Transcript for:
Business Funding Strategies Without Income Proof

listen to this I'm gonna give you five banks that's gonna get your new loc 50 000 in business funding with Lulu to no proof of income sounds too good to be true I know it does so let's dive right into it now notice I said business funding and not business credit because this is one of the biggest misconceptions out there when it comes to getting any type of funding from these financial institutions so in the previous video I break down what is business credit and what is business funding I lead I'll leave that in the description below but I'll give you a quick synopsis on what I mean so business credits where we take our brand new business or an established business and we're going to go to other companies and open up lines of credit with those companies now you might have heard of this company before cringer Grill Uline Etc now with these particular companies we very limited because we only can use that line of credit at that particular stores and we only focus on them then the trade lines and supplier trade lines aka the only business credit bill that we focusing on is our 80 payday score and news flash people breaking news right now you haven't heard this from anyone else you've gone to hear it from me lenders Bankers creditors any financial institution out there do not care about your payday score now you can have an 80 pay that score you can have all the way up to 100 payday score you can ask any lender or creditor or any financial institution in the US do they care about your 80 payday score do they check your Dunn and Brad which is connected to your 80 payday score that's how you generate it in order to qualify you for funding they're going to tell you unequivocally no so let's stop focusing on our payday score and let's focus on other data points and other factors that's actually going to get us business funding speaking of business funding what is business funding doing since business credit is different well business funding is when you leverage your brand new business or an established business you're also going to leverage the business owner credit AKA your personal credit you're gonna put the two together and then you're gonna go get the banks money then you're gonna go to these financial institutions and get lines of credit and business lines of credit and credit lines with the banks right notice I said funding because funding is money 95 percent a business funding it's predicated off your personal credit the business owner credit so your personal credit yes it has to be in position don't let anyone tell you anything different that you can go to any Bank right any financial institution and get business lines of credit or business credit lines with these financial institutions without leveraging your personal credit it's not going to happen now obviously there's different strategies around it maybe if you have the revenue but most new loc let's be honest you guys are not making any money yet and that's fine you're a brand new LLC you haven't figured out yet so we want look let me be clear as a new LLC as a small business owner correct me if I'm wrong but we want to get the money the easiest way and the fastest way right I know you do because I do so we have to put ourselves in a position how can we do that so that's when we're going to break it down to you today the five banks now there's more Banks out there but there's a method to my mind that's why I'm getting you these particular banks that you can go to and get business lines of credit get credit lines without showing any documentations I'm not going to explain the reason why right but let me explain why is this possible that you can go to these financial institutions and get these credit lines without showing no proof of income so one day these lenders was just in a big room just pictured them in a big room having a conference and they you know they they they they conversing stating hey how can we get new Locs self-employers entrepreneurs small business owner how can they qualify for a some of our product and their services because we understand that most of these new Locs most of these small business owners they don't get paid the traditional way right most don't have bank statements most don't have uh tax returns they haven't filed a taxes if you're out there you probably haven't filed your taxes be honest uh most probably don't have any p l statements which is profit and loss statements any cash flow statements any balance sheets meaning you don't have any Financial documentations because one you probably just starting out or two you just don't know how to do it so they came out with a product that's called stated income loans or stated income business credit cards which means you can State your income let me say that again so if you have a business and you're making zero dollars in your business monthly or annually you can put that you're making a hundred thousand dollars and they're gonna take your word for it now you might be asking yourself how is this possible well a few reasons number one is called projected income so when you're filling out that business credit application and they ask you how much revenue how you made in your business you freeze up you're like man I haven't made any Revenue in my business I don't want to lie because I can commit bank fraud or this can be like considered identity theft so you don't want to get those ramifications as far as jail time or fee if you lie on the business credit applications so you freeze up and you put zero now you automatically getting denied here's what you can do that you know you could put a hundred thousand dollars even if you haven't made a hundred thousand dollars in your business yet why because it's something that's called projected income say it with me projected income which means you could project AKA you can guesstimate or estimate how much your business is gonna make for that particular year so if you think your business is going to make a hundred thousand dollars based on what based on your future Revenue based on your future contracts based on your future invoice you could put a hundred thousand dollars on that business application and be perfectly fine right that's the trick behind it that's the hack that a lot of people out there don't know so don't freeze up next time you're filling out that business credit application now again how is this possible besides the state of income well Banks only care about two things two things that's it number one your ability to pay them back which is predicated off your Revenue that means we see you're making money we understand you have the ability to pay us back based on the revenue you stated that you're making that's number one number two your willingness to pay them back which is based off your personal credit profile and your business credit profile you see your willingness tell the banks tell these financial institutions your story so regardless if you have the ability to pay them back this is why your willingness supersize your ability because you're a person on your business credit profile tells them everything they need to know about you as a business owner they're reading your personal your business credit profile so which means do you pay your bills on time do you know how to manage debt how long have you been managing that AKA your credit history right are you constantly looking for credit do you have a whole which means do you have a whole bunch of hard inquiries so you're a person on your business credit profile tell them everything they need to know about you so which means your ability is like second nature to them because they said although you have to be making some money somewhere because you're paying your bills on time so that's why you're able to get away with this right that's why you're able to fill out this business credit application without any proof of document Financial documentation or any proof of income see most people don't tell you that they tell you to go fill out these business credit applications but you don't even know why you got approved so I hope that gave you some clarity on why you got approved now let's now you have that background now you understand why is this possible let me give you some banks on uh let me give you some banks that you can go to to get approved which is called stated income business loans or stated income business credit cards all right number one Chase bank now Chase Bank has business unsecured business credit cards a lot of them come with zero percent interest which means you don't have to pay any interest on these credit cards for this limited amount of time it can be six months 12 months 18 months 21 months 24 months just depending on that bank depending on that financial institution Chase is one of those Banks now the great thing about Chase and all the banks that I'm going to give you today which is the bonus is that these Banks report to the business credit bureaus see most people tell you to go to different banks to get these unsecured business credit cards that might be State and income business credit cards but these banks are now reporting to the business credit bureau so which means you're not building out a business credit profile or you're not building out a business credit score if you go to Chase bank and all the other banks that are on the other four banks that I'm about to give you today you're going to build out a business credit profile aka you're going to build out a business credit score so you kill a two birds in one stone so Chase is One bank right they report to Equifax business Experian business dun and Brad Small Business Financial change and Lexis Nexus so you killing it with Chase next we have Bank of America so Bank of America is another bank where you can go get stated income business credit cards without showing little to no documentations once you fill out that business credit profile I mean sorry once you fill out that business credit application if your personal credit and your business credit profile is properly built out you should be good to go right so uh Bank of America also reports a small Business Financial change they also report to Dunn and Brad so you are building business credit profiling business credit score with Bank of America and this is PNC bank right PNC bank PNC Bank also have stated income business credit cards they also report to the business credit bureau like Experian business also they report to the Small Business Financial change in Dunn and Brad next on the list is U.S bank right so U.S Bank also reports to the business credit bureau also they have state and income business credit cards now next on the list is one of my favorites is American Express right that's last on the list American Express so American Express definitely have zero percent interest business credit cards also they have stated income business credit cards and they do report to the business credit bureau like the Small Business Financial thing done and Brad and Experian business so all the banks that I just gave you which is Chase American Express PNC Bank um uh Bank of America oh and U.S Bank I think U.S Bank is the final bank I meant to give you so if I let that out U.S Bank is the last bank which has stated income business credit cards that you can get also they report to the business credit bureau like Experian business Equifax business uh done and Brad Small Business Financial change now you can get up to fifty thousand dollars with these banks with these financial institutions with no proof of income and with a new loc so this notion that your business have to be in business for two years is not true it's inaccurate you don't have to be in business for two years you can literally create a business today and go to these Banks and get funding for your business and just one day so it's definitely possible now here's the thing you might be limited that's what I say up to fifty thousand dollars see again this is most people don't tell you you really can't go past 50k because you have a brand new business because you you don't have any documentations like p l statements financial statements bank statements um tax returns so they so you're limiting yourself as far as the amount of money that you can get with this financials with those financial institutions because you don't um qualify or you don't have certain documents or the qualifications that they need in order to give you uh seventy five thousand dollars a hundred thousand dollars but 50k what and you can go to each bank and get 50k so you do the math on that on how much you can get with all banks total together right so I hope you learned a lot from this video uh make sure you subscribe make sure you like if you learned a lot from this video and I will see you next time peace out