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Underlying Problems in The Walking Dead

if you guys saw my video the biggest mistakes in The Walking Dead you know I talked about decisions made by the production team themselves that hurt the show's success but how about stuff that happened behind the scenes that was actually out of their control in today's video I'm gonna be going over the biggest underlying problem The Walking Dead Falls victim to and explaining why and how many times it's happened some big departures this season what can you say to the fans about you know the loss of Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohen well it's uh it hurts on a lot of ways because these are people that I love um that we all love to add some context that was a clip of an interview with Jeffrey Dean Morgan who plays Negan discussing his thoughts on the departures of Andrew Lincoln and Laura Cohan in season 9 of The Walking Dead and this was a really big hit to the show having two lead characters leaving the exact same episode can really affect the viewer's interest in continuing this story it's also important to note that this was entirely the actor's decision to leave not the directors killing them off but the thing is this isn't the first nor last time this has happened in The Walking Dead this exact issue has happened so many times to the point where I think that the story of The Walking Dead would be a complete 180 if none of this happened and I'm actually going to be going over every actor who left the show and the different controversies as to why they did in finding out the true answer number one Jeffrey Damon who portrayed Dale Jeffrey departure is the first time a character has asked to leave The Walking Dead his character Dale was killed off in season 2 episode 11 in a pretty unique domino effect basically early on in the episode Carl had gone into the woods by himself and taunted a walker before running off and later on in the episode the same exact Walker is the one that kills Dale and it was pretty odd when I was watching it it didn't feel like a planned death and you know later on I found out it wasn't it all ties into Jeffrey demont's relationship with Frank Darabont Damon had worked with darabon on numerous projects before and he might have even been the reason that he was able to get the role as Dale in The Walking Dead and as I mentioned in my other video Darabont was fired during production of season two and with the disputes that followed it was clear that Damon was favoring derebon's side and no longer wanted anything to do with AMC anymore and Jeffrey Damon even explained his exit on The Walking Dead Damon explained his Walking Dead exit by saying that he was Furious over the Network's treatment of derebonne later he decided to quit the show and told AMC kill me I don't want to do this anymore Dale's death was sort of an immediate consequence of darebon's removal from the series and this is one one of those character exits that doesn't really have any more theories revolving it because even the actor himself told the truth he didn't try to cover it up or anything so I'm gonna take Damon's word on this being the real reason he left the show number two Corey Hawkins to play Heath now this one is a little more interesting not just because of his exit from The Walking Dead but also recent Easter eggs The Walking Dead has been hinting of his return so Corey Hawkins left The Walking Dead during its seventh season to pursue other roles and from recent news and Easter eggs I'm assuming his exit was all on good terms and that he could possibly return I'll start off with how his character had left the show which is a really open-ended way that didn't make much sense so his last appearance was season 7 episode 4 which was an episode on Tara and he'd scavenger hunt towards the end of the episode they get into a predicament with walkers on a bridge and then Tara Falls over the bridge and it doesn't really show us what happened to Heath but he was fighting some Walkers and later on in the episode Tara makes her way back to the bridge but with both Heath and the RV missing and the only things that were left behind were his broken glasses and a card written PPP and just like that Heath was never to be seen again and he was kind of forgot on about and that was until November of 2018 showrunner Angela Kane confirmed Heath was taken by the same group who took Rick and the RV that Jadis was using as her Escape vehicle was Heath's RV and it doesn't just stop there in The Walking Dead season 11 Premiere HR on part one I I have no clue if I'm saying that right Eugene and yubiko find the wall of the loss at the Commonwealth which contains photos of family or friends of people who were part of the community and this is how yumiko finds out her brother is alive at the Commonwealth but also upon closer look there's a note that says Heath obviously we don't know if this is the same Heath but the chances are pretty high and it doesn't stop there earlier in August of last year AMC had released tales of the Walking Dead which was an anthology series set to be six episodes long and just so you know it was not very good uh it's pretty corny and I couldn't bring myself to finish it anyways in season 1 episode 5 Devon is seen holding a card with PPP on it which is very similar to the one that Tara found it's clear that they're doing this to add some closure and sense as to what happened to Heath rather than him just disappearing Into Thin Air but yeah honestly who knows maybe he could be in the Rick and Michonne spin-off we'll have to see number three Andrew Lincoln also known as Rick Grimes of course I already talked about this in the beginning of the video and I don't really need to go into detail of how his character was killed off because I'm pretty sure everyone knows at this point however the exact reason as to why he left is something I don't necessarily agree or believe in the main reason that's been brought to the public which Andrew Lincoln stated is that he left to spend more time with his family and that makes a lot of sense since he would visit Atlanta every year for eight years straight leaving his family back in the UK for months at a time but I think there's one other huge factor that played into his departure that I'm convinced is what fully made him decide to leave the show and that was the death of Carl just so you guys know Chandler Riggs didn't leave The Walking Dead it was a decision by the showrunners to kill Carl off to give Rick a reason to keep Negan alive but the death of Carl had a lot of backlash and is considered one of the worst decisions in the show of all time rightfully so I mean he's the son of Rick Grimes he lives on till the end in the comics and when you think about the character of Rick Grimes his whole story revolves around keeping Carl Safe I remember Rick Grimes this character is played by an actual person Andrew Lincoln so when he gets the news of Chandler Riggs leaving with little to no notice he's left blindsided to play this entirely different character that's pretty much lost everything which is not what he's been playing for the past eight years and in an interview with Entertainment Weekly he said the decision to kill off Carl shocked him as he recalled when Scott gimple broke the news to him over the phone Lincoln went So Silent that the showrunner said three times are you there are you there are you there I didn't know what to do I didn't know what to say so it's pretty clear he wasn't expecting this news and it left him in a really tough spot for his career and another thing that a lot of people don't know which I personally didn't know until recently is that Andrew Lincoln actually wanted to have brick killed off in season 8's finale Lincoln's original exit would have come at the time when Rick's group of zombie apocalypse survivors were engaged in all-out war against Negan and this saviors who wouldn't be neutralized until Rick defeated Negan in the show's eighth season finale and I couldn't find more information but I remember hearing about how he wanted Rick's death to play out in this finale basically the scene where we see Rick sitting up against the tree crying after Carl's death which is a little bit confusing because it was shown way before when it actually happened but it was actually after he you know slit negan's throat open he would have somehow gotten kidnapped by the CRM like he was by Jadis and you know never be seen again just like how it happened in season nine but the cast was able to convince Andrew to stay for a little bit longer and he extended his contract for five more episodes so when it comes to Lincoln's departure I believe he'd been planning to leave for a while but he definitely still had more episodes in him I could have easily seen him going until like the end of season nine but I think when he was hit with that news of Carl's death that was the last straw and that's backed up with the fact that Carl's death was season 8 episode 9 and he was trying to leave in season 8 episode 16. number four Lauren Cohan also known as Maggie again I mentioned this briefly in the beginning of the video but Lauren cohan's exit was a little more subtle and kind of forgotten about than Andrews her character Maggie had left the show off screen during the time skip after Rick's death the reason for it is honestly pretty goofy to me which is that she went off with Georgie to build new communities to be honest this seems really out of character for her to do and when she did return in season 10 episode 16 she wasn't any different or learned anything new she was just kind of holding a grudge against Egan the entire time hey Maggie the actual reason as to why Lauren Cohan left is because of payment disputes with producers she was demanding that she received the same pay that her male co-stars received and to add on to that she was starring in another show called whiskey Cavalier so she decided to leave with an open ending in case she ever did Return To The Walking Dead And while I don't know if she got the Rey's whiskey Cavalier did get canceled so Lauren Cohan was kind of left without a choice but to go back to The Walking Dead which she did and I'm very glad she did so storyline wise Maggie had left for six years to build new communities with Georgie and came back a little more annoying than she was before and Lord Cohen had disagreements with AMC but it seems like that's all over now considering she's very well in the universe to this day and especially with the new Maggie and Negan spin-off number five denied Guerrera who plays Michonne so did I Guerrero left The Walking Dead in season 10 episode 13. her exit is one of my favorites and makes the most sense storyline wise basically she left after she found Rick's boots on Virgil's bow and other items such as a phone that either drawing of her and Judith on it so this was a confirmation that Rick in fact was still alive and there was a lot of other stuff that happened during that episode But ultimately she ends up to go off to go find Rick and the actual reason as to why deny left is a little bit unknown but the main one is that she wanted to focus more on playwriting also she was gonna be a show owner of a new HBO Max drama Americana but to be honest if you ask me this all kind of sounds like it was the same reason that Andrew Lincoln left remember she's a real person uh her character now had no meaning at this point and not just the fact that Carl died but also Andrew Lincoln left I mean at that point she's pretty much stuck she has no reason to her character anymore but I'm really glad she stayed for as long as she did and we got to see her during the Whisperer War because one of the things that hurt me the most is that we didn't get to see Carl or Rick during The Whispers And once again I think this was all on great terms because she is returning with Andrew Lincoln for their own six episode spin-off Rick and Michonne in 2024