Athlete Training Tips and Techniques

Aug 12, 2024

Lecture Notes on Training Like an Athlete

Key Mantra

  • Mantra: If you want to look like an athlete, train like an athlete.
  • Emphasis on combining resistance training with cardio for overall health, aesthetics, and athleticism.

Training Recommendations

Resistance Training vs. Cardio

  • Suggested ratio: 60/40 split (60% resistance training, 40% conditioning/cardio).
  • Weekly training schedule example:
    • Strength Training: 3 days (e.g., Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
    • Conditioning/Cardio: 2 days (e.g., Tuesday, Thursday)

Workout Duration

  • Optimal Duration: Keep workouts to around or under 60 minutes.
    • Resistance Training: Approximately 50 minutes of hard work following a 10-minute warmup.
    • Cardio: 30 to 45 minutes.
  • Importance of intensity over duration: Train hard, not long.
    • Longer workouts can lead to overtraining issues such as colds or feeling weaker.

Age and Training Adjustments

  • Warmup: Becomes more critical with age.
    • Younger athletes can warm up faster and require fewer warmup sets.
    • Older athletes benefit from a more thorough warmup to prevent injuries and ensure effective training.
  • Training Length Impact: Longer workouts can cause more problems as one ages.
    • Focus on keeping workouts intense but short to avoid feeling achy and to enhance recovery.

General Advice

  • Aim to achieve desired results within an hour of training.
  • Balance is key: Effective dose of strength and conditioning essential for health and performance.