[Music] thank you some of the biggest animals in the ocean used to live on land whales are great swimmers and have adapted well to living underwater but they used to walk on four legs their ancestors came into existence about 15 million years ago some of the whales from the past didn't look like whales at all but they would have been at home in the water they mostly lived on land near lakes and rivers they hunted small animals on land and fish in fresh water and they could even hear things beneath there have been over to any prehistoric whales on Earth however in this video we will discuss the 13 common prehistoric wheels that have enough data on their remains number 13 on the list myociris Maya series represents the transition of land mammals back to the oceans where these animals were living on the land sea interface and going back and forth this species is relatively small four-legged whale with a skeleton 2.6 meters or 8.5 feet in length and an estimated weight of 280 to 390 kilograms males are slightly larger than females of the two adult skeletons found the one interpreted as male was about 12 percent larger than the one interpreted as female 12. rato series another prehistoric whale with four legs measuring about 6.6 to 9.8 feet long and one of the several with land mammal characteristics they've been used to indicate the transition from land to Sea through the long feed and hands that were webbed to facilitate movement in the water the roto-ceetuses tail primarily acted as a Rudder with the limb suggesting surface level swimming for hunting 11 mamaladen the mamaladen lived between 25.7 to 23.9 million years ago it was considered a Balian whale even though it had a selection of shaped teeth with a maximum length of 11 feet mamaladen was smaller and more primitive than modern Baleen whales it suggested that this extinct whale was a bottom filter feeder using its nut and teeth as a filtering method as it fed on the sea floor number 10 janduciris as far as extinct whales go the janju see this was quite a small to medium-sized specimen about 11.5 meters long which roamed the waters around 25 million years ago as a predatory whale the Jan juice had some fearsome teeth that it relied on when hunting large fish the Janu see this skulls indicate powerful jaw muscles that made it a competitor to other hunters in the oceans this whale Extinction is an evolutionary link between ancient and modern Wheels foreign the species with an amphibious prehistoric whale from 50 million years ago it is one of the most studied mammals due to its Strong Limbs that suggest it could walk on land at 11 to 12 feet long it moved much like another using its robust tail and large limbs for movement but with a crocodile-like snout there's no doubt that it was vicious for smaller prey with its Aquatic and land-based Mobility this whale Extinction is the favorite among the scientific community 8. seetherium Cedar theorem has an interesting background as its nickname is literally the whale Beast the seed ethereum is recorded as the first whales to have sharp teeth for hunting fish and mammals as food in size the cetertherium was a medium-sized at a length of 14 feet and fed near the ocean's surface which made it a target for larger Predators like the Megalodon and liviaten number seven acrophisitor acrophisitor is a genus of extinct sperm whales that lived between 11.3 to 5.6 million years ago off the coast of Peru acrophizer measured 4 to 4.5 meters or 13 to 15 feet long making it the smallest raptorial sperm whale it was known for its short pointed snout and its strong curved front teeth it had 12 teeth in the upper jaw and 13 teeth in the bottom jaw acrophizer probably fed on the large Marine vertebrates of its time such as seals and other whales number six doruden The Darden roamed the Seas approximately 41 million years ago it is estimated to have been around 5 meters in length approximately 16 feet as an adult similar in size to the modern beluga whales Jordan shares many specialized features with modern whales it had a sharp incisor canine and premolar and molar teeth lining its elongated mouth from one end to another the Jordans features suggested was fully Marine with reduced hind Limbs and tail flukes that propelled it in water number five squalodon they are named after the shark's squalus because their cheek teeth look like the teeth of the squallless shark the largest species of squalodon reach up to 5.5 meters or 18 feet in length the squalodon family can be found all over the world the extensive location of their fossils suggests they were widespread across the globe about 28 to 15 million years ago squalid and family is considered an early ancestor of modern Dolphins despite their differentiated teeth number four ischiosidus ischiosaurus is an important transitional form as it displays the early origins of the Berlin whales while still retaining teeth that can be identified as incisors canines and molars like many other mammals later descendants would go on to become exclusive filter feeders like many of the modern great whales that swim our oceans today roughly up to 18 to 21.5 feet long but total size depends upon species number three on the list zygophysitter the zygo visitor was a sperm whale that swam and Earth's waters in the period 11.2 to 7.6 million years ago with the size of approximately 21 to 23 feet it compares to the dwarf and pygmy sperm whales this extinct whale utilized echolocation to track its prey with the added advantage of being a fast swimmer archaeologists refer to it as the killer sperm whale possibly rivaling the modern day killer whale that's deadly in catching large prey number two on the list liviaten the leviaten has an interesting name which is initially inspired by Leviathan another biblical and mythological sea monster the liviaten lives up to its notoriety in size about 44 to 60 feet and weighed over 60 tons making it the heaviest prehistoric whale its teeth measure 1.2 feet making it the largest biting teeth in history four extinct and current animals the extension of the giant leviaten is said to have been triggered by the myocene period cooling event that caused a decline in food populations and number one basilosaurus the basilosaurus is a humble giant that's when the oceans at least 41.3 to 33.9 million years ago the basilosaurus is famous for resembling a reptile because of its e-like demeanor and jaw filled with sharp teeth but while it looked different from the whales we know today this extinct species of whale is important because it was the first prehistoric whale to be known to science the largest basilosaurus measured 17 to 20 meters or 56 to 66 feet long and weight more than 15 metric tons and that is all for today thanks for watching we will see you positively in the next one take care thank you