Online Training Session: Finite Element Method and CAE - Day One

Jun 29, 2024

Online Training Session Day One


  • Topic: Theory of FM and CA (Finite Element Method and Computer-Aided Engineering)
  • Reference Book: Practical Aspects of Finite Element Simulation Student Guide
  • Training Schedule: 10 days covering different aspects of FM and CA

Training Schedule

  1. Day 1: Theory of FM
  2. Day 2: 1D Meshing
  3. Day 3: 2D Meshing
  4. Day 4: 3D Meshing
  5. Day 5: Different Analysis and Postprocessing
  6. Day 6: Topology Optimization
  7. Day 7: Topography Optimization
  8. Day 8: Size Optimization
  9. Day 9: Shape Optimization
  10. Day 10: Composite Optimization

Software Covered

  • HyperMesh
  • Radioss and OptiStruct
  • HyperView

Today's Topic: Introduction to Meshing

Introduction to Meshing

  • Why do we carry out meshing?

    • To make calculations at a limited number of points and interpolate results for the entire domain
    • Reduces infinite degrees of freedom to finite degrees via discretization (meshing)
  • Types of Elements:

    • 1D Elements: Rod, bar, beam, pipe, axisymmetric shell (Applications: long shafts, beams, pin joints)
    • 2D Elements: Shell, membrane, planar stress (Applications: sheet metal parts, plastic components)
    • 3D Elements: Tetra, penta, hexa (Applications: transmission casing, engine block)
    • Other Elements: Mass, spring, damper, rigid elements, weld elements
  • Deciding the Element Type

    1. Geometry size and shape
      • 1D: One dimension much larger
      • 2D: Two dimensions much larger
      • 3D: All dimensions comparable
    2. Type of analysis needed
    3. Time allotted for the project

Detailed Meshing Process and Theory

  • How to start meshing: Study the geometry, estimate time, check for symmetry
  • Critical Areas: High-stress locations should have dense meshing and structured mesh
  • Rules for 2D and 3D Meshing:
    • Avoid back-to-back triangles
    • Avoid mesh transition on curvatures
    • Avoid Tri elements on outer edges or holes
    • Minimum 2 elements across thickness for brick mesh
    • Ensuring all nodes lie on the surface correctly
  • Element Quality Checks:
    • 2D Checks: Skewness, aspect ratio, warpage, Jacobian, included angles
    • 3D Checks: Tetra collapse, Jacobian, consistent shell normals
  • Other Quality Checks: Free edges, duplicate elements, geometry deviation

Meshing in HyperMesh

  • 1D Meshing

    • Types: Rod, bar, beam, pipe, axisymmetric shell
    • When to use and practical applications
  • 2D Meshing

    • Types: Shell, membrane, planar stress
    • Mid-surface meshing: Necessary to represent the geometry correctly
  • 3D Meshing

    • Types: Tetra, penta, hexa
    • Practical applications and issues with solid elements
  • Element Quality Checks

    • Importance: Ensure the accuracy and stability of the simulation
    • Parameters: Skew, aspect ratio, warpage, Jacobian, included angles

Material and Property Information

  • Material Classification

    • Isotropic: Properties independent of direction
    • Orthotropic: Different properties in three directions
    • Anisotropic: Different properties in crystalographic planes
    • Laminates: Multiple materials bound in layers
  • Material Properties: Modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, density, yield strength, ultimate strength
