you can charge your phone two times less because it has many useless features enabled by default most people don't use or even know about these features but they still run drain your battery and slow down your phone as they run in the background in this video I'm going to show you what these features are and how to disable them to make your phone work faster and last longer on the single charge subscribe to my channel if you have already and let's dive in and the first feature you should turn off is here head to main settings after this scroll down to Google and tap on that here tap all services scroll down little bit and tap on devices as sharing after this tap on devices this feature scanned for nearby devices constantly scans the environment using Bluetooth to check if there are any uh devices nearby that you can connect to it drains the battery a lot and it's not necessary because if you want to connect to another device for instance to send a photo or video you can simply turn on Bluetooth find the device and connect and there are no need for your phone to constantly check for nearby Bluetooth devices so we turn off this feature our phone has one more of the same feature but it's from the phone developers not Google in the upper left hand corner of the screen tap back tap back again and tap back to the main settings after this scroll up Scroll all the way up and here tape on search uh to find and turn off this feature we will use search in the settings because this feature can be located in different places on different phones so insert type nearby and here you can find nearby device scanning tap on that after this tap on nearby device scanning again and it says that your phone will scan for devices nearby and let you connect to them in a popup or in the notification panel your phone will scan the devices even when Bluetooth is turned it off as we see this feature does the same as the previous one so we turn off to avoid wasting the phone battery turn it off did you know that your phone is constantly looking for a printer to connect to this is another useless feature that quickly drains the battery phone's battery and slows it down to find this feature head to main settings so that everyone can find it on their own phone we use search in settings again type on search and now type printing type printing as as I do here you can find printing tap on that tap on printing again and T tap on default print services as we see your phone constantly search for printers so turn off this feature then in the upper left left hand corner of the screen tap back tap back again back again and back to the main page of settings after this scroll all the way down and tap on digital willbe and parental controls after this in the upper right hand corner of the screen tap on this icon and as we see this feature constantly monitor what we do on our phone including how many times we use our phone per day we can see this information here and how much time we spend in each application this information we can see here and then you can look at the report the report about it most people don't use this feature it turns out that this feature runs unnecessarily slowing down our phone and drain the battery faster so in the upper left hand corner of the screen tap back then in the upper right hand corner of the screen tap on three dots tap on settings and here tap on usage data access tap on that after this tap settings and turn off the switch next to allo permission after this tap back tap back again and tap back to main page of settings scroll all the way up and tap on search in search type notifications as I do scroll little bit down and tap on App notification tap on that tap on app notifications again here we see a list of apps that can send us notifications but we don't need all apps to send notifications because it drains the battery it wors searching this list and keeping only the apps from which we really want to receive notifications for instance do I need notifications from Galaxy Tes no because I don't even use it but do I need notifications uh for example from WhatsApp yes because I won't know when someone messages me and now let's talk about the feature fors turning on to extend phone battery life as long as possible head to main settings on your phone after this in the upper right hand corner of the screen tap on search and the type in Search battery type battery as I do and the tap on battery after this tap on battery protection since keeping the phone battery at 100% for a long time harms it for instance when the phone is on charge for a long time developers created a feature call Battery protection to prevent this if you turn on this feature after this uh choose basic then when we leave the phone on charge and it reaches 100% Chargers will stop until the battery drops to 95% then it will start charging again preventing harm from alone charges this is an especially useful feature for those who like to leave their phone on charge all night so I recommend turn it on that's all I wanted to share with you in this video if you found it helpful please like this video and thank you for watching