Transcript for:
The Rattrap Lecture Notes

so all right okay i hope all of you can hear me there was a little audio disconnection okay welcome everyone welcome to my channel omni can i'm going live right now i'm back with the video for class 12 the rap trap which is there in the english syllabus and i hope all of you will be equally benefited all those of you who are in class 12 will be equally benefited from this video today okay all right let me just wait for a few minutes maybe two three minutes not more than that if i can get some live students the class today once again i welcome you all to my channel today most of you have been requesting me to provide the explanation for the rack trap so finally i prepared the lesson actually takes time um you know for preparing the lessons finally i have prepared the lesson for all of you and here i am doing life for all of you okay let me just check the audio and i should start my video the explanation very soon okay the wrap trap all right okay just just one or two just a couple of minutes okay let me just check the audio quality let me just check the audio quality hello good to see good to see you all right okay let me start the explanation okay and if those students who are not in class 12 still if you this is a beautiful story let me tell you the rap trap is a beautiful story it is a beautiful story let me tell you a very emotional story as well you see love and compassion towards fellow human beings can change their negative attitude towards the world when we give love and care and compassion towards even a hardcore criminal also that criminal's mentality might change overnight and the one of the biggest example is this story actually the rat trap all right so even if you are not there it's a it's going to be a very short video not very long okay uh if you are if you would like to listen to the story you'll be very uh you know moved by the story it's a very emotional story okay so let us straightly move to the story okay it's a story about a peddler peddler is a salesman actually this story is about a peddler okay and he has a negative and pessimistic view of the world so you know he views the world very negatively very pessimistically he does not have a very positive attitude towards the world take a word in a positive attitude negatively for him the world is like negative okay now his current situation is very bad the current situation financial situation monetary situation his current situation is very bad but earlier you see he was a very happy man okay he was a very happy man before but now life had changed and misfortune fell upon his life earlier he used to be a very happy man he had money also he was very happy also but now you see at present life has changed completely and lots of misfortune befell you know him uh bad lucks actually he is now having too many bad lucks in his life that is why he views life as very bad would like to be now you see he sells rat traps and sometimes even begs sometimes he even steals to earn his livelihood to survive all right rat traps i think all of you know a trap for rats rat traps money traps for racks i think all of you have seen know uh rats mice okay there are traps that you get in the market so he now sells rat traps sometimes he even has to beg for money and sometimes he even goes to the extent of stealing also from people so life is has become very bad for him now okay but he has to survive so he views the whole world as a rat trap he views the whole world as a raptor according to him the world is a rat trap world joke trap a world is a trap actually a rat trap and we human beings we are rats and mice hum look rats the world is trapping us how the world is trapping us just as we put cheese to leo to attract and then trap a mouse the world offers us riches and temps us and then it traps us what do we do when we have to catch a wrap what do we do we put a cheese inside right we put a cheese or a piece of cake or a biscuit inside the rat trap that that would attract the rat and then the rat would come and enter the trap and then suddenly when it will start pulling the cheese the door of the trap will close and the rat will get similarly the world also offers us riches and the world offers us riches and it tempts us and then we get trapped up when we become greedy for the materialistic things he views the world as a rat trap and we humans are like rats okay just as we uh trap a mouse uh with the help of cheese the world also traps us by offering us the riches and making us greedy and once we become greedy so this peddler actually views the world as a rat trap this is very important okay or when we become greedy and slowly slowly start uh getting inside the trap what happens at the end it takes everything away from us at the end life will take everything away from us see money is not permanent what is permanent is human relations love compassion these are permanent things money will come money will go but love towards respect towards one another loving one another caring for one another if your neighbor is in difficulty you are going to help him out or help her out that is our duty as a human beings right but we don't do that we are actually greedy for money for all the materialistic things and ultimately what happens when we fall a trap to all these things ultimately it takes everything away from us okay this is what the peddler views about the world now one dark evening as he was walking along the road he saw a cottage by the roadside okay one evening this uh peddler was walking along the road it was a very cold uh evening also he was walking along the road suddenly he saw one small house a cottage by the side of the road so he went there he knocked at the door and he asked for shelter for the night he knocked that one and said that can i stay in in your house for tonight can i get a little bit of shelter in your house tonight because i don't have any other place to stay now the owner of that house was an old crafter at rancho iron works and was without children or a wife now that owner of the house was an old crafter at rancho iron works and he was without any children and wife taken now this old man was very happy actually to get the peddler because this old man was all alone no friends no family so when the old man when the peddler came and knocked at the door the old man felt very happy that at least i have got somebody with whom i can talk to with whom i can share my loneliness so though this old man was already miserable but he still provided shelter to this old man financially you have his life was already miserable but still he felt happy that at least somebody had come and i will be able to spend some quality time with this stranger okay stranger is the peddler so he provided shelter to the peddler he said that okay please come inside at least i will have a friend tonight to talk to because i'm all alone in in my house i have no friends no family so you come inside and you can stay for tonight okay now this old man as i told you the old man who was lonely he was very happy to get someone to talk to and share his loneliness so this man was very happy that at least uh this old crafter is a crafter about kushwa at least somebody has come with whom i can spend the evening all right play cards spend evening and share my loneliness okay so he was very happy in one with this crafter okay so peddler b pender also became happy at least he has got one shelter now this uh crafter he offered porridge and tobacco to the peddler so that he can smoke and then they played cards the whole night so whatever porridge you know he had very little porridge to half he shared with the peddler tobacco also had little tobacco but that also he shared with the peddler okay and whole night they played cards and they talked and talked and talked whole night okay this crafter was very happy as i told you because he was lonely but ultimately for at least for a night he got a friend with whom he can talk to have little fun play cards okay so whole night they played then what happened is that the old man this crafter told the peddler that he got 30 kroner for selling his car now chrono is actually a monetary unit in sweden okay it's a monetary unit in sweden okay like our currency is rupees the kronor is a monetary unit in sweden okay so this old man said told the peddler is see i got 30 kronor for selling my cow okay now this uh crafter actually he said that see i keep my money inside a pouch on the window frame so this crafter this old man actually he told the peddler where even where he kept his money also that also he said normally when we keep our money we keep it inside the locker so that outside people will not know because you know who has what kind of mentality uh who knows so we never share our share the place where we keep our money but this crop proctor was very simple guy okay this crafter was a very simple guy this money i keep inside a pouch in that window frenzy it is hanging there now this peddler became greedy see i told you already this federer he sold rat traps sometimes he begged also but sometimes he stole things also so this peddler became greedy after hearing about the 30 chrono and moreover this crafter told him the place also where he kept that money so this peddler was now waiting for an opportunity that when the house when there will be nobody in the house i will come and steal the money steal that 30 kronor from the house of the crafter so this peddler became greedy and next day when the crafter went to milk his cow the peddler came and stole the 30 kronor so ugly then both of them actually went out together and the crafter went to milk his cow okay by the time the peddler found an opportunity that there is no one in the house now so he came he came very silently he came and he stole the 30 kroner from the window frame okay now in order to remain unsuspected the peddler did not go to the house the peddler went to the forest okay so that nobody suspects him because immediately if he will go to the house then obviously if by chance this crafter will complain the police then obviously the suspection will fall on the peddler only because there was nobody in the house apart from the peddler right only the crafter and the peddler was there in the corrupter's house so automatically if the crafter would complain the police completed the police then the police will straightly straight away come and arrest the peddler so he did not go home immediately he went to the forest okay now inside the forest a very interesting thing happened with the peddler why because he lost his way in the forest and came to the same spot again and again so say this is the forest okay this is a forest and this is the peddler okay what happens is that he's starting from here and because it is a very thick forest more dense forestry it's a very dense forest so the peddler would you know move around around around around around and he would become confused with the way and he would again come and stand in the same spot again he would move around around around and again he would lost his way and come to the same spot so it kept on happening like that like that like that okay now you see this uh peddler he became puzzled actually so much and this puzzle kind of a thing this led him to think that he has now fallen into the rat trap and the money acted as a bait bait is what you know generally when we do fishing fishing fishing rod we put something some edible thing on the tip of the hook right we we fix some food uh fish food uh on the hook and then the thread would put would be put under the water right and then fish will come and start eating them when it would come and start eating that fish food then you pull the stick and the fish would get stuck in the hook and it would come out so that food that fish food is known as the bait okay now this money actually acted as a bait for the peddler peddler pender was going quite good only he used to sell red traps do small kind of uh theft and all these things commit small small type thefts and all these things but now you know he got 30 kroner which is a big amount of money actually okay now you see this peddler when he was uh you know lost in the forest now he came to think that i have now fallen into the rat trap is rat repent and this money is the bait the cheese i am the mouse this money is the cheese and this greed is the rat trap actually where i have fallen into now so this man this peddler started thinking all these things then what happened you see it was a cold december night and the peddler was depressed as he had lost his way in the forest now it was very cold and moreover it was a december night very cool okay chilling weather okay cold air was chilling air was blowing chilling wind was blowing actually he was feeling very cold also and on the top on top of that he was depressed he was sad because he had lost his way in the forest suddenly this peddler heard a noise he heard some sound then what happened you see the sound was of hammer strokes though somebody was beating the hammers you know a little at a little distant place somebody was uh you know striking hammer on something so he heard that this peddler heard that sound and he started following the sound so sound go follow karthik he started walking now here the peddler met a blacksmith and his helper that her blacksmith is there and this blacksmith helper is there now the problem is that this particular peddler he was actually he wore you know torn clothes he wore torn clothes he had big big beards actually big beards and his complexion had become dark also because he was poor also somehow running his life somehow living his life so his torn clothes beard and complexion was you know like a beggar only okay now what happened is that the blacksmith had a misunderstanding this blacksmith whom the peddler met now in the forest this blacksmith did you know had a misunderstanding what misunderstanding the blacksmith mistook the peddler to be his old friend nils olof now the blacksmith because it was dark also it was nighttime also moreover this peddler had mouthful of beard his clothes were all in rags torn clothes complexion dark it was night time also dark also so yeah this peddler is one of his old friends nils olof actually it is not like that but the blacksmith had this kind of misunderstanding and so he invited the peddler because he thought that peddler is his old friend named solof so he invited the peddler alright neils please come to my house and be my guest we are having christmas celebrations please be my guest for christmas and now the peddler also did not tell anything normally say for example if any person mis takes you to be his friend he'll automatically clarify no no i am not your friend even i i even don't know who you are i'm not your friend you must be uh wrong okay you're mistaken so i'm not that fat but you see the peddler did not tell anything he was silent he thought that if i go as a guest in the house of this blacksmith maybe i will get something more to steal blacksmith he was completely but then again something happened inside his mind and the peddler refused no no i will not because he had that fear also that he had just stolen 30 kronor from the crafter okay now going to another house will be risky so he said no no no no no i'm going home i will go home so the blacksmith again requested come on you are my old friend we are meeting after such a long time come come be my guest we are having christmas celebration or the small christmas celebration please come to my house but then he kept thinking this peddler he kept thinking of the money he had stolen from the crafter so this peddler found it risky no no i should not go to the house of the blacksmith now because by chance if something happens and this blacksmith discovers that i have stolen 30 cronon then this blacksmith will suspect and he might inform the police so he did not go he kept refusing okay no no i will not go i will go to my house only so after many requests from the blacksmith's daughter now the blacksmith's daughter came whose name was edla will manson so now the blacksmith's daughter came and the daughter now requested the peddler and requested several times to the peddler that please come to my house please come to our house and be our guest please come to our house and be our guest so this uh girl actually edla who is a very young girl this blacksmith's daughter she requested many times to the peddler to be their guest so finally the peddler accepted okay finally the peddler accepted and this edla will manson was a very kind girl okay was a very kind girl very compassionate and the way she requested the peddler the peddler could not refuse the peddler accepted now this iron master the blacksmith actually this iron master and his daughter edla did a makeover of the peddler so painless the condition was very bad as i just told you beard was long you know clothes were all torn so christmas for any celebration christmas celebration or whatever celebration it is you cannot wear this kind of clothes you cannot be dirty right so the iron master and his daughter said that we will make a makeover of the pedal and so they gave him good clothes okay iron master and his daughter gave the peddler good clothes to where it would be good clothes actually good clothes to wear and they shaved off the beard of the peddler the peddler kapoor beard you have that no one ever took such a good care of me as this iron master and his daughter is doing now all right but still anyways he was a guest now so he got good clothes to wear and then his beard was shaved off now after his beard was shaved off it was clean shaved after his beard was shaved off now the real face of the peddler came out and the iron master now realized that he had made a mistake and that the peddler was not his friend iron master he realized the iron nostalgia realized that uh yatumira dosni and this peddler is not my friend i have mistaken and this peddler also he is such a you know rubbish guy this peddler also he is a fraud guy this peddler also did not tell me anything that no i am your friend i'm not your friend this peddler should have spoken the truth in the beginning when i mistook him to my my friends there is some misunderstanding i am not your friend but the peddler did not tell anything so the iron master became very angry all right now the iron master he thinks that the peddler is a fraud man okay the iron master thinks that the peddler is a fraud man as he never told him this truth you know since a long time this peddler was inside the house of the iron master he should have told him no that no i am not your friend but the peddler did not tell so the iron master became very angry and say that he's a fraud man so the iron master told the peddler that you go out of my house immediately you get out of my house immediately you are a fraud man you did not tell me the truth so you go out of my house immediately but you see the daughter edla she was a very kind girl actually very kind girl ed actually insisted that the federer should celebrate the christmas with them all right johan daughter told the iron master requested the iron master that no father let the peddler it is a christmas celebration or holy celebration so let the peddler stay with us tonight and let him celebrate christmas with us all right so when the daughter told you know her father requested a father again and again the father agreed now the iron master agreed that okay the peddler will stay with us and we will celebrate the christmas together tonight okay now you see edla was extremely kind to the peddler up when they sat actually the you know edla was uh offering uh food to the uh it was offering food to the peddler again and again asking that whether he was comfortable or not comfortable hey and he are you comfortable or not you know again and again was asking so the peddler was confused with this type of kindness because he never got this kind of kindness from anybody peddler behavior this kind of behavior kind behavior peddler never got from anybody so the peddler was confused what does this girl want actually over kindness because you know sometimes over kindness edna was showing over excess kindness to the peddler so peddler became confused okay what kind of behavior is this exactly what does the girl want from me why is she behaving in this way now he could not understand the peddler could not understand whether this was a trap for him or real kindness the peddler was again and again feeling having a feeling that this could be a trap for me this girl this girl is very clever very cunning to be exact okay very cunning and this could be a trap for me but then again the peddler was thinking or is this really you know a real kindness a true kindness that this girl is showing so the peddler was extremely confused now the peddler received a suit as a christmas present which edna told him to keep forever so during christmas you need a suit no to celebrate the christmas so the peddler you know the blacksmith the iron smith and her daughter ella they presented the gifted a suit to the peddler and ella came and told the peddler that you can keep this dress this suit with you forever no need to return it to me and not only today's christmas tonight's christmas you know next year's christmas next year's christmas next is christmas forever you can come to our house we will always welcome you this is what edla said hey up i and my father you can keep this gift with you forever and ever and ever and whenever you want you can come to our house at every christmas you can come to our house we will always welcome you the peddler was moved he became emotional he did not show his emotion but the but inside the peddler became very emotional because nobody had ever behaved in this manner with the peddler behavior next day the iron master and his daughter went to the church leaving their guest the peddler who was sleeping so peddler he was sleeping actually because a whole night they celebrated the christmas together so the peddler was tired also he was sleeping so next day as usual the iron master and his daughter went to the church and they saw like that in the room peddler was sleeping so they did not disturb the petter they felt let the pendle sleep so they went to the church now they came to learn the truth from the church that the peddler had stolen money from an old crafter now this news had spread and obviously the crafter when he came home after milking his cow the crafter might have discovered obviously discovered that his money was missing from the window frame used to keep the money in a pouch and that way in the window frame but this crafter made a mistake he told the fender the location of his money that is the biggest mistake because he trusted the peddler actually and the peddler broke the trust of this crafter anyways so the crafter when he discovered his money was missing obviously he might have come out and told the people around that yesterday uh one peddler had come to my house i gave him shelter and he stole the 30 kronor from my window frame so this news spread and this father and the daughter iron master and ella came to know the truth from the church about this stealing thing now they became completely you know actually they were now frightened that we left the peddler at home and that too alone by this time the painter might have stolen anything from our house then so they hurried back home okay they ran edla and the iron master they ran back home to check if the peddler had stolen anything from their house also from the house of [Music] what they discovered was that nothing was stolen so upon reaching home they were surprised to see that nothing was stolen and to add to their surprise surprise look at the shock that the peddler has given in the end of the story the federer had left a note not money a letter small letter the peddler left a letter along with a package picture as a package package packet back package it showed us a package it was a small packet there was a small wrap trap what was in that packet when the when they opened the packet they found that there was a small rat trap inside which had la in which inside which edla found the 30 cronor which the peddler had stolen so they found a small rat trap in that packet and in that small red trap they found the 30 kronor the peddler had left the money in that rat trap why the big question is why did the peddler leave the money that he had stolen from the crafter and what was written in the letter next page on the note and and when i'm telling you this i'm having goosebumps actually it's a very emotional story as i told you very very emotional story as i told you look what happened now on the note the peddler thanked edla for her extraordinary kindness towards him so in that note actually in that note the peddler thanked edla the daughter that because she had shown extraordinary kindness towards the petter and what about the 30 kroner why did he leave the 30 kronor in that rat trap he also wrote that he was leaving the 30 kronor to be returned back to the old drafter those news note me ability please return the money to the crafter again because i don't have the courage to go back i'm a team i'm a thief i don't have the courage to go back to the crafter and return his money so please on my behalf you go and return the 30 chrono to the proctor he's a poor old guy okay this is this is the sacrifice that he made actually he could have taken the money home but no he also wrote that it was for ed last kindness that he was saved from the rap trap he had got into i told you rat trap is what the rat trap is nothing but the greed actually and you see greed is actually kind of a rat trap actually okay great for anything especially money wheat for money is a kind of thing if i give an example say for example you're walking along the road and you found ten thousand rupees lying you found ten thousand new person can you resist yourself it is very difficult to resist you'll definitely pick up that one thousand there's nobody around you'll definitely pick up that 1000 and go home and spend that money right there will be very few people who will take that 10 000 rupees and go to the police station and tell them to announce that the 10 000 rupees of sound on this area so anybody who from you know whose pocket or bag that money fell please come and collect there are very few people in this world who shows this kind of kindness actually who knows this 10 000 rupees could be of a poor person's pension right who knows this this 10 000 rupee could be a poor man's pension which he was carrying home because his wife was ill and needed treatment who knows this 10 000 rupees was withdrawn from the bank why for his or her daughter's admission in college or school who knows nobody knows okay so before picking money or before picking anything we must feel about that person who lost the money and it is our moral duty to return what does not belong to us why should i keep something with me that does not even belong to me that belongs to somebody else i must find that person and return back this thing this is what and when we return back actually we are saved from the right trap i'm looking strap schedule this trap we are saved from the trap of greed what is this trap this trap is nothing but greed i'm looking and once you take that money and go home and spend that money right you have fallen into that trap who strap me up first job don't be like that okay so here is the end of the story that it was for eddler's kindness that that that changed the mentality complete mentality complete mindset of the peddler and he returned the money all right so you see kindness and love can change the world it can create magic right let us make some analysis here the world can be changed through kindness and compassion see all the criminals that you see put behind the jail we know that stealing is a crime is stealing a crime but we must also try to know the reason for this reason if somebody is stealing for uh for fun and enjoyment that's okay okay but if somebody has stolen so stealing is a crime and that person must go to jail we know that thing it is there in the law book also but what if that person who stole something has stolen for her because maybe his father needs the treatment and he was not getting money immediately so he stole he asked his neighbors his relatives to lend him some money he did not get so he took to stealing who knows okay so when we you know provide little love and compassion to any person that person's mindset changes completely anna now second point the kindness that the peddler gets from the young edla changed his mindset and decides to become and he decides to become a good man and not greedy kindness this kindness that the peddler has got from edla that young girl that kindness changed the mindset of the peddler completely and he decides to become a good man and not a greedy man he decides never to fall in that rat trap again by not being greedy so the last point is that love and respect and compassion also towards fellow humans win in the long run and not money with money you cannot buy human beings you cannot buy their emotions you cannot buy their love their respect you have to earn respect you have to earn love and how can you earn your love and respect by giving love and respect to your fellow human beings this is what even mother teresa says the mother teresa say is that it is not how much it is not you know what you do but how much love you put in that doing it is not how much we give but how much love we put in that giving when you give something to a beggar don't do it for charity do it because it is your moral duty you must do and put your love inside that giving that fellow human being due to some reason he is not in a position in the society right now but if i help him and try to uplift him one day he may become a a big person and he will help 10 other people those 10 other people will help 10 other people in this way you see the world will become a heaven and eden right this is what the story has to teach us so not money but love and respect towards fellow human beings win in the long run and this is what ed la this girl has shown us all right so this is the end of the story do don't forget to put your comment in the comment section below that uh you know kahane did you like the story okay don't forget to add your comment in the comment section and if there is anything that you would like to know uh regarding the story please feel free to comment in the comment section okay so that's all from me for today thank you so much for watching my video okay and i will be ending the live stream right now and don't forget to share my videos also with all your friends i am now continuously bringing videos for class 12 english students afterwards i will be starting starting additional english also so don't forget to subscribe to my channel and do like my video it like because i'm doing live stream also not only that when you give a like on my video it gives me a little more motivation and encouragement to make more videos okay and like also means that you are watching my videos uh i'm soon going to bring another video when will uh class 12 and class 10 board exam results will be declared not exactly the date but uh roughly a time because i have some updates tune into the