Transcript for:
Stream Alive Interactive Session - Highlights

welcome everyone welcome welcome welcome welcome just joined us welcome to the session uh as we have people walking through the door who us a favor and tell where you're joining from so just SP to the zoom chat and if you can't hear me over the going to die and all right you got e here in the US New York fantastic and while we State [Music] Side come I just going to fly around and and look wow you if you could just except Jesse of course welcome from J Bangalore and for those of you who are not too familiar with that tune that is the spirit of of rangila uh rangila is a movie that was as we call in India a super duper hit in the '90s around the time uh our guest for today and the co-founders at stream alive were graduating from V school so it holds meaning for us in multiple ways plus it's just a very very Pepe song uh those of you joined us just type in the chat as to where you're joining us from we are eating our own dog food very very obviously using streamer live thank you Theo for joining us from Cape Town from South Africa we got a couple of people in Europe Peter here we got Peter in Reading we got pet there as well fantastic so those of you who just joined us type in the chat as to where you're joining us it would be great to have this map fill out that's beautiful thank you and one other quick question before I introduce Our Guest uh if you've been for one of these sessions that we host almost every second week just type the number one in the chat and if this is your first streamer live session uh first of all welcome and uh second just type the number two in the chat please right so I'd love to know how many of you have experienced one of these uh know how these things work uh so it kind of tells me how deep I need to get into with the house rules okay it's almost split in the middle fantastic you're going to wait a little bit more again if this is your first live with streamer live session type the number two because you haven't been for one before and if you've been for one before n this is Doctor this this is rigged it's 50/50 okay fantastic hey so thank you for joining us those of you who've been for other sessions before thank you for coming back again those of you who are here for the first time uh welcome to what hopefully will be a new way of conversation of presentation of Engagement I'm Lux Naran I am a co-founder and the CEO at stream alive and we're going to be using stream alive to keep this conversation engaging uh not that today's guest needs it and I'm very very thrilled to have her here today uh she's a dear friend we went to college together I will not tell you when because that would betray a lot of things uh but we went to college together along with the other co-founders at stream alive so we have a lot of shared stories uh she's done amazing things then since then uh the running joke in our batch is if you need anything from insurance to Consumer package Goods to an excellent hotel room ask Jesse because she's probably on the board of a company around all of these she's also on the board of some nonprofits and some amazing companies and she'll give more color to that as she speaks uh she's also been at very very senior roles at amazing companies uh she started an advertising and then moved on to you know be a CMO at vipro she had senior roles at infosis she's been at iate she has seen the Indian it Services Industries uh literally from from from its growth phase and has a lot of stories from that as well and she has written two amazing books both on Frugal marketing one um can't remember as 10 years ago or something she's been a prolific writer she just wrote issue number I think 569 of her newsletter this morning and I read it before this call as I often do for the last 569 weeks and uh she's written a second updated new version of her book as well and heads up stick with us till the end because if you participate in the chat like you've already done uh you have a a hat in the ring for winning one of two copies of her book that we're going to be giving her away so without further Ado my pleasure to introduce the amazing dear friend Jesse Paul over to you Jessie thank you so much Lux that was an amazing introduction um I was kind of hoping that you weren't going to laugh at me that's great um as a standup comedian I'm always afraid to be in the front row with you um so thanks so much and thanks to everybody for joining and these are the two books that I wrote and they will be largely a part of what uh we're going to talk about today which is how are we building a brand when you don't have a lot of money I do also want to say that lot of money is very relative um and what I mean by that is that look if your competitor has 500 million and you have 5 million you would say I don't have a lot of money and if you just you know have 500,000 you might say I have a lot of money if all my competitors you know have much less so it's a relative word but by and large I've yet to meet a marketer who says gee whiz I've got tons of money all right um Lux if you could move to the next slide please so um as Lux mentioned I am on the board of a number of organizations uh apart from my own which is Paul riter so um and none of these organiz izations and they vary in size quite a bit um their micro Finance their consumer care insurance aggregator it um HR firm that's going for an IPO none of them actually the marketing iy will ever say I have enough money so I think it's a fundamental truth of marketing that you never have as much as you would like and um that's really what we're going to talk about today which is given that we don't have a lot of money how can we use what we have um the best way that we can and how can we make it go far now we've talked like in the past people who talk about Gorilla Marketing um which works but that's still very tactical so what I want to talk about today is something a little bit different so Lux if you could move to the next slide please before we start uh what best describes your job role yeah just thought we get a sense of who's in the room just because just eyeballing the emails and the signups we've got a whole bunch of folks with different backgrounds different intents so folks in one or two words maximum two words if you can just type um how you would describe your job role Founders so I do also want to call out the fact that this is not a typical oneway webinar I do want you to keep asking me questions post it in there talk to me no you know it because of stream alive we can be way more Interactive than um the typical one-way conversation that you get in a webinar thanks for mentioning that because I forgot to mention uh folks if you have questions just type them in the chat down the line after this interaction we will be you know keeping some time aside for Q&A and we'll be using streamer live to pull out questions from the chat I'm just going to stop this interaction now if that's okay Jess I think we got a sense of it sure any of comments on that before I go to the next slide no a lot of um ERS a lot of marketing people and operations analytics so great we've got a good um base of people and I think most of you will have direct influence over a brand so that's fantastic so what I want to talk about today and that's like the key principle is how can we move our marketing to pulling people versus pushing right A Dream World for every marketer is where where customers come to you you just open your shop and in they come that's the marketing dream and it has happened for a number of companies that they don't actually go out and pursue people people come to them so what do they do what can you do that would make people come to you um as opposed to you always chasing chasing chasing and in this chasing I would count sales I would count Performance Marketing I would call calling demand generation whatever you want to do call it it is still push but we want to do more of pull because that in my view is the most efficient most lowcost way in which you could use whatever uh funds that you have next slide please so where's the cheese typically when I talk to Founders um the conversation is about how awesome their product is no founder obviously creates a product that they think is bad so if you're a Founder you're a CEO you're the sales head you tend to say my product is awesome product service whatever and we are all really in the game of building a better mouse trap which is great but then I find that a lot of organizations put so much into building this better mouse trap that they they forget to buy the cheese and in effect what that means is that you've got Mouse strap and then you're literally like running around trying to catch the cheese catch the mouse um there is no money left for cheese or there's no bandwidth left for cheese so all we do is run around crazily with a net trying to catch butterflies or mice or whatever you want to say um what we're going to talk about today is what's the most efficient cheese that you could put to attract customers to towards your product instead of you chasing them all the time so um and also it's got to be relevant because we have to keep in mind that you know you don't want any old person it's got to be relevant for the Right audience and I do want to share a little bit of story with you um I'm sure all of you have heard of the email scams and um it's always surpris me and I I almost got scammed just like two days ago on um reseller site in Singapore called Carousel so I had listed something for $40 and this person says hey um I will buy it from you right now for $60 if only you could share your email address now I'm like n sounds fishy why would you offer me more than what I asked for and I managed to report him get him suspended but I did wonder why would he say 60 when if he had told me 39 I would have believed him and then you realize that that's a classic one of of trying to weed out the people who will spot a scam so similarly as marketers and we have to be efficient in finding only the right customers so not only do you need to invest in your cheese but your cheese has to make sure um that it's only relevant to what would be your ideal customer base right um you know like for example uh Coke has 100% awareness but it's not it's not relevant to me so I don't want to buy coke because I don't think it's good for me I don't have any need for Coke so 100% awareness is not what we're really working towards we just need awareness amongst our potential uh Target mice right Lux next slide please I think we've got a poll coming up next uh just to understand what people's challenge are abely again folks you know the drill if you don't mind typing 1 2 3 four or five and I think the way we configure this one is you can type multiple if they are in which case type one once and then type two if that's also important just want to understand what are people's biggest challenges also gives Jesse a little more color on on what what you're struggling with the most any surprises your Jessy oh yeah actually lead generation is overtaking all the other stuff so um at the end of the session I really want you guys to realize that lead generation is a challenge because one and three aren't happening if you were if everybody who could potentially buy from you knew about the brand and if you had this great defining thing um you wouldn't have a problem with lead generation so I know all of you do not read my newsletter but last week I wrote about um how piano playing got me my first um marriage proposal so every month every uh School holiday I would go out and learn something I lived in this really tiny Town um nothing else to do so I would sign up for things ranging from typ writing to Hindi to uh piano and uh one summer it was piano and um someone took a picture of me playing a piano and this circulated in family groups and uh somebody from Bangalore in the arranged marriage game wanted a classy person from a village and hey what cond notes classiness more than a piano so um they showed up on my doorsteps that's a lead generation peace done um that is really what we need that they've heard you and it's differentiated in aligned with what they're looking for and then people will come to you you won't be chasing people saying buy me buy me buy me so that's really um what I want to leave you with out of this slide content creation a challenge um my only advice to anyone with that particular problem is AI is your friend it does fabulous content creation you have to give it the idea so um but let's focus on on the awareness and the differentiating ourselves and hopefully with that the leads will just follow next slide uh before I hit the next slide Jessie just wanted to comment on uh something you said which is what is what can be more classy than playing the piano I know that was a rhetorical question but I would say baking a cake and having strawberries on the side which I thought was a hilarious story from today's newsletter and we shall not say anymore and tell people that if they want to find it they got to they got to subscribe to your newsletter and the link is in the last slide of today's presentation but that yeah yeah they should read the newsletter but uh as an aside by the time we reached the bank's office um that kid was my best friend and the bank manager thought we were related because he loved me so much and I had chocolates for the occasion so I remain that child TR until the transaction was done um yeah okay so um we're going to talk primarily about the six pillars of persuasion um there is a lot of marketing that goes into being a pull brand um but I wanted to focus on these six because these will give you something to work with I I can't do much more um in the time that we have available um so I'm going to go through all six of these briefly and then move to um some highlights so these six were created based on Research that Google did on um online buying like how do people actually look at online buying so superlative heuristic is something that leaps out at you and says oh this would you know this one is going to make you a millionaire or um I'm sure all of us have signed up for a tool because it convinced you that it would solve your lead generation problem um you know social media is full of these people who will be like sign up for my program and you will will you know get leads pouring through just pay off $50 and I will show you how it's done um and I'm the only person who has learned how to make cats sing and therefore please sign up for me right so that's superlative heuristic uh trusted Authority is someone has to you know give you some endorsement for that social proof typically means um you know in my ecosystem is somebody agreeing with whatever I'm saying and then we come to the power of now which is you have to make me buy today because otherwise um those of you familiar with the old B cycle know that this will just go on and on and on and they don't actually buy because we could always do it tomorrow so we have to put something to drive closure scarcity bias if everybody can have it I'm not going to queue up um just as an aside if people have heard of Kylie's a lip kit if you just want to put it in the chat message anybody's heard of Kylie's lip kits no you guys are not really with the modern times hm okay um so Kylie Jenner has these lip products and she has uh the occasional um popup shops now the thing with the popup shops is that you cannot um the pop-up shops don't have a pricing so you just have to go in and pick up the stuff you cannot buy more than two things at the time you also cannot sit while you're in queue now the queue might be 10 hours but you cannot sit if you sit down you're out of the queue look at all the stuff she's doing right Power of Now scarcity bi the crowds are just sitting standing there they're not sitting and it is Kylie Jenner and she will give you the best possible lips ever all six of these met and that will tell you why she was one of the youngest billionaires um she was also really smart she sold her company to cot while she was still on top so an example of where it all fits right um those of you who watched uh I see some people saying they've watched the show but not heard of Kylie's lip kits uh clearly you do not have a teen daughter who will tell you exactly what Kylie's lip kit does um so moving to the next slide Lux so we have to find our superlative so you have to be the only the best the biggest the oldest but relevant to the customer um you know seamed is not that well known compared to say do uh they did a very fancy campaign in India about how they were the only brand with a pH of 5.5 now until they ran the ad nobody cared about what the pH of soap was but because they did a full page ad now everybody is worried about the pH level of their soap and suddenly it's a mainstream kind of discussion Point as to what is pH level how does it matter to your skin what is the pH level of skin it becomes a big talking point and their ad was I'm the only brand offering you a pH level of 5.5 it's something that they could stick with it did help them lots um a as suta um some of you may have heard of him he took happiest Minds to IPO and we were part of the initial launch of that particular organization and the differentiation really was that I am digital first whereas all the mainstream forms whereas infosis witho Etc also do digital but they also do old-fashioned stuff so um that was all they had to say and that makes it different because if I'm going to do a new age project why do I need to go to these old age companies I just come to the new guys right um I run a newsletter which Lux talked about and people talk about the number of issues because I have positioned it as longest running marketing newsletter um I can't really claim to have the most subscribers mainly because nobody else is sharing the subscription data um I do have testimonials to prove that I'm relevant but longest is something I can own and that's why I put it out there before we you know started the session we were talking about you know does every brand need a superlative and I actually think yeah I think we do um so Lux is it time for our next poll almost I think we we said we'll give a few examples before we jump in okay could be wrong yes we've got the whole qu versus surround thing you want to do okay great so um core and Surround is a concept that I do want to leave with you because core is what your product actually um does right so let's say that you have a phone um what it actually does is make phone calls um or you know get you to Ser on the Internet or Whatsapp Now by and large most phones do pretty much the same thing um a very functional show me honor any of those phones does pretty much the same thing as your super fancy Apple does but people don't tend to talk about the features of the phone as much as they talk about the surround attributes you know is it designed in California is it beautiful is it the thinnest none of which actually matters to the core functionality of the product but it matters to us because we are humans we go into the storytelling um there is pretty much only one Indonesian rock band that I've heard of it happens to be an all girl rock band and it completely makes waves because they also perform in hijab now if you were to listen to their music it's good right it's no doubt it's good but if I didn't know any of the story would I be queuing up and saying oh wow a hijabi girl rock band probably not music is good but not that great there are others who you know do really well but it's a story that from Indonesia you have these girls who basically had to drop out of school and pursue their passion that's a story um and that starts to make you feel a little different about the core functionality of the music and how it feels to you so I have some examples if we could just move to that yeah so water is the easiest example to give you um um where the functionality is it slakes your THS right every other attribute of water is just um surround benefit and yet we choose to buy a particular bottle and pay a great deal more based on did it come from France or you know some Norwegian spraying was it collected at midnight on a full moon day did it come in a beautiful glass bottle or did it come in this plastic bottle it matters but the functionality remains exactly the same and yet the brand premium is coming from something which is not in the product um nagpur orange and this is geot tag now tastes exactly the same as any other orange but you think it's different because it came from nagpur wine another storytelling opportunity and it works a be to be in boring it um anybody tell me can anyone put in the chat window what is this pyramid where is it is it infosis yes perfect um it is infosis and um why did infosis need a pyramid no idea but we had one building called The Washing Machine the other one called the lra pyramid and it all added to the Mystique of infosis having this fabulous campus heads of state would come and inaugurate these buildings because it was different at the time so it makes you stand out and it conveys quality and so on um then we have the Happy Birthday Kylie which again the lipstick is a lipstick but then it's all associated with Kylie um and she gives you free stuff she gives you all of that so again the surround is what is mattering most to you the sap users group so sap does whatever it does but then the user group has a momentum all its own it's a profit Center all its own and that is why you probably do want to work with SCP because you know that there's a huge community that is positive about it so when you're looking for low cost levers um the moue strap is one Element as in you should have a good product but also look around at the cheese what could you have that makes it different right what's special about your narrative that could stand out and make it attractive for people to associate with you um it's like what what's your piano really why do people want to hang around with you um so you know the the surround attributes matter as much as the core functionality so um Lux um Elon Musk launches anything even his you know things that fail on demo it's still awesome and really it's not about the functional benefit it's about Elon Musk I mean it benefits him more than anyone else but it certainly isn't currently numbers by any means but it's the myth the surround of Elon Musk that got him his pay Haack um the the phone Made in India now again does it matter where the product is made does it matter if it's design Made in India maybe maybe not in functionality but when I buy a product it matters a lot to me where it's from um I have this little mug in my hand it's just a basic ceramic mug but it has a picture of Singapore uh Shop houses and therefore there is a story to it and I paid a premium for it right so you have to think through the story and The Narrative of your brand not just in terms of what it does but in terms of what could tell your story better and you know we talk about Ai and what it does um but AI doesn't tell stories yet it has to be taught how to tell the story so this is where you know your marketing genius comes into play um I think it's time now for the quiz yeah absolutely uh I'm just going to change my screen share settings while we do that for a second sir Jesse you still seeing the slides I'm sorry yeah I'm still seeing slides perfect yes we got the quiz and if you could just guide people around what what we expect them to do okay so what I want you guys to do is to think through like superlatives mean only biggest fastest you know award whatever you want to put like oldest if you think it's reant um but which is relevant to your potential customers what are the superlatives that you could potentially apply to your brand you could mention your brand name as well free publicity any feedback on the answers we have coming in so far J so um I find things like um say most meaningful yeah but you'd have to expand a bit because I don't know what you mean by most meaningful right so um fastest growing makes sense and you could back it up with a bit of data uh easiest to adopt you would still need to have some uh substan like you might have to say the only tool that can go from purchase to implementation in 30 seconds or you know whatever you want to put it on but you would like when you say most experienced again we'd have to say what do you mean um the brand with the most number of years or the oldest or like you have to have some qualifier that um people understand so for example Pega yeah we know Pega but Enterprise grade platform is a description is it the only or the fastest or the best or the biggest or the sharpest or the most modern or you know best integration of AI it's got to have that that little punch line which is the best or the only right um I like this one most accessible oxygen machine 20 kilomet from wherever you are right um this is probably your nearest oxygen machine that would be a great line um reliable and quality service again you have to elaborate what do you mean by reliable what do you mean by quality um most trans transformative again great line but what do you mean by that like when you say most transformative is it the app that 99% of users use at least once a week could be or you know 85% of our users see transformation within 30 days so you got to elaborate a tiny bit world's first purpose built agriculture Cloud perfect lovely okay um so when we say LGBT owned and nationally certified business I would still look at only so the LGBT part is great for the surrounds but it's not a superlative because there could be others right you could put the stake down or you know only and I hate saying arguably the only because that arguable is not a word I want to use um but you could say you know certified like certified business uh which does something delivers something as well right so I love this one 9 90% of the students have cleared the SAT test prep uh when you say invest I hope you mean money that sounds fantastic um I see a thumbs up okay rejected by Shark Tank yeah that sounds good I would certainly get me a story that would still be surround for me it's not a superlative um most versatile and effective yeah again words like versatile you have to Define you got some amazing answers here yeah yeah Lux you could run a whole Workshop just on the superlative I I think so I mean uh very selfishly we'll kick it off by asking you to give us a a superlative so couple of us put in answers hoping you'll pick it up and say this is how I'd Workshop it this is how i' redefine it for stream alive and y y want cheap free marketing from an expert so we tried our best yeah yeah good job uh quick suggest I'm just going to stop this interaction oh we got okay got any more all right I'm going to stop after the red Tetris block um one of our co-founders Tina is a big Tetris fan from college so this is a Tetris inspired feature over here okay remember those days yeah I do so uh anything you want to eyeball here and and while you look at that I'm just going to scroll through these so you can look at the answers people put over here so um so for example when we say something like fastest growing or um you know reliable in quality so fastest growing is unique but you have to connect it to what's the benefit for the customer um so highest engagement in your live sessions from stream alive yeah but again the only would probably work in this case uh most experienced you'd have to kind of elaborate a tiny bit when you say completely independent brokerage great story but it should be is it the only completely independent brokerage otherwise it's not then you have to look at the you know hijabi from Indonesia story and say um and I'm not kidding you I mean um sometimes you know people say I am like the best in my tiny suburb of New York let's say and that still works right so if I'm the fastest dry cleaner in tiny little sub suburb it's too good for that little suburb so you could make it very local instead of having to be Countrywide or the biggest Countrywide so break it down and say I am the you know another story from the music world is um there's a 10-year-old called Maya nilon Who is making it big in America's Got Talent because she plays a very mean electric guitar um with satar tones but she also does it in a Hu you know very strident red Indian ethnic costume and is she the best guitar player in the world probably not but she's probably the only one who's 10 years old plays fusion and shows up in that outfit in um America's Got Talent and that's what makes her unique so you could look at category subcategory right um and someone's asking so don't you think that others can copycatted of course everything out there can be copycatted so you want to have something that you could hang on to at least for a little while the other part is if you say it first it's hard for someone else to displace you um but I would try not to put stuff like the first um or biggest unless you can hang on to the title for at least three years right so you got to have something which someone else like if you say you're the oldest it's hard for anyone to overtake you provided that is relevant but if you say something like 90% of my students get in or let's say I'm the only person work so let let's just mix up two right um the only LGBT owned business that delivers 90% pass rate or more for sat that is something pretty unique that you might be able to hang on to if you just say I deliver 90% yeah someone else could take it if I just say I'm LGBT own again someone else could take it so it's usually a combination of small small uniqueness that adds up to one that you could hang on to Super we are scheduling a follow-up Workshop just on this singular thing in in a couple of months just letting you know so so I I give you a little personal story um so when I started Paul writer and look I've done fmcg marketing I've worked in advertising and it was very tempting to say that I can do marketing but then there are hundreds of people who do who are Consultants who do fmcg marketing and have you know long story careers as well but I found that nobody else was doing B2B I agree I mean B2B is a bit dull it's a bit boring but that is where my career was and um it's okay to say that I'm a B2B marketing expert and I could be the only B2B marketing expert from India and that that made sense for me at the time um right then I can say that hey I'm the only B2B marketing expert who also has two books on Frugal marketing and then again I'm now really unique it's hard for someone to take over that position then I'm also the author of you know India's longest running marketing newsletter um with what over 30,000 subscribers so it's all the combination that you would not be able to replicate right um okay what was that quick check GPD work okay Myro relationship recruitment you still have to come up with you know um what's relevant to the customer and what does Myro mean because that again has to be defined right um so I'm going to move to the next slide please yeah and one quick housekeeping thing if you don't mind Jess for people I'm very curious about a lot of these businesses people are talking about over here in the chat uh I don't know about the remaining 45 of you but if any of you would like a spotlight on your business so post session we're going to be sending notes and things which includes things we've distilled from the chat so if at any point when Jess is talking or there's a slide going on if you want to put a link to your business if you'd like a spotlight on it and for everyone to know feel free to do so stream alive automatically curates all links and categorizes them and we will be sharing a link to all of that just just so everybody can know what the others in the room do only if you want and again questions type it in the chat we will have a bit of time for questions after this I'll go to the next slide were you just okay so um so some of this is DIY and I was writing about this today's news as well is that what AI cannot do is give you a good framework it messes it up it gives you some framework but but once you have a framework it can really help you to fill in the blanks so Arch put in that fast chat GPD work got her a tagline um but that's the thing it just gives you good words it doesn't apply a framework whereas if you tell chat GPD that I want you to use Jesse PA's branding house and give me a superlative it will start to refine so part of why I use Frameworks is also that these are DIY tools that you could use back home so I've given you the six pillars of persuasion so that's like a template that you could use to build your marketing plan branding house is another one that I've been using for years and I actually personally borrowed it from Raba worker um so it's basically a way to describe your brand so the first one is you know what are the indispensable elements of your brand everybody has that um who am I what do I actually do so maybe I'm in recruitment I you know the table shakes are that I can get you people but then why should you buy me and not you know hundreds of people well maybe because I have years of experience I have 100 happy clients I have a specialization in hedge funds that's where you come to Why by me now when you come to why not by someone else is where you have the opportunity to fill in your superlative and that's when you would say you should choose me because I have Global Experience I have delivered whatever 100 um team members so far and I have a specialization in the financial industry and Cobble it together and say the only recruitment team that will deliver hedge fund specialists in less than 8 weeks or you know or else typ so you've got to take all your little bits and add into a Punchy thing preferably not more than 10 words but the framework will help you to keep refining what is it um this is your brand blueprint so if you can fill this up you've got your brand blueprint in one shot um next slide please you got a question again for people yeah so now you come to what is a differentiator for your product or service right um what why should someone buy your product and not all the other people who claim so we talked about can someone copy my superlative um they shouldn't be able to so this is where you bring in three elements so that someone can't and and I kid you not um one of my team members actually worked in a company that prided itself on being the top digital agency in koramangla those of you who know Bangalore know Cor m a tiny suburb of Bangalore they were happy to just be that it's okay but it got them good SEO CU top in some place helps so um now if you could just type it into the zoom chat what's a differentiator and if you put the link for your website that's great PR for you as well I've shamelessly put our there as well mhm this requires a little more thinking from everyone and you yeah so the personalized choring I would add something like personalized tutoring oneon-one by someone who is very differentiated well I like Mark made online sounds very fancy Love talk on Theo's thing in the blue there as well the oh yeah Mark made online very nice I would say stream alive is the only um is the only tool that seamlessly allows user interactions during Zoom fully integrated so does the same thing with other platforms as well would you then go make Zoom generic because we do the same thing with twitch or YouTube or teams so that's one thing we struggle with and then we change then you would have to say so here's a problem there so if I said I would do it on any platform I lose 80% of my audience I would probably have different messages like you could say any platform internally but if you expect to get most of your customers from Zoom I would just put zoom out there very interesting or if you're looking at a specialized audience i' probably say streamyard or something like that yep but but most people are on zoom and and next we have a lot of streamers as well I see your point yeah but I'm saying that if I was a professional user of webinars I would probably be on streamyard correct so so that's another of the cheese things right so if I want amateur users I would say Zoom if I wanted professional large scale webcaster I would say streamyard so and that would attract a different audience when I use that word yep right so that that makes your sales easier because you know the right people come to you you depending on what you wanted well thank you okay moving on the false Church Virginia equivalent of Kangal yeah that sounds good yeah that's awesome next so you know when we say that we're local um in today's world and you look at your surround attributes it also means that you understand the culture of the people you're coaching and that's super important in the coaching space right I mean I've had a session with someone who looked like she was kind of fresh out of high school and it was like I I know you're really qualified but you know even as a rank amateur I seem to have done more than you so you want someone whom you can Vibe with and who so that makes a difference and that becomes your surround story got like when I talk about the coffee shop around the corner in false church that's when my customer like oh yeah I get you I I know what you're talking about right um okay AI powered Enterprise platform for complex organizations that sounds good okay that sounds interesting mhm so it's just that whenever you're putting this in try to look at your top three competitors and make sure they can't make the exact same statement um Tina is asking do I do workshops yes I do this is beautiful on a good day and they might be free so so here's the thing um I do workshops and I can give you the tools um but typically you do not get the answer in um one shot like you would do the workshop you would try to work on it you probably do two or three iterations before you get the right one so when I work with clients it tends to be an ongoing engagement now I know everybody doesn't want to do that but you would still probably have to do at least two workshops because one would be to create it and the other is you go back work on it and then come back and say this is it right sense we work with you in the group and not just Dole out strategy that's a good one yeah skin in the game okay I think we should move on in the interest of time yes and just a heads up maybe we may not have time for Q&A in which case we will share the questions no no we will have time for Q&A I can move faster that's okay I like Q&A so let let's do that um so the social proof we all know um so I'm not going to do much but the more people who appear to be using your product or service people get super happy so you need to find a way to disseminate that and I was just recently doing a session with somebody and we found that look maybe your customers are too shy to talk about you but maybe your employees are super happy and that could be a way to get Social proof as well or influencers could be super happy or you know you can amplify the three people that you have um typically Brands get suckered into thinking I need 100 testimonials or 100 Google reviews that is not the case you just need three powerful people to say that so if Donald Trump or Biden says your product is awesome that could be enough social proof for you you don't need another 100 people rajik Khan says you're awesome that's enough in India so you also need to see who you're getting and then work on them for that now you can Google these examples but they're all you know the company ensured they went viral by using white or um you know the signature next one please we can skip this like of time Jesse or it's up to you no this we can skip for now um the work the ecosystem is on the same princip principle saying that look I may not be able to win all parts of this but I might find one that is super useful for me so maybe I get an endorsement from the government that would be awesome or maybe a particular influencer like Kylie says my product is awesome right um she endorsed siracha sauce who knows right um industry associations if you could move to the next slide I have some examples yeah um the ecosystem can be very very powerful for you so celebrating the ca day now CA are not top of mind for anyone a chartered accountant but for tally they're top of mind and they celebrate them and that's how they grow um Oracle has a very fancy partner Network now amazingly I saw an ad by the Indian association of physiotherapists asking for endorsments and collaboration Partners so we have to look and see Sheen promoted influence like crazy in the US to promote their product so typically we tend to look at customer and us and that's it and then the salesman but there's this huge ecosystem that you could work and which can all small small bits could add up to build you a powerful brand um next slide please so this is my last slide and it's just an example of the pillars of persuasion that you could have a superlative of the top five then the you know the The Trusted Authority so the dentist says that this is the best you could build a community like Enfield or Harley the clearance sale which is now now now and you see it everywhere and um scarcity there's only so many left I'm sorry it's is the last piece all of them do that and then free delivery so you could offer free anything check all of these off before for you sign off on any marketing plan that's my advice to you um I can now having rushed through I now have time for questions uh couple of quick things just want to recap the things you mentioned yeah we should do this one we should do this I think yes again people can choose multiple but would love to know which of these people see as low hanging fruit something they're going to use sooner there's a lot you've given us to you on so you guys are not talking about the power of free free as much but you know this is stream alive and they're giving you this webinar for free so hey something's working with the free as well fre account maybe we should Hammer that even more the fact that it's right so I know it's you know superlative heuristic for me is a core element you need but thereafter everything else starts to matter and while the top three are the hardest to do the the four five and six are actually the easiest to do because it's in your control and and I I give you this weird example as you're doing the poll where um the rare b2c client I had was um an apartment block where they were selling apartments and in India typically you know you have thousand Apartments they're on sale all the time but here we did not sell them all the time we could only buy them during the buying season and trust me people actually desperately wanted to be in there they were giving us checks in advance W yeah so the moment you say you cannot buy it every day you have to buy it only when my window is open things change makes sense J okay if I move from this one yes please uh I just wanted to do three things very quickly I want to make sure that people who need to jump at the exact end of the hour I want to make sure they have they know how to contact you but very quickly all the links people shared they're all here and we're going to share it with everybody uh these are questions uh but before that anyone who stayed on and needs to leave I want to make sure we pick those two winners and everybody here qualifies as well balaj G congrats we really need sound for this the the wheel turning and all of that but uh we're going to have one copy going to baji so Balaji you'll see instructions in the chat on how you can get in touch with us to let us know how we can give you a copy of just his amazing book the new one old one is also amazing the new one is updated it's newer and we going to knock Balaji off the wheel this by the way is anybody who commented at least one time in the zoom thing we could have said two times three times but Balaji and ramar ra both commented at least once as did many many other people I think 45 other people ramar you'll have instructions on the chat uh just these are question congratulations congratulations yes uh I'm going to let you eyeball it and if you don't mind I'm just going to come back to this in a second because I want to ensure people know how to contact you so would you mind if I go to the last slide and show that for then we come back here is that okay yeah sure over to you what's the best way okay so you can mail me if you want a session um you might have to Bri me to do the session but it's pretty easy typically if you've bought my book I do offer a one hour session oh okay that's another incentive uh for two two people already qualify for a one hour yes but please don't come in say I haven't read the book which is a bit disappointing folks I'm going to leave this for another five seconds for you to take a screenshot if you need to to know how to get in touch with Jesse and then we're going to jump into questions give me one second dog in hang on those who need to jump out thank you so much for joining us we have many sessions like this next week we have an amazing one on what the hell is systems thinking hope to see many of you there as well I can promise that's going to be loads of fun and just just go to click on events and join us for future events as well but we're going to if you have questions uh or you put a question stick around Jesse is going to jump into that hopefully you've taken a screenshot now we'll jump back to questions Okay so we've already done the would every tution company we've actually done all of these questions is a book available on Amazon yes it is cool that is fast we did all the questions yeah folks if you have any other questions just put them in the chat we integr we talked about that okay yeah some of these are are pick this questions they may have been responses to your prompt which were phrased are you sharing the deck afterwards uh that's up to Lux to decide I'm okay if it's shared if you're okay with it being shared we'd be happy to share it so I'm requesting my colleagues at stream alive to please include it in the follow if you only started uh business and you are one man sorry what was that I missed that question your Prim how do you gain testimonials okay so how you gain testimonials is that like I said there's a whole ecosystem that could give you testimonials so you're um for example if let's say you're a reseller then the fact that you're company that you're reselling that could give you a testimonial um you could also get personal testimonials where they say that you you are an awesome person and can be trusted and relied upon so um that would matter um I have a question on social proof what are the different personas that would matter so it depends what you want to achieve and it's really a choice between um reach versus credibility so some ideal situation is where the person has credibility and reach so that's like you know the Kardashians or the rajnikant or you know Donald Trump or whatever but if you can't then I need to have a lot more so I might have people with credibility and not reach in that case I would take the credibility and then I would have to do the reach for them as in I would have to share it or put money behind advertising the fact that this person has endorsed me um so for example the Dental Association has um endorsed sodine but if sodine doesn't put it on the Box nobody would know so that's the other way to look at it there's a question so um sorry go on yeah sorry so you have to choose it that way uh there's a question on what's the difference between superlative and a differentiator so my differentiator is why should you buy me and not someone else I would have to take that and craft it into a superlative we covered all the questions and almost exactly on the dot this this was fantastic see gosh uh I'm actually going to for those of I should done this earlier but I'm going to share my screen here again and folks as you leave if you don't mind just leaving an emoji behind for what you thought of today's session this was not part of our script it was not part of the presentation but you're going to convert this into an nft and send it to Jesse and she's going to become a multibillionaire we we're still in the 2020s yeah so just a little momento for for Jesse for such a beautiful session and uh hopefully this this wall of Love also helps convince her to come back to do a detailed workshop with stream alive on those sections where where we could sure can no worries this was beautiful thank you so much this was awesome each of those pillars could have a whole different session so okay we'll take five sessions six sessions sorry as they say in Singapore can la thank you la thank you okay thank you thanks everyone thank you for joining us thank you so much