Intense Competition Challenge Overview

Aug 2, 2024

Notes on the Competition Challenge Presentation

Event Overview

  • 100 contestants, ages 1 to 100, competing for $250,000.
  • Contestants must stay within their cubes, touching the red line or leaving results in elimination.

Contest Dynamics

  • The challenge involves contestants convincing their peers who deserves to win.
  • Contestants need to form alliances and friendships.
  • Early eliminations mostly from younger contestants.

Key Moments

  • By the end of the first hour, six contestants had been eliminated.
  • A challenge was issued: contestants needed to convince 10 people to leave voluntarily; failure would result in a random elimination of 25 contestants.
  • 89 contestants managed to convince one person to leave, resulting in random eliminations.
  • A total of 25 contestants eliminated, leaving 67 remaining.

Day Two

  • Contestants were tasked with unanimously agreeing on a winner; failure led to a new challenge.
  • Captains chosen from each row to represent their group in the next challenge.
  • Challenge involved the captains being offered increasing sums of money to eliminate their entire row.
  • One captain accepted an offer of $30,000, resulting in the elimination of all contestants in their age group.

Elimination Process

  • Contestants were eliminated based on a spinning wheel game, where age numbers were drawn.
  • Each contestant had the opportunity to decide whether to eliminate the drawn contestant or not.
  • The alliance among the 40s age group strengthened as they attempted to keep their members safe.

Tensions Rise

  • As the game progressed, contestants began to distrust each other.
  • The final contestants were pressured to unanimously vote for a winner, but continued failure led to further eliminations.
  • The final twist: contestants had to enter a cube where only one person could win $250,000, with a time limit imposed.

Final Challenge

  • Contestants presented their stories, attempting to persuade others who should win the money.
  • A unique voting system was introduced: ranked choice voting to determine the final winner.
  • 47 emerged as the winner after a tense decision-making process, with 10,000 awarded to the remaining contestants.


  • The competition was intense, filled with strategy, alliances, and emotional appeals.
  • The event was filmed for potential future media content, suggesting a long-term plan for similar competitions.