Transcript for:
Principles of Faith and Healing

I want to share with you some things uh this is something that maybe 30 years ago the Lord showed me this and I bet you for two three years this is nearly all I ministered on and I'm not going to be able to uh Implement everything I'm talking about today um anyway I won't go into all of that but the principles that I'm talking about will work for you and if you can learn these things that we're talking about these are some of the most foundational things that God taught me about healing and it'll work for you the same as it'll work for me or anybody else so in Mark 11 is an instance where Jesus cursed the Fig Tree and without touching it or doing anything in the natural within 24 hours that fig tree was dead when his disciples saw what had happened they were just amazed and they said Master the fig tree that you cursed is withered away so in Mark 11:22 he be to speak unto them and tell them them how this came to pass and so in Mark 11:22 Jesus answered and said unto them have faith in God you know we don't hear the inflection of his voice but I don't believe he just said have faith in God it was like have faith in God what's wrong with you guys why are you shocked to see me talk to a tree and see the thing die and most of us would think well well that's unusual it's only unusual because of the way we were raised and we only see things in the natural but Jesus is the creator man he created the worlds you know there's a scripture that says out of his mouth he spoke the Stars into existence did you know I read about one star that I forget the things now but it's like 150 times bigger than our son that came out of Jesus mouth and from his perspective speaking to a fig tree and seeing it dies is no big deal they were shocked but he's saying have faith in God don't you understand the power that is available to us through believing God and then he said this in verse 23 he says for verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he say shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith I've actually preached an entire series of messages on that one verse I'm going to go past that and look in verse 24 he says therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire When you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them that is one of the keys to seeing healing or Prosperity or anything that you desire from God coming to pass you have to believe you receive When you pray and then it says you shall shall is future tense It could only be a second could be 10 seconds could be a day a week a year but in the future you have to believe you receive When you pray and then you shall have it and this is where most people miss their healing is because they don't believe that God does anything until they see it but just like he spoke to this fig tree if you compare this with the same account in Matthew's recording of This Matthew said that when he spoke to the Fig Tree immediately I think the word in Matthew is an non which means immediately the Fig Tree died but it was 24 hours later before they saw it and it's because it says right here in Mark 11 um in verse 20 it says in the morning as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the root so in other words the moment Jesus spoke that fig tree was dead but it happened in the root and what happened in the root took about 24 hours for it to become visible but the moment Jesus spoke it was done it's just like when you cut off a rose the moment you sever that Rose from the uh you know the main plant it's dead it doesn't look dead and you can actually preserve how it looks for a while by putting it in water water and doing things like that but the moment you sever that thing it's dead it's just a matter of time until what has happened it's being severed is Manifest and you have to believe that the moment you pray you have to believe that you receive right then and then you shall see it with Jesus cursing the Fig Tree it was about 24 hours later when they saw what had happened but it happened immediately and so this is one of the keys to receiving healing is you have to believe that you receive When you pray not when you see it and most people just struggle with this how can I believe that anything has happened when I can't see it because here's the problem most of us have been taught that all that there is to reality is what you can see taste hear smell and feel these five senses we've been taught that if you are saying that something is real and if you can't prove it in a test tube if you can't see it if you can't touch it well then it's just make believe it's not real you may not phrase it that way but that is the way that all of us have been taught is just you know deal with reality and we think only what you can Comm contact through your senses is real but you know right now we're using a wireless microphone I don't have a cord that goes back to the audio video thing we're sending a signal did you know you can't see those signals you can't hear those signals you can't touch them there are things even in the natural realm that you cannot perceive and yet we know that they're true because we see it demonstrated all the time you could put a television set up here and when you turn it on and tune it in is not when the signal starts the Signal's already here there's dozens of Television signals in this room right now and if you say I don't believe it why because you can't see it or hear it that doesn't mean that they aren't here it just means that you aren't very smart it just means that you are limited to what you can see taste here smell and feel and and we know that there's things that we can't see and understand you can't perceive everything with just your five senses it's the same thing it's even greater in the spiritual realm the spiritual realm created this Physical Realm that's what it says in Hebrews 11:3 it says through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear it didn't say that things which are seen were made out of nothing no it was made out of spiritual things spiritual world existed before this physical world the spiritual world is more real than this physical world the spiritual world will exist after this physical world is done away with the spiritual world is the parent Force the parent is greater than the force that it created spiritual reality is more real Than Physical reality you know that statement right there is just completely contrary to the average person's thinking the average person know what I see what I feel is real so you pray for healing and you try and believe that you receive When you pray but then you say amen and instantly if your pain is still there the average person is going to think nothing's happened Jesus because you don't think anything happens beyond your ability to perceive it with your five senses but there is a spiritual world and when you receive a healing it comes from God through the spirit man and then out into the physical body you have to believe that you receive this is what the Bible calls faith faith is believing things that you can't see with your physical eyes now Romans 4:1 17 says God calls those things that be not as though they are that's God's kind of Faith did man I could I've got so many things I'd love to share on this did you know in the Book of Genesis God said let there be light and there was light that was on the first day of creation but if you continue to read in Genesis chapter 1 it was the fourth day of creation before he created the Sun the moon and the stars he created light 4 days before he created the source for light how do you figure that that's just God just does things differently than we do we would sit there and say if there is no source of light well then there can't be light God spoke light into existence and it came to pass four days before he created a source for light to come from that's amazing so you've got to believe that you receive When you pray how can you do that and this is what I want to share with you and when I begin to see this it revolutionized my walk with the Lord because again I struggled with the same things everybody did I was taught to believe that nothing has happened if I can't see it or feel it so if I'm praying for pain to leave and if I pray for healing and if I still have pain well then it's obvious that I'm not healed that's not so amen so here's the way I I'm going to try and summarize this quickly and I've got a lot more uh explanation but this is a a brief summary of it there is a spiritual world and you receive things from the spirit before you receive them in the Physical Realm healing doesn't come from the outside in it comes from the inside out you receive healing in your spirit and then your faith is like a bridge between the spiritual world world and the physical world the physical world and the spiritual world are separated Jesus said in John chter 3 I believe it's verse 6 that which is born of the spirit is spirit and that which is born of the flesh is flesh he's just saying there is spiritual reality and there's physical reality and that which is of the spirit cannot just automatically influence what's happening in the physical there has to be a bridge a conduit that allows what's true in the spiritual to come into the physical and that's what faith is Faith is that bridge you have to believe that you receive When you pray not when you see it and if you can believe that something exists that you can't see taste tears smell or feel then what's true in the spiritual realm can come into the Physical Realm but it's dependent upon it flows through your faith and if you are so carnal I don't mean that in the bad way but that's what the Bible calls people that are limited to just what you can see taste hear smell and feel if you are if you are control by only your five senses and you don't have the ability to believe that things exist beyond your little peanut brain's ability to understand it well then you're what the Bible calls carnal and the Bible says that the carnal mind Romans chapter 8 is against God it's the enemy of God it's not subject to God it neither indeed can be you've got to get out of being carnal you got to get into Faith you've got faith is saying and believing What God Says has already happened you got it and you believe it and if you don't waver on that well then your faith will take what is already real in the spiritual world and bring it over into the physical world man I've got some great teaching on this I got a teaching out a uh Second Kings chapter 6 that is one of my favorite things to teach on but I'm not going to teach on that but that's good here let me turn over to Daniel chapter 9 and use Daniel to illustrate this Daniel prayed a prayer in Daniel chapter 9 and in verse three he says and I set my face unto the Lord God to seek by prayer and supplications with fasting and sackcloth and Ashes and I prayed unto the Lord my God and made my confession and said and so right there in verse four he starts praying a prayer I'm not going to take time to read the whole thing but go down to verse 19 and it says this is the end of his prayer he says oh Lord hear oh Lord forgive oh Lord hearken and do defer not for thine own sake oh my God for thy City and thy people are called by thy name and in verse 20 it says and while I was speaking and praying and confessing my sin and the sin of My People Israel and presenting my supplications before the Lord my God for the Holy Mountain I'm my God y while I was uh speaking in prayer even the man Gabriel this is the Angel Gabriel the same one that appeared unto Zacharias and unto Mary uh whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning being caused to fly swiftly touched me about the time of the evening oblation and he informed me and talked with me and said oh Daniel I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding so here's Daniel praying for a revelation about Jeremiah's prophecy about uh 70 years of bondage and he was asking God for clarification and while he was still praying the angel Gabriel appeared and gave him his answer that's awesome and if you take time to read this it's only about three minutes or so into his prayer and so three minutes into his prayer while he was still praying the angel shows up and gives him his answer this is what all of us would like to have happen is while you're still praying God interrupts your prayer and manifests your healing or something doesn't always work that way but this is what we' all like to have but look at what the angel went on to say in verse uh 23 he says at the beginning of thy supplications the Commandment came forth and I am come to show thee for thou art greatly beloved therefore understand the matter and consider the vision so even though it was only 3 minutes into his prayer did you know that God gave the command to Gabriel to come answer Daniel's prayer at the beginning of the prayer so this shows something that most people don't understand this they just think if God Wills something the moment he wills it boom it's done there is no such thing as time space distance if God willed it if God wanted me heal I've prayed and if I would if God had healed me I'd just be healed right here is an instance of God giving a command for a person to be healed or a person to have their prayer answer and it took a got 3 minutes for it to manifest so that shows you that there is I don't know what the problem was I I don't understand the scripture doesn't explain why it took 3 minutes but there was something that once God moved it took a period of time before what God did came to pass in the Physical Realm so if you're one of those that believes well I prayed and I haven't seen anything so why hasn't God moved that's not accurate God moved if you prayed you know we sang it today when Katrina was up here she was singing about ask and you shall receive seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you Jesus was the one that said that if you ask you receive and yet most people will ask and then immediately look to see if they got any evidence of it and if they can't see it well they said well I asked but I didn't receive you receive in the spirit whether it ever comes out into the physical is not dependent on if God answered your prayer it's dependent on whether you got that bridge of faith that allows what God has done in the spiritual world to come into the physical world it's not up to God whether you get healed God's already done it it's up to you whether you will stand and believe that you received when you prayed and not let what you see taste hear smell and feel get you into unbelief thank you for that thunderous silence most people don't like this but I'm telling you this is the key so God answered Daniel's prayer but it took about 3 minutes we don't know why I don't know what Gabriel was doing he might have been on the other side of the universe and it took him three minutes to travel a 100 light years I don't know it doesn't matter it just shows you that God answered before there was any visible evidence and then in the 10th chapter Daniel prays another prayer and I like to use Daniel as an example because sometimes when I give a testimony about how God's answered my prayer or how something is work for me people will say well yeah that's but you but it you know it's different for different people here's the same guy praying and in the 10th chapter he prayed a prayer this time he fasted and prayed and it took three weeks not three minutes three weeks before he saw an answer and if anything Daniel should have been stronger in the 10th chapter than he was in the ninth chapter because he had already seen a miraculous answer to his prayer so this is really good so so that you won't just think well it works for you or for somebody else but things don't work for me it'll work for anybody this will show you that the same man had worse results in the 10th chapter so in the 10th chapter it says in verse two in those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks I ate no Pleasant bread neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth neither did I anoint myself at all till three weeks were fulfilled and he goes on and a messenger shows up the glory of God show show up he falls on his face as if he's dead and has to literally have God's strength in him and he got up on his hands and knees and then eventually was able to stand and here's what the messenger said unto him let me start in verse uh 10 it says and behold a hand touched me which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands and he said unto me oh Daniel a man greatly beloved understand the words that I speak unto you and stand upright For unto thee am I now sent and when he had spoken this word unto me I stood trembling then said he unto me fear not Daniel for from the first day that you did set your heart to understand and to chasen thyself before thy God thy words were heard and I am come for thy words so here's Daniel this time 21 days but when the messenger showed up he said from the first day and since God is the same yesterday today and forever Hebrews 13:5 Jesus is the same yesterday and for day and forever uh since that's true I believe it was from the first the beginning of his commandment on the first day the point I'm making is this time it was three weeks before Daniel saw an answer but the variable wasn't God God answered both prayers instantly man that is huge God is not the variable When you pray if you pray for anything that is based on God's word 1 John 5:14 says this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his word he hears us and if we know that he hears us then whatsoever we ask we know we have the petitions we've desired of him when you pray for anything that's based on God's word instantly God commands instantly the power is released but that doesn't mean you're going to see the results instantly because of multiple things there's a lot of different things but see most people don't have this concept again they think that if God was to have if if it was God's will to heal me and if he answered my prayer I'd be healed not necessarily just because God answered your prayer doesn't mean that you're going to see the physical healing in your body because it's dependent upon other things man I could I could mention probably aund things that are involved in US receiving from God I just hadn't got time to do that but God answers instantly this is what Mark 11:4 is saying you got to believe that you receive you got to understand that God is a spirit John 4:24 says God is a spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth I could say it this way that God is a spirit and those who connect with him those receive from him must do it in spirit and in truth healing doesn't come from the outside it comes from the inside you have the same power on the inside of you right now that raised Jesus Christ from the dead and so when you pray you got to believe that you've got it and then stand and start taking your Authority and taking what is true in the spirit and it's up to you to manifested into the physical now that bothers a lot of people because they say you it's my responsibility yep that's what I'm saying you know it's like Peter and John when they went into the temple in Acts chapter 3 they saw a man who had been lame from his mother's womb in the next chapter we find out he had been that way for 38 years 38 years paralyzed never walked and Peter and John saw him and they said Silver and Gold Have I None but such as I have give I unto thee and then they reached down and grabbed him by the hand and lifted him up his feet and ankle bones received strength and he went with them into the temple walking and leaping and praising God Peter didn't even pray for him he didn't ask and say oh God we are nothing we have nothing we can do nothing but I know that you can do all things stretch forth your hand and touch this man if it Be Your Will for jesus' sake he didn't pray like that he says such as I have he understood that he had power and the anointing of God and it wasn't God that healed that man directly he healed him through people taking their Authority but very few people understand this and so the average Christian today is just sitting there passively like oh God I am nothing I have nothing I can do nothing but would you please heal me you'll die praying that way God loves you but you'll die because he's already done his part and he's placed the same power on the inside of you that raised Jesus Christ from the dead it's not up to God to heal you he's already commanded just like right here he gave the command but if you go into the next verse down here in Daniel chapter 10 this messenger said in verse 13 but the prince of the kingdom of Persia with stod me one in 20 days but Lo Michael one of the chief princes came to help me and I remain there with the King of Persia this King of Persia is talking about not the physical King but the Demonic uh realm that was over that the Demonic principality and power that was assigned there and so the difference was there was a demonic hindrance Daniel wasn't the variable he didn't quit praying he believed that God had answered his prayer and he just stood God wasn't the variable he answered both prayers instantly the difference was the devil and again most people don't understand this they think that the devil never misses it they think that the devil is 100% faithful they aren't sure that God's going to answer their prayers but if they make the slightest misstep they know beyond any shadow of a doubt that the devil is going to take advantage of it did you know that's not true in the ninth chapter this prayer got past the devil with zero resistance I don't know why I have no idea but you know it's just possible that the devil is not infallible I think sometimes he just misses it I think in the ninth chapter he may not have known how you know how dangerous Daniel was and he was out licking his wounds someplace or it's possible that Satan is short-handed you know there's nothing in scripture that says demons marry and have baby demons so the number of demons are static as far as I can tell that means that there was either a lot of demons back when it was only Adam and Eve or there's a shortage of demons now it's possible that Satan doesn't have enough people to go around and he has to pick and choose who's who he's going to bother and when he's going to hinder so it's possible that he just let Daniel's prayer in the ninth chapter get by because he didn't realize how powerful Daniel was but in the 10th chapter after you know at the end of that ninth chapter I hadn't got time to go into it but this is one of the prophecies about the coming of of the Messiah and it actually gave the exact time that Jesus would arrive one of the greatest prophecies in the Old Testament in the last part of the ninth chapter and after Satan saw that he assigned a demonic power to Daniel to make sure his next prayer was going to be hindered so in a sense when you pray for something and you don't see it you have to analyze am I in unbelief am I wavering James chapter 1 says if you waver you don't receive anything so it could be your unbelief and if that's so well then deal with yourself and make sure that you're focused on the Lord and not operating in unbelief but if it's not you that's in unbelief you know God is not the one who missed it that only leaves the devil as an option and it could be a compliment a backhanded compliment that you hadn't seen your answer come to pass yet because that means that Satan sees you as a big enough foe that he's fighting fighting against you and trying to hinder you it could actually be uh because you're dangerous that that's the reason he's hindering your prayer might not have anything to do with you and it's certainly nothing to do with God so if Satan is hindering your prayer what do you do well Daniel couldn't do anything because an Old Testament Saint did not have authority over the devil I don't know how many of you have ever thought of this but you know there's only 15 times in the Old Testament that Satan is mentioned 13 of those times are in the Book of Job and it's behind the scenes and that's really just one story talking about how the devil hindered job so if you remove those 13 or count those 13 as one then that means there's only two other instances in the Old Testament and those are both referring to the same thing one's in 1 Samuel the other one's in First Kings talking about where Satan uh caused David to number the children of Israel so if you look at it that way there's only three times in the Old Testament that Satan's referred to and yet in the New Testament there's some chapters that have four or five times that Satan and demons are referred to how come a lack of knowledge about Satan working behind the scenes it's because Old Testament Saints didn't have authority over the devil so even if they would have known it was the devil that was hindering Daniel he couldn't do anything about it he couldn't rebuke the devil all he could do is just pray and believe that God you've answered my prayer I don't know why last time I saw it in 3 minutes this time it's been three weeks but I know it's not you you have answered my prayer and he just had to hold on to faith and Satan was doing this tremendous battle in the heavenlies if Daniel would have quit on the 20th day from our perspective it would have looked like well God didn't answer that prayer the truth is God did answer that prayer but it was being hindered that it was in the pipeline Satan was hindered and if he had quit on the 20th day he wouldn't have ever seen it manifest and from his perspective it would have been God why didn't you answer my prayer did you know from some of your perspective you've prayed for something and you haven't seen the manifestation and so you just assume well God didn't answer I'm telling you God answered every prayer you have ever prayed based on his word if you've ever prayed for healing God's already healed you God's already commanded it's a done deal but that doesn't mean you're going to see the healing unless you can stand in faith and believe that something is happening in the Unseen realm that you can't see with your physical eyes you got to believe it's come to pass you know I ministered on this 35 years ago here in Woodland Park and a friend of mine Bob fler he now lives in um Texas but he was trying to sell a house here in Woodland Park and he put a for sale sign by owner in the uh yard because he didn't want to pay the real estate fees he wanted to get the maximum amount and he put that for sale sign by owner in the yard and for two years he prayed and tried to get that thing sold and he could not sell it and he had already bought a second house he was now making two mortgage payments he was in uh uh you know in a crisis situation he needed that thing to sell and he heard me teach this message and God spoke to him and told him says Bob the first day you put that for sale sign in the yard and the first day you prayed over it I spoke to someone but you know what God isn't going to buy your house God doesn't have United States currency it says in Luke 6:38 give and it shall be given unto you good measure press down shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom somehow or another when it comes to money people are going to be involved God doesn't have money he's not going to counterfeit money people are going to be used so uh Bob was just praying and thinking God why hadn't you answered my prayer he answered the prayer the very first day but he had to use a person so when he saw this Bob repented and said God forgive me for doubting that you have done something just because I didn't see it and he repented and then he got back into faith believing that God had spoken to somebody and he didn't know how or who it was so what he did he just spent two days praying in tongues and thanking God that God had already spoken and whatever the hindrance is he just believed that God was taking care of it and uh two days two or three days later a guy just came to his house and said I'd like to buy your house and he had cash to pay for it and so went to closing and at closing this man told him he says do you remember two years ago when you put that for sale out in your yard he said the very first day you put that there I told my wife that's our house and he said for two years I've been trying to get my finances together that I could buy this house but there was somebody that had to buy a house that he had and the person who was buying his house had had their finances hindered for a long time and there was a Cascade of things that happened and he said the strest thing two days ago this man just walks up and has cash to buy my house and so we went to closing that day and then two days later here he was with Bob doing the closing and see God answered his prayer but there was a lag time in between when he said amen and there it is not because God didn't answer but because people were involved and so one of the keys to getting healed is to believe believe that God has already healed you and he's placed on the inside of you the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead Ephesians 1119 says that you have raising from the dead power in you so if you have a healing that you need in your body instead of just coming and saying oh God would you heal me you got to believe it's been provided you've already got this power and so right now in the name of Jesus I believe I receive when I pray and then I don't care how long it is but it will manifest now there's something even better than that that's the foundation but once you understand that God has answered and if you aren't seeing the manifestation it's not God who's hindering it it's somehow or another the devil or it's you wavering in your faith well then you can affect you you can get strong in faith and if it's the devil you can take authority over the devil Satan uh Daniel couldn't take authority over Satan but you can and you can begin to bind that you know I had a gangan assyst on my arm back in I think it's 1976 and and this thing stood up there and I had a watch band that was an expandable watch band and I put it over that thing so people couldn't see it but it got so big that you could see this big bulge on my arm and I prayed over it and I believed I was healed I was trying to believe I healed but it just kept getting worse and worse and finally one night and this was back in 76 so however long ago that was I knew these principles that I'm telling with you and I said God I know you've healed me I said it's not you that hasn't healed me it's either me that's wavering in my faith or it's just the devil that's fighting me and I'm going to change one of those things if it's me I started repenting I started speaking in tongues and I spent two or three hours just praying in tongues speaking against that thing and you know I didn't see any any change whatsoever I spent two or three hours just praying in Tong stayed up late in the night and I went to bed and the next morning when I got up that thing was totally gone and it had been there for probably a year and it would have been there probably another year if I hadn't taken my authority and begin to say God I know you've already done it it's not you that's not given it's the devil that's hindered or it's me that's not strong in my faith and so I started speaking in tongues the Bible says when you pray in tongues you build yourself up on your Most Holy Faith Jude chapter 1 verse2 so I started building myself up I started rebuking the devil and within 24 hours I saw that thing totally gone you don't have to pray and then just passively sit there and wait on God you aren't waiting on God you heard Katrina say that today that we aren't waiting on God God's wai waiting on us he's given us power and authority so you got to believe that when you pray for anything according to God's will he's already done it God gave it to you if you prayed for healing God's already released that healing power he provided it 2,000 years ago and it's either you that's wavering because you can't see it you think nothing has happened because you can't see it that's either the problem or if you are standing strong and believing that God has done it well then it could could just be a demonic opposition but you can stop that by taking your Authority so if you understand what I've talked about today you can shorten the time in between when you say amen and there it is and you know when I first started teaching this again that was back in about 76 I actually rented a um uh meeting place and I advertised over the radio and had people come and I I said bring the blind the deaf the lame and we're going to see people heal so I preach this exact message that I've preached today and I had a boy there that was blind in one eye and U so I said well God's already done it and the devil can't stop it and it's just up to us and so I said we're going to pray over you and we're going to make this Blind Eye Open and so he came forward he was 17 years old and I laid hands on him and prayed for him and then after I prayed for him I I C told him to cover up his good eye and I said now how many fingers do I have up he couldn't even see light out of that eye I had to turn his head and point it towards my finger and I said how many fingers do I have of he couldn't see and so I just told the people I said look if you aren't in agreement with this leave because you know unbelief can affect the manifestation it did with Jesus and I said for those of you who are ready to stand and believe I want you to stay and we're going to pray until we see this manifest because it is not God who hasn't given it's either us that's struggling in our faith or it's the devil that's hindering and we can deal with both of those things so I dismissed everybody and there's about 15 people are so that stayed and we just kept praying for this guy and we prayed for about 30 or 40 minutes and every five minutes or so I'd stop and have him cover up his good eye and I'd ask him I said so how many fingers do I have up he couldn't see there was Zero difference for about 30 something minutes and I was just determined I said God I know that this is true it's not you that hasn't healed him it's either us that's in unbelief or it's the devil I said I don't know what the difference is and I was just praying in tongues all of us were praying in tongues and asking God to give us wisdom and as we were praying in tongues I just thought this guy doesn't need to be healed he needs a miracle and I I didn't know what the difference was I still don't really know what the difference is and so I just was thinking about this and thinking what is the difference between a miracle and a healing and while I was thinking about it Don Crow who is associate pastor with me he says God just spoke to me and told me he doesn't need a healing he needs a miracle it was exactly what God spoke to me so I thought boy this has got to be the deal so I we just stopped and asked this boy I said what's wrong with you and he says when I was a kid I had an infection in my eye and they surgically removed the limbs and the retina I don't even have the parts of my eye that it takes to see and I said man you don't need a healing you need a miracle so then we changed the way we were praying and I cut my hands over his eyes and I said lens retina in the name of Jesus I command you to form in there I released the healing power of God and then I asked him how many fingers do I have up he said one and two and he could see and his eye was open so what most people do we just pray and say oh God open up his eye and then we just let him go that's more faith than saying praying for them and then say did you see and they say no and they say well you weren't healed that's total unbelief it's better to pray and just say well I believe it's coming but you know what most people that you're you're praying for aren't strong enough to be able to stand through what they see and they feel and so you need to help them man I'm out of time the eth chapter of Mark Jesus Took a man by the hand led him out of the Town prayed for him and he says what do you see and he only had a partial healing he says I can see man his trees walking he had been blind before so Jesus laid hands on him a second time not because he didn't believe that he was healed the first time but he took this man by the hand because he was in Besa Luke chap 10 says woe unto thee corason woe unto thee Besa for if the mighty works that had been done in you had been done in Ty and siden they would have repented a long time ago so Bea was one of the two most unbelieving places that Jesus ministered and that's the reason he took the man by the hand and let him out of the town because of the unbelief of people it would have stopped the healing power of God so Jesus took him out of the town but he realized he hadn't got all of the Town out of the man he realized that this guy was struggling in his faith and rather than just pray for him and leave him if this guy would have continued to believe it would have manifested eventually completely but Satan was hindering it and rather than Jesus just praying for him and letting it go he asked him can you see anything and when he didn't see it perfectly he just gave him another dose of the Holy Ghost amen and the second time he saw clearly it's really best to pray with a person until you see the physical manifestation and this is what I'm saying it's hard for me to preach on this and implement it because back when I first was shown this I only had 15 20 people coming to my meetings and so I could preach on this and if a person didn't have a healing I'd just stay with I would stay with people till 2 and 3:00 in the morning praying with them you know I can't do that now and I can guarantee you there's some people right here that since I've taught on this you're going to want me to pray with you and stand until you see it manifest I cannot do this I just hadn't got time to do it and so I hate in a sense to even mention it because people will want me to just stand and re and I've done this I've stood with people I remember a person that had floaters in their eyes I prayed with them probably for 40 minutes and all of a sudden Boom the floaters were gone I've prayed with uh blind people deaf people and I've stayed I had one guy who was blind and he actually had a stick that he he was totally blind his eyes were wided over and I taught on this exact thing this was in Lamar Colorado and I prayed for him and it didn't happen immediately but we just prayed for 20 or 30 minutes and pretty soon he says I can see the clock on the wall he couldn't read it but he could see it and then he started getting clear he says I can see the cord going down the wall then he could read it and within the next week he was riding his bicycle to and from work and we we prayed with him for 30 minutes or something like that I've done this many times but I hadn't got time to pray with you today so I'm just telling you these truths and if you will take these principles and work them they'll work for you the way that they've worked for me God has already healed he's already placed the raising from the dead power on the inside of every Born Again believer if you aren't seeing the healing come to pass it's either you that isn't believing you're wavering in your faith or it's the devil and you can deal with both of those things you can pray in tongues and build yourself up on your Most Holy Faith you can get a word from God and go to binding the devil and you can make what God has already done in the spiritual world come into the physical world it's under your control you can come up and say such as I have give I Thee and you can make healing manifest very few people have that mindset they just just come before God like a beggar oh God would you please touch me and then you just are waiting on God God's waiting on you man that's awesome some people will think well that condemns me it's not meant to condemn you it's meant to empower you and let you understand the authority that you have yes it puts some responsibility on you but man it's to me that's encouraging that's powerful father we just thank you for these truths well the Lord says to me that the power of the Lord is present to heal there's a scripture in Mark chapter one that says that power of the Lord is present to heal man the truth that we've shared Jesus said you will know the truth and the truth shall make you free I believe that people are being made free from sickness father we repent of praying and then if we don't see it or feel it doubting that you've done anything we understand just like Daniel that you answered our prayers at the beginning of our supplication that you've already given the command that this healing has already been placed on the inside of it that the resurrection power is in us and thank you Father it's at our Command and so right now we just repent of any unbelief of being carnal being dominated by what we see taste tear smell and feel father we want to be dominated by the word of God we want to believe what your word says and so right now we believe that we receive if you need a healing in your body I want you to stand right where you are and by standing you're saying I'm receiving this healing in right now so father right now we stand and we believe what your word says that when we pray we believe that we receive father if we've messed up in the past if we've wavered in our faith right now we repent of that and now we pray according to your will you said that by your stripes we were already healed so we believe that you have done it and right now we pray and we receive this physical healing in these bodies right now thank you Jesus right here is the anointing of God flowing God's touching bodies right now now don't get back into the Flesh and start saying oh do I feel different believe right now we're believing believe that right now whatever it is that you need in your body it's happening it's already happened it's a d deal God has moved God has released his power right now in your physical body man all kinds of things are happening backs are being healed hearts are being healed Eyes Ears all kinds of things happening the healing power of God is Flowing right now Satan we bind you we bind these demonic things that are fighting people there's people here fighting tumors we command those tumors to die right now in Jesus name we command whatever is causing those tumors Satan you loose them and let them go right now in the name of Jesus somebody here was given a death sentence that you've got something and it's just a short period of time right now that's a lie I cast down this lie this is a demonic attack in Jesus name we break that boy all kinds of paralysis is being healed right now you may not be totally paralyzed but partial paralysis we command it to go and teeth problem just you name it whatever it is that you've got the power of God is present to heal father right now we believe that we receive and we we've got it we've got it in the name of Jesus and whatever is not submitted to what God has done any physical effects in our body ringing in the ears we command that to stop right now Satan we command it to leave we speak to the brain to the ears to whatever is causing that to eyes we command double vision to be gone perfect eyesight in the name of Jesus heart arhythmia we command that to be healed right now in Jesus name somebody here's had problems with your bowels either stopped up or running and you're being healed right now in the name of Jesus man people in your reproductive system somebody here's been unable to have children now you got to be able you got to be married to receive this but in the name of Jesus you are going to have children you're healed right now in jesus' name oh all kinds of joint pains tennis elbow arthritis bdus we command those things to be gone father we believe that by your stripes we're healed Hallelujah father we thank you I want you right now to begin to praise God whether you see it whether you feel it don't wait until you see it to believe believe that you receive right now father we believe that we receive and we believe that our bodies will reflect it in jesus' name father we thank you that it's a done deal that by your stripes we were healed and Satan you cannot stop what God has already provided from manifesting in our physical bodies so father we give you praise and thanksgiving we believe that praise is strength to steal the enemy and the Avenger father we just thank you thank you thank you we believe that this is a done deal in the name of Jesus Amen praise God hallelujah so I want to ask our prayer ministers if they would to come down here and if you you believe that you receive and if you've understood what I've said today and if you just want somebody to stand here with you and agree this is one of the ways that if you don't see a physical manifestation what do you do do you just give up no and you don't just sit there passively you you fight it now you can fight it yourself but you can come get a prayer of agreement that doesn't mean that you don't believe that you received when you prayed so maybe if they'll pray they'll work no you believe you receive but two will put a thousand to flight or one will put a th000 to flight two will put 10,000 to flight so you're just agreeing so we're here to agree with you those of you that are watching by live stream we have our phone center open 24/7 and we've got hundreds of people over there that will pray with you right now 719 63511 and I tell you the same things that I've spoken about they'll work for you and we've got people there that will pray with you 24/7 so please take advantage of that so if you've prayed if you haven't seen a manifestation but you believe you got it and you just want some agreement come right now and let somebody agree with you let the ushers have you come and and go to people and let them agree with you and uh I hate to say this but I'm going to leave because I'll have a line of a hundred people wanting me to do it and I am not your Source it's the truth that sets you free so you take the things that I've said and you operate in in it and praise God you can be healed so Donna I'm going to turn it back over to Donna Jones thank you all for coming and being a part of this and um I believe you're healed in the name of Jesus