Adobe Illustrator: Happy Fire Illustration Tutorial Notes

Jul 25, 2024

Adobe Illustrator Tutorial: Creating a Happy Fire Illustration


  • Instructor: Nathaniel Dodson from
  • Objective: Create a happy little fire illustration inspired by the artist MBE from Dribbble.
  • Encourage students to subscribe for future tutorials.

Setting Up the Document

  • Create a new document: 2560x1440, CMYK color mode.
  • Use the Rectangle Tool to create a background rectangle, size: 2560x1440.
  • Set fill color: Cyan: 100, Magenta: 80, Yellow: 0, Black: 80 (rich blueish/purplish color).
  • Align to artboard using the Align Panel.
  • Label this layer as "bg" (background) and lock it.

Creating the Flame Artwork

Shape Creation

  1. Use the Ellipse Tool to create an ellipse: 350x350.
    • Fill color set to white.
  2. Use the Rectangle Tool to create a rectangle: 350 wide, 700 tall.
    • Fill color set to white.
  3. Align both shapes to the center of the artboard.
  4. Using the Path Finder Panel, choose Divide and then ungroup the shapes.
  5. Remove the bottom part of the divided shapes.
  6. Merge the remaining shapes using Path Finder -> Merge function.
  7. Adjust shape dimensions:
    • Width: 50, Height: 500, Corner Radius: 100.

Building the Flame Structure

  • Make sure smart guides are turned on for assistance.
  • Duplicate and snap shapes to create the appearance of flames.
  • Use the minus front function with the Path Finder to cut out segments of the base shape to create a flame effect.
  • Adjust individual shapes to create dynamic flame tips.

Adding Color and Details

  1. Create various rounded rectangles for additional flame layers.

  2. Apply colors and gradients:

    • Create swatches for colors:
      • Bright Yellow: Cyan: 0, Magenta: 15, Yellow: 100, Black: 0.
      • Hot Pink: Cyan: 0, Magenta: 100, Yellow: 35, Black: 0.
    • Create gradients based on these swatches for the flame body.
  3. Add crackling sparks to the fire using the Rounded Rectangle Tool and duplicate to create variations.

    • Scale and position these to simulate embers popping off the fire.

Creating the Face of the Fire

  1. Use the Ellipse Tool to create the eyes and mouth of the fire:

    • Position the eyes 50 pixels apart horizontally and align them vertically.
    • Create a mouth using a duplicated ellipse with the top anchor removed.
  2. Create blush cheeks using small ellipses, adjust position, color and opacity.

  3. Group eye, mouth, and blush shapes together.

Final Touches

  • Add a shadow beneath the flame using an ellipse, fill with a dark color:
    • Dark Shadow: Cyan: 100, Magenta: 70, Yellow: 0, Black: 90.


  • The final illustration is completed with the added shadow.
  • Nathaniel encourages viewers to share their creations on Instagram and Discord.
  • Additional resources mentioned, along with reminders to subscribe for more tutorials.

Note: Keep practicing with shapes, gradients, and the path finder panel to enhance graphic design skills in Adobe Illustrator!