Hey Soul family welcome back to the channel this is the white feather tarot and in today's reading we're taking a look at an important message that is meant to reach you right now if you prefer to pick your piles using your zodiac signs you will find a time stamp for that down in the description box all right so let's pull out three cards I see a lot sticking out so let's pick from these pile one pile two and pile number three let's check out what you have in today's reading for pile number one you have the nine of swords for pile number two you have the hermit for pile number three you have the Three of Wands if you prefer to pick your piles using crystals let me add these right now there we go so for pile number one you have the lapis lazuli for pile number number two you have the red jasper and for pile number three you have the dmti Jasper I'm really inspired to offer you today another way of picking your pile I will be doing it in a different way and I will be leaving a Tim stamp for that down in the description box it will be done after the zodiacs are set or maybe even before the zodiacs are set because some of you don't want to be influenced by The Zodiacs and today I will be giving you directions if you feel like you want to hear a message about that or this or that um you can click on the pile and it is then the message that is meant to reach you about this specific Direction I just channeled this idea even before I placed the crystals and I even thought for a moment should I say that and I really felt inspired to do that so let me do it in today's reading you'll find a time stamp for that also down in the description box but yeah other than that please take a look at your cards and crystals and see which one you're the most drawn to and this will be the the pile for you here today as I always encourage you in case you feel drawn to more than one pile um please feel free to check them out as well you might just hear important messages that are meant to reach you right now so I'll leave you with your cards a little bit and then do trust that I will be offering that second way a third way of uh choosing your piles today all right so if you want to pick your pile uh through a specific direction today I would say pick the first pile if you are worried about something and you would like to hear a message about it for pile number two click on this pile if you want to hear about something that may change in your inner World these days H where you are sh mastering something you're shedding skin and mastering something if you resonate with this direction I would say definitely check out this pile uh and to see your changes the changes that are happening to you and the changes that are happening in your life as a consequence and for pile number three here this pile is referring to [Music] some changes changes that are taking you to a New Direction in your life or perhaps helping you move forward so if you want to know more about where you're going exactly is what I'm trying to say if you want to know about where you're going then my dear Soul family this is the pile to pick I won't be doing that every day unless you guys really love it uh it is an option there um but yeah if you feel called to pick this way the these are the directions that I felt inspired to tell you about and then if you want to pick your piles using your zodiac signs this is the section that's coming up next okay as mentioned if you prefer to pick your piles using your zodiac signs this is your section and after shuffling your uh so dick signs I will be drawing out four for each pile there's one in my hand so the first sign for pile number one is Capricorn second is Aquarius third is Sagittarius and fourth is Taurus for pile number two the signs are scorpio Virgo cancer as well as Gemini and for pile number three the signs are Leo Aries Libra as well as Pisces so my dear Soul family these are the zodiac signs and their Association to each of the piles in today's reading please feel free to pick your pile or piles using your sun moon or Rising I highly recommend you check out the three and once you're ready you'll find the time stamps down in the description box click on your times and I will see you in your readings hi pile number one welcome to your reading today we're taking a look at an important message that is meant to reach you right now I see three one two and three from this deck we'll be using this deck and the tea leaves so let's pull out your cards oo I see a green card and I see a timing card let's p out these lovely so these are the tea leaves that I see for you all right let's put them to the side o and I forgot to mention uh let me quickly introduce your pile to you your crystal is the beautiful lapis lazuli your significator card is the nine of Swords with the keywords the overwhelmed sea turtle and if you've picked your pile using your zodiac signs then in that case the signs for this pile are Capricorn Aquarius Sagittarius and and Taurus welcome to your reading guys as I always advise you or always let you know that if these are not your zodiac signs please don't worry about it it's just another way for others to pick their piles as well all right so let's place two tea leaves here you have desk pay attention to your work and you have pineapple with reconciliation you have the month of December okay let's keep that here you have owl good advice from a wise person you have uh the bow you are highly thought of there's a lot of thinking here advice wise person highly thought thought of maybe somebody's going to tell you something that genuinely cares you have rat someone working against you behind your back and you've got your back here you've got whale great worry over nothing so nice to see this card with the nine of Swords being your significator card love this for you okay and you also have career we can do it the other way around there we go you have ring a marriage will take place either romantic or business and it's right on top of career right you also also have the offering huh very cool and you have the village and you can see someone holding a circle or a ring I think it's the same picture isn't it arm ring arm ring it's almost like someone is offering you something in your on to rush and you have wow the seed okay so let's now take a look at your tarot cards so that we have a full picture of what is going on right wow you've got another seed here with the acorn so you've got the world card you've got the empress oh I love this for you you have the Queen of Pentacles my God your tarot cards are awesome today you have the King of Swords wow the 10 of Cups oh my God I'm loving your cards let's pull out one last card on this row and you've got the strength card I mean the first row is either major Arcana strong archetypes or an very favorable card in Tarot with the 10 of Cups this is like being elated this is like being very happy and it does look like the bow here doesn't it this is signifying that something in your life is going to transform form it seems for most of you the message that you're meant to hear is talking specifically about your career or your work if you're not working then it's talking about something that you genuinely care about and you're working towards a specific goal or something and it seems like at the moment the energy is at is at an alltime high you feel like you're going to be swallowed or you're overwhelmed with something you're really afraid that something is going to go wrong and you feel like some energy is working against you um you feel like the waves are high it's loud it's scary and I almost feel like you are feeling a little bit helpless due to your great fears in terms of what you are anxious about what you're perhaps expecting is going to happen what you're afraid of it clearly says great worry over no nothing whether there is actually something or someone working against you or not um and whether something is actually happening or not in any case your guides are saying you need not worry at all and you will always be guided with the owl through your crown chakra with a lot of wisdom on how to deal with what is going on that's the crown of the empress being connected to the heavens and you will always get guidance on what to do uh nudges on where to go and you will never be left alone in in fact I feel for this pile your crown chakra is very active and you're able to pick up on wisdom you're able to find intelligent solutions you are you have a very active mind so they want you to know that things will change soon for you in the area of your work or your career or goals a new seed is going to be planted this seed will bring you a lot of abundance and with the Queen of Pentacles will allow you to both live a life that you really love and enjoy abundantly as well as have huge power on the Direction uh when it comes to where you want things to go you will also have the power of speed with the leopard here allow you to always move in the direction that you want get the things that you want quickly so overall you need not worry because with the 10 of Cups your fate is that you're going to be very happy and you are now these days with the bow and the infinity sign watching your life transforming in another Direction this is happening now and you can even see it with the world card something is ending by a new beginning with the seat something is ending as a new beginning shows up for a lot of you you might be committed to something or someone else uh you might be committed to a new company or committed to a new team or something and you will be offered something so maybe you will be offered a new position maybe you will be offered a new job or maybe you are you have your own business and you will be offered and the village here in that case you will be offered a lot of that could be sales with the village like your community uh your Market your Market uh will be um offering you a lot of opportunities or offering you a lot of sales so you will definitely be uh given a lot so that could be like a good offer a good position with a great salary uh or a a a a new opportunity altogether that will be giving you a lot in terms of money and in terms of the power to move in the direction that you want swiftly you will have a lot of options it's kind of like you being planted exactly where you're good exactly where you're intelligent exactly where you know how to make things work this is your time to give your intelligence to the world or to whatever it is that you are doing your experience your Mastery your expertise your knowledge as well as your strategy and your leadership so you might be feeling vulnerable at the moment your guides are showing but very soon you will feel very much in control of your world just like a pineapple it might look rough at the moment but it will taste so good and refreshing Fring in a little while speaking of while there's something significant that may be happening for you in December maybe it's the growth of that seed not sure let's uh pull out two cards and see what December is signifying for you Eight of Cups the fool o that's very very clever and very um clear in December you'll be walking away from something and starting a new Venture that you will be excited about you're dropping something in December the tower yes you're pushing something out of your life you're dropping something and you're very excited about a new beginning uh maybe you're offered something and it'll help you do something by December allowing you to drop something and get something else maybe you will get an awesome offer by December maybe you'll be offered something and it's beginning in December but in December is your big move um maybe this is when the seeds grow starting to grow okay so let's continue with your message there's a new commitment for sure so you've got the Justice cards the Hof yeah I mean Justice and hofan this looks like something official for sure maybe you're signing a new contract soon you're starting uh something yeah legal soon for sure this is legalities you'll be signing a contract cont ract and you will have the power to do something or run something and I see with the scales it also reminds me of business for some of you it's trade maybe you will be involved in business selling something ace of cups oh I love cappuccinos you have the five of Wands the Queen of Swords as well as the Chariot so this is a beautiful new beginning I think you will enjoy this new um offering this new commitment you will really enjoy this one I feel like I keep seeing that this is within your expertise this is where you are the leader just like the hofan this is where everyone's following you this is where everyone's listening Ling to you um yeah this is where you are respected so that's the type of energy I'm seeing here and since you have the key just like the hofan you understand how things are done and things are so clear in this new new offer you know you get your rights they get their rights they have a lot of trust in you uh you're enjoying this now and in fact with the root chakra here you're feeling more grounded and safer uh and more stable the thing is in in this new chapter is that with the Queen of Swords with a lot of intelligence and discipline and uh determination you will single-handedly be able to win competition with the five of Wands so it's like maybe an offering is between you you and so many others and you win with flying colors or you're in the market and there are many people in the market and you're you're leading the market you're the one who yeah is is having it work in the marketing in the market well we did say marketing maybe you're going to do great Marketing in any case you're definitely leading and winning this competition wow um and you're able to make a wheel running make the wheel running make something work and move forward beautifully because in this new position this leadership position that you are in with the yin and the Yang of the horse you're so good at everything that it takes for this to move forward and work so think about it some people are so good at uh planning and strategizing but they're so bad at execution for example um some others are so good at being able to um take the tasks that just know how to handle it but they're they don't understand how to analyze Market numbers this that and the other I'm trying to say that you will have the capabilities to you will have the skills sorry to to close the circle to look at something in all directions you're able to put the strategy you're able to execute it maybe even with a team well or you execute it well you're you're good at sales you're good at marketing you're good at numbers you're good at legalities I don't know just examples uh but you're you're well-rounded so much so that it's like you're the right person for the right job and you're making the cycle run moving you and whoever is offering you forward there is such Brilliance in wherever you're going to be with this next offering you know how they say each one is good in a specific area some people are great artists some people are just good at looking at numbers some people are great at sales and talking to others each one is really good in some areas if you just leave them there they're good at it and what I'm getting is that you're going to be put in the exact place where you're so good and this is coming to you through an offering and I think you're going to commit to that for a long long time because you will enjoy it and because it's going to grow with you and because you're well- loved and respected in that place and think of the sea turtle maybe the waves are high but they're taking the turtle in its environment the turtle knows how to be on ground well and knows how to be in the sea well it's all good which means whatever happens to you you're going to be okay speaking of the sea I see the whale swimming uh to me this is saying you might feel small small and helpless in a current situation now but you will realize very soon that you're the whale in that environment and you will be you will be swimming with great power and honor where you are or where life is taking you okay so let's take a look at the rest of your cards you have the king of Pentacles wow got the Queen of Pentacles king of Pentacles King of Swords wow Queen of Swords powerful Court cards you have the magician wow the seven of Swords the hermit the lovers card we have space for one more card and you have the three of Cups okay so wow the star on the other side of the deck so you're moving towards your your dream your dreams maybe you're not seeing that now but you are moving towards your dreams maybe this is just a force pushing and helping you towards your direction your cards keep explaining row after row of how you are a Visionary how you are such a skilled person and how with the king of Pentacles you will be able to manifest the things that you want in your life as well as for the others around you so you will be able to see through this and you will make it through you will realize in a few moments or in a little while how what's happening now is just giving you more strength to move forward and is allowing you for for you to see a new opportunity and you seed maybe someone's offering it to you or maybe you're realizing it or maybe you're going to discuss something and as a consequence you're offered this opportunity in any case you are going to go through this and Escape whatever you're afraid of intelligently with the seven of swords and with the sacral chakra with a lot of power and so your message here is believe in the power of yourself you will single-handedly change your entire Destiny um the choices that you make these days are going to be important and also you will have um I don't know like a good Community or someone by you that will help you out maybe you have a partner because you do have a marriage here or a business venture so you're it seems like you're partnering with someone or your company's working with you to achieve these dreams and you'll be favored you really will be favored um this next phase of your life will be one through a lot of introspection through belief in your skills because you are out of this world with the king of Pentacles you make things happen and through a kind collaboration a beautiful collaboration between you and your managers between you and your partner or between you and your um customers you and your Market there's a lot of love H respect and appreciation you have a market that genuinely believes in you or your service or your product you have a manager or a company that genuinely believes in you and they have a Kind Connection with you this is what's coming next for you and my here pile number one this is exactly what I see in your reading it seems like you are the chosen one the loved one in this next phase of your life and so really your reading is telling you don't worry you're going to be doing great so this was your reading I truly hope you've enjoyed it if you have please give me a a thumbs up subscribe to the channel so that you never miss a reading that I upload and my dear pile number one sending you so much love wish you the best of luck in this next part of your life may you always be blessed and I'll catch you in the next reading bye hi pile number two welcome to your reading today we're taking a look at an important message that is meant to reach you and to do this reading these are the cards that I'll be using if you're interested in any of them they you want to know their names you'll find a Tim stamp to the you will find uh the names listed down in the description box okay so very quickly let me introduce your pile to you your crystal is the beautiful red jasper your significator card is the hermit card and if you've picked your pile using your zodiac signs then in that case the signs for this pile are scorpio Virgo uh Cancer and Gemini welcome to your reading guys if these are not your excuse me zodiac signs please don't worry about it it's just another way for others to pick their piles as well all right so first things first let's take a look at your tea leaves and see what you have in today's reading so the keyword on the hermit card is the inner master let's see what this is you have flute disappointment in a friend or lover and you have crib birth or conception of a child or Enterprise I'm getting a lot of ideas here but we'll wait and see until all the cards are on the table unless something really stands out you've got ladder climbing towards success you have casket someone going out of your life or the end of a situation you have carrot opportunity or windfall love that for you you have marriage just that there we go you have love that's very strong and you have happiness I love these cards for you let's take a look at your other oracle cards so you've got Castle you have nectar the nectar and you have the orphan right now it's time for us to take a look at your tarot cards this way we get a full picture of your message and what's going on right so you have the king of Cups you've got the page of cups you've got the king of Wands a lot of Court cards all right you've got the emperor wow all right you've got the Three of Wands look pile number three has that exact image on their significator card I would say if you were drawn to pile number three it is the Three of Wands uh I highly recommend it for you guys all right and you've got the Ace of Pentacles as well as the queen of Cups the amount of cord cards and important figures in your reading is pretty significant I would say at a first glance very quickly you will be meeting important people in your life maybe even people that will shape your destiny do you see the bark here and the tree Ace of Pentacles makes me feel like this is a new beginning with new types of people in your life one of these people could be if you believe if you I mean are interested in love because it's very strong in this reading for some of you if you believe in it there's definitely love happiness marriage on the horizon including a baby coming up so a strong message here is that there are significant people coming into your life we'll discuss all of them but specifically someone who you will fall in love with someone who you will marry and one day have a child with that is including with the castle someone who you will live in a beautiful home home with um and I heard very soon in my mind so I'll share that as well very soon in your life but let's talk about your significator card because all of the cups here Page of Cups king of Cups queen of cups are talking about your emotions and your healing so with the hermit card being represented as the snake the inner master your message here is that you have have been through a lot in fact there are specific things in life important things in life that most people have that it seems you were cut away from so orphan could be either exactly that or it could be that you had parents who were there but not really there and it might not be parents at all and it could be that at some point of your life you felt cut off from so many people it could be that a dear person to your life has uh passed on to the other side in any case these are the two like um no actually the king of Cups here is on black and white as well but what I'm saying here black white black white black white I'm seeing that you have been a really how do I say this not just difficult part of your life but painful you have been greatly disappointed by people you loved by friends you might have even had important people leave your life or you left them or maybe they've moved to the other side there is something about people in your story or at least in what your message that you want to you're meant to hear today or meant to receive today it has to do specifically with how with your relationship with your inner child as well as your relationship with others it talks about how there were darker times when you felt alone you reached out to people they weren't there for you uh you were greatly disappointed by important people in your life and others have moved away or you moved from them and alone in a castle alone I'm see I'm seeing being the hermit I'm seeing that you had to go through perhaps a period of time where you were feeling alone and had to make by on your own now that time where you were left alone by the universe was designed for you to find your inner Mastery was designed for you with the snake to find your inner power you know the snake has venom and so maybe you have a power that nature gave to you that you weren't using to defend yourself to prevent yourself from being eaten and it's like the universe kind of isolated you is your message for you to find your power to find who you are as a person to find your nectar to find find the yin and the Yang the beautiful things about you and the power that you have and it seems you've mastered this lesson you're really growing with the latter day by day you're finding yourself you're finding your power and that seed within you has grown and so you know how the carrot is used the stick and the carrot is used to move others is used to move um animals towards something right I feel like this is saying as you're finding your nectar you're finding who you are as well as your power that is attracting so many people towards you and so you will in this phase of your life be meeting so many different types of people in different areas and you will create an empire with them kind of like your uh home with them you know your community with them yeah your your people kind of thing so you will meet people in the area of work or maybe even great leaders who you will get to know uh you will meet loving people you will meet a loved one mother of Cups and orphan maybe this is talking about the love of your family or parents or specifically your mother maybe you will re like connect with your mother or maybe you find your mother or maybe um you get mother type of motherly love from people who you will meet nurture queen of cups is nurture Grace and nurture so you will meet nurturing people you will meet leaders you will meet a partner father of Wands King Of Wands maybe you're meeting your father and mother but King Of Wands is next to the emperor you're definitely going to meet powerful people strong characters and look at the snake I'm sorry look at the snake this father of Wands is signifying you this is a new beginning where you you found your power and it's standing strong uh through the test of time as you are as your power appears as well as your elegance and Beauty you are the one who's attracting all of these people to you because look at that looking there looking there and looking there you are the emperor you are the new found power everyone around you will recognize what what you are made out of the beautiful things as well as the powerful things and as well as attention you will be attracting new people into your life very nurturing with all of the cups very sweet with the page of cups as well people who will page of cups is a fan as well people who will be a fan of who you are or will be impressed with who you are loving people and people who will be impressed and Ace of Pentacles shows that this is start to happen now for you wands are the energy the power and so uh through your happiness and your healing I'm seeing that your message is there is a birth of you you are coming out showing who you are these days and your power will show greatly exuding with the Three of Wands a lot of energy around you maybe it's the energy of Charisma the energy of power the energy of confidence the energy of displaying your beauty with the flower and the nectar the flute it's you look good you sound good you move beautifully there is something so intriguing about you and I think your message clearly is here you are exuding a different type of energy and as a consequence you will find that so many people people are attracted to you these days including a lover very cool okay let's take a look at your message further you've got the Five of Swords o I love this for you you've got the two of Swords the empress the empress and the emperor wow you're definitely meeting a counterpart you've got the 10 of Pentacles wow empress and 10 of Pentacles there is abundance I mean I did see opportunity in Windfall and climbing towards success but I read it in the context of what we're seeing now we can see another element of that I love your reading you've got Temperance you have the eight of Swords is that the eight of Swords or the eight of Wands I always get confused about these two in this deck hold on let me check that's the eight of Wands all right and you've got the page of Wands wow so in this new phase of your life and how you are changing and how you've managed to grow oh so beautifully your message is that no one can hit you now because just like the worm when you're hit you turn into two new problems not just one so whereas people used to disappoint you previously now they can't because the more they try the more they realize you're becoming more troubled the more with the two of Swords they can't expect what you're going to be doing next so that page uh of you being disappointed Ed and hurt and yeah being uh with the hermit being isolated or isolating yourself that that part of your life is ending and even you will be impressed by this new type of power it's kind of like when you connect to a specific type of energy you start to behave in that frequency and even you get to watch that along with others you watch yourself behaving differently once you plug into that frequency another message that I'm seeing is meant to reach you that is very important empress and the T of Pentacles opportunity or wful climbing towards success it seems like you are succeeding be it your work or I don't know exactly what it is you're doing in your life maybe you're just going to be spoiled with luxury and abundance maybe you're getting married to a rich person who would love to share your their wealth with you or maybe you are working towards it and you're succeeding and thus spoiling yourself or being spoiled by great abundance in any case or maybe you're getting wealth uh uh sorry an inheritance in any case it's very clear that a windfall of great abundance is happening in your life I am seeing with the ladder see the reason I said inheritance is because you got casket here so for some of you it could be you waiting for an inheritance and now it's time for you to receive it um but for most of you I see you climbing towards success it and do expect a lot of abundance wealth money falling into your life easily these days I feel you're with the temperance these three cards you're living the good life you're living a balanced health healthy good life you're taking good care of yourself H and it's not like you're using this money to hurt yourself Temperance here shows an important element that you're using the resources and the abundance that's coming to your favor making sure that you have a balanced life so you're using resources to have um more time for yourself it could be also using resources to uhy buy healthier things for your body uh things like that you're taking good care of yourself with the abundance that's coming in and it's giving you a balanced healthy beautiful life also Temperance has to do with uh Alchemy so I'm also seeing that you are going to be using this wealth or abundance and opportunities to create something that you are passionate about maybe a new organ ization maybe you're going to open a charity that you really believe in or a project that you really love or pursue your passions so that's what I'm seeing with these three cards and if you're wondering about timing page of Wands and the eight of Wands are talking that this is starting now for you your energy is changing and who you are is changing as well as this abundance in your life you're moving towards that and there's a new page of you enjoying that part of your life it's happening very quickly also the lightning takes us to the king of Wands you're becoming powerful and it's being reflected in terms of your abundance on the uh on the your outside world and so these are just like the temperance these are happening at the same time you're becoming more powerful you're attracting people to you and at the same time you're becoming more successful and moving upwards and it makes sense because life um can't be cut into pieces when you work when you um when you improve an area you realize that another area starts working out for you so maybe these two areas are entangled together through Karma or something this could be and as you improve this this also improves for you they go hand in hand in your case and and in your growth okay so nice to see there's something also about the castle here there's something about not just living in Abundant Life there's something about living a nice home life um I think you're in this next phase of your life your message is your home is going to be beautiful maybe this is your neighborhood it it's going to be a luxurious one my God number two luxury luxury luxury all the way you're you're living the good life is what I'm seeing in your cards you're starting a new world where you are surrounded by people you love you're surrounded by success and a good life and uh you are changing uh you're shedding skin you're becoming a different better version of yourself specifically something to do with your power where you're unbeatable uh whoever tries to hit you will get more of you kind of thing okay so let's continue your message this is do you see the happiness this is a time where you're going to be very happy whereas before you felt very sad this is a time of your life where you're going to feel loved and happy wow you've got the 10 of cups I was just saying you're going to be so happy 10 of cups is feeling elated emotions are going to pour generously into your life from different sides different places think friends family work colleagues Community you're getting it from all children depending on what your life is like you're getting love from everyone all the cups pouring into you you've got the six is that the six of Wands I think so yeah that's the six of Wands six of Wands let me check yeah that is the six of Wands the confusing part is some of the swords in this deck look like the wands but anyways the six of Wands this is the time of your life where you're going to become successful and you are transforming as you transform you become liberated and free from the very things that used to tie you down I believe you're not begging for something anymore you've learned to go out there and and get it the sky is your limit with these wings and These Wings Are unique because there are very little blue butterflies in the world and there is a whole emphasis on the blue butterfly they are rare so you've you have a sort of power that is rare you're so beautiful to look at and you will be free to do what you want no one can tie you down again so you'll be Victorious and free free Soul you've got the seven of Swords ah but you have someone watching you be free you have someone watching you be free you've got the world card do you have the world World watching you be free or do you have a community watching you be free we'll find out you've got the sun of Cups this is the Knight of Cups as well as the Two of Pentacles look at you transforming you're making different choices than the ones you've made before you're balanced and your wings are growing bigger signifying your freedom specifically so who's watching someone's keeping an eye on you uh Page of Cups no I I need um clarification um the seven of swords as well as the world card please this this is the Six of Swords right do you see what I mean they look like the wands so you've got the Six of Swords someone is seeing you transition Sun card sun on the world card there's a lot of people that will see this transition oh it's maybe it's the people who fooled you in the past oh yes I forgot the beginning of the story you work were disappointed by people here you were left out you will have people [Music] who one day gave you their backs watching you rise now and they can see you shine bright like the sun the world card they see you having it all and they see like you're being offered with the Knight of Cups so many things many people offering you their love many people offering you their collaboration work with me all sorts of people who want especially leaders you know you have different types of people impressive people um to you who who are attracted to you and look at the Birds free free free to roam so yes I would say you will have foxes some sometimes uh talks about tricky people people who weren't nice Who tricked you in the past they will see you um you're shining bright it's in your cards you're meant to hear about it today you will have people this could be signifying regret Six of Swords they're watching you transition they're watching you shine bright they're hiding but they're watching you they're watching you be free and fly they're watching all of these loving offers to you and they're watching your wings grow bigger than ever they're watching you balanced and they're watching you be free to go and get what you want um I was going to say I don't know why you got this message but I think I do know because from the very beginning it's like your closure with the world card because it seems the reason why you went introspect in the very beginning that's the card the significator card was to push you to find your inner Mastery it was the reason you were it it began by you hearing disappointing things being constantly disappointed and left alone so I'm not surprised why your cards are really focusing here it's your inner healing it's your message of healing and it's telling you you will be loved by everyone You Will Be Loved by so many people shower than even the ones who hurt you previously will watch you right in front of their eyes transition and fly high and grow you will shine brighter than the sun they will watch you on your new journey and your new beginning I don't know how they will feel but they will be watching you know you can have you see the head in the tail I don't know is it shame is it discomfort is it making themselves smaller yeah in any case they don't feel comfortable but that's not uh our thing to thing to discuss what we are seeing for you is that you will be shining bright like the sun and oh they will see you and and this um tricky energy with them maybe seven of Swords you know it's manipulation it's lies it's stealing it's taking something that's not theirs it's all of that type of energy that's ending they can no longer do that nor perhaps even gain access to you wow what a reading my dear pile number two that was definitely detailed and so specific and so my dear pile number two this is exactly what I see in your reading I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and if you've enjoyed it please give me a thumbs up subscribe to the channel so that you never miss a reading that I upload wishing you the best of luck and the best that life has to give you in your future in your near future my dear pile number two and I'll catch you in the next reading [Music] bye hi pile number three welcome to your reading today we're taking a look at an important message that is meant to reach you and very quickly let me introduce your pile to you your crystal is the beautiful dmti Jasper your significator card is the Three of Wands with the creative the creative Bine prism the creative Bine prism and of course if you've picked your pile using your zodiac signs in that case the signs for this pile are lay Leo Aries Libra and Pisces welcome to your reading guys if these are not your zodiac signs o also the timing is popping out please don't worry about it it's just another way for others to pick their piles as well okay so let's see what cards you have we forgot to pull out a card from this deck all right let's see what you have so we've got a month here and that is November okay you have mule someone is extremely stubborn and unwilling to change and you have camel P persevere and you will overcome problems love this for you so something is stubborn you're being guided to persevere and you will overcome the stubborn energy okay you've got wreath sorrow over a loss [Music] okay you have fair man dealings or relationship with a man with blonde gray or white hair you have bird flying news is on the way you you have vas secret admirer ooh okay looks like you got a secret admirer there my dear pile number three you have and of course Fair man is an energy someone is has a crush on you it seems you've got tiger doing something risky taking a chance okay really cool oh okay you've got love yeah for sure here this energy is strong and I would say whether you are interested in love or not uh somebody here is about to tell you how they feel so someone could even be blonde as the card is suggesting but doesn't have to be at all you have someone who is a secret admirer over you uh news is on the way it looks like they are summoning up their courage to tell tell you about how they feel all right you've got dark woman dealings or relationship with a woman with dark complexion or hair got a lot of people here in your reading you also have a Leia which means truth wow we've got a lot of people telling you a lot of truths what is this other person signifying then eight of Pentacles yes this other person please Three of Wands which is your pile seems to be a a significant person in your pile and the nine of Wands let's take up let's pull out one more card Six of Pentacles okay let me think about that it looks see the direction these two are looking this way it looks to me like someone has empathy towards something you've lost someone who you know November reminds me of 11 111 so I feel like and something interesting here an honest person a good person good Soul see seems to be see eight of Pentacles has worked a lot on themselves mastered themselves like a really good person who maybe has a lot going on for them maybe an expert in your case this is someone who can see and empathize with something that you've lost so what did you lose five of Wands maybe uh there was was a competition someone took something from you unfairly yeah look at that four of Pentacles it looks like someone took something that was yours and so they can see that you don't have access to something so they will do two things for you this person up next they will provide you with resources generously and they will provide you with the tools and the access to go anyways to do what you wanted anyways so while someone took something here from you was arguing with you competing with you trying to take something from you uh you will have someone on your side for every Yin there is a Yang someone honest someone who's experienced enough to see that what you're losing is not fair what is being taken from you that loss is not fair and they will work tirelessly or yeah they will work hard with you because they see you way bigger than what's going on here they see your potential they see you much taller much bigger much more proud much stronger than the silliness it seems that's going on here and and so despite the little wins that someone is trying to take they've got enough power and experience to assist you greatly to bypass this and move freely okay so great assistance here from someone so you've got two big things going on someone telling you how they feel and another person uh telling you uh assisting you with something unfair divinely guided in my opinion could happen in November but I feel it's saying it's divinely guided and both of these people are honest people and finally something that's currently stuck in your life and you see the Three of Wands is something working something starting to move so where you could have been stuck here someone's trying to take something from you you've got someone helping you out there one thing number two maybe your love life um there was no activity perhaps with the Three of Wands someone is honestly telling you about their feelings the news is on the way and so that's something another thing that's working uh going on in your life next and the third thing is with the Three of Wands something is incredibly stubborn in your life it's not working you're trying to push it and it's not working your message here and that's a very important message be patient persevere and it shall happen you will love the results so it's like stick to it and it's going to happen Okay so let's now continue your message I feel invited to put an oracle card here wow lion time to act and the offering this is exact card popped up in pile one and so I would say if you're drawn to pile number one I highly recommend it the offering so here that's explaining the situation with this person this is a strong character someone who is feared and they will offer you their assistance and they will be helping you out maybe even of over a month time with all of the moons here through their experience savviness to take that to help you overcome that barrier on your path all right so let's take a look at the rest of your cards you have the Five of Swords you've got the Chariots the nine of swords the two of Cups the hanged man as well as the Queen of Wands so this is saying great shifts from night and day like opposite extreme opposites in your life are happening in your life that's the uh type of energy that's in your life life at the moment Stark differences that will really surprise you do you see especially in the areas that are causing some form of stress I don't know uh about your love life but it seems like it's a source of stress as well maybe you're not with the right person or maybe you're stressed alone or I don't know but there is like a stark difference happening in your life in the different areas that you could have been suffering from and you can see with the Five of Swords here I think it talks about the five of Wands we've seen the struggle that you've had with others I feel like it's really been putting a lot of pressure on you so that's about to change you can see the movement here that stubborn en energy that's been stressing you out as well is moving and again you can see a stark difference when it comes to your relationships in all areas the Queen of Wands is really summarizing the three you can see that uh there's a lot of popularity people will start seeing that you are the light the Queen of Wands is charisma it's beautiful character it's strength so who you are as a person is really showing these days um also the Queen of Wands is very ATT attrative so it seems like you've got someone who's really attracted to you and the Queen of Wands is a queen who's passionate and strong to make the things that are stubborn move which is exactly that area and you're summarized by entering or or the the Queen of Wands summarizes your reading and shows us that you're entering into the energy of the Queen of Wands in this next phase of your life I'm seeing here Metatron and Metatron is one of the strong archangels um you know he's a Celestial scribe to the Book of Life I believe to the Book of Life so oh you know he's also a um a speaker for God so what I'm Gathering here what I'm starting to gather is that these three areas of your life are destined to happen for you these three areas are destined to happen for you especially here that it seems you were really treated unfairly and this love story seems to be destined to happen um even if you don't want to be in love maybe this person will turn into a friend later on or a business partner or something but that's destined here and also the struggle that you're going through although will take time uh slowly but surely it will also turn into something that you love what you've wished for so these three things are definitely destined to happen and that's what I'm seeing here so far so let's expand on this message on this destined message and explore further so you've got the world card wow you've got the nine of Cups very beautiful cards the Knight of Cups the Five of Cups the Judgment card wow the devil card as well as the queen of [Music] Cups what are we seeing as a consequences of these three things happening at the same time you've got the gometric shapes again 1/4th thing will happen will occur and so these three must happen at the same time for a th for a fourth to unlock this fourth one is truly a wish fulfillment with the nine of Cups this is when you will receive this wish three allowing you to receive one as a consequence of you receiving that fourth thing that is like the child of these three things happening simultaneously the result is you being liberated from something because it seems with the Five of Cups you're dropping something and being free finally you get to drop something and be free another thing that's happening is a lot of healing you will no longer be be affected by that uh devil energy devil energy is what manipulation lies toxicity Shadow limiting beliefs and so you will finally be liberated maybe that wish fulfillment has to do with your healing or will affect your healing that's a huge wish that you have here it will liberate this wish will liberate you from something and maybe will give you your confidence or your healing back will make you feel emotionally balanced will heal you from a past shadow that you had that's what I'm seeing so not only will you enjoy this wish coming true but it's kind of like that lock unlock it will unlock your freedom and it will absolutely hurt you uh heal you from hurt past hurt past pain it will also release and heal limiting beliefs that you had in the past so this is a big deal maybe we'll understand when we explore what this wish fulfillment is so what is that birthed wish fulfillment coming as a result of these three things very interesting I mean they seem different but so curiously what is this wish fulfillment for pile number three full card it's a new experience altogether something new king of Wands it's a type of power and passion the lion there wow it's a type of power that is making you experience something in a different way four of Swords it will also give you peace so let me think about these clues for this wish fulfillment again the sacred geometry from different decks it really feels destined here even this fourth thing is destined it's that new beginning for a new life with the seed of life in this life in this life you are feeling powerful and you're finding peace in yourself you're not not looking for peace outside but your power is making you feel safe and so you're not waiting for an outside force as before perhaps to liberate you something clicks when these three things happen at the same time it looks like it's giving you a lot of healing you're Rising as a person you're transcending you're becoming stronger and you're removing old ways of doing something and so you're becoming a powerful person and so this means that you are experiencing life life from new pairs of ey pair of eyes and who you are becoming will be the very security you will feel and and so whatever this wish is it's definitely very healing because it's providing you power to be your most powerful self or a powerful version of yourself and no matter what happens you get to experience your new life vividly you get to experience your new life peacefully and perhaps these three things are destined to happen to somehow make something click within you where you get to feel that power or understand it or get access to it let's check since they're all happening at the same time when are they happening is it happening in November Six of Swords Six of Swords I feel like you're moving towards it no I think I need another card 10 of Cups 10 maybe in October and the lovers another six six and 10 so the cards are like it's six it's 10 okay 6 and 10 what 16th of this month the month you're listening to the reading in 6 and 10 could be this month because if you're watching this this month 6 1 + 0 is 1 numerologically this is seven so it could be July or the month you're watching this in if you're watching this later so my best get best guess is somewhere between the beginning of October and maybe even November somewhere around that time H so prepare for major changes specifically three to happen greatly during that time and my dear pile number three this is exactly what I see in your reading I truly hope you've enjoyed it and if you have have please give me a thumbs up subscribe to the channel so that you never miss a reading that I upload and my dear pile number three I'll catch you in the next reading bye