Writing Tips from Stephen King

Jul 5, 2024

Lecture Notes: Writing Tips from Stephen King


  • Aimed to share less common tips from Stephen King on improving writing.
  • Personal anecdote about a self-publishing mistake and today's sponsor, Mble Art.

Tip 1: Keep Going Despite Difficulty

  • Quote: "Stopping a piece of work just because it's hard either emotionally or imaginatively is a bad idea."
  • Key Points:
    • Writing is hard for everyone, not just beginners.
    • Quitting because it's difficult is common but counterproductive.
    • Persisting despite difficulty leads to learning and eventual success.

Tip 2: Paragraphs as Maps of Intent

  • Quote: "Paragraphs are almost as important for how they look as what they say; they're maps of intent."
  • Key Points:
    • No strict rules, paragraph structure is flexible.
    • Paragraph length and appearance affect reader perception.
    • Purpose and clarity are essential for effective paragraph design.
    • Great paragraph structure can make stories more enjoyable and accessible.

Self-Publishing & Book Covers (Sponsored Section)

  • Importance of a good book cover for self-published books.
  • Sponsor: Mble Art
    • Offers book cover design, unlimited revisions, and other design services.
    • Emphasizes attracting target audiences and competitive design.
    • Promo code: kierum 15 for 15% off first order.

Tip 3: Make the Reader Welcome

  • Quote: "The object of fiction isn't grammatical correctness but to make the reader welcome and then tell a story."
  • Key Points:
    • Writing is about invoking emotions and making readers feel connected.
    • Grammar rules are secondary to the story's impact.
    • It's okay to break the rules if it serves the story.

Tip 4: Description Should Spark Imagination

  • Quote: "Description begins in the writer's imagination but should finish in the reader's."
  • Key Points:
    • Aim for evocative descriptions that stimulate the reader's imagination rather than detailing every aspect.
    • Focus on what feelings or images you want to evoke.

Tip 5: Experiment and Iterate

  • Quote: "Try any goddamn thing you like, no matter how boringly normal or outrageous. If it works, fine. If it doesn’t, toss it."
  • Key Points:
    • Encourage trying both conventional and unconventional approaches.
    • Focus on completing stories rather than making them perfect.
    • Each attempt provides valuable learning experience.