Fundamentals of Theory of Computation

Sep 13, 2024

Theory of Computation Lecture Notes


  • Considered the most abstract and foundational course for computer scientists.
  • Focuses on the fundamental questions in computer science:
    • What can we compute?
    • How fast can we compute it?
    • How much space and memory are needed?
  • Known as Theory of Computation.
  • Applications include:
    • Compiler design.
    • Finite state machines used in computer architecture and string searching.

Key Concepts

Models of Computation

  • Discusses different models of computation.
  • Program or computation takes an input, processes it, and outputs "yes" or "no."
  • Simplifies computation to strings over a chosen alphabet.


  • Binary strings that end in 0.
  • Java programs represented as binary strings.
  • Checking if Java programs will go into infinite loops (Halting problem).

Turing Machine

  • Alan Turing's abstraction of computation.
  • Represents the most powerful form of computation possible with a simple machine.

Course Blueprint

Hierarchy of Computation

  1. Finite State Machines (FSM):
    • Simplest model.
    • Can handle simple computations like string endings.
  2. Context-Free Languages:
    • More complex languages.
    • Used in compilers and language representation.
  3. Turing Machines:
    • Full level of computation.
    • Can compute anything that can be computed with current programming languages.
  4. Undecidable Problems:
    • Problems that no mechanical program can solve (e.g., Halting Problem).

Finite State Machines (FSM)

  • Definition & Structure:
    • States and transitions based on input symbols.
    • Start and final states determine if a string is accepted.
  • Example Problems:
    • Strings with an even number of zeros.
    • Strings divisible by 4.
    • Strings containing a specific substring.
  • Design and Analysis:
    • Design involves understanding the problem semantics.
    • Can be minimized to find the simplest form.

Non-Deterministic Finite Automata (NFA)

  • Allows for multiple transitions for the same input.
  • Accepts a string if there exists a path that ends in a final state.
  • Easier to design but can be converted to deterministic finite automata (DFA).
  • Conversion Process:
    • Track all potential states in the DFA.
    • Resulting DFA may have exponentially more states than the NFA.

Advanced Topics


  • Enables parallel computations and decisions.
  • Use Cases:
    • Simplifies the design of string matchers.
    • Provides a framework for discussing computational complexity.

Computational Hierarchies

  • Distinctions between P, NP, and other complexity classes.
  • Hierarchies within Turing machines and their applications.

Challenges of FSM

  • FSM cannot handle computations requiring counting beyond a finite limit.
  • Examples:
    • Equal numbers of zeros and ones.
    • Strings that require counting or complex arithmetic.

Proof Techniques

  • Diagonalization: Used for proving undecidability.
  • Finite state machine minimization: Proves there is a canonical form for FSM.


  • Understanding FSM is crucial as a foundational layer of computation.
  • Provides a basis for studying higher levels of computational theory and complexity.