Sep 4, 2024
static void Main(string[] args)
to display text.//
for single-line, /*...*/
for multi-line.\n
for new line, \t
for tab.Console.Beep();
for x
.x = 10
, double
, bool
, char
, string
, Convert.ToDouble()
, to double
, string to int
to get user input.Convert
methods as needed.+
, -
, *
, /
, %
, --
, -=
, *=
, /=
, Math.Sqrt()
, Math.Abs()
, Math.Round()
class: Random rand = new Random();
, NextDouble()
, ToLower()
, Replace()
, Insert()
, Substring()
to get string length.if-else
(AND), ||
(OR).static void MethodName() {}
, catch
, finally
blocks for error handling.