Transcript for:
Fishing for Giant Trout

oh there's a giant trout giant trout hanging right there there's a giant trout right there right there there he go oo nice and [Music] hot you guys welcome back to another episode I'm up at the mountain fishing farm right now and we are heading out today to try and catch some monster rainbow trout right now Ruger and I were just down here on the pasture I wanted to show you guys uh some pond ideas back here just before we take off I've already got the truck loaded with all of the fishing gear as well as the kayak just in case uh we need it he's excited too about where the Pond's going good boy so I've already told you guys uh that the pond is going to go right here kind of next to the Target area of the range 40t long by 30t wide but I don't want this to just be a trout pond it's actually going to be a more complex uh project because I'm going to build a small like fishing cabin down here just to camp out and have some fun plus I'm going to try growing wheat and corn this year like large wheat and corn fields you guys can see I've got all of those irrigation heads right down here this one here I'm actually going to use to tap in uh for the pond but what I'm thinking about doing with this Pond is kind of a hybrid uh aqua ponics setup because the trout that we'll have in there they're going to eat a lot of food they're going to poop a lot and it's going to be full of nutrients so I'm going to be pumping the nutrient-rich pond water over to the fields which will be right here kind of behind Ruger we'll probably have a big corn field kind of like that maybe a 30ft long corn field a 30ft long wheat field and we'll irrigate those with the pond water and then pump fresh cold well water into the pond which will help keep the pond cool in the summer months at least that's the idea let me know in the comments what you guys think uh if the whole trout pond thing is going to work out and uh just stay tuned uh in future episodes when we start construction of the pond over there all we just got to get the goats uh fed real quick some of you guys have been asking in the comments what these giant wheels here are for uh basically we're going to build a huge cannon out of that it's going to be like a a giant life-size uh cannon that we're going to build out here at the NFS Cannon this Baby's all loaded up ready to go and look at this I actually cleaned the shop a little bit it's not as it's still a mess it's still a mess but that's okay it's a lot better than it was so this right here is the remnants of the hay that I stored for the goats for the entire winter and uh well spring came early so I didn't actually need to use uh that much but it's still nice to have some hay to give those guys uh while we take off and go fishing because I can't have them just Freer ranging uh out wild while we're gone and the tug guys we're going to have the tug out on some Adventures very soon I've just got a small checklist of things to do on there before she's ready to go and then we're going to go on multi-day Tugboat fishing Adventures oh man I see a lot of very excited little goats here you go guys here we go food for everyone I like to just always do is you spread it out a little bit that way it's not all clumped in one area um that way they don't fight as much and stuff oh sister don't looks like we got to throw one more bail in sister's being rude to the the two little girls to Danny and salty come on Ruger let's go no no no Danny salty what are you doing hey you got my goodness oh no no Danny you are not tipping over the wheelbarrow get back in there little girl salty unbelievable what are you doing salty get over here get my goodness she's such a tiny little goat but she's oh my goodness guys it's a disaster it's a disaster I'm just trying to get Ruger in here but of course every time I open the gate the goats come out get mine oh my goodness it's okay little boy it's a total disaster all right Danny get over here my goodness God Danny you've got a belly on you you've got a belly yep there we go you guys can see uh Danny and salty here they are fully integrated into the goat herd and uh besides a little bit of some rough housing on day one uh things are going really good I think these guys here they just had to figure out that they are very much at the bottom of the goat hierarchy and that's just kind of how goats do it they have to kind of do a little bit of play fighting and stuff to find out who's in charge mama here she's definitely uh The Goat in charge but she's been really really nice to the little ones now that they uh they kind of respect her Oh Sister Sister here she's the only one who's still kind of challenges uh these little guys here I think it's because sister's really low on the totem pole so she's trying to like make sure she's not on the bottom but these guys here are doing great they're really happy that they're all living together now I just got to fill up the goats water uh real quick this guy right here is called a frostfree it's awesome basically you lift this handle there and just pumps out water like crazy oh my goodness dang mama you are parched [Music] he goodbye you guys I am extremely excited to fish this spot here together I've never been at this spot here uh with you guys and this is a very different kind of fishery something that I've never fished before I've heard things about this place I believe that the state record uh rainbow trout comes from here but I'll tell you guys more about it when we get there we got a little bit of a drive ahead of us I was actually out fishing already yesterday just at the lake right behind the farm took the dog up there we're just testing out some new lures ooh had it had a strike immediately guys IM there's another one come on baby come on come on oh I see them snap I see one I see oh there he is there he is I saw him follow it all the way to shore look at this little beauty right there it's a gorgeous uh little tiger trout there we go look at the beautiful just the markings on this guy here give him a second here to breathe and and he's off caught a few trout no Giants though at all but that's what we're going to try and do today is catch an absolute monster and that Lake down there next to us has so many little islands and hidden Coes that I cannot wait to explore with the tugboat we're going to go on some missions out there and we're going to be chasing some monster trout who knows like what could be living down in there this area here this is where we released Gus Gus you guys remember guscos maybe he has like a big mouse family now we have arrived at a giant giant River and this is where we're going to go fishing uh for these monster rainbow trout the water down there guys is looking good oh my goodness let's pull over here real quick and just take a good close look at this oh my goodness guys it is beautiful out here and just look at the water down there so this river right here I actually live very close uh to it it's one of the biggest rivers uh in the entire world it flows all the way up from Canada uh down through through the United States and then into the Pacific Ocean between Washington and Oregon and what we're doing is something really weird in this episode uh we're going higher up on the River where there are some Farms where they're farming I believe giant steel head or Atlantic salmon and they've got these giant net pens in the river but we are not going after the fish inside the net pens because they feed those salmon and the steel head the trout in the river have figured that out and they hang out right by those net pens and apparently they get massive they get massive I for years now I've been wanting to come out here a lot of you guys in the comments have also mentioned that I should come out here so I'm just like keeping an eye open for these net pens I'm not exactly sure what they would look like oh my goodness look at that there's a giant fish farm in front of us look at that it's huge it's absolutely huge here let's pull over is there any way that we can how do we get there I'm seeing a couple of boats uh down there they probably are doing exactly what we're about to do just got to find a place to get down uh to the water to get the kayak down there I'm not seeing exactly a spot uh that we can use to access this place here ooh there was a road right there all right we're backing [Music] up I just saw a uh here we go here we go I think this should be accessible let's take a look right here little off-road but that's okay that's okay we'll see if this gives us a little access point here uh I don't know if we're going to be able to get the kayak down here my goodness that fish farm is huge all right so this is really really steep uh we're not going to drag the kayak I'm not really seeing a good spot to launch it you can see there's a couple of boats and I think those guys are fishing right there by the farm so we're just going to go right down here and find our own spot and see if there's a big one right here dude I am so so excited for this all right we're just going to work our way down there to the water wow wow look at that guys the water is just absolutely crystal clear it's beautiful there's a giant trout giant trout hanging right there there's a giant trout right there right there I'm just going to set you right here oh man this is not working it's too sloped here we got to get the chesty out of the backpack without making any noise remember trout they can hear us uh they can feel the vibration that we make on Shore here so H okay here we go backpack almost rolled down in the water guys we are hunting hunting this giant here oh God guys he's a giant he's a giant he's a giant I'm trying to just do this as quickly as I can I'm just going to get the net off of here already ready to go NWS trout net okay okay okay okay guys we're we're kind of sitting we're in a crouched sitting position uh that giant trout is right there we've got the bullet lure ready to go and uh why don't we just go ahead and send that baby out there just past him a little bit so he doesn't kind of feel so it doesn't spook him and I'll just go ahead and reel in right in front of him see if he takes it come on baby come on oh he was not interested at all not at all let's go ahead and just kind of cast it out there again maybe we can jig it in front of him a little bit I just don't I don't want to Spook this guy do not want to Spook this guy slow retrieve oh he kind of looked at it there for a second this guy is not responding to the bullet lure oh why don't we try the bobber I don't have any worms or anything guys but I do have just this little bit of some power bait that we could try and throw on the hook and uh it's going to try and Float so this is not ideal this we're just kind of winging it here right now guys I did not expect you to see this monster right here right here but we start I'm like panicking a little bit I'm shaking I'm literally shaking all right squeeze that bait onto the hook over there there we go that'll give everything time to sink and then by the time it gets to them it'll just kind of drift down in front of his nose come on baby come on oh man guys he is not like interested at all we're just going to transfer that power bit over here to the third Rod this is the last hope that we have at this big trout here he might just not be in the mood guys we might need to find a different one okay this one here is set up with kind of a bottom rig so what we'll do is uh cast that out in front of him a little bit o that was probably too far too far there we go he's kind of got some kind of a feeding Behavior going on I'm watching him and right now we've got that power bait it's kind of floating a little bit he's swimming over to it swimming oh my goodness he's swimming kind of right at the power bait he's right by the power bait he's coming at us guys he's coming at us he passed the power bait uh guys he's coming at us he's coming straight at us look at that big boy look at him he's a football trout but he's just not interested in the bait right now maybe he's already eating his fill and there's a full boy right there God look at him look at him he's beautiful all right you know this guy here he's just up no he saw us now he's know he knows something's up uh why don't we do this guys why don't we do this we're going to send uh this baby out here a bottom rig there we go sending that baby there out and um then we're going to fish the bull maybe see if we can still catch that trout but at least this way we've got a A Rod out there fishing the deep water look at this there's an old pole holder right here that we can just use perfect all right all we're going to do is put a little bell right there that way if a fish bites we'll hear it and uh let's go and see if we can't uh reel one in with the bullet lure oh where did that monster go I think he swam back out into the deep dang that's all right that's all right that got me really excited guys there's monster fish here I mean saw one right away all right let's see if we can't get one on the bullet lure uh while that Rod there is fishing for us let's see how deep it is here oh yeah it's not that deep actually not that deep but that's okay obviously the trout are definitely coming uh very close to shore come on baby there's got to be a hungry one that guy there I think he was just full he was full he wasn't interested in anything now these trout are a little bit on the thicker side so we're going to we're going to try a slower a slower retrieve here I don't know how active these ones are I think they're just like sitting here at these uh fish farms and just gorging themselves on pellets so that's probably why that one was not that uh hungry um but I don't know there I mean there's still wild trout hanging out here I'm so excited though to find out if we can get one maybe we'll just try kind of like a a jigging action with the bullet lure kind of Bounce It Around in one spot a little bit oh might have just had a bite guys might have just had a bite or got stuck on the bottom kind of hard to tell let just do that again let's jig it a little bit we're getting a bite getting a bite getting a bite over here oh he's still there he's still there still there going to give him a little bit of line there he is there he is fish on baby fish on oh guys that feels like a good one is he stuck in something is he stuck oh guys he's either either massive or he's stuck wrapped around something come on baby oh no he's stuck in something guys he's stuck go over here come on baby come on there we go he's maybe out he still feels wrapped guys still feels wrapped he's a big fish this is a big fish there we go he's out he's out there we go that's a fish baby that's a fish all right come on baby come on oh big head shaks guys maybe it's that football Trout from earlier oh it's a good one guys that's a good trout that is a good trout I don't know if it's him though guys I think it's him I think it's him he's got the same little happy belly on him he's got that same happy belly look at he's got a beautiful like a pink stripe uh down the side look at him he's a much he's a monster he's a football look at this guy look at him he's absolutely beautiful that is an absolute monster you guys he's he's a football I think it was that trout that was right there in front of us uh we're going to keep that guy that's a beautiful beautiful eater my goodness that's a big fish he is huge oh you guys look at this football trout man he's just a very wide he's a broad trout look at the back he's got like a shoulder right back there behind his head big old belly uh look at him he's beautiful he's got a gorgeous like a pink stripe uh down the center there speckled throughout he's a gorgeous rainbow trout man this guy here is going to make a good meal you guys thank you so much buddy for providing an awesome awesome meal for us and he absolutely swallowed that hook it's going to be a challenge to even get that out all right let's go ahead and measure this fish right here oh yeah wow look at that he's a big fish but he's probably only about 16 in so he's not the monster that we're after but he's a good good chunky eater size what we're just going to do is uh we're going to bleed this fish out in order to do that you just go right in here to the gills make a quick little little cut through the gills and uh there we go that way a little bit of that blood can get out of his meat these fish here have amazing amazing meat on them so I just want to make sure that we have the best quality possible just get all that blood out I'm curious we're going to try a different uh bait right here look at this this is like a brown color now obviously what we used was just your standard oh wow almost fell in the water jeez oh man there we go really almost fell in the water uh but what we used and caught them on was just your standard uh good oldfashioned rainbow color uh Power bit dirty old Power bit strikes again uh but I'm curious the theory is that this brown color right here could work because it looks exactly like the food the feed that they feed to the the salmon in the net Farms a couple seagulls that's really weird to see seagulls I thought they were only in the ocean why are they all the way over here we're really far from the ocean but look at this this stuff here nice and brown kind of looks a little bit like a dog poop but uh we're going to take a little bit of that on our finger and we're just going to mold that over the hook completely cover that hook and just make it look like a little piece of kibble right here look at that all right just sent that baby right back out there man you guys there's something about bottom fishing that I don't know what it is it's just that anticipation you're just chilling everything's cool you just be kicking back eating the sand sandwich or something like that and all of a sudden ding ding ding and it just goes absolutely crazy I could just sit here all day watching that but let's go ahead and get active with the bullet lure again and uh see if we can't entice one of them to bite that that that little trout he looked happy enough to bite a bullet lure I'm pretty sure we can do it oo man waves coming in things are getting wild out here all right come on we're going to get one on the bullet lure I know it got to be a hungry one out there oh oh we might have just had a hit might have just had a hit right there definitely felt very interesting let's give that another try come on baby it's a race now bottom rig versus bullet lure who can catch the next giant trout can we catch a monster here that's the question I'm just curious if we can catch one that won't fit into the net oh oh that's way out there oh man I just noticed the fish the waves took the fish out and my net almost disappeared oh no no no no no no can't lose our fish we're going to have to snag them with the bullet lure get back here I'm not losing that fish there we go look at that I got one on the bll all right didn't go past the Barb it was all right it was just the tip naughty naughty trout he tried to get away from us how about we put him into the net not under the net and leave them like right there man I would have been so bummed if we would have lost that trout so bummed all right let's see if we'll just kind of work our way a little closer to the net pens there with the bullet lure and we're going to keep an eye in an ear out for that Rod though there so we can't go too far man all the boats are fishing right there by the pens I mean like right next to them but I haven't seen any of them catch anything so I don't know we're not doing we're doing something right but maybe what we'll do is bring that Rod the bottom rig over here so we can maybe get a little bit closer as well it would make sense that the closer you are the more fish there would be potentially yeah we're going to move this Rod over uh to closer to the pens over there set up a new camp move on just a little bit look at that looks like one of the boats is leaving too there we go I'm switching us back over to the uh kind of that colorful power bait I just feel like they can see it a little bit better but you know I just haven't give it enough time but we know that this one here worked so uh there's been no action on the other one at all so let's just go ahead and switch or to this guy I feel a lot better about that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I think we're getting a bite we're already getting a bite I think we just had a bite already oh we're getting a bit we're getting bit getting bit getting bit all right let him munch it let him munch it we're just waiting to feel him again one more one more tug and we'll set the hook oh I think he's there a he dropped it guys he dropped it didn't commit to it um we're just going to set that up there again and uh put that Bell back on and uh he might be back God he's already back he's already back he's already back we just going to set it is he on no he dropped it he dropped it dang it dang it I I felt him for a second I oh I got too eager I should have just let him let him Munch a little bit uh I don't think he's going to come back that probably spooked him I bet the bait is gone oh man what a bummer what a bummer that was probably the big one guys that was probably the giant oh man oh no the bait is still there the bait is there we should have just left it dang it let's just send this right back out there I'm so glad that we switched back over to that color guys definitely feeling better about it for sure I mean he hit that within less than a minute so let's get that Bell back on there and we're going to pay very close attention to this Rod I think moving over closer uh to those net pens might have been a good idea too my goodness you guys the gopro's over filming uh the rod there's a mouse though right here it's Gus Gus there he is there he what easy oh my goodness get out of here little guy get out of here what was he doing was he trying to like get into my bag or something no that wasn't Gus Gus that was a v or something his tail was only like this long Gus Gus has a longer tail huh oh my goodness we just got a big bite over here we're getting hit getting hit all right I'm just going to give him lots of line so if he wants to munch it he sure can [Music] there he is there we go fish on baby fish on just had to let him munch it for a minute all right come on some good head shakes oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah o we got to watch out we got the bullet lure uh in the water there so I don't want him getting tangled in that line and we do need to get over here to get the net oh my goodness oh my goodness reeling in two at the same time there we go oh my goodness my goodness we're going to try and get him under the bullet lure here come on there we go I think yes we crossed the line successfully all right we got to get this one here out of the net good fighter down there guys very good fighter feels like another really good one oh my goodness he's big that's a big one that's a big one oh God look at the belly on that fish look at the belly on oh he's another football he's another football trout all right can't horse him in oh oh jeez he now knows he's hooked oh he's such a thick fish come on oh my goodness in the net baby in the net in the net oh oh look how chubby that trout is look at look at him just look at the the girth on this one here look at the tall back F unbelievable and he was hooked just barely barely there in the corner of the mouth barely in the corner of the mouth oh he's he's off the hook off the hook okay almost lost him almost lost him all right let's get that out of the net I think he's maybe a little bigger even than the first one there guys that is one happy chunky little trout there we go this guy's out perfect we're again just going to cut the gills there just to uh bleed this fish out and oh yeah there we go there we y perfect let's go ahead and measure uh this trout right here I think he's just a hair bigger than the first one and you know no actually about actually exactly the same size he's also probably about 16 uh in but man just I think he's a little chunkier though just look at look at just how chunky this fish is right here I mean look at the belly just look at that belly my goodness and guys this is a beautiful beautiful rainbow trout right here they really don't get a whole lot healthier looking than this look at that thick thick belly on them right there and uh just speckled in spots he's got that gorgeous gorgeous pink stripe down the middle there man he's a chunky monkey he's going to be so tasty oh yeah he's definitely thicker than the first one definitely thicker than the first one just look at that look at the belly comparison on those guys for sure belly to belly he wins that's plenty we got our limit uh two fish so man absolutely beautiful out here let's go ahead and get back to the farm and uh go ahead and cook one of these babies up hey I just grabbed Tika and Ruger and uh they're just going to join us down here while the sun goes down and we cook up our fish what do you think Ruger good boy come on there we go before we start with the fish let's just get a little fire going down here it's definitely getting a little chilly though so now I have to throw on another layer oh there we go there we go got a nice flame going baby in there check this out one of the best fire starters in the world a tumble weed I've got a whole bunch of giant ones actually that we should uh in another episode we should collect them and make a giant tumble weed fire there we go oo nice and hot all right Tikka out of the way we got a fet this fish man that thing is huge look at that Tikka we're not going to be able to eat this whole fish but we'll just kind of cut in right here at the back just one cut right there right over the spine guys this trout he's the color of a salmon this is beautiful look at that guys this looks fantastic look at this I mean this is as red if not redder than a salmon this is amazing look at that that is a big fish with wonderful meat right there he's just kind of hopping around like a little rabbit out there man just check out that Sunset it's just crazy right now you see the Moon Moon's right there I think uh what we're just going to do with that trout is we might just cook it over the fire a fire roasted trout we're just going to take one of these uh sticks here and sharpen it up just a little bit let's see if we can get this there we go look at this we got some trout on a stick looks fantastic and then we should just be able to kind of roast it over the fire [Music] here ooh yes look at that Sizzle just kind of got it propped up uh here against that stick and now the only seasoning we're going to throw on to this fish right here is just a little bit of Danish sea salt ooh yes trout is kind of curling around the stick there so I can start rotating it a little bit and get the underside here as well guys I had to bring the trout over here to the the table it was just starting to fall apart I didn't have time to start filming but uh oh man look at this oh it's so hot but it's just it's perfectly flaking apart all right here let's try some m m M that is just a strong strong Smoky like a salmon flavor absolutely fantastic super super firm meat on this trout here wow that is so good Tika you want to try some no that's so funny Tika is just not a big trout eater rugy do you want some trout Ry he's just so busy out there in the pasture still running around he loves to chew on grass and stuff so yeah he's not interested in any fish right now oh there we go we have a uh connoisseur here a trout connoisseur you don't like you're too good for the trout meat but she likes eating the skin apparently huh oh man guys sorry that the end of this episode just got a little rushed I had to get out of there Brian my friend Brian and his boys are uh coming here for the weekend uh tonight so I just need to kind of get the farm all settled for him boys weekend it's going to be a ton of fun we're going to do some fishing together um I'll try and have another episode out for you guys here this week I know we didn't have one here last week so I'll do two for you guys so after this weekend the plan is going to be for me to head up uh to the mountains I'm going to try and get up to one of the Mountain Lakes there's a good chance that it's still snowed in and I might not be able to make it there but we'll find out in the next episode and if that doesn't work out then we're just going to go back to the big lake of the Giants not where we were today the these guys were big but the the trout at the lake of giants with the freak uh those are a bigger trout I want to try and catch the freak so of course feel free to subscribe that way you don't miss those ones you don't have to of course uh leave a like on this video it helps a ton and uh drop a comment I'll see you guys in the comment section I love you guys we'll see you next week for the next fishing adventure and until then you all know it fish on baby