[Music] hello class welcome back to our regular video lesson this will be another opportunity for you to learn something new so what are we waiting for let's do this before we introduce our new lesson let's see if you recall our past learning session let's review the word philosophy come from the two greek words correct philos and sophia philos means love while sophia means vista therefore philosophy is the love of wisdom next philosophy is the science that may natural light of emotion or reason studies the first causes or highest principles of all things that's right it is reason very good glass now let's move on do you miss the scenery it's very relaxing right now that our country holds the world breaking record as having the longest lockdown due to the covid19 pandemic some of us are getting anxious and longing for some exciting at the same time calming get away such as going to the beach however do you know that some people are getting more nervous every time they see an ocean they are afraid of the ocean to the point that they think they will be drowned in just near sight of the sea it can be very terrifying for them because they don't know what creatures are in the deep blue sea and they are uncertain of what's really in there just like an ocean philosophy holds vast and almost immeasurable knowledge and wisdom that some of us should really dive deeper to understand and dwell on it now let's swim and dive into the deep and extensive branches of philosophy at the end of the video lecture you will be able to first identify the major branches of philosophy and classify questions according to the branches of philosophy let's start philosophy is divided into three major branches these are metaphysics epistemology and axology under epistemology we have logic and under axology we have ethics and aesthetics the first major branch of philosophy is metaphysics it is the philosophical branch that studies reality existence the nature of being and the physical world and the universe it is the study of what is really real metaphysics deals with the so-called first principles of the natural order and the ultimate generalizations available to the human intellect it seeks to identify and establish the relationships between categories if any of the types of existent things it finds answers to the questions such as what kinds of things exist do only particular things exist or do general things also exist how is existence possible questions as to identity and change of objects are you the same person you as you were as a baby as of yesterday as a moment ago how do ideas exist if they have no size shape or color what is space what is time what is spirit or soul or matter are they made up of the same sort of stuff and that is metaphysics next one is epistemology it is often referred as the theory of knowledge it delves into the definition scope and parameters of knowledge and knowledge performation in particular epistemology is the study of the nature scope and limits of human knowledge it seeks to explain how knowledge relates to notions like justification truth and belief and how and where it falls in the spectrum of certainty and error it investigates the origin structure methods and integrity of knowledge it is a study that asks big questions like what is knowledge what can we know for certain how do we know what we know how can we acquire knowledge what is justified belief and what is what makes it justified consider the degree of truth of the statement the earth is round does it truth depend upon the context in which the statement is uttered for example this statement can be successively more accurately translated as the earth is spherical the earth is an oblate spheroid but what about the himalayas and the marianas trench even if it surveyed exactly the shape of the earth our process of surveying would alter the surface by the footprints left and the impressions of the survey stakes and instruments hence the exact shape of the earth cannot be known every rain shower changes the shape next one is logic it is the branch of philosophy that studies reasoning it teaches us how to differentiate between good and bad reasoning and how to construct valid arguments it seeks answers to questions like what is valid reasoning how can you distinguish between a good argument and a bad argument how can you spot fallacies or errors in an argument now we've all studied logic in one form or another in your math class logic came in the form of puzzles or world problems that require the use of inductive or deductive reasoning to arrive at the equations or solutions in english or in your speech class we studied fallacies and paradoxes and solved riddles with inferences which taught us how to create convincing and logical arguments and how to debate properly and the list goes on the last major branch of philosophy is actually axology is the study of value and investigation of its nature criteria and metaphysical status more often the term value theory is used instead of astrology in contemporary discussions even though the term theory of value is used with respect to the value or price of goods and services in economics astrology is usually divided into two main parts ethics and aesthetics ethics is the study of values in human behavior or the study of moral problems questions or topics like the rightness and wrongness of actions kinds of things which are good or desirable and whether actions are blameworthy and praiseworthy are ethics concerns questions like what is good in life how should we act how do we mean by virtue and what does right even mean are answered by ethics in the world of philosophy aesthetics is the study of value in the arts or the inquiry into feelings judgments or standards of beauty and related concepts philosophy of art is concerned with judgments of sense of face and emotion it refers to the study of everything related to beauty art and good taste this branch of philosophy concerns itself with questions that include what is art what makes an artwork successful is art and expression of feelings can it be a vehicle of truth is good taste innate or learned and is art and morality connected so this is it glass philosophy is divided into three main branches metaphysics epistemology and astrology under epistemology we have logic and under astrology we have ethics and aesthetics and now to test your knowledge let's see what you have learned in this video lesson classify the following questions according to the branch of philosophy belongs to and what are the branches of philosophy you have ethics logic metaphysics aesthetics and epistemology so are you guys ready let's go can nothingness exist the answer is metaphysics great job next question how can you distinguish between a good argument and a bad argument the answer is logic let's move on how should we act in order to follow what is right the answer is ethics very good next is good taste innate or learn the answer is aesthetics how do we know what we know the answer is epistemology good job guys and you deserve an applause bravocado for every one of you now for the key points philosophy is divided into two three major branches metaphysics epistemology and astrology astrology is the study of value this is really divided into two main parts ethics and aesthetics ethics is the study of values in human behavior or the study of moral problems aesthetics is the study of value in the arts or the inquiry into feelings judgments or standards of beauty and related concepts epistemology is the study of knowledge it's the study of nature scope and limits of human knowledge logic is the branch of philosophy that studies reasoning and metaphysics deals with the so-called first principles of the natural order and the ultimate generalizations available to the human intellect so that's it guys i hope you learned something from our video lesson today see you next time bye