Interview with Pavel Durov on Telegram

Jul 15, 2024

Interview with Pavel Durov on Telegram


  • Lecturer/Interviewer: Interview with Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram.
  • Context: Discussion on the origins, challenges, and philosophies behind Telegram.

Early Life and Background

  • Born: 1984 in the Soviet Union.
  • Moved to Italy: At age 4; attended school in Turin.
  • Return to Russia: Post-Soviet Union collapse; attended St. Petersburg State University.
  • Brother: Mathematical prodigy, multiple-time International Olympiad in Informatics champion.

Entrepreneurship Journey

VKontakte (VK)

  • Founded: VK at age 21 after university graduation.
  • Achievements: Became the largest social network in Russia and post-Soviet states.
  • Government Clash: VK refused to comply with government demands to shut down opposition groups and share user data; led to significant pressure from the Russian Government.
  • Decision: Resigned as CEO, sold his stake, and left Russia to maintain his principles on freedom.

Founding Telegram

  • Motivation: Need for secure communication app due to government threats during VK's operation.
  • Collaboration with Brother: Brother developed Telegram's encryption, while Pavel focused on the user interface and platform features.
  • Headquarters: Tried various cities before settling in Dubai.

Values and Philosophy

  • Freedom: A strong proponent of free speech, privacy, and independence from government control or influence.
  • No Marketing Spend: Grew user base organically to nearly 900 million users; values voluntary user adoption over paid acquisition.

Challenges and Pressures

  • Government Requests: Received various demands from global governments, including the US, for user data, especially post-January 6th events; consistently declined such requests.
  • Tech Giants: Biggest challenge from Apple and Google regarding compliance with app store policies; potential threats of app removal for non-compliance.
  • Security Concerns: Experiences of governmental attempts to coerce engineers; pressures faced from global superpowers.

Life in Dubai

  • Reasons for Settling: Ease of doing business, tax efficiency, high quality infrastructure, and a neutral political stance.
  • Government Relations: No pressures or demands from the Emirati government, contrasting with previous experiences in the US and Russia.

Unique Business Model

  • Ownership: Telegram is 100% owned by Pavel Durov, an uncommon scenario for a platform of its size.
  • Operations: No HR department; relies on competitions to recruit top engineering talent; ultra-efficient team structure.
  • Future Plans: Focused on maintaining Telegram's independence, growth, and core values.

Lessons and Insights

  • Product Management: Pavel remains deeply involved in product decisions and maintains a tight-knit team structure.
  • Independence in Business: Avoids external investor control to preserve platform objectives and integrity.
  • Technological Optimism: Believes in potential for future secure communication tools, reflecting cyclic nature of technological and societal trends.
  • Global Perspective: Avoids geopolitical entanglements; prioritizes neutrality and user privacy in platform operations.


  • Commitment to Privacy: Remains steadfast in ensuring encrypted and secure user communications.
  • Vision for the Future: Retains optimism about the preservation of privacy and communication freedoms.