Node.js and Express.js Fundamentals

Jul 17, 2024

Node.js and Express.js Fundamentals


  • An 8-hour course teaching the fundamentals of Node.js and Express.js to create backend and full stack web apps using JavaScript.
  • Created by John Smilga, who has made multiple courses on the freeCodeCamp YouTube channel.
  • Hands-on teaching style with a focus on building projects.

Course Structure

  1. Introduction to Node.js and Express.js
    • Basics of Node.js and Express.js framework.
    • Building complex REST API with Express.js.
    • MERN application development.
    • Associated technologies: MongoDB, Mongoose.
    • Knowledge solidification through project building and deployment.
  2. Understanding Node.js
    • Node.js: Environment to run JavaScript outside the browser.
    • Created in 2009, built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine.
    • Focus on large community and full-stack app development.
    • Course requirements: Familiarity with basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, especially ES6, callbacks, promises, and async/await.
  3. Course Fundamentals and Development Setup
    • Dev setup overview.
    • Installation of Node.js.
    • Differences between browser JavaScript and Node.js.
  4. Modules in Node.js
    • Built-in modules: os, path, fs, http.
    • Synchronous and asynchronous methods.
  5. Express.js Framework
    • Setting up an Express server.
    • Using express.json() and express.static() middleware.
    • Handling different HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.

Key Concepts

What is Node.js?

  • Node.js allows JavaScript to be run outside of the browser.
  • Node uses the V8 engine from Chrome for JS execution.
  • Developers can create backend and full-stack applications with JavaScript.
  • Benefits: Large community, unified language for front-end and back-end.

Node.js Installation and Setup

  • Install Node.js from
  • Select LTS (Long Term Support) version for production apps.
  • Verify the installation via terminal using node -v.

Running Node.js Code

  • Create a project folder and an app.js file.
  • Spin up a REPL for interactive coding: node command in terminal.
  • Create and run a simple Node application: node app.js.
  • Understand Node global variables and the module object.

Node.js Modules

  • Built-in modules: os, path, fs, http.
    • Example: os module for operating system info, path for file paths, fs for file system operations, http for creating servers.
  • Creating custom modules: Use module.exports to define what will be exported from the module.
  • Using Require: Import modules into files.
  • Promisified Modules: Convert callback-based modules to promise-based for cleaner async code with util.promisify.

HTTP Module

  • Create a server using the http module with http.createServer().
  • Handle routing and responses: req, res objects.
  • Set status codes and headers for responses.

Express.js Introduction

  • Simplifies server creation compared to Node’s built-in http module.
  • Installation: npm install express.
  • Basic setup: const express = require('express'); and const app = express();.
  • Middlewares: express.static, express.json, and custom middleware.

Express.js Routing and Middleware

  • RESTful API Development: Building routes for GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.
  • Static Assets: Serving CSS, JS, and image files via express.static.
  • Route parameters and query strings: Handling dynamic routes and filtering data.
  • Custom Middleware: Functions that run during request processing, implementing logging or authentication.

Building API with Express.js

  • Serve data as JSON responses using res.json().
  • Handle route parameters (e.g., /api/products/:id) and query strings.
  • Use of middleware for tasks like authentication, request logging, and error handling.

Tools and Utilities

  • Nodemon: Automatically restart the server on file changes, use script in package.json for nodemon app.js.
  • Postman: REST client for testing API endpoints.


  • Overview of deploying Node.js applications.
  • Setting up production environments.


  • Node.js allows for JavaScript execution outside the browser using the V8 engine.
  • Express.js simplifies backend development with middleware, routing, and easy server setup.
  • Utilization of built-in and custom Node.js modules enhances functionality.
  • API development requires handling HTTP methods correctly using Express.js.
  • Tools like Nodemon and Postman streamline development and testing processes.