have you ever noticed that there are some people that you see and everything that they touch seems to turn to gold everything they do they win every time they enter a competition they come out on top it's it's like it's like how is it humanly possible for one person to have that much good in their life well I've got news for you people who succeed in life and it doesn't matter whether it's a sport sporting Endeavor financially um relationally people who succeed in life are not trying to succeed any more than people who struggle are trying to struggle so in fact I submit to you that trying is never the formula for achieving anything in fact the reason you're trying so hard is because you're not all set you don't have you've not set yourself up you've not you've not set yourself in a position where you can automatically win and I'm going to tell you something um I shared with somebody yesterday I said I said I work about on10th as hard now as I did when I was making one10 of money that I'm making now and it feels way less effortful and way simpler and requires a lot less human energy for me to produce the results I'm producing now than it did to produce some the results I'm producing then I remember when I used to be really good at golf I used to be a four handicap golf felt effortless when you shoot low numbers on the golf course it doesn't feel hard it feels effortless um but when you're struggling Everything feels hard and you're trying to fix it trying to fix it well trying doesn't work trying is not the formula for Success trying is the formula for exhaustion so here's here's the preface of what I'm going to say um people who succeed are not trying to succeed it's just automatic people who fail are not trying to fail it's just automatic but why is it automatic because there is a preset that is set in Us in that particular Arena to win or lose to succeed or struggle and I know you're saying my that can't be right okay but think about this how many successful people do you know that are struggling to succeed so it has to be automatic what if you thought of what if you thought of the mechanism that produces your success living on the subconscious area of your mind instead of the conscious area of your mind because all of the results that you're producing you're producing unconsciously subconsciously like below the ious awareness and so how do I set myself up in such a way that my subconscious is set up for automatic success instead of automatic failure so I'm going to give you an analogy in fact I'm going to draw it on the board so back in the day when we used to have when computers used to be like you'd have a separate you'd have a screen then you'd have a keyboard right you'd have your keys right here and then you'd have the computer this big tower thing over here right and so and so you got your monitor and so you put your your software in here but let's say this is a Mac okay and then we got another computer over here put your software in there and this is a PC if you take PC software and you put it in a Mac the only thing you can get is an error message and I know some people are say well but there's a way that you can that's not what I'm talking about I'm just talking about natively if you take PC software and put it in a Mac the only thing you can get is an error message if you take Mac software and put it in a PC the only thing you can get is an error message and so I believe that trying is always a software from a foreign operating system so if you think of the operating system in a computer as the main software the what software the main software that runs in the background where does it run in the background that tells the computer what other programs it can and cannot run let me say that again an operating system is the main software of a computer that runs in the background that tells the computer what other software programs it can and cannot run so what happens when I have uh this is my own personal computer but I'm running instead of R I'm running what if I'm if I'm running a success operating system operating system then then I put in if I put in Failure software so if I start trying to fail I get an error message say why would you try to fail I don't have time to cover why you would try to fail but it's as hard for people who succeed to fail as it is for people who fail to succeed why because it's not a part of their programming and so if you understand that we will never behave consistently in a way that's inconsistent with our program because when we attempt to behave consistently in a way that's inconsistent with our programming we get an error message like our body even starts to glitch if we attempt to do something that we feel like it's like we have this internal resistance that won't let us be fluid right so but watch what happens if I'm running um a failure operating system I just put fos a failure operating system and I put some Success software in here same as trying and so what happens is I read the success book and I get an error message because my subconscious mind won't allow me to process to internalize to make practical the principles that are in success books in the success book so I hire a success coach and then the coach tells me to do something and then I translate what the coach said into my own failure language and this is not a judgment play this is just how our minds work I translate what the coach says into my failure language and I say he said I think he said what I would have said if I had attempted to say what he actually said and so I translated into something that he never said nor never intended but it's the only way I can process it because the language he speaks over here in success land is foreign to me over here in Failure land right and then so what I do is I go to a seminar and when I go to the seminar that's more Success software and I'm attemp running a failure operating system and I get another error message so the only way for me to change my life is not by trying to change my life the only way for me to change my life is to learn what automatic success principles reprogram the unconscious subconscious or what I like to call the automatic mind so that I can stop trying so hard this is why I believe that something Tony Robbins I heard Tony Robbins say back in the 990s he said he said if you want to model any form of Human Excellence you have to find somebody who's achieving the thing you'd like to achieve you have to model three things how many things three what are they you have to find someone who's succeeding you model their belief systems so the primary part of the programming inside of you that allows you to succeed or fail at a thing is what you believe about the thing and what you believe about yourself and what you believe about yourself in conjunction with the thing are y'all tracking and so if what you believe about the thing is off but what you believe about yourself is not off then you can't have success if and when when I say off it's not how it actually is you somehow between you and it there's some kind of delusion right you come to an erroneous conclusion based on something that you learned or someone that you learned something from and so you've come to this erroneous conclusion and you're operating as if this erroneous conclusion is truth and so what happens is in order for me so if you can remember back in the days and some of you are too young to remember this back in the days of 8088 and 8086 computers like my first computer didn't have a hard job my first couple of computers didn't have a hard drive I remember the first computer I ever got that had a hard drive I think it was like 40 megabytes and that was a big hard drive back then right that's like the fra that's like a smid of a smid of a thumb drive now right but that was the hard drive on my computer and and when the operating system went out there was no there was no well just update it no what you'd have to do is you'd have to go to the store to the to the to the uh computer store you have to buy a new operating system you'd have to uninstall the old operating system and then reinstall the new operating system now some of y'all may not remember that I remember it because it was grueling right and so what you do is you go in the night before okay well before I tell you that part so so what if in the computer that is your mind what if you desire to change the programming of the operating system you have to one recognize the operating system you're operating on how do I recognize it look at the results you're producing if the results are prod you're prod producing are not the results that you desire then you have to change the programming because if all you attempt to do is change your actions your actions are going your internal mechanisms are going to resist taking the new actions that could produce the new results until you change the programming why because we will never behave consistently never behave how consistently in a way that's inconsistent with our programming that's why people who hate wealth and think that money is evil can't create wealth or even if even if you don't hate it just if you think it's evil like well money is evil the Bible says the money is the root of all evil well it doesn't say that number one it says the love of money is the root of all evil and number two like it doesn't mean that the love of money is the root of every single solitary evil in the world it just means the love of money is the root of all kinds all types all manner of evil which means human beings who love money will do all types of evil to get it that's what the verse actually means it doesn't mean that the love of money is the reason evil is in the world because if that were the case Eve would have eaten the fruit because Satan paid her it's like we have like all we have to do is use our brain and think not a lot just a little okay and so so what happens is I have to recognize the operating system I'm running then I have to remove it now back in the days when we used to have these computers that had these operating systems that you had to uninstall what the way we did it was we would set this computer to uninstall it overnight right before we went to bed so by the time we woke up the next morning we could reinstall the new operating system and then You' have to put a disc in and then then you push go and it's reading off this 5 and 1 half inch floppy disc that's spinning really really slow and then and then all of a sudden um 45 minutes later you come take that it ejects it and then you come put another disc in and then you go do some more stuff for a while and then you come back so so what do we learn about an operating system well number one you have to recognize it number two you have to remove it number three you have to replace it but all of those steps take time and so the problem is what happens is we get in a hurry for the result and we think if I try hard to produce the result without recognizing removing and replacing the operating system that'll be faster but it's not only not faster it's slower to the point where if that's all you ever do you will never achieve the results you're seeking to that you're seeking to achieve you it's not possible why because you can't run a new software on an old operating system are y'all tracking okay so so what you have to do is you have to number one find the beliefs of somebody who's succeeding in the arena you you want succeed in so okay so in order to do that you have to realize you weren't born believing anything here's the mistake people make about beliefs most people believe they think they believe things because those things are true okay I'm going to say that again most people think they believe things because they believe those things are true so they think it because they believe it's true but they think they they they believe it because they think it's true but they think it's true because they believe it you can't start with belief you have to start with truth good friend of mine I got this phrase from him I don't know where he got it he couldn't remember where he got it from but I'm going to give him credit for it Joe marolio Joe said to me one time we were just having a regular conversation and he said myin I would rather have questions I can't answer than answer aners I can't question I'm like oh snap and I love that because the truth never has to be afraid of or hide from falsehood so if I believe something's true I should not have any I don't have any reason to be afraid of somebody contradicting it if it's true why because there is no legitimate real contradiction against the truth so if somebody disagrees with something I believe and it's true like I believe it's true I'm not worried about them disagreeing with it and I can have a convers I can watch this I can to have a civil calm relaxed unintimidated and unintimidating conversation with somebody about something that I believe is true if I really believe it's true if I'm unwilling hey watch me now if I'm unwilling to have a conversation about anything with someone who disagrees with me it's a very there's a very good possibility that I have concerns that my own beliefs might not be true and that's why we all have to be very very hyper intentional and intense to be very very weary of people who attempt to win arguments and cases by silencing Oppo opposing voices anyone around any subject who's seeking to silence opposing voices there's something in them that's concerned even if it doesn't know they're wrong there's something in them that's concerned that they might be wrong and oh my goodness if I'm wrong about this what else am I wrong about and so what we have to do is we have to reprogram ourselves for automatic success now I'm going to I'm going to give you a couple of presuppositions um because you have to set the thermostat like there is right now an amount of money that you think of as a lot like not a lot of money necessarily in the world because we could all say a trillion dollars right but I'm talking about there's a money there's an amount of money that for you you feel like is a lot of money that would be a lot of money for you to have like oh my goodness I can't believe I had this money or it's the amount of money that if you had it on your person it would make you nervous like and Anyway by the way most rich people don't think like that at all like no I never carry cash oh my goodness it's so dangerous right okay um like rich people don't think like that okay however so there's an amount of money that you think of as a lot of money for you so I realized something a long time ago that that is a very expensive thought that's a very expensive belief for me to believe that a certain amount of money a month a year a day an hour whatever that is is a lot is a very expensive belief what do I mean okay seldom will I make as much as never will I make more than the amount I allow myself to think of as a lot of money I'm going to say it again seldom will I make as much as never will I make more than the amount I allow myself to think of as a lot of money and by the way God did not write on tables of stone in your brain an amount that's that's supposed to be a lot of money to you so those beliefs where do they come from like to some of you it's $10,000 a month to some of you it's 20 to some of you it's 50 to some of you it's $100,000 a month but you have a number that in your mind represents a big number to you and and you will get close to that number maybe you might even like break through that number every now and then but you will never consistently make an amount of money that you think of as a lot of money that's why and a lot of people think what I'm doing a lot of people think I'm flexing when I say well just yeah like we only did like 1.1 Million last week right okay that sounds like a flex but it's not what it is it's a it's a communication to my operating system that says don't you start thinking that's a lot of money cuz if you do you're stuck like Chuck in a pickup truck right and I get it I'm going to be misunderstood by people who have a different operating system that is a chance that I have to take and a risk that I'm willing to walk through why because what they think about me and why I'm doing what I'm doing does not have a negative impact on my outcomes but what I think about me and about the things I believe do can have a negative impact like I charge 40,000 an hour so here's what some here the first word that comes to some people's mind when I say I charge 40,000 an hour for Consulting he's insane well I might be insane but I still get $40,000 an hour even though I'm insane and I'd rather be insane and get 40,000 an hour than be sane and make 40,000 a year so I'm just I'm not there's nothing wrong with making 40,000 a year I'm just saying like my beliefs work for me they're not like God didn't write that in stone on the tables of my heart okay hopefully my heart's not stone that was not a good illustration at all okay okay but but but but God didn't say thou shalt believe that a million dollars in a week is not a lot of money but I have to I have to have I have have to believe something about something so one of the beliefs that I have and I'm I'm going to I'm going to wrap it up with this is I believe it's always a bad idea to approach any new Endeavor and assign a level of difficulty before you get started well it's so hard to learn a new language oh it's so hard to learn how to play a musical instrument oh it's so hard to learn how to play golf oh it's so hard to and so we we make up this story and and and and the reason we make it up is to give ourselves an out in case we don't do the work so we can say it didn't work but the problem ain't it the problem is us how many you all track it and so what we have to do is we have to reprogram our subconscious mind because if God be true and every man a liar then I can always be becoming more than I've been being always because there is no arrival there's no there's no there there there's no there there there is a here here though but there's no there there what does that mean there's no there there the Apostle Paul said who by the way wrote 14 books of the 27 books of the New Testament that's more than half he said I count not myself to have apprehended huh well if anybody has apprehended might be the guy who wrote 14 of the like more than half of the New Testament I count not myself to have apprehended what does that mean I have not arrived but I press toward the mark of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus oh so you're pressing toward the mark even though from the perspectives of the people who are looking at you you've already surpassed the mark and that's why it doesn't matter how long the other person's yard stick is I must not ever measure myself with another man's yard stick because some people's yard sticks are make me feel smaller than I am and some of the people's yard sticks are going to make me feel bigger than I am and either way at the end of the day I am just who I am and so we have to do is we have to St stop trying so hard to make ourselves do something that's against our programming and just recognize the program we have and if it's not serving us remove it and then replace it with a programming subconscious programming that will serve us at a higher level and give us the ability to serve others at a higher level so you're all set for what you get if you're if you want to know like what your internal thermostat is set at what your uh your um automatic pilot your cruise control is set at financially relationally or healthwise look at the results you're getting if you don't like that go back and change the belief systems the mental syntax and your physiology how you carry yourself so that you can operate at a higher level and produce higher results hopefully this video is beneficial and it will help you somewhere in your life at some point in your life in the meantime time in between time stay blessed by the best we'll see you in the next video bye for now