get out of it you would do colon quit um I don't want to go fully deep down the rabbit hole with VI because honestly VI is ultra powerful but it's also Ultra complex so most of you I would suggest if you're new to Linux you're probably a bit better off using Nano the only reason I started with VI is because VI is on almost every Linux drro and even Unix drro um you'll hear you'll hear people say VI which is the same thing um as VI see and right there it's not happy you got to do a cool quip lowercase not uppercase um the reason again is because VI is on every version of Linux or Unix I've ever been on even back to sco Unix um where Nano is not going to be so moving on to a more modern um and more widely used nowadays I would say would be Nano and if we go in here and we do let's do Nano and we'll do our new file I again because it has the most data in it you would just go in here and this is a lot more user friendly you just hit enter and start typing and then you can see down here you get your full menu pretty easy right uh you can actually cut and paste in Nano which you can't easily do in VI uh you can execute um scripts in Nano you can do a lot of stuff you can't do so Nano is probably what I would do when you're done you just do a control X and it says do you want to save you hit yes you get out and you're done and Nano is pre-installed in C Linux you don't have to do anything to use it um much easier to use I would suggest you use that if you are new to like K Linux especially and if it's not in there obviously you just type it in and then do um do and install yes APV so um that is going to be it for text editors and that is going to be it for our text Titans so let's head out and do something different okay process control or Process Management or whatever you want to call it uh think Windows task manager and Windows task control or task management um and how you would kill processes that may be taken too much memory or they've hung or whatever whatever the reason you're controlling them same thing in Linux right here but we're going to do it with some commands from the command line and what we're going to start off with is the command that is known as PS you hit PS you get a return of just the processes for the current user which is root on this terminal so you're going to get Su when I sued into this root shell zsh which is the shell itself and then PS which is the command I just rent that's cool not the most useful unless you were looking for something specific this terminal was hung on but if that were the case you probably wouldn't even been able to run that command so what is the best command you can be or the best Flags you can be using for this command to soup it up a little bit it's going to be aux and this is what you're going to want to use probably for 90% of the time when you're doing PS there's a couple other things you can do like a psse or psf um but aox honestly encompasses all that it might be a little overwhelming is the only reason you wouldn't want to use it but I would suggest you get used to using it and let me explain to you what all this means when you hit it so you got PS ax and you're going to have your user this is the user of the process this is a process ID right here CPU is going to be how much CPU the process is taken how much memory it's taken over here this is going to be your virtually virtual memory so how much virtual memory the process is taking this is going to be your resident memory think physical memory this is going to be the terminal terminal type technically this is going to be a stat this is going to be like sleeping or idle um or zombie or stopped whatever your I don't think we have any zombies or stopped that would be pretty cool but um we don't so we won't talk about that too much but that is what that means start time is going to be the start time of the process um so this would have start apparently this would have started you know uh almost 1:00 um this is going to be the uh time of um CPU like cumulative CPU time by the process and then you get the command which is kind of self-explanatory and we should be able to go down here and see and there we go you can see right here this is us this is the process ID we'll need this later if we want to kill this process we're not using any memory or anything because it's already returned the results uh and then you go over here and the r+ means this was the process that we just ran or running process um and then there's the command so pretty cool right um and that is pretty much it that I want to show you you just make sure you know PS and aox so you can see it you can also do a lot of stuff with this like you can GP like let's say you were you wanted to look for a specific um process let's say we wanted to look for gome you do that it's going to return just the processes that are using no you know same thing if you wanted to use let's do PS I don't know if this will work yeah um what if we put in just aox it's going to return uh the processes that show that so GP is a great tool I cover that in other videos um but that kind of searches the results of the command for just whatever you told it to look for um so that is it for PS let's move on to its friend which is known as top all right now top you'll notice we have similar um columns we got the process ID we got the user priority nice priority uh virtual memory size of the process resident blah blah blah you get the point right pretty cool it shows you all of them um it will automatically sort the one on the top using the most memory which is kind of nice so you can see right here this is going to be the gnome shell which is going to be part of the actual um startup so pretty nice right it gives you up here it gives you some more information you can see um how many users the load average you can what did I just do there that all went all crazy you can see how long it's been up um how many total tasks running sleeping yada yada yada you can read this all on your own I don't I guess I don't need to go down there so how can we use top other than this well I'm glad you asked because you can do a couple of cool different other things here so what you can do is you can do top to and then you can do U and you can put in a username so let's do an and Cali user boom this is just going to be the processes for an N Cali user so now I can see okay this guy's using this and this all right well that's not too bad now let's look at what Roots doing and look at the difference okay look at that so you got down here we got VMware tools is running because we're on a VM uh so you can just see there there's different stuff here but let's say we wanted to look at a specific um process we' need a p ID so let's look at let's look at PID well looks like a fun P to look at here let's look at 701 so if we go out of here and we do this and we go to P whoops d p and what was it 701 told you I have short J memory L put that in there and all we're going to get is that process so now we could monitor this process if we started something over here um and I don't know I was thinking a way I could get that to spike I should have put a different um process to watch there and we could have spiked it but let's say you wanted to watch just this you could and as it's going you'd be able to see it um Spike or see how much memory it's using so that would be that application of why you'd use the- P so that's that now that said we can go over here and let's do this let's do a ping over here right is the next command I want to show you is how to kill things so we're going to just start aing over here we're going to go a number we'll just do a th000 cool and let's ping uh and map or let's do scan me we'll start that real quick all right so now over here let's go through here let's get out of that clear it up let's go back to top again and real quick let's see actually you know what this will be easier done using PS so we're going to try to find the um ping commands what we're going to do is we're going to do PS Au and we're going to grap and we're going to grap ping all right and let me just make this let's just scoot you over there a little bit we don't really care about the ping we know it's running right over there all right so here is the process that we want to kill right now you say how do we kill it all right well you need the P ID which is going to be right there and what you're going to do is you're going to just simply type in Kill and we're going to type in 31 865 now watch the little guy over here it should kill the process when we hit enter and it did terminated boom so that is how you kill a process now if you happen to have a very stubborn process and I don't but let's just assume we did and we got to get that process again so let's find it again let's make this guy over here let's imagine we did have a very stubborn process like this guy is being a jerk right here so we're going to go ahead and copy excuse me we want to kill it forcefully what you're going to do is you're going to do a dash9 and I have to warn you this will let you kill any process you want including your entire Linux session you could kill the colonel if you wanted and say bye-bye hopefully it would come back but I mean after you cold booted but let's not do that instead let's just kill this process and act like it's being forceful so again we're going to hit enter and it kills it now you could also instead of doing that you could just interrupt it and you would do that well actually we need to get that first so we're going to need 31 okay so what we're going to do is we're going to change this 929 going to change it to two and what that does is it interrupts it which is similar to killing it in a way but it's a more a little more uh gentle if you will um and that's pretty much how you're going to kill processes um and again just be be very careful with how you use kill dash9 because honestly it will let you kill anything you want and it might even kill your whole install if you do that so let's not do that all right we're going to change gears real quick we're still sticking with processes but now instead of killing things we're going to be nicer we're just going to hide them we're going to put them in the background right they're going to be like stage hands instead of you know the main actors and actresses so what we're going to do is we're going to bring up a ping again here we'll just go with this one we'll DDOS oursel right that sounds fun Throw That Into The Background by using this Amper stand at the end of the command so whatever command I run if I put the Amper stand at the end it goes into the background now I have access to this terminal and you can verify that it's actually running in the background by going over here and you can look and see right here it just now running in the background but you can also just type in j BS and see it's run into the background right there so how do we get this back to the front and let's back up for a second why would we even want to do this the main reason you want to do it is because you didn't want to open another Turnal window or let's say you didn't have a proper emulator like you should and if you don't you should go get this one it's called tilx I think it's pronounced and it's awesome allows you to put as many of these as you want um right within the window and it's it's beautiful it's a beautiful thing so let's say anyway we wanted to bring this up to the front so we could terminate it obviously we know we could kill it right and killing we're trying to avoid that so we want to do this a more humane way so what we're going to do is we're going to type in FG and it's right there and if we were to contrl C it it would kill it out if you had multiple jobs you'd get a listing of them like let's just do that for fun put that one in the background and here let's do neelson and so we'll go ahead and hit enter right there on that one so now we have two jobs in the background you can see them there you can verify them here and here we're DDS in my website and my computer so you know what let's stop that so we type in FG we're going to get the first one that's running I'm going to contrl C out of that one I'm going to do it again and I'm going to kill that one there's another way to do it but it's a lot more cumbersome and annoying that's the easiest way and that's what I promis I'd show you in this video so with that said we are done with Process Management process control process killing process hiding you name it so let's let's move on to something else all right Linux networking this is a much less violent subject in the one we just talked about no one should die while we're doing this really quick this what I'm going to go over here these five or six commands are just the commands I feel you need to know if you feel like you've mastered these or you want to take an even even deeper dive into Linux networking commands I have a full video on it and if I remember which I probably won't but if I do I will even throw a little link up in the top here but I probably won't do that so go to the channel and check it out so anyways First Command you're going to need need to know and this one is kind of the only one that I would say is kind of questionable it's going to be if config the reason I say that is because there's rumor this is going to be going away it's already kind of deprecated and been replaced but it's still good if you just want to really quickly get a return of your IP address yeah like you didn't know what it was and you didn't remember to the other command because those of you that use window if config is very similar to IP config because window's not that original apparently um but at least gives you those results the new boy or the new girl on school is IP hit IP you're going to get the whole results this is going to be replacing if config apparently and what you can do with that is a lot but for the point of this video and what you really need to know at this point for most everyone is going to be how to see your IP address you can do that or you can be efficient just do the a um cool we got our IP address we got our host um not our host we got our we know this this is a sl24 which is 255 2550 uh you got your broadcast you got your Mac address you got everything you know you even got IPv6 cool right let's say we wanted to know what our default gateway was how do we do that well you type in IP route and you could just do sh Show but we want to do um we want to show our default and that's just going to return our default gateway which is going to be right here this is going to also show you that it that's for device eth0 which is the only physical well it's virtual so as physical as it gets that's the only um ethernet I have set up on this box and then over here you can see it even gave us DHCP which is a DHCP lease and this is my IP with a metric of 100 if you care which really doesn't matter um so that's that that pretty much gives you all the information you need there but what if you wanted to add a route okay I'm glad you asked how you would do that is you would do IP route and you would do add and luckily this pre-filled here because I don't know that I remember how to do every little thing off top of my head here so I'd probably make a mistake along the way but I want this time because it's already here so you would do IP address or IP route add and this is going to be the route or the um not the route this is going to be the subnet you wanted to add and this is going to be the Gateway how you're going to get there and this is going to be on which interface and this isn't going to work for me because as you can see I'm 192 168 234 I mean we could if this no I'm not you know what I'm not going to do that right now cuz I don't want risk blowing up anything you hit enter it gives you an out but anyways it would work if you set it up correctly and you actually gave it the correct Network you wanted to go to and the correct gateway to get there now last thing I want to show you is how do you add an IP address okay we can do that too so you would do IP addr add and I'm going to go ahead and add 1921 168 2347 and I'm going to give it a sl24 and I'm going to tell it to do it on device eth0 boom how do we know worked we just do IPA and now we go here and we got both great so technically now we could turn off our static or I mean our Dynamic dhtp and just use a static IP but I'm not going to do that I don't need to do that so how do we get rid of it okay simple you do deel go back and verify it's gone and it is pretty straightforward right so that's going to do it that's really all you need to know for IP all right and another command that apparently is deprecated at least that's what I hear is going to be good oldfashioned net stat and we're not going to do the L yet I'll show you the L in a minute but this is what you get if you just run a vanilla uh and net stat uh it's kind of I don't know it doesn't really show you much it does show you a lot of that's not the right way to say that it's hard to it shows you a lot of information it doesn't show you a lot of intelligence if you don't know what that means go watch the ENT video I just did it will explain that uh so what we want to do here we want to do an l l stands for listening and and now if we look at listening it narrows it down just to the ports if you will um that are um or the sockets I should say that are listening these are sockets that will accept connections and if you scroll up here you get a bunch of information that you don't really care all that much about what you're going to care about is your local address and your foreign address and we're not showing any which is good now if we started seeing things in here like SSH or HTT P or FTP we'd probably be worried the rest of this is all going to be internal stuff that we're not too worried about um it's up here where you're going to have to worry about where it says active internet connections okay so we the rest of it we're not going to worry too much about uh you could if you wanted to let's say you did have a bunch of stuff showing up there you could add like a u here and that's just going to show you your UDP that would show you your TCP but again there's nothing here um so I can't really show you that but anyways that is what you could do with netstat you could also um do let's just do this this is I don't know there's we could we I just showed you how to do this with um uh what we're do with IP you can actually show your route routing table uh in that stat as well so you know there's multiple ways to do things and whatever you're comfortable with you know that's what you should do so maybe that's that's your thing but if not you can use SS and if you do do SS you don't you know you get results there but that's probably like oh my God what does that even mean so like net stat you can use SS with a dasht if you do that you get nothing what if we do UDP so we're not getting TCP we're not getting UDP what's going on okay well we do but this this doesn't count this is just so how and why aren't we getting results well you know why we not getting results because we don't have anything open we're literally doing nothing we we're just chilling here on our own so let's get something going here so let's just go to scan me. n shall we one of my favorite places to go actually let's just go to end map n map n map there we go all right so now we're on N map so I bet you we're going to get different results when we go back over here and use SS so let's start with UDP and see if we get any UDP no nothing doesn't surprise me right because we should be using HTTP or ttps which is TCP so let's check out what we get here aha cool right we can now see it's established the local IP address which is you us me and you can see how much it's sent and received nothing right now and you can see the pier address which is the remote but let's say we wanted to know what the actual process was that was using this okay we know the we know the protocol and the port and all that that's great and dandy and happy but we wanted to know the process just add a p t TP and there you can go it's Firefox pretty cool right and that's pretty much really all you're going to need at this point to know about SS is to how to look up TCP UDP uh tie the um connection make sure it's supposed to be there first of all and if not see what it's see what it's opening or what it's connected to so let's check out something else all right and let's see all right and we should what should we check out uh okay how about if you need to connect to another machine via SSH guess what the command is on Linux to do that it's SSH you hit enter you're going to get a whole menu grab you don't really care about that so what you would want to do now is you could either just do SSH and type in the address you know obviously that's not going to work for me um but if you did it that way it would connect and I can't actually show you this because I don't have another machine spun up right now but you would connect it would add you ask you for your username and password say you trust the certificate yada ya yada and you'd get in and you'd be able to work but you if you did have a username um and you didn't want to put it in um like type it in you could also start with your username at and the IP address and then it just asks you for your password uh you could also if you wanted to um let's say it wasn't a standard it wasn't Port 22 for some reason SSH was running on I don't know like 2222 you could do- p and then you would put and then you would put in your username and password you could also and this would be kind of cool um you can also run commands on remote systems like let's say this would be a good one to like it would be automated you needed to log in and you needed to run a command on a different system and then you needed to capture those results results what you would do is you would go SSH and you would put in the username at and then you would put the command right here like let's say you wanted to do dfh for human readable and then you would do that and when you did that you'd obviously have to programmatically have it enter the password for you or use certificate based authentication and then it would return the results for you so that's pretty cool and that's pretty much all I'm going to show you for SSH because honestly you should know how to use that already um and then the last thing I'll show you well two last things so that I guess the second to last thing uh SCP SCP is like a secure copy if you will similar to to uh SFTP or FS ftps whatever you want to go with um and it's actually very similar to um SSH and I'm not going to do it but here's how the command would look you would do like SCP you'd put your local file like let's just say we'd never do this in real life but let's just say we did you would do that and then you would put test at test IP and then you would put a callon and you would put the slash directory that you wanted to move the file to so that would allow you to copy up a file uh to pull it down is a little bit different but honestly this isn't the best way to do it anyway but I just did want you to be aware that SCP is a secure copy and it is out there um last thing is rsync I have an entire video on rsync I love rsync rsync gives you the capability to copy a current either file Direct trory entire mounted volumes to another location you can actually in Linux mount a different you can mount a Windows server and you can use rsync to copy that Windows Server onto Linux you can copy Linux onto Windows it can do everything and the coolest thing is you can set it up where it will set up either like a mirror copy meaning if someone on Windows deletes it it will delete it on Linux vice versa you can have it say Linux is the master everything else gets deleted it's Ultra powerful and ultra awesome and I love it so much I created a video on it and again that's in the channel uh I'll again if I remember to do it which I probably won't uh I'll link it up top but check it out further rsync is a great tool and with that said let's go check something else out all right checking under the hood this will be the shortest section of this entire video there's only two commands in it but they're important commands and the first one is going to be un name- a you need to do the D A otherwise you can just do uname that's just going to tell you what the operating system is so that's pretty easy right so let's do the D A and what is this going to do for us it's going to tell you the operating system it's going to tell you the host name it's going to give you the kernel release right here it's also going to give you the operating system version it's also then going to give you the uh which is right here the operating system version and then it's going to give you the um Hardware architecture which is right here so I know some of you may be like well what I even care about that well you may get asked you know what kernel are you on or what version of Cali are you on yada yada yada and that's why that's important and another thing that's important is you need to know how much space you have left on your drives right and how do we do that well it's really really simple what we're going to do is we're going to use the command known as DF you go ahead and hit enter and what you're going to get is you're going to get your file system you're going to get the used the available even a nice percentage you're going to get to see where it's mounted on so you can see right here is the route where most of my stuff is mounted and it's at 15% so how can we take this command and pump it up a little bit well we could make this easier to read right and we throw in the H now we're getting human readable much nicer right the only other thing we could do really and that I would suggest you do sometimes if you wanted a little more detail you can add the DAT the dasht and it adds like sometimes the U file system here doesn't give you the complete type of um like now see down here how sda1 is showing us that this is an EXT 4 file system sometimes you're not going to get it it just happened in this example it showed most most of it but luckily it did actually do a little bit more here which is nice so it makes it um just a little more informative so that said we are done checking under the hood and don't get too excited I'm actually not going to show you where to find your exploits that's your problem um but well I will show you how to find anything else and all you're going to do is use the find command imagine that so that's the find command now what if I wanted to look for something so let's just say I wanted to look for and let's just go in the home directory so you would type in the word find which is the command and then you would need to type in the director you wanted to look for at least you could do technically you could do slash here and that would check everything that might take a really long time so I'm going to try to narrow it down here I'm going to put it in home and then you would do name and then you would do the file name and the file name uh let's just put I think I have something called yippy let's see here if we put an asteris and I get a result okay nothing so you know what let's try this because I may not have that file let's try to just look for jpex so let's do that and there you go I do have a JPEG at least in there I thought I had another file on my desktop named yippy Doom but apparently I don't now what if you wanted to um you know you could search for any document you could could look for um shell I don't think I have any there let's just look in do I have a script strory on this I don't think I even have that directory here yeah so uh how about this we wanted to look for something that's CF and we wanted to do it here that's going to give us all the documents that end with thef extension so that is how you can do it it's really quick now what if you wanted to do something and you wanted to say um uh let's try this we'll do this I don't know that this will work um let's try it again this may not work we're going wild right here what we're going to do is we're not going to do a name search we're just going to actually we need to do VAR let's just do no let's go into log I don't want to blow something up and what we're going to do is we're going to then do the dash size we're looking for something a certain amount of size so let's just say we want to only return the results that are over 1 Megabyte so if we go ahead and hit enter it's going to give us the results all these apparently are over one megabyte let's verify that by adding a 10 here and see if any of them taper off all of them tapered off but one so that is how you could search by size that's pretty helpful when you want to know okay where are all my big items taken up all my space right uh last thing I'll show you here you can actually do find and you would do let's do VAR not car let's do VAR log again and let's go ahead and do a dash M time and that's going to be modifi time and then you'll want to put it a time so I'm going to do let's do 30 days so you're going to get a result so let's say I Chang this to within one day I'm only going to get less or you wanted to see within 100 days you're going to get more so that is how you would do it um it's pretty helpful so there's also another tool that you can use to search with and that tool is none other than our friend grep as you remember grep can be used to pull results out of commands it can also be used to pull results out of files and I'm going to move this over here to the VAR log real quick for this example so now if I do a GP here and I want to GP uh let's grap for failure we failed fail and we go ahead and do that and I'm going to get all the log files and you can see they're different like right here this must have been I failed to set up a temporary directory um or actually probably the process did but anyway you get the point and then over here you can see there's other things that failed uh but what if we wanted to look for just fail ah same result what if we wanted to look for successful because we got to win occasionally right and there you go we win more than we fail which is positive we want to do that so you could go in and you could search entire directories full of text files you know um other documents that aren't encrypted and get those results so it's pretty powerful um especially if you were searching a bunch of log files and you didn't want to to go through with them one one at a time so that said let's move on all right and the last two commands I want to show you for this segment are going to be the tar and Gip command and those commands are going to allow you to Archive files so let's say you had like 20 files and you wanted to put them all in one archive think like a folder and a zip um but the tar does not actually compress that's what the gzip does the gzip is kind of like a regular zip on a Windows desktop or wherever where you would you know right click and send a um compressor file uh only I believe the compression is much greater on the J could be wrong don't mark my words but I believe that's the case um so anyways enough talking I have moved over to the VAR log directory because there's more data there and let's see what we got so what we're going to do as our first um example here we're going to Tar all these files so I'm going to go ahead and get a copy right here hopefully it it copied um the example I did earlier when I was testing this but if not I wanted to be able to do it again so you're going to do AAR as the command obviously and then you're going to need to Archive and gzip we're going to go with czf and it did it did keep this from ear so you would do tar D czf and then you would put the name of whatever you wanted to call the archive and then you put a tar which is going to be the archive and then a gzip now you don't have to add the gzip I'm doing the gzip to show you that we can tar and archive at the same time and then what I'm doing here is I'm cheating I'm taking the VM Network which is going to be right here and then I'm using an asterisk so it will Encompass one two three and all that so I don't have to do this one at a time you could do the same thing and literally copy each name one after another kind of how they you you can touch a file and then do touch one two 3 four and will add four files same thing here but it's much easier just to use the Wild Card when you're combining so go ahead and do that we should verify we have it it's there so then what we can do to make sure uh that it's actually going to work when we un um archive and compress it or decompress I should say we'll go ahead and do that so now when we look in here all those files are gone except thankfully our gzip file here with all those um files archived so how do we get those files out of there well it's pretty simple actually you do a tar and then you're going to do an x uh VF and here it goes it pre-filled it for me so what you're going to do is you would just do a tar - xvf and then the name and this is going to leave the gzip file there and just um decompress and extract the other um files that are inside the archive so you go ahead and do it you can go back here and you can look and you can see they're all back and it keeps the original in case you wanted that as well or maybe something happened on the way out now last thing I want to show you is you can actually if you wanted to just uncompress this gzip file here all you would need to do is you can either do a g unzip what you would do is just unzip that and again I cheated there I didn't want to type the whole name so I used the beginning part wild card and a gz after that because that's the only gzip I have in here but if you look now it's not going to be a gzip it's going to be a tar now why I wanted to do this was because what if you wanted to add something to that tar file you can totally do that you just do t-rf and you would pick a file let's say WTMP we wanted to add that oops I skipped it you need to add the name of archive file first which is going to be VMware D test. tar and then WTMP and now that will have everything in it and to test that we can again we can delete WTMP and we'll just overwrite the existing files here uh but we'll go ahead and extract everything in that file again go ahead and do that right now and why is that not doing that oh because it wasn't a gzip anymore it was a tar so I had to change the name to just tar same command to do it um and then you go back here and there it is boom and then our all of our files are back too so that's great and that pretty much is what you're going to want to use to our for the compress files decompress files and maybe add um to your existing tar archive so let's check out Z gzip now shall we let's clean this up get a fresh screen there all right and similar to um the tar command gzip is very simple you're literally just going to type gzip and you can do it as simple as going WTMP and hitting enter and you have a gzip file pretty easy right uh the only difference is when you go ahead and do that it actually takes the original file which is a little bit of a problem in this situation so how do we solve that we better know how to un gzip it right and you could always do G unzip like I did earlier or you can actually just do a d for d can press then you go back out here and there it is so what if we wanted to do multiple files you say all right we just do a gzip and let's play test log uh let's do VMware install.log and let's go ahead and uh anything else we want to throw in there I think that's good so let's go ahead and do that go ahead and do an LS and you can see it did that again so uh let's go ahead and decompress those but what we're going to do here we'll just go ahead and do a star. gz and get them all at once and we go back here and they're all decompressed pretty simple um let's just do one more test of gzipping a WTMP right and then um well I need multiple things to do it but let's say let's actually here let's uh G G unzip G unzip star dot gz and then let's do this let's go ahead and gzip thear file here and what I want to show you here is if we do a gzip if I could write gzip and then I want to do an l and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to do start actually I'll just spell this out the whole way here VMware dot. tar.gz what that's going to do it's going to list the actual contents of the gzip file which in this case was just the tar file um but you can see it's gzipped and it's listing what's inside it so if there were M multiple files in here that's what it would it would list so without having to uncompress it uh it lists all the contents of the file there so you could see what it is compressed and what it would actually be um decompressed and look at the ratio it's running here I mean that's pretty crazy right that it's reducing it that much so anyway I hope that gives you a good um idea of how you would use tar and gzip um pretty straightforward to use um but they do do a lot for compression especially log files you get these log files in here and this Linux box I don't use a lot so it doesn't really have that big of log files but like let's just real quick for Giggles let's gzip this thing and see the compression level we got here so we just go up here and we do a gzip and let's just go ahead and paste you right there and now if we look at it so it's showing 23 and let's actually make this human readable so we're showing 23 right there 231k okay that seemed like it was bigger until I did it right okay so let's go ahead and decompress this D for decompress let's go ahead and do an LH again let's go up and look where is it um where are you am I blind here what was the name of it again oh DK uh and yeah so it's it is quite a lot loger it's 20 2.3 uh versus whatever it was so it is a lot smaller so you can see it does do quite a good job in compressing and saving space so that said let's move on to our final segment all right users will be users is right uh you probably depending on your circumstance may or may not have to add users to your system and there's multiple ways to do it but from the command line it's super easy uh if you're root you don't even have to do a pseudo if you're not root you're going to need a pseudo to run this command but all we're going to do to add a new user is going to be user add and literally let's add test user that's it pretty easy right okay what if we wanted to um um add a home directory for this person because right now if you go into home they didn't get a test director which is not very cool so why don't we go ahead and user delete test user they're gone and let's go ahead and add them again what we're going to do is we're going to throw on when we get over here a dash M and now they get a home directory pretty cool right right um You can take it a step further and again I'm going to delete them and that was actually my next command I was going to show you the user delete command so you just got a two for one deal right there saves a little time right on this long video uh so let's go ahead and do this let's do an M but we can also do a dasg and then we can put them in a group so let's go ahead and put them for fun in the oh okay well I forgot to I forgot to delete the home directory so let's go ahead and do that RF test all right clear that up or not all right so we're good there's nothing else in here all right so let's go back and let's go ahead and add that user and as you can see that user actually has a home directory and look the group I add into G for root it applied the group pretty cool right um so I mean you could actually I mean the only other thing I'll show you you could create well you know what okay I'll just tell you how to do this if you wanted to create a user that was going to be only good for a certain amount of time say you wanted it to expire tomorrow what you could do is you can do an E for um expire sorry I could not think there and you want to put the date like 24 what are we on 05 and actually month so it' be month and then it be day so5 let's just do6 and then you would put test user 2 what that's going to do is that's going to allow that user to be valid for that amount of time so that's pretty cool if you ever needed to you know have a um a user that you only needed to have for a little bit of time um so let's go ahead and get rid of these and so it's just going to be user Dell right and we're going to go ahead we'll do we'll do test user as normal but here's a way you can get rid of the home directory as well at the same time which I should have just done originally if you put a-r there and you go there they're gone uh and if you needed to let's say it threw up some kind of error problem you could always just do the famous F and of course it doesn't exist but that would force through um and there you go so that's gone and clean we're good there uh and last thing what if we just wanted to add a group we've added a user we've deleted a user let's add a group and delete a group adding a group is basic you're just going to do group AD and we'll just go group seven does not exist can't delete something that doesn't exist right so let's go ahead and add it now it exists it's all you got to do you want to delete it you delete it and with that we are going to call this video a wrap uh I hope you've been uh enjoyed this video more so I hope you've actually learned from it I do try to make the videos a little bit entertaining U because I know it's not the most you know fun Topic in a way but I hope you did learn because that's what I really really strive to um get through in all my videos not so much entertainment value more educational value so anyways if you did and you would like to see future content please do subscribe to the channel I'll ring that notification Bell and uh give me a like that really helps me out and you know it doesn't really cost you anything so long story short short hope you have a good rest of your day or night or whatever it is and uh take care