Transcript for:
Insights on Trading Strategies and Journaling

e e e e e well good morning this is an audio check now before we get into this uh my comment section and my text messages on my cell phone and email box and every form of communication that anyone could get to me everyone was trying to let me know that the volume was too low yesterday and I'm doing the same thing I did yesterday okay uh I noticed that that some of the individuals that left comments saying that the audio was too low um or that I was using a cheap microphone or whatever um I actually have good equipment to sometimes YouTube just doesn't want to Comm communicate the way a streamer would like them to do and I'm not doing anything different today um I went through the process of checking everything I have the microphone literally almost clipping there's a little gauge that shows how how high the audio goes up as I speak and I'm and I'm at the last little line before it goes into the orange and then it's in red then it starts clipping when then it's really bad audio so the compression and all of the things that YouTube does on it servers sometimes corrects any issues through the capture of live streaming I've actually had this happen in some of the you know the not live session but lectures and videos I've made in the past where the audio even on my um side when I would listen to it would sound different than my original capture that's on my system so I'm not doing anything to try to make it harder for you to listen to me uh I'm not using substandard equipment I have pretty good amount of money and stuff I'm using and I don't know what else to do so my volumes exactly would it's supposed to be my microphone is working properly and I don't know what else to tell you okay so uh if you're sending me text messages by the way um I don't ever really get to see them until later on and uh generally I block your phone number because you you took it upon yourself to to step into my private area of my life and I know my phone number and my address and all those things are on the internet um I'm not inviting you to send me text messages so uh you can send me something one time but I'll never see it again because you you've crossed that line it's kind of like the people that come to my door and knock on the door I'd like to meet you and talk to you ICT please don't do that I'm not I'm not going to go out there and talk to you I'm not going to shake your hand I'm not going to do a selfie with you I'm not that important so anyway today um it's going to be a little bit more technical but I promise it won't be too much and it won't be a long session okay um I have a eye appointment tomorrow just so you guys know for scheduling purposes uh we will be doing an afternoon lecture so we'll be doing a PM session and some rule based ideas for you to look at the market during that time Caleb and so I won't be here tomorrow morning session but we'll start the stream at 1:30 p.m. eastern time tomorrow so Wednesday session will be an afternoon session and then uh Thursday we'll be back to a morning session and Friday will be a morning session as well okay so one things I want you to understand Caleb is you when you're doing your journaling and your logging which is what you're going to be primarily doing for the full month of August okay you're not trying to push any buttons you're not trying to demo trade you're not trying to do anything specific about entering the market but you're just collecting data collecting information and you're being organized so that way it's training and activating your particular activating system okay I means the when you see a car that you just bought it seems like everybody else bought the same car it's only because it's now meaningful to you so the things I introduced yesterday I kind of like want to give you the rule based idea on what it is very specific and I have to clarify a few things because it was live streamed yesterday and I said a couple things incorrectly after listening to the playback and a couple of you actually reached out to me an email and questioned them questioned me about what I I meant about certain areas of my dialogue and I realized I didn't say something correctly and for instance it was me referring to the second stage of reaccumulation I called it miscalled it second stage redistribution well that's for Market maker sale model but because I'm out here without a script I'm not following Q cards I'm not reading a teleprompter I I'm just going on my own stee and just what I see at the time so I'm going to invariably make a mistake of Mis calling something it's not intentional it's not to confuse you or anything um but I'm human so I'm not AI like some of you actually think I am I I I have frailties and faults just like any one of you so if I'm out here in front of the world doing it live I'm going to make a mistake say something in incorrectly I'm going to you know have no way of editing that out and make it more pable for a firsttime viewer to listen to it and not have any distractions by something I did as a human being uh and that's why I prefer always to do uh pre-recorded lectures because my obsessive compulsive this wouldn't let me do the live streaming um but I've spent a lot of time in the last year or so just getting over a lot of that stuff and uh I'm in my 50s so I'm trying to take things a little bit easier I I make things too personal when it don't need to be so anyway uh I introduced some things yesterday VIs ually I talked about what the market was going to do why it should behave a specific way and how you should be comfortable sitting in front of the charts and observing and getting used to doing that in initially and not trying to force yourself into try and to pick a Direction so you can impress dad uh not try to tell me what you think's going to happen beforehand so that way you can tell Dad hey I I did that right remove the right and wrong right now just get that out of your head you've already sent me text messages tell me what you think's going to happen okay now for the purposes for everyone here to know what he sent me I'm not going to be able show you the screen but I'm going to read I didn't actually read it word by word but I want you to see what Caleb's expectations were are for today and this is without any prodding or coaxing on my part um at 7:33 a.m. he sends me a chart that I really don't understand what he's showing me so that's the point of today's lesson I want your charts to be organized I want it to be very specific and capturing what I want to see so that way we can measure your progress going forward and that way your your charts will look uniform every day and then at the end of the week you know we'll sit down with a a weekly recap and uh that'll be your first video everybody's asking for your YouTube channel right now there's nothing on it yet okay so um hopefully this weekend we'll have something where we sit down together maybe a res resume call and we'll review what you've done and how to go into next week as well so it's kind of like over the- shoulder approach to ICT grooming and teaching his son mentoring him and that way you get to be a part of that experience so but he says at 7:34 he says he wants to see it take the swing low then go long take out the relative equal highs and then reminds me don't forget they do an audio check listen the audio is going to be what the audio is going to be okay so don't send me any messages um and for ass has to send it really rudely in the comment section I never will see a comment from you ever again so I I make you invisible to the channel so you think you're leaving messages and posts on my channel but I'm never seeing that again so if you're rude I got no time for you so anyway Caleb thinks that there's going to be a rally higher today and that's not to say that's right or wrong because I purposely have kept myself away from looking at the charts so I I'm sitting down with you right now with the exception of just loading trading View and opening up the quadrants that or on the screen now the four charts there's should be a a chart in the upper leftand corner right up here that's my 15minute time frame chart every chart chart here is naked that means I have absolutely zero annotations on them and this is what it's going to be like for you if you have a job or if you're in University or if you're sleeping and you're coming back to the marketplace to kind of learn what has happened to train your eye okay um for the folks that are here that are just chomping at the bit they watching me push buttons and enter trades that's not today the reason why is because I'm teaching my son on how to start and anybody else wants to listen this is the proper way of doing it I've already proved yesterday I can call it minute by minute and tell you where it's going to go if you didn't see that go back and listen to it again but we're going to go back into yesterday's price action and show how if you can't be there live okay say you can't watch me live either because your boss is over your shoulder constantly hovering over top of you and you just don't want to risk losing your job please don't do that don't lose your job because you need that right now until you get to the point where you can replace it with your Investments and then eventually double it and then have two years of living salary and then you can quit your job but until then don't we can't talk about quitting jobs so the upper left hand corner is my 15-minute time frame the lower leftand corner is a FIV minute chart and then the upper right hand corner is a one minute chart and for teaching purposes and and to answer a few questions that came up from my private mentorship students U how to to hold on to a trade and or how to look for um additional entries if you miss the ideal one that would be on the one minute chart so I'm going to give you a little bit of of lesson on the price Continuum price delivery Continuum Theory which is where we go through all of the time frames and all the time frames as I mentioned yesterday this is it I'm not using anything higher than a 15-minute time frame because it's intraday trading you don't need a daily chart you don't need an hourly chart you don't need a 30-minute chart you don't need anything above a 15-minute time frame because everybody everyone's clock I don't care if you're from Switzerland Uganda you know New Zealand by the way did I did I read something correctly New Zealand did you just pass a bill or a law that says that they can arrest you if you've not received the arm ticket from Mr 19 and I can't say everything exactly as I want but it seems like I read something that said that New Zealand uh lawmakers have passed a law stating that they can arrest you if you don't have the thing that should have been introduced as a remedy for Mr 19 wow that's and then forcibly give it to you send me an email if you have any information on that in title at New Zealand and that way I I'll look for it because I get too many emails I can't read every email but uh you wherever you're from you're all going to have the same face on a clock and everybody has a 7 o'clock in the morning everyone has a 8:00 in the morning and everybody has a 9 o'clock in the morning and as long as that time is set to New York local time every one of us are going to be on the same page every single Market day we're all going to be expecting the same thing there's no way for me as the educator here to have a out I don't have a way of saying well this is what I really meant and it did this and that it either works or it doesn't right yeah that's the litmus test it either works or it doesn't it either holds up it stands the test time or it doesn't how can you prove that to yourself to trust it that's the important factor and this is the part that most Traders when they're developing themselves they rush through this and this is such an essential part that I can't stress it enough and I've done it a lot in lectures and teachings and all of my mentor videos videos is focused on slowing you down in the initial stages because you're too quick to run out there and try to make money and you don't know what you're supposed to know you don't even know what it is that you should know and what you should avoid doing and I'm I'm going to cover a little bit of that today also how to organize your charts and then I'm going to show you what you need to be doing as homework for the rest of the day because we're only going to be here till around 9 o00 hopefully that's my plan at least right so that way you can go in and start looking for very specific things that your eye will jump to initially doesn't mean that that's going to be your model doesn't mean that's going to be your entry technique that you live buy and and make all your money from it just means that that that's your first one and it's an invitation for your personal interest what you gravitate to initially wherever you are in your development as a Trader and what you've been accustomed to seeing from my content I I have to allow that part you have to give yourself permission to have that part as well because if I force you into we're only going to use Breakers we're only going to use order blocks we're only going to use fair value gaps it's going to alienate a large segment of you and you will be left behind in your development and that's not that's not proper learning that's not um a Hallmark or a signature of a good teacher so I have to um I have to make allowance for you to bring your own personality to this and you're going to see the benefits of that because some for some of you you've been trying to lock yourself into one trick pony ICT Concepts because either I've done a video or I've done a trade or I've recorded something or I said something that really resonated with you and you think because it sounded cool you know you want to be tactical in your trading instead of technically linked to your personality um it is going to going to be easier for you to see how you've held yourself back by trying to force yourself into a mode that nobody asked you to do the proper learning is for you to come into this and say okay there's lots of things in this candy store I can have which one do I want to work with first it doesn't mean it has to be my favorite say but I have to start somewhere so I leave that up to you and I it'll make much more sense when we get into the charts and in the technical aspects but initially I want to give you the the protocol that you go through every single day when you sit down front the charts whether you're doing it live or if it's after the fact and you come home from University come home from you know school if you wake up and now you're going to have time to do it um you haven't made the changes in your life to allow yourself to actually be in front of the charts there live or you're working let's just be real okay you may not be able to do what we're doing right here live you maybe you can't see me doing live streams when I'm doing them and having the benefit of of borrowing my experience so what do you do with that information how do you Journal how do you log what it is that you should be observing and studying each day and then referring back to that same information on an individual day-by-day basis on the weekend whether it be a Saturday or a Sunday when I used to do Twitter spaces I would talk about how this is our day to kind of like ground oursel the markets are not trading unless you trade crypto and you're an idiot then you think that that's going to be real money in the future uh all those things put aside that is the day where we rest we don't try to trade we don't try to formulate any kind of Hardline idea is we go back and refer to what decisions we made what actions we took and or actions that we should have but didn't and identify opportunities that we weren't able to see then and then encourage oursel through journaling saying these are the things I did right and these are new opportunities for me to investigate and look into because this was something I didn't have the pleasure or the the luxury of understanding or identifying at the time you see what I did there I took something that every one of us is going to have happen to us okay there's a u opportunity for us to see what we could have done better now if you're on social media or you invite other people usually people that are an idiot they don't know how to trade they're toxic they work at Jiffy Lube they ain't got a raise and they're probably on the verge of getting fired you're going to listen to those individuals give you Insight or opinions in your comment section or they're going to comment to you in a live chat via someone else's live stream if you make yourself available okay toxic people are going to give you their opinion unsolicited and they're idiots you don't want to listen to an idiot The Village Idiot mentality is in every segment in every community of trading there's a whole bunch of them there's a whole tribe of them okay and you should not care what anybody else thinks and if someone takes the time to congratulate you or say Well done you need to dismiss that as well because you're not trying to fuel ego you're not trying to allow anyone to influence you negatively either but that same element needs to occur in your journaling which means you have to filter out all of the toxicity that you're invar going to reach into and say I didn't do that right I was stupid of me I should have saw that soand so forming in the chart or I saw it but I ignored it because I wanted to be right and then you you feel compelled to you think journaling is a beat up session like you're you're you're giving yourself an ass chilling you're not trying to parent yourself you're not trying to be dad you're not trying to be mom overbearing you know correcting you and punishing you what you're trying to be is the best coach for someone that you love if you're trying to coach someone that you genuinely love and you don't want to break the spirit of and you want to encourage that person you should love yourself just as much as you love your spouse or your children you have to have some measure of resp respect for yourself and tearing yourself a new ass in a journal is not going to help you get better you're not trying to play a drill sergeant we mentioned this yesterday as an analogy when you go through boot camp they're tearing these individuals down mentally and physically and to the breaking point and then they're shaping them up into a sword okay you're going to be a marine you're going to be a machine you're going to be a soldier of fortune you're going to you're going to go out there and rip people's hearts out and eat it before they die you they're trying to turn them into an animal for war purposes that's not what you're doing in a journal okay you're not trying to mutate yourself into some crazy Wolverine you're literally coaching yourself and you're encouraging yourself in any opportunity where someone else could and yourself as well could take something out of context and say this is a perfect opportunity for me to dump on myself and spend too much time dwelling on a negative thought or a negative reaction or an inability to respond or react to an opportunity and frame it and encapsulate it with toxicity you don't want to do those things in your Journal now for people that are idiots they're going to say well you're just sugarcoating it okay and it's a waste of time journaling is a waste of time I promise you these people are not making money these people do not have trade they're not consistent and there're just absolutely miserable cretens you need to keep all that junk and filth out of your mind out of your circle of influence that's why social media is a cancer this is my only mode of social media I am not on Instagram I'm not active on Twitter I am not doing anything else I'm not in a Discord I'm not running any kind of social media where people can engage with me hey hey how you doing it's not how that works my private mentorship we have a space okay we have a a space where we communicate when I want to make something available to them I talk to them that's it and it's at my time it's it's my I don't schedule anything it's just when you see me I appear and that's it outside of YouTube this very YouTube channel there's no other ICT experience and when I mentioned that I was never going to do a paid mentorship I had people leaving comments yesterday saying you said you was never going to do another mentorship right for money I'm not asking for payments you're not sending me any money here you're watching because you want to watch or you don't want to watch so you have to manage a lot of people's personalities if you allow them to have any interaction with you so the best thing you can do if you're really going to make an attempt to do do it well is what I told my son I allowed him to be amongst my private mentorship students he's he's among them right now but I've also told him don't talk to any of them and don't think that it's rude don't think that you're trying to be pompous or arrogant because these individuals are going to try to warm up to you and I have leakers in my in my groups they're they're there okay so I told him don't even listen to it they're going to blow smoke up your ass they're going to try to befriend you they're going to say whatever they want or some of them might take a shot and say hey look your dad's not on the leaderboard of robins cup he's a frog and what are you GNA say about that well they won't have the balls do that because they I'll get i'll broom them out of the mentorship but the point is this don't allow toxic people or anyone to fluff you up and you need to do the same thing in your Journal it doesn't mean you can't congratulate yourself and cheerlead yourself when you do it right just don't lay it on thick where you think you're you know the be's needs if you will meaning that you're really a hot shot or or better than you really are so you have to be very very balanced but you're leaning heavily on coaching encouraging yeah you may have not observed a specific function in price delivery and it just happened to be probably the biggest run of the day and you in your infancy and your understanding you don't see those things forming yet because you haven't had an experience doing these very things I'm going to show you today and then studying it and looking at Old price moves this is exactly what you need and must do you will not be consistent you will not be consistently profitable you will not be comfortable waiting for setups until you've done this part now I'm forcing Caleb to do this for a month because I want to see that number one he can stick to the process of doing it over and over again I don't want to receive texts from him saying what he thinks going to happen I don't care about his opinion and it's not appropriate for him to have that understanding yet anyway he thinks he thinks that he should he thinks that that's going to be a measuring stick so Dad can feel like okay my son's doing his part no I'm going to know you're doing your part by what I'm going to ask outline today and then this weekend when we see it together I'll know if you've been doing it or not because you can't make that up it's something you have to journal it's something you have to go through the process of studying the charts you can't fake that you can't watch 10 minutes of my video like my son Cameron did and said yeah I was watching your videos that and so and so and so okay then I asked him something else I said in the video and he had no idea what I was talking about because I know what he did he skimm through the video listened for a couple buzzwords and he fell into the same Click A lot of people do on the internet they want to talk with the language but they have no understanding but they'll use Market replay to teach my stuff it doesn't make any sense you don't want to fake it you want to be able to do it genuinely and you want to have a genuine mentorship experience well your part of this your personal contribution in initial stages is what this is all about today Okay so yesterday I talked about the process of not going above a 15-minute time frame and I know some of you that have a higher time frame affinity for like a daily chart weekly chart whatnot U that probably feels very uncomfortable hearing that and I've said this before um you you don't need all those time frames now when you have a model that you're risking money behind it's important to refer to those things but right now the only thing you're trying to do is get familiar with reading price action and getting over that fear of missing moves and fear of not knowing the fear of not knowing what's going to happen next that's an it's an enormous sense of well it's like a barrier you feel like you can't break through this invisible force field of I wish I could know what it's going to do next because if I could just do that then I could be profitable and I'm telling you that's not true that's not true but it has a necessary role in your overall development and it needs to be the first thing where is the market likely to move directionally where is it going to gravitate to and what time usually will these moves form I introduced the very generic form of that yesterday it's not complicated and we're going to go through the rules very very specific and it's not a lot of them it's not a whole lot of moving parts and I'm going to clarify what I meant yesterday prior to 7 o'cl in the morning and what you're specifically looking for because I got a question from one of my private mentorship students and I I went back and listen to I was like oh yeah I can see how that causes confusion so I'm going to I'm going to address that as well I apologize if I confuse a little bit of of some of the ref references to time around that 7 o'clock in the morning because it does sound like I say um look for it before 7 am. and then later on I say you don't want to look before 7 a.m. so I'm going to clarify what I really meant there and like I said I'm not using a script I don't have any kind of bullet points to go by I'm I know what I want to talk about but because I was watching price action live uh my intention was on that as well as as talking about what it is I wanted to cover but yes there was a casual lesson you this is a little bit more specific so I have lots of charts available to me in Hardware on screens that are off right now in front of me I'm only physically working with a laptop computer most of you only have like a tablet or a singular computer screen or a laptop okay and you can do everything from that okay um I would counsel you not to try to put your faith in using just a smartphone okay um if there's something you're observing and studying on the you know on the move like you're at work and you're getting a a bathroom break or if you're on lunch break and you want to look at the market through your phone I don't have any qualms against that but if you're going to try to make an attempt to learn how to do this well and consistently you need to have something larger than your smartphone okay and I don't mean the one phone like my son Cody has he opens it up and unfolds and it's a bigger screen that's still not enough okay you have to have a a laptop at minimum okay about 15 inches you know minimum surface space you may not have a trading view subscription that allows you to do some of the things that I'm going to refer to today you do not need a sub one minute time frame but I'm going to show you for the people that do have that how to integrate that into this okay I mentioned it in passing yesterday so now I'm going to give you the rules and how it looks what it looks like rather in the price runs from yesterday and how to study today because I won't be with you after the opening bell at 9:30 eastern time the uh and also the reason why I want to keep this short is because I have not been doing a lot of talking and yesterday you know a little over two hours I I got a little horse yesterday so I want to make sure I can preserve my voice I don't want to come to you tomorrow and say I can't talk I lost my voice as much as some of you guys really want to hear hear me say I lost my voice so I'd probably still sit out here and type over the chart and without having to say anything it still do the same thing but people that don't know English they'll send me hate mail saying I can't read what you're saying why don't you have subtitles because I'm not speaking it's all being typed out so your your chart if you have the ability put all four charts up on the screen like this your upper left is 15-minute time frame lower left is 5 minute upper right is 1 minute and if you do have the ability to look at anything less than 1 minute you can put a 15c chart not that you need it but you're going to find out today that it is very very uh informative uh for seeing what price is doing underneath these one minute candlesticks that you never really are aware of usually or probably didn't even think of it okay prior to investigating and studying it because there's a lot of things that you would see on any other time frame occurring on that 15-second chart and it's very forgiving so is if you missed a move and you missed an entry the 15 second allows me to get into a move if I missed my ideal fair value Gap or if I have a limit order and I have the the order sitting inside of a level that I feel pretty confident that it's going to trade to sometimes I've had it and if you watch some of my U recorded sessions before uh you can see where I had had limit orders where it goes up and touches the limit order but doesn't go above it for the spread and I've had one instance where it did technically go above and the spread should have afforded me the fill but it did not fill me guess what that means that's the real world that's what's going to happen to you when you start trading you're going to have limit orders that don't get filled because we're using such a degree of precision that is a welcome struggle that's a challenge that I enjoy having and you're going to learn to have that that mindset as well whereas right now if you don't have a whole degree of importance placed around Precision um when you don't get your fill on a thing it's you it's it's struggling point for you to wrestle with why did that thing take off without me I'm never going to get another move this is the only move I'm ever going to capture and I missed it that's what you think that's what you feel but me and my students that have done these things for for years and years now we're comfortable with ah well I was trying to be so perfect and precise about where I wanted to get in at so I can have a very small stop excuse me very very small stop loss it didn't fill me and it started running away so I didn't get my best fill we don't get upset about that we're not cussing at the screen oh you so and so you didn't give me my fill okay that is an expression you don't be a dick for a tick um if you're trying to be very very precise about your fills and your entries um and you don't give yourself flexibility and permission to see it not fill sometimes you're going to have a real hard time in the early stages of order placement and learning how to trade entries because you're going to be demanding Perfection and demanding Perfection is an is an invitation for frustration and regret and struggle and it's going to make your learning process a whole lot harder you know and longer you don't want that so a 15sec chart just I'm going to say this and then we'll get into the business of the 155 And1 The the advantages of a 15-second chart is that I can get into a price run that I missed on a one minute chart a f minute chart or a 15 minute uh chart or any other time frame that I may be looking at but for the rules that I'm placing on you Caleb these are the only time frames until I tell tell you otherwise you're not looking at anything else so don't send me a daily chart don't send me an hourly chart don't even ask me questions about any other time frame ever until I introduce some other reason for you to look at another time frame because this this universe right here okay this whole solar system of price action is all you need you don't need anything else you literally need nothing else but this I mean truth be told I said this before I don't even need a chart I don't need a chart to trade but to communicate what it is I know that I'm not going to teach I use charts to kind of bridge the gap so it's a very effective medium to prove that is it's your task to to see what I'm saying is valid or not so you all have this entire month to to walk forward and see what it is I'm talking about whether it works or not you all will be able to see if it's based on fluff or if it's really valid I walked you through it yesterday live over one minute chart every fluctuation telling you what was going to happen there's still huge opportunity for you as the person in the driver's seat of determining what it is you're going to do with this information because there's as you're going to see today there's a lot of that in your disposal you have a lot of input that you're going to bring to to this and I'm not asking you to send me an email saying okay I watch this and this is what I'm choosing to do like like I'm going to sit down and say well that's a good decision of what you're focus on and I think this is a great I don't have time to do that there's too many of you that always try to reach out to me and I physically don't have the time to respond to everyone and that makes a lot of you upset like I'm ignoring you specifically no I'm trying I'm trying to ignore all of you I've been trying to have a a normal life okay and not have ICT ISM all time but the 15sec since just simply gives you more opportunities to get into a move that's underway that that that's really all I'm saying or to dial down and reduce the risk and the exposure of a stop-loss that would otherwise probably require much more handles or Pips if you're referring to Forex it can be reduced very small because you're looking at a 15-second time frame now don't think for a second that the 15 seconds just answers all the equation and and and problems of larger stop losses because if you don't know how to reprice action and if you don't know what that 155 and one's doing just because you looked at a 15c you're some of you are thinking oh he just gave me the shortcut there there's the shortcut all right ict's the plug hey he just gave us the Seeker this is the it's the golden ticket don't look at anything else folks everything else is distraction to red herring 15 seconds is the answer and when I started talking and trading off a 15sec chart I got responses like that like oh bro like you're the ghost like you're you you you've you've tipped the hand you made it it's easy for us now and then invariably Weeks Later they're like I I don't know I'm getting chopped up on this 15sec truck right yeah because you thought you were just going to jump to the head of the line and no adversity and you can't do that so son when you're doing this I know right now he doesn't have just so you know he doesn't have a membership or plan through trading View okay so that way here's what you maybe don't know but my private mentorship students have been monitoring this for a little while the uh we're probably going to go to like 9:20 way I'm looking at good time but all this is essential because I'm going to answer a lot of questions that you you're going to keep trying to send to me and it's going to frustrate me because I answering them in the dialogue but my son doesn't have live data okay and you're probably saying what business should he have trying to learn this stuff if he's not looking at live data because I am talking to him and I'm telling him up until recent now I would tell him by me either entering a trade live not Market replay not hindsight stuff I would Point his attention to a specific level like I was outlining it yesterday for all of you watching and thank you all for giving the thumbs up I appreciate that last time I looked that was 177,000 thumbs up so um it's like 10% 170,000 175,000 people watch the video or live stream either replay or whatever um it's still a little bit lower number so you know I'm trying to figure out what you were expecting because it literally did exactly what I said I was going to do but he watches delayed data and for some of you that can't afford trading view stuff um they do a Black Friday sale and last year I bought like six years of trading View um membership at the level I have which is the highest I use the highest one and it was I think it was like 600 bucks or something like that I got like six years of like everything that I use right now which is the highest membership you don't need the highest membership okay but I'm not a representative for trading view I'm not trying to invite you to spend money there this is just the medium that my community asked me if I would use when mt4 became exposed as a way for people to rig it okay and people accused me of using a white label broker um and I've already smashed that lie and conspiracy it's destroyed um you watched me do it yesterday okay I I know what price is going to do I don't need a a gimmick okay I don't have a a fake brokerage firm that like Hano trade okay oh yeah that's they make this person look like he's made a lot of money and I can go in and edit my trades and that way you can get other people to go in and sign up with them they can lose their money and these types of Brokers you know keep the money because they they bebook you and that's the that's an opinion that's not my opinion I've heard other people say that so just for for the people of Han trade that want to send me some mail just know that I'll I'll respond to that accordingly as well I'm using an analogy that's been said and banded about by other people I would never trade with hando trade by the way but the point is I'm using a medium that the community introduced to me I didn't even know anything about treading it so don't think that this is an invitation for me to make money There's No Business arrangement with me uh trading view has asked me in the past to have some kind of partnership I have declined that I still have the messages that's been screenshot I can load that up on my trading View and show it to you but for privacy sake I'm not going to disclose the person from Trading view but I've have been honest I've never had an affiliate with anyone so my opinion is always Raw it's honest and sometimes it's going to be appearing disrespectful to them if it's something I don't agree with if I say there's something that there's a problem with I don't like it like for instance fxcm um I think they're a broker and they should have been shut down entirely not just move out of the United States but that's my opinion right that's my personal experience with them and I'm glad that the US can't deal with them and they do you a favor by leaving long story short he has a task of securing on black Friday a trading view plan or membership where he has real-time data so he has what he has a few months because Black Friday is in November so he is not going to need or require live real-time data at all because I'm I'm providing that perspective I'm providing that okay I'm coaching him along and then because he's doing it with a a delayed data I am pointing at real time data and a setup that I'm expecting to take a trade on drawing to a a pool of liquidity whether it be relative equal highs or relative equal lows and then he has the benefit of not even having any hindsight Advantage because he's now what is it 15 20 I don't even know what the delay is okay whatever the delay is on trading view like if you don't have a membership and you're looking at the Futures chart I don't know what the time limit or deferred uh delivery of whatever the real time price is right now for me or anyone else has real time data versus what trading view shows you like I don't personally I don't know what that is but Caleb doesn't have any advantage he he doesn't have any resource to tap into to see okay um I want to impress that but I'm going to cheat and I'm going to look at a a chart that has real time dat I know it's going to go there in the next couple minutes so therefore I'm going to trade this or I'm going to say it's going to do that see he hasn't have any of that so because of that he has a unique perspective as me as his dad I have the experience I can see it real time and know what it's most likely going to do more times then it's not and then I enter a trade so he can see Dad doing it right Dad calling it Dad executing on it Dad managing a real stop loss managing the stop loss throughout and then watching the targets get hit or if it reverses and takes me out with a stop loss that prematurely exits the trade he sees all that stuff you know as it's going I update it constantly as going on but then he has the ability to see the trade forming with me telling him what I'm doing with my account with real-time data and it's a unique learning experience because number one he has me telling him what I'm doing real time but then he can stalk the chart he can see it as it's forming knowing that I have placed skin in the race with my execution I have face to save I have money to lose I have profits to make I have a real management engagement with this idea whereas he has just the luxury of I don't have to be right or wrong I want to wait and see when the chart presents the things that I'm trying to learn and it when it's given to you like that it's like the best of the best and for anybody that has an issue with that you're an idiot okay because he has all of the advantages and none of the disadvantages he can't lose money he's being primed to look at it at the right time and it's always the same times all the time because the market is algorithmic so it subconsciously trains him and he's learning on the surface level what he should be feeling and how he manages expectations over time and until we get to Black Friday which is uh in November he'll purchase at a discount rate because trading view always does a very very deep discount and I don't recall how much it is because I don't worry about price tags but I bought it at that time because I realized I was spending full price by buying it in January and I didn't know they were doing black fry I don't usually worry about Black Friday salees stuff like if I want something I just buy it and I don't really care to know what it costs I don't shop around and try to get a good deal I don't give a if I want something it's in if it's in front of me I'm taking it home with me while trading you I'm telling you if you're buying it any other day except for Black Friday you're wasting money so there you go and they're probably going to be mad at me because I said that but Caleb isn't going to be spending any money on trading view charting or real-time data until that that month so the third Friday of uh November and then he'll have the ability to see things really real time too but he has at that time he has several months of learning how to anticipate these things that he watched me do like you did yesterday but he's been watching me do that for a while and my students have been watching me do that for years it doesn't it doesn't change doesn't morph so let's go into the business all right so if you go over here and you look at my 15-minute chart I know that's a really long monologue but uh you have no idea how many questions I get and how those types of segments of my delivery removes a lot of headache because people get mad at me like I'm ignoring them and there are questions and just it's not about you bro okay you're not the only person I'm talking to and the 15-minute time frame what you're doing is you're looking at time first and let me first cancel out the confusion I probably cause some of you so here's here's 7:00 in the morning today right you want to put a vertical line on that it doesn't need to be a very bold color anything like that you want to just be able to annotate 7 o' okay the things I mentioned yesterday where I said you want to start at 7 o'clock in the morning that's true Caleb you don't want to look at anything prior to 7 o'clock because you are not versed in anything with the London session I'm not expanding your your your focus and time beyond the scope of 7:00 in the morning New York local time that's your that's your punch in time okay that's the earliest you can refer to in price if we look at now pay attention to this okay because this is going to answer the confusion I ca yesterday without really wanting to at 7 o'clock in the morning that begins your hunt for relative equal highs or relative equal lows what I meant to say but I wasn't very successful or articulate in the way I said it is when I was referring to the London session you do not this is the part where I said this is really important this is key takeaway information do not look for your relative equal highs or lows prior to 7 o'cl Caleb that does not mean students that have learned models from me in private mentorship that they shouldn't be doing an observation on these relative equal highs because if you're looking at prior to anything at 7 o'clock in the morning what you're really doing is you're referring to London sessions price data and its profile not Market profile where it has the volume you know horizontally okay like it's something special that that's not what I'm talking about Market profile is is it making the high or low of the day in London is it setting up a consolidation to expansion Trend day or is it going to be just a trending day is it seeking destroy you know all those profiles I taught they're on my mentorship videos on this YouTube channel fore free you don't need to pay for them you don't need to go to somebody else's five minute trainers and I promise you they don't know how to use them either this reference point at 7 o'clock if you know how to trade other price action models or ideas that I taught and you've been with me as a student for a while and you do trade London setups as a continuation or a potential reversal for a London I'm sorry a New York session Market reversal profile where what that means is London session between 2:00 and 5:00 in the morning eastern time it's New York local time always if that if that session time has seen the market drop like we see here okay if there if there's going to be a New York session Market reversal profile that means that they're most likely going to see price trade back above and overlap all the movement that was started at 2 o'clock in the morning here well if you're if you're a brand new student of mine or if you've been familiar with some of my videos but you just feel confused you've never been able to find a footing on how to start where to begin this is what I'm I'm teaching that to my son Kaleb cuz he's in that same boat he has familiarity you know he he's had TOP Step account he's done all that stuff but he hasn't seen consistency and he doesn't really know what he's doing to this this is what I'm going to do and I'm only going to do this so what I'm trying to do is I'm stripping it down to the Chrome and saying this is what you focus on you start here and then when he shows me by his progress that he understands what I've given at this point here today then I will expand his circle of focus and his intentions on other factors of time but you don't need anything honestly you don't need anything extra outside of today's stuff what I'm going to teach today so in Clarity if you are a traitor that understands day of the week and time of day and London session trade and how it can communicate a potential continuation or reversal in New York session you should have been fine with yesterday's commentary but for the folks that don't understand how to trade the London session and how to in integrate that with the New York session and how it works together to make the daily range that could have costed you a great deal confusion and I I did I saw a lot of folks in the comment section saying you kind of like you made two two statements that are opposed to one another at one point you say look for relative equal highs and lows prior to 7 o'clock in the morning and what I'm what I'm talking about is for anyone that wants to look at the London session and you understand daily range and you understand all the other things I've taught and you're more of an advanced Trader using my Concepts you can look for setups prior to 7 o'clock in the morning but if you're brand new don't even worry about that right now you trust me you don't need anything else prior to 7 o'clock in the morning at all so for clarity sake and simplicity and to remove all the complications that you probably thought was being thrown in there at 7 o'clock in the morning what you're doing is you're that's your that's your beginning of the day you're now starting to look for relative equal highs and lows and you start on what time frame first the 15-minute time frame Okay so this starts the hunt for at 7 o'cl did we create a relative equal High yet no we just have One Singular high do we have relative equal lows don't look at this because it's before 7 o'clock in the morning don't do that don't even refer to it the rules are very simple you're waiting to see relative equal highs and relative equal lows form after post 7: a.m. New York local time now these two lows May be a factor for the 5minute chart so we're going to go to the 5minute Chart I'm going to expand that all right so now we do potentially have if this starts to Rally we don't have it yet this could potentially become relative equal lows now with that all you're doing is you're making taking a mental note of it you're not annotating your chart because it's not there you never never never lead your expectations with something that has not actually formed in the chart don't predict the setup you have to wait for the setup you have to wait for these signatures to form in price you cannot anticipate them you don't know what you're doing yet I can do those types of things you've watched me do that with calling inversion Fair B Gs before they actually formed and people insisted that it was after the fact you annotations it's it's not so the point is is that experience will be given to you by exposure and repetition that's the only way you glean the experience you have to do these things and they are monotonous they're boring they feel like they're fruitless in the beginning it feels like what am I even doing this for and that's why I'm talking to you this way because you're going to want to not do this you might you might do it tonight today or tomorrow maybe the rest of this week but something's going to happen next week you're going to want to do something differently because it's not making you money you're not pushing a demo trade and you're going to mess up you're not going to learn you're not going to progress you're not going to understand yourself and what you're expecting to see in price action because you're not doing enough of it just like working out everybody can join a gym but you're not going to stick to the process of eating well and exercising and sticking to that sticking to that regimen and that routine to see the results finally come that you're G to have to wait for those results are a deferred result everybody wants to join a gym and lose 10 pounds in the first two days and feel like I didn't I made the right decision but you have to submit yourself to the process that these results that you're wanting you're going to have to wait for them but you're still going to have to do a lot of work every single day working towards those results that will come later on that's the problem with Millennial mindset and trading all of you Millennials out there that are trying to be substantial or significant in this community you're rushing to try to be significant with no Talent no skill or understanding and no prowess and if you do what I'm teaching you today you'll get that for real and honestly and in that skill set no one can take it away from you I won't be able to talk down to you no one else will be able to talk down to you because you'll be able to carry yourself with a with a skill set that no one can strip away or diminish and that that's what everybody should aspire to have but I'm promising you you're not going to get it quick five minute trainer videos five minute mentorship guys they're not going to get you there okay this is the way you get there it's Blood Sweat and Tears it's doing these very boring observations so post 7 o'cl you're scanning through looking for relative equal highs and relative equal lows we can't refer to that low because it's before 7 o'clock in the morning so we go down to a one minute chart I'm just going to toggle through on on the chart itself and here is the 7:00 delineation and you're looking for relative equal highs now the these have already happened okay so that's something that you could have observed at the time at 7 o'clock morning we weren't here obviously at 7 o'clock but it ran through there so what did this do okay think about what I was talking about yesterday there's two two different characteristics in price delivery that is a very very simple perception of what price is done it took an area that's smooth and made it Jagged so what happened here this was an engagement for liquidity so what did it do it took buy side after it took that buy side where did it go directionally lower so if it's done this type of work then you have to go back through this price leg from here down there see that so what you're going to wait for is something after 7 o'clock in the morning to create relative equal lows it could rally up and then these relative equal lows could be the setup for a run lower and if it goes below these relative equal lows and I'm not saying it's there yet because we're not I'm not trying to push that on you today but these are the things you're doing as you're watching the chart you're observing and referring so if these become relative equal lows and it rallies higher than this High here these become relative equal lows and if it wants to go below that how far can it go refer over there that's not the same thing as looking at relative equal lows before 7 o'cl you're just looking for liquidity for the sake of this simple liquidity and you're referring to how far can it go beyond relative equal highs or relative equal lows you got to look at Market structure outside this parameter but initially all you're looking for is to get a draw or a short-term bias on to on a time frame whether it be 155 or in this case one minute chart where it affords you movement you're watching to see how it attacks or attracts to a relative equal low or relative equal High we already see that they've done some work up here there was a sharp frenzy okay there's blood in the water up here we don't want to trade up into that we don't want to we don't want to trade into this because they've already done a lot of things in here so what we're doing is we want to see it try to make an attempt to run out some kind of a relative equal low that's what you start with it doesn't mean you're right it doesn't mean it's going to pan out it's just that's what you start with that's the process who you work from the 15-minute time frame look for relative equal highs relative equal lows after 7:00 in the morning even if you see them obviously right before 7 o'clock or during the London session ignore them all you're trying to do is learn how to encapsulate price action if this price all if say all this price action here was over the course of I don't know 15 minute time frames or 30 minute time frames and this was the close at 4 o'clock in the afternoon New York time what that would indicate is that this was the daily range it created the Judas swing here it dropped down and it came off the uh low to close near the low of the Deb that's power three you're going to discover that every single time you sit down and you look at the am session you're essentially looking for that to form you're looking for some fake manipulation that creates all this animation and it does the harmful work of ing people and putting them out of a trade that would have been profitable or putting them in a Direction that's not right and now they're trapped long in this case and then they rake them across the Cs and drop it lower so you're looking for where the retail or Street money Street money Trader is going to be or less informed Trader they're going to be looking for support and resistance I'm not a support and resistance Trader I don't teach my students to trade support and resistance we look for liquidity and inefficiencies and when you go through the process of looking for all of the relative equal highs and relative equal lows on the 15minute the 5 minute and one minute chart once you have either Pann through and either identified what's available on any one of those time frames or if there is none that's obvious then what you do is you go through your charts and you annotate all of the inefficiencies and we're going to work our way back up so right now we're on the one minute chart so this would be like this you see this there is no volume imbalance in here so you're going to start rate the candle's low Drop it Down to the very next candle after the big long down close candle what kind of Candlestick fair value Gap is this it has a down close what did I teach you yesterday A Down close fair value Gap is a Cy stands for cells side in imbalance by side inefficiency that means it offered delivery on the downside it's inefficient in any movement back up inside that same range that creates this one single pass through until you get into this area here so that's the furthest we weren't back up into this range right there so it's inefficient by characteristic and definition anything above this high up to this candlestick's low right there that candlestick's low all of that is ineff efficient and is inviting the opportunity for price to want to trade up into it doesn't mean it's going to happen right now doesn't mean it's going to happen this session but that's the characteristic then you have this one in here we've already worked this one there so there's a small little section between that candle's low and that candle's High maybe you didn't see it maybe you did if you didn't don't beat yourself up about it I've been doing it for a long time but your jump to these little gaps and these small little inefficiencies where they where they may seem insignificant to you right now like really why would you even highlight that that's like nothing meaning that from this candle's high and that candle's low essentially this is what's remaining in that that little small section and I'm telling you I've entered trades and recorded myself doing it with real money and shared it with you where I've used levels just like that and place limit orders just below it to get filled and it never has any significant draw down and just runs and takes off goes to my limit order for Target if if you're a student of mine you're in private mentorship you've seen some of those things lots of times actually and then over here this inefficiency let me fix this because I always want to refer to the original fair value got but noting what level of inefficiency is still available that means the small little section between this candle's high and that candle's low right there so I always keep the original fair value gaps the the levels because they're key they can be used again they're influential it's not so much that I'm only looking for the uh remaining unfilled portion I am aware of seeing that because I'm I can see the difference between the high of the fair b g in this high of that candle so I'm not trying to make any special disting distinguishing uh note of it but in my mind subconscious I know that that if I'm going to go back to that it may go back here just to tap the high of it and that'll be it or if it goes above it and comes back down then I could use this candle's Wick in halfway point of it that's how far I can retrace back down into it and it becomes an inversion fair value C when I have a Candlestick like this okay when you're annotating your inefficiencies we have this one here there's no volume of balance up in this segment to here is that accurate look closely what's wrong the low of it means to incorporate that volume imbalance right there the volume imbalance is the the separation between one candlestick's body and the very next subsequent Candlestick if the bodies don't overlap or at least touch there's a volume IM balance there I'm I'm quite certain you're not going to see any information about that unless someone else wrote a book about my Concepts and this is this is new stuff okay I introduced it to the community and it is very very influential in terms of reading price action in terms of precision elements you have to incorporate that that is your your fair value Gap why because the Wicks are not the true narrative that's where the damage can be done it's like your child that colors with a crayon in a coloring book they color sometimes outside the lines you know that they messed that up but you're not going to sit down and say look here look here Billy I don't know how many times I got to give you this lesson but you will not be eating dinner tonight because you colored outside that picture again sure sure sure you'll do a better job next time but right now it's no dinner you're not going to treat your son like that if you do you need to get stomped but if you see your child do that and it colors outside the line what do you do oh he he colored a picture for Dad or Mom and you put it on your refrigerator or you take it to work and you hang it in your cubicle because you're proud of them right because you know that that's just an aition it's just something that just happened and it's not a big deal well that's how I look at Wicks yes the algorithm repriced up into there a little bit that's fine where's the body right there so volume volume imbalances here this this is the stuff you're supposed to be writing down folks if you're just listening and eating potato chips you're completely oblivious to what's being introduced to you the volume imbalance tells you to ignore any of the wick this Wick will not be all that influential whereas if you were without a volume IM balance in here let me zoom in because I really want to see what I'm talking about because I'm not sure if you can see it well some of you guys are trying to learn this on your smartphone and got students in prison that are studying and they're like man I wish he could zoom in this brother just read my mind how you like that so that's the volume imbalance right there okay so if you have a fair value Gap or an imbalance and it has a volume balance in it any Wick inside the fair value Gap just completely nullify any intention on that now find that in your textbooks find that in your uh ripoff ICT mentorship F minute trainer guys they're not going to tell you that Insight because they didn't make it so the volume IM balance right there that tells you if you have that in any Wick in there just completely disregard it only if it's a wick that's that's below the consequent encroachment which is the halfway point here so any weak Wick that reaches up to that level or less ignore any of those Wicks you have to take it to the body of the candle okay so that gives you the true real fair value gap or in this case a Cy sell side and balance buy side and efficiency all right so that's the business there and extending out in time and the market goes right up to that high and then folds and creates what right here what is this that's that fair value gap between this low and this candle's high and you see it trade right up into consequent encouragement plus a little bit more why why because the algorithm is affording anyone that uses this information that uses this level as a entry point they have to offer them the spread right or they won't get their fill and that's why you get this little bump right above right there but you're going to be told that that's buying pressure the buying pressure just happens to stop at levels of precision that fit inside the narrative that I've proven to you over and over and over again with live price action before it happens folks as we go through this that onion okay that sits in this the the skull of yours that you think is a brain I'm going to be peeling back those layers and getting rid of all that crusty okay we're going to get down to the sweet kernel in the middle and you're going to find out that there really is an algorithm and it really is absolutely 100% manipulated and controlled and scripted until they manually intervene and then it seems like the markets are random the markets are controlled by buying and selling pressure wrong absolutely not so you have have all of these levels here and I'm going to leave it up to you to have a color scheme that you like okay meaning that you're going to come up with the scheme because because people are always like can you show us the colors that you use for your candlesticks I get nervous when I see stuff like that because I know invariably what that means is there's somebody that wants to start putting their charts out like mine and they want to put my videos and clips and whatever on their Instagram or their other social media whatever and pretend that they did these trades when I'm recording myself do them and then they can't show something after the fact or explain it in hindsight because now they know that the mo move happened they can't have their charts look like mine because they won't match the color so it it it creates a problem for them and they're fraud so I I don't sit down and try to show you the actual Hue or color of of here u in in fact this these charts May actually become a different color in the back background may change also because it's starting to bother my eyes and even with the blue filters that have on it it's it's still it's a little irritating but you want to go through the charts and you want to highlight these things and since we have done this work up here where we had relative equal highs here in here but did I teach you yesterday how do you know it's a high probability relative equal High when the right side that is identified as a potential turning point for a quote unquote potential relative equal High the right one is going to be slightly lower than the one on the left we have that here we don't even need to see this ahead of time we just need to see okay it ran that and you might you might identify it after it does that run there and then you start seeing it break down see that at the turning points or potential turning points like this okay this is where and I'm going to refer to this in my book with this lecture here I've taught and introduced inversion fair value gaps on Twitter spaces last year okay all of my PD arrays have an inversion aspect to them every single one of them every single one of them can reverse their role every single one of them but it's not easy for you and it's not easy for people that want to try to teach my stuff for money when you're actually getting it right from the source here for free um it's not easy for them to be able to teach that because I've never went into great detail like I will in the books so that way it kind of like Bridges the Gap and then you'll see everybody start teaching it then but this is a note that's real important for you okay inversion fair value gaps the highest form of precision the ones that are really really trustworthy the ones that have the highest degree of working in your favor depends on your understanding of what I taught you yesterday and I'm what I'm building on here whereas we have an area that's smooth after 7 o'clock so the 7 o'clock in the morning starts the am session so now you start hunting on the 15 minute time frame the 5 minute time frame and the one minute time frame you're hunting relativ equal highs and lows to form after 7:00 well we have that here you may not have had the experience to anticipate this run up that's fine you don't need it you don't need it remember when I first taught Breakers I thought that on baby Pips back in 201 11 I think it was 2011 um if it wasn't it was 2012 the uh the idea of waiting for a stop run and then wait for the market to come back down in to the range prior to all that run up and then wait for the bearish breaker in this case the bearish breaker is this candle and this candle the most sensitivity is going to come inside of the most lowest down Clos candle prior to the run up because you have a high a low and then you have the stop hunt and then the reversal well that's trading with a breaker inversion fair value gaps if you have a gap inside the range that creates the bearish breaker as we have here now remember what I told you a down closed candle that is a fair value Gap is a CBI a up closed candle right here this is the opposite which is a bissy b i SII buy side imbalance sell side inefficiency now this is going to be a huge step in understanding narrative and understanding directional bias and also reversal patterns this fair value Gap here if you don't understand what you're looking for and you don't have the element of time Dave and you trade back down into this fair value Gap you might be led into thinking well wow you know this is an opportunity for me to take one of those IC fair value Gap buys and go long and then it's to your detriment that it reverses and collapses on you understanding that it's 7 o' post 7 o'cl we have relative equal highs it rallies after remember the new week opening Gap I talked about yesterday you're going to discover Caleb that your model is going to be gravitating towards those new week opening gaps that's your model you're going to be trading in that direction but before we get to that you have to be able to look at small small small fluctuations around segments of time time that have we have a repeating phenomenon that they all look very similar to one another it's a fractal okay um but the fractal element is only repeating and verifiable on the time frames I'm teaching you to focus on right now we're not going anything higher than the 15-minute time frame but this bid and balance cell sign efficiency that fair value Gap is going to have a roll reversal where everyone else that thinks they understand it because they've been introduced to it lightly that is an inversion fair value Gap so the market creates this fair value Gap after this run here you don't want to use that as a Vine we're so elongated and stretched out from London and it's past 7 o' in the morning so now we're in an AM session am session characteristic is always first and foremost characteristic is retrade back into the London range the London range is whatever the highest high and the lowest low was between 2 o'clock in the morning and 5 o'clock in the morning Eastern Standard Time now I'm going to slow things down here because already I already know some of your your heads are spinning you're like dude you said this is going to be easy you're not complicated what I just said is not complicated you have to look at these specific times of the day so if we're anticipating a rally up because of these relative equal highs and it's after 7 o'clock in the morning and it creates this type of reversal scenario where it breaks down your eye should go rate to are we looking for relative equal highs or relative equal lows or are we looking for inefficiencies you have to go with what the chart's given you you can only trade with the premise of relative equal lows or relative equal highs if it's in price action if it's not there you can't you can't refer to it so if there's nothing else in price because we want below these relative equal lows there what's left now at this price point right here if there were not anything else on the chart yet over here this is the only chart Candlestick at the time you're watching it what where does your eye go well you'll naturally go to this but my eye jumps to the stop hunt here and the breaker and from the breaker to the High where the stops were taken is there a fair value gy if there is I'm going to navigate away from the breaker and I want to have that premium level right there I want that that's the one I want everybody else might be trading down here and they might get a fill right there and they won't be comfortable trading into this High here or right there see where it's stopping it's not random the market breaks down that Q working off of that inversion Fair Val you got that drop and it creates this Gap right there that right there is The Sweet Spot when you're bearish and you have everything behind you that's in Play It's Your optimal trade entry it's your model 20122 it's right there and then this becomes a selling point and now what do you have at this point you have this low and this low what time of day is that 8:00 so the price is rallying up against the underlying expected expected move or directional bias because this move here has caused a potential reversal so now you have relative equal lows here but how far can it go you have to refer to the range prior to that reversal pattern that form Med after relative equal highs have been taken so let me slow you down because you're getting a little panicked I'm sure this is too much information my head spending ICT all you're doing is you're looking for areas where they can stop people out and go the other direction that's essentially all you're doing and you're looking for little periods of price action where obvious highs can be targeted obvious lows can be targeted for liquidity purposes and in between them or if there's nothing new to work off of then you focus on all of the fair value gaps the inefficiencies that means things that we've been coloring here with the rectangles okay your eye will jump to them with experience you'll see them more the more you do this and because of that experience Factor you'll learn to fill throughout some of them because they've already been used several times it doesn't mean that they won't be used again it just means that the ones that are unfilled or left in a state of imbalance like this portion of this gray box here from this candlestick's high to that candlestick's low there's a little bit of in efficiency and graphically it looks like this that's the that's the remaining portion that's inefficient that little segment up there it doesn't mean it need it can or needs to fill it right now it's just that's the part that my eye goes to but you still want to have the low the midpoint which consequent Cor and the high you want to have those levels all the time because they will refer to them if the price is trading anywhere around this range here the rest of the day watch and see how it uses it it will use it again so if you want to talk about support and resistance these inefficiencies are the real support and resistance in price action you'll see them kiss them turn on a dime go right to the level stop turn around the bodies of them stop like it's it's so precise it goes without question it's laughable for anyone to say there isn't an algorithm these price engines what are they referring to think about it what are they referring to they have if it's an algorithm it has to refer to something it's happened in the past so what I've done is I've created a language where you're either going to be reaching for old highs for the express purposes of taking out or engaging that liquidity that would be resting above it in the form of buy stops or going below a a low or equal lows for the express purposes of going down to engage the cell side or cell stops outside of that what are we left with anything that's inefficient in terms of price action so if we have a inversion fair value Gap here after these relative equal highs have been traded through and it starts to break down no Panic don't worry about panicking there's no reason to do that go into this price run here that's your that's your breaker where it run runs up and tags all the stops gets people stopped out if they were short they're not allowed to be profitable or trick them into a long trade and then when they start raking them across the colds going lower they're unprofitable if that's the case your eye goes into this price run is there a fair value Gap there if there is extend it forward and then wait for it to trade up there don't sell yourself short and only look for the return to the breaker or the low point because it's going to trade R back back up into that and if you go back and look at your examples maybe you've taken trades whether it be live demo whatever or maybe you've done some annotations and and chart work and journaling and you were focusing on studying on the breaker go back and see if this signature doesn't appear in some of them and maybe some of the things that you would have taken as a trade there or maybe you've taken and got stopped out this was the factor that you didn't see happening and notice that this is the only buy side and balance sside efficiency and once you have a valid return here in itself SS off what you should be focusing on is all of the cbies all of the cbies until the narrative is likely to changed bullish your focus goes to only looking for sell side imbalances that means a down closed candle that has a segment with the previous candle's low and the subsequent candle after it is has a high that doesn't connect and the only bridge between those two points is the down close candle in between that's your fair value Gap and it's specifically a cell sign balance byy sign efficiency and by having that what that does it it removes the ambiguity and it gives you a very specific process of saying okay I'm only focusing on these specific fair value gapes I get that question a lot even with PRI mentorship students how did I pick that one why did I pick that one why didn't I pick this one over here well that that comes with experience and it may seem like a cop out to some of you that do this straight ass hats and you don't really want to take the the honest truth there's some things that you're going to have to get with experience and I don't make any bones about it I don't sugarcoat it and you're going to pick it up because you've been doing it long enough but to get that experience that's required to do a lot of things that you're asking for answers you got to do what I'm showing you here and you can do it after the fact you can go back and look at it and yes you have the added benefit of hindsight don't don't discourage yourself in that because anything you learn everything surgeon that ever did a surgery on you they studied in a book they watched other surgeons do it first then they worked on a cadabra it's a dead body okay where if they cut some artery or something they make a mistake the person's not going to sue them for malpractice or die on the on the table they're already dead so they're demo trading with a with a corpse okay or their demo surgery with a corpse but when you start looking for it there are there's specific fair value gaps Caleb that I want you to focus on okay the very first fair value Gap prior to a stop run always always always have that one noted and that's why it's colored red here or pink if you want to call it that because this is a change in a direction and what this is doing is acting just like an order Block it's just change in the state of delivery oh so I'm incorporating narrative where the market goes up after 7 o'clock stop hunt change breaks lower comes right back up into inefficiency but to a very specific fair value Gap it's the first one prior to a stop hunt okay there's going to be lots of times where this doesn't form and that's okay if it doesn't form what do you do throw everything out the window and start trading supply and demand and Elliot wave because nothing's going to work for you I had to toss that in there I had to toss that in here because some of you are falling asleep you're like okay dude he's throwning on I I don't know what's going on this fair value got okay if it's not there then you use the breaker it's very simple it's the last down closed candle okay but your stop needs to be above the highest high of the consecutive down closed candles because this is all the bearish breaker both of these candles here so your stop has to be above that okay how much two two ticks maybe one tick main times I've use this the high because if it's really good it won't it really won't like to go back up into the full range of that um so using the very high of that in in my case it would be fine not not if you have this Gap here inside the leg that has the stop hunt because if you have that then you you could potentially see a whole return back up into this and maybe a little Mohawk a little a little tiny little Spike above outside with the wick of the candle but the body be inside or below that Gap so that's all part of stop management so I talk to in there no extra charge but that changes the state of delivery meaning that we went up to stop out and then this is where everything algor algorithmically changes now we're going to start going lower it's going to seek sells side liquidity it's going to reach for cell side it's going to expand lower so you want to key off of and look for turning points or what will be future entry points for you Caleb for trades the key off of these sell sign balances buy side deficiencies every single Cy every single short-term high so why do you want a short-term High noted even if it's a singular one because there's there's stops above that okay we already have a relative equal High here that formed and it caused a potential reversal that moves lower that seeks liquidity we had relative equal lows here it traded down through that and then we have all this business in here we swept below that here actually it's kind of sloppy isn't it it's 940 well whatever you know you're not paying for it I'm giving you something extra I want it to be done sooner my wife's probably thinking every time he says he's going to be this much time it's invariably going to happen if I say it's going to be a little one it's going to be a long one but I really can't do a two-hour one today so um we'll probably end up doing a two- hour one this guy's bipolar and he says one thing in the next minute he changes his mind it's that's what like being in my mind it's a beautiful place so every cell side in Balance every cell side in Balance don't see anyone of in here yeah notice how this one here what is this one what's this what's this fair value got by classification and name what would you call that one it's a b side and balance efficiency okay I'm not looking at that one I won't highlight that one I won't extend it for because it's it's against it's against the underlying Direction and the state of delivery which is it wants to go lower so if it wants to go lower I'm not interested in this unless it shows me that it wants to reverse and it's done something very violent down here like it it could do it here I'm not saying it will but if it did something violent and started the reverse then I would draw my attention to this one because then I can act on that as an inversion fair value Gap because it would reverse its role but right now when the narrative is in in motion every cell side and balance bu side and efficiency I'm referring to I'm not always drawing them out on the chart because as you'll see it's it can be rather uh busy on your charts and I like to keep things naked but not afraid you see it trading up into the consequent encouragement of that one so when when you're trading or not sorry when you're observing price action you're spending your time not pushing a button trying to trade you're not trying to convince people in in live chats in their chat window you're not trying to tell influencers what you think's going to happen because you're going to wait for a high five like yeah bro or yeah sister you know none of that stuff you're you're in your own little bubble every single day and you're looking for these things to unfold now if you recall I mentioned yesterday let's do that right Michael come on at 8 o'clock is the same thing there's another point of confusion I want to clarify I talked about the first 30 minutes after 7 o'clock and after 8 o00 and after 9 o'clock that is your pression range okay it is 30 minutes of you expecting something opposite so in other words if you see relative equal highs what would you expect after 8:00 you would expect a low or a price run lower what is that by definition opposing directional run that's against where you think it's directly going to go that's a Judah swing that's manipulation it's something that goes against the grain of what you're expect not what everybody else on the internet's doing but what you're expecting okay um if you look around yesterday everybody's titles on YouTube had stock market crash and I was in here telling you it's going to go up was that random no because everybody had the same idea and I sat down with you explained to you this is what it's going to do and we wait for it to present itself and then we put in motion a plan of where the next foothold or the next grab point like rock climbing okay a rock climber looks at the surface of the of the cliff that it's trying to climb and he looks or she looks and tries to map out a pathway okay I am not going to just reach up for this grab Point here with my hand and pull myself up a little bit and then guess where the next handhole is going to be they try to map out because they don't want to get to a point climbing up using all that energy and then find out they're really not in a position to grab on to something that's more efficient for the client to go back up well in this case we have a descent even though they were not trying to trade relative equal highs and lows prior to 7 o'clock in the morning if this does this and it starts to move lower you have to incorporate the range what range is that the low that was formed prior to it crossing the threshold of 7 o'clock in the morning so we have all this run here so every single one of these inefficiencies over here here here here here even though it's been used already you extend them in time and they will be places for you to anticipate price going up to and pushing into it and then resisting and going lower as it works and gravitates to that low right there as I was hinting at earlier but the range okay the the pression or pre-market range after the top of the hour whether it be 7 o'clock 8:00 or 9:00 these are your three Windows of opportunity so right away we can study and see okay there was really nothing in here except for these two right here these little small little ones so what did it do it rallied up where it go to some random level nobody could have known that it was going to go to that level but now you do you have a stop hunt the market broke down so this is a shift in Market structure okay and this is a optimal trade entry even if you didn't have all the stuff I'm teaching you here and amplifying it you already know this this was the flagship pattern of my channel since 12 uh 2012 the optimal trade entry a shift in Market structure measure your high to your low 60 to 72% retracement 62 to 72% retracement level and the 70.5 level see this is this is one of those moments where I would hit control and tap M and I would have to go back and listen to the audio audio and edit and fix that part but it's live so I have to have to keep going my OCD is is tapping me on the shoulder but this is still a pattern that you would have traded anyway with using the rudimentary level uh lessons that I taught over a decade ago for free on this YouTube channel but now you're learning the signatures that present a greater degree of precision and managing your expectations in the narrative how are you going to incorporate all these things and Trust holding onto a trade so now we're going to go into we have a uh hang on I got distracted here I have headphones on so when I was listening to a phone that's on do not disturb I was still getting a um a flash on the screen and I looked that I made a mistake to looking at I break my concentration but the each hour at 7 o'clock in this case 8 o00 and at 9 o' what you're doing is you're starting the whole process all over again you're waiting for relative equal highs to form or identifying relative equal lows at 8:00 you can look prior to 8:00 you just can't look prior to 7:00 relative equal your because you're trying to work inside the range of the morning session okay the morning session is essentially 7 o'clock till 11 o'clock in the morning technically until noon but 11 o'clock for me I like to like to be done by then frankly I like to be done by 10:15 10:30 you know if I can get something on and and be paid out I'm done I don't I don't need to do anything else you may not like that you might want to be for the whole day not me uh I don't want want to be in front of the charts I don't like to be chained in front of the charts but once you have a turn in a direction like this and the Market's likely to draw lower you'll see that by focusing on only one side of the marketplace with the inefficiencies as we have here it's moving lower so every cby is extended to the right okay if you remember on Twitter I would tell you note a specific fair value guy and I'd say extend it to the right that that this that's me doing this here okay and you know whenever you see the market trade you know through them a little bit you'll see a troll or someone that has no idea what the hell's going on they'll say oh yeah he thought it was going to sell that's not that's not what we're doing here you're you're going to wait for it to cover over top of it and then break back down through it and then it will act as what you expect it to do many of you when you see me talk about inefficiencies fair value Gap cies busies all that business um you anticipate that oh it's a matter of just going up once it gets into here all you got to do is sell short right there that's not it folks you you have to anticipate a measure of manipulation what was the price doing here I told you it was getting kind of sloppy we had this inefficiency yeah but what else is there what else is there you have this energetic drop that created that Cy and there's going to be what trail there for anyone that's short they're going to put their stop loss right there well that efficiently done been removed with this bump here back into an old Cy and then you have a market break down look at the work around the halfway point which is consequent encroachment the market drops opens again here breaks lower we have an inefficiency the bodies are telling you yes this is going to go lower why because it stopped right there see that the Wicks are allowed to do what a little bit of damage is it going to random locations no it just bumps the bottom of that Cy over there right there and then Works lower now at 9:00 the same thing you can look at any relative equal high or low prior to 8:00 up to 7 o' if you're going to be trading with long longer term price runs for the folks that are asking me how do you hold on for longer trades in that case you're going to have to look at the previous day's range and what is the previous day's low or if it's if it's going higher what's the previous day's high and that's your next logical level to to reach for but I don't want to give Caleb anything beyond the scope of what I already covered because it's giving him way too many things to worry about and if you're brand new you're probably feeling that too but in short what you're doing is is at 7:00 that starts the hunt for relative equal highs or lows if you see a disruption like we were talking about yesterday where it's Jagged you see how it's nice and Jagged that's that's indicating it's probably going to go the opposite direction especially if you have all these other supporting factors where that would have been a breaker this is obviously a high probability inversion fair value Gap and it hits it here respects consequent encouragement breaks down and then we have another return in here here's optimal Trend entry as well and everything is your your mindset is okay I'm looking for lower I'm looking for lower I'm looking for lower and it breaks lower and then you highlight every single time it creates an inefficiency where it's a big candle that doesn't have any overlapping with the candle prior to it form or the candle after it so it creates that inefficiency that imbalance and then when we have these long protracted consolidations like that it's really better for you to sit still let them do whatever they're going to do why what do we have there what did I say yesterday we have relative equal highs and we have relative equal lows you're you're going to be playing the Breakout game and I'm not a breakout artist I'm not trying to guess I want to see what the Market's going to do so by this run up it can trade into any one of these fair value gaps in here if does and does it fall out of bed yep so what I would require and you've heard me say well not technically you heard me um you'll see in Old tweets where I'll say we want to see this fair value Gap act as an inversion fair value Gap well that means it it ran above it it's got to go below it and then do this right there that function of redelivering to it then a deeper protraction lower to upset any liquidity that would be resting below here as much as and to the degree of reaching down into that low over there because that's the low in London you see that so when you have your charts Caleb um what I'm I'm only interested in seeing anything before 7 o'clock if the range of the morning session trades to the London session low or the London session High other than that I don't want to see anything on your charts Beyond this okay that's it so all your charts are going to have about uh six o'clock or so just to get a little taste of what London was doing and then everything else in your charts need to be very very simple but I want 9:00 delineated 8:00 delineated and 7:00 delated and any formation of relative equal highs or lows I want you annotate them okay and the way I want you to annotate them is don't use this don't do this okay I want you to draw hold down shift as you drag it over it'll keep it straight and I want you to annotate it like that and choose whatever color you want it doesn't matter don't just cuz Dad's using this color I'm just stick to this card right now cuz it's saving me some time may not feel like it because I'm taking more time than some of you guys are wanting me to spend doing it all right and that's the relative equal lows and the relative equal highs I said yesterday when you have both of them you wait you wait for them to take one side out what does it do it runs higher so what's it going to attack now that one and it runs down below it okay so as it is right now if there was any trade taken or no trade taken at all you would do nothing because it's already done a whole lot of movement and it's back in an area where I wouldn't want to see it as a trade back in this Cy again because we've already done once twice overlapped it respected it and now we're back inside of it again that is low probability and it could fall out of bed and crash a, points it still wouldn't be a trade I took cuz it's against the rules of me wanting to use it it's it's been overlapped and worked multiple times and it's done enough so your day would be complete here and you would capture everything just like this and then you would annotate it like this would be U an area where you could highlight or type out any observations or what you felt about this movement here in this little area here you would in text so you would just take the text and say something like this like um okay and just simple little statements like this and what you're you're doing is is you're highlighting your focus here and here and here and up here in this segment you can do something like um I i' like how it reacted off that inversion fair value guy so what you're doing is your cherry picking points of reference for your journal and when you see the chart again the next day like tomorrow when you sit down you look at Price action you refer to what it did yesterday and these levels will be subconsciously retained as significant and it'll reinforce it subconsciously as a memory worth holding on to and then when the weekend comes and you go back through your journal and your charts and you have these little annotations what that will do is you'll read this comment says I like the obvious return of price and don't have any typos like this that still don't right I like the obvious return of price that the [Music] cities there we go getting old folks getting old one of those Biden moments what did you say you Republican son here's one I'm probably going to vote this year I'm probably going to vote for the first time and you should vote too but I'm not going to say who I'm voting for because then you probably be really hating me but I'll tell you any haris so oh man I'm such a troublemaker so you annotate your charts that way you have something that when you refer to on the weekend it is a positive reference you do nothing negative you say nothing negative you criticize nothing negatively and you draw out the things that are useful information okay and when you do that and you look at it on the on the weekend as a reflection you're never looking at things through the lens of regret you notice that and what does that do it manages your fear and greed it manages regret if you missed a move you've fed what you're focusing on so when you look at an Old Chart you're not looking at man I could have went short here or I could have went short here and held for all this mve down here that's what everybody does wrong and I tortured myself as a 20-year-old doing that I literally whooped my ass every day in a journal telling myself everything I did wrong and then wondered why it took six years for me to get it figured out that I was doing this to myself like I was doing all those things holding myself back but I thought well I'm going to be hard on myself because that's that's what I need to do and that that was actually detrimental to my development and my understanding about how I see things in price and how I'm going to interact and how I'm going to treat myself after the fact whether I took a trade or didn't take a trade whether I had a win I had a loss I had a win then lost money like all those things you have no idea what you're going to do when you go through those experiences and until you develop skill sets to manage your emotions and your expectations and you do that with your journal with role-based ideas okay until you appreciate the level of responsibility that this puts on you you won't understand it it's easy to say well I'm going to trade I'm just going to go and start pushing buttons well okay you people go to the casinos all the time and they go home pissed off they took too much money and they didn't they didn't leave or they should have stayed home because they wasted their money and you can waste your money looking at these candlesticks and telling yourself a story that ain't there so you have to have an expectation on price at a time of day in this case you have three specific times of the day and the first 30 minutes at 7 o'clock after 8:00 and after 9:00 if there is relative equal highs or relative equal lows below the marketplace then you want to see a move the first 30 minutes go in the opposite direction of if there's relative equal highs that form after 7:00 after 8:00 and after 9 o'cl that first 30 minutes you want to see the market drop you want to see a measure of manipulation it doesn't have to only be in that first 30 minutes but in my mind I'm thinking I want to see that and if I got that and it was given to me in delivery price then my interest in this move is even more people I'm really interested in it if it doesn't do it I'll wait for more information because it might have a deeper retracement than I would have expected initially and then I'll wait for a breakdown and then having all these inefficiencies extended over the market will refer back to them and then all I have to do is wait for a bus to get there and then ride that thing down to Southern town and that's it and be content with it okay so um another um suggest and this is something you'll learn more about Caleb but for now I want you to start measuring all the price swings that form in other words if it's if it's moved lower this is something you do after the fact okay don't try to do this while it's happening but after the fact okay and it'll teach you range finding how like how far prices can run you're going to take the FIB and your high here you're going to take that and anchor it to the low lowest low at 7:00 and this is what my Fibonacci settings are so that way if you've never seen them you can see them now and then you have two and a half all right so two which is one standard deviation would be about right here and then two standard deviations and then you got two and a half which is usually like the extreme for like the wick purposes where it can just just get outside the range of what you'd reasonbly expect and that's kind of like a ballpark figure same thing happening on the 8:00 hour you're going to take the Fib from the high to the lowest low at 8:00 all right so we have almost all the lows in here and then we have the Fibonacci at 9:00 so the high the highest high 9:00 that form that far that's far and the lowest low up to 9:00 and I have to go to standard deviation one it looks like okay so we have this area in here this area in here look how close in proximity that is and then you have this one here starting at 7 o' so these are all parameters without using like a thing like um average daily range we don't need to use anything like that these are all ballpark estimates where it gives you a feel for how far it can reach mathematically by itself that's absolutely useless information useless but when you incorporate it with real range like when have over here so we have below this low that's definitely something that's possible and if it really wants to be animated and go below that low it can go as far as this level down here and it got real close to it but fell short of it and that's fine which is one of the arguments when we start doing um entries when I start teaching you how to actually get into the trades and what you're you know what you're holding for the targets what you're holding for and what it's likely to give you in terms of a a profit or Target how to say okay this is how far it can go but where's the highest degree of probability where even if it doesn't go to that specific XYZ Target and that's the perfect case exit point where am I going to come to the conclusion that this is appropriate level for me to escape the trade and be content with that even if it moves Beyond it and see if it still goes 200 handles past where I'll get out I don't care because this was such a lined portion of the move I'm content with that these are type these are types of strategies I use okay I look for the the the expansion below the underlying Market structure and I reference it with those specific elements of time and I don't demand that they give the highest high and the lowest low I'm looking for a convergence of these levels in agreement with an actual old low or an old high doesn't need to be relative equal highs or relative equal lows it's just it's reaching for another uh a pool of liquidity but for this model that you're learning you're looking for relative equal highs to form after 7:00 or relative equal lows and you're going to look them the Target that very draw on liquidity and then as it goes to the next hour if you don't have one or it worked off of one already as it did here at 8:00 you wait for it again and you measure that directional bias where it's likely to go and if it is likely to go lower your focus your eye this is the thing you're supposed to walk away with in terms of the learning today your eye jumps to all the sell-side and balance buy side and efficiencies that means the down close Big Range candles they're all by themselves that I'm highlighting on your eye jumps to those okay so when you're going back and you look at last week's charts and you do this every single day of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday and we sit down on the weekend and we look at this week and you'll have last week so you're going to show me 10 charts or 10 days of data but all of this needs to be shown at the very lowest one minute chart but referring to things on a 50 m chart if it's Salient if it has some relevance to what you're looking for based on the rules I'm giving here but all you're doing is limiting your focus and highlighting okay it's likely to go lower and reach for relative equal lows or it's reaching higher for relative equal highs once you determine that you stick with it even if it turns against you this is the part that some of you going to be uncomfortable hearing because you think it's going to work out perfectly for you and is going to keep moving and you'll want to go do demo trades or pass funded account challenges or trade with real money because you think you've learned it already that's a mistake that's foolishness don't do that what you're doing is is you're sticking with an idea in a process and my best model isn't 100% my best model model is not 100% so I have to build in what I have to afford myself the flexibility that I'm going to do it wrong I'm going to be overzealous because if I've allowed social media other people to be against my idea the more folks that are like that I get really excited about that that's when I do get excited because I know I'm a a minority in a move in the marketplace that I know has a huge degree of probability and then I you know I many times well I'll try to outtrade my my methodology and anticipate the setup which is why I stress to you don't don't try to anticipate a setup wait for it to be there because if it's really there you'll see it and contrast that with well you know I think it's going to go up I just want to hurry up and get in here because I'm afraid it might run off without me and I don't want to wait for the setup and then you get in then it starts squeezing against you maybe even trading back to a level you thought was going to be the entry for you but now because you entered at a higher uh level it's drawing money out of your account and you're worried about that not well it was originally going to go to that level and get me in but then you get out or you put a stop loss in there too quick because you don't want to lose too much money even though that subconsciously you know you should have never took that trade okay all those things are managed and prevented by doing what I'm telling you to do here don't worry about trading right now don't worry about entering anything you need to be focusing on what is important in the marketplace right now so if the Market's going to gravitate lower your eye jumps to only cbies if you start seeing these cbies that's these down close big large range candles you have one here you see that and then I'm going to close it we've had enough time today and uh okay we have the market trade up here the bodies are pretty much respecting the this inefficiency the Wicks go back to this city that acts as an inversion fair value Gap and then we have this nice launch lower disrupting all these relative equal lows here we expand down through it and then we trade back up to it and it breaks lower and then what does it do here it disregards it so now something has happened down here so when you're looking at it spread out like it it doesn't look so obvious but when you do something like this take a step back this is something I learned from Larry Williams if if you feel like you're losing touch zoom out or go to a higher time frame and step back away from your charts look at it from across the room and you'll see that this looks very Jagged but when you're zoomed in real tight it doesn't look Jagged but this is a disruption in as I mentioned earlier this morning before it went below here this would be a potential area to look for it to to draw Down based B on any assumptions of this being a reversal pattern as I outlined with the breaker in an inversion fair value G but this right here is made Jagged smooth made Jagged so what would we do we look for buy side buy side would be this high and this high in here trades above it we don't really have a high to work off here because this is the highest one and goes down as we go over here so it's this High here so this is in a potential run on this High here and that's something you can watch today the rest of the day and study that and then once it does it if it does it at all you go back through the price action and you study what was there and you pull out the points that you understand about what it is I teach Breakers fair value gaps institutional orderflow entry drills inversion fair value gaps U mitigation blocks and the whole the whole thing everything that that you understand about it and when you do that and you're identifying every single one of them you can see in hindsight what will happen is is because you're collecting these screenshots and you're you're you're expressing your observations in your journal what will happen is your eye will start resonating with one particular entry model what is an entry model if you think the price is going to go lower what is the Catalyst that puts you in your trade that's your multiplier that's the thing you're betting on panning out and based on where you're trying to get in at versus where the stop loss should be relative to that trade idea you're trying to make a multiple greater than one okay of whatever you're risking and it need not be ex exorbitant you don't need to have two: one you don't need to have 3 to one you don't need to have four to one you don't have five to one you just need to be able to see and anticipate fluctuations in price that are reasonable and it gives you something to study because the first lesson you need to know is how you're going to interact with that soon as it starts moving and it starts being quick about it even if it only moves 10 handles you're going to have a surge of adrenaline and you're not even in a real trade it's a demo trade but because you're seeing something that you anticipated and starts to run in your favor that sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is very very addictive which is the reason why you go in and you pushing another Buton on the demo I'm going to do another trade that felt good let me do it again let me do it again like someone scratching your back okay or doing something else for you you don't want to find your Happy Endings by over trading that that's not good okay uh your happy ending comes by doing very little and being content with that that's the secret sauce in trading doing very little and being content with it everybody else everybody else and I was like this before too you you get a win or you make money or do something right and that sense of accomplishment nobody else feels it because it's it's in your skin that you're experiencing it and showing somebody a chart or showing someone the the move even if you recorded it sure other Traders can look at that nod and think yeah that was pretty good that even if they told you you're the goat it still isn't going to satisfy you because you want them to feel that Elation that orgasmic experience that you felt because you saw it coming you executed on it and then it panned out in your favor and it delivered with Fierce momentum like it was real quick and sudden it was immediate response like it listened to you that's what it feels like it listened to you like you had it on a leash you need to quell that okay you need to quell that because nobody else is going to feel it like you want them to and you're going to be in a Pursuit that always seeks outward confirmation and by you doing everything in your journal and you being an island unto yourself that means everything you do you're in charge of this Corporation this Enterprise that you're creating you're the CEO you're the CFO you're the employee you're you're the gender you got to take the trash out you see it and sometimes it's going to stink you got to clean the toilets you made that mess so it goes without saying that you should be focused on trying to keep everything positive filtering out negativity and also managing your exuberance because you don't want it to be a sugar high all the time because just like fear can paralyze you and Cloud your mind when you think you can't do anything wrong that's usually when you are going to fail your worst you like it says in the Bible it says you know Pride go before the fall you don't want to be so high and lofty about yourself in terms of your thoughts about yourself or your ability or your prowess at any time no matter if you been doing it for 30 plus years or if you just discover your own routine and then now it's feels like a model that you can trust you have to really keep yourself protected from becoming emotionally stimulated by your ability and it needs to be boring it needs to be monotonous it needs to be like a business yeah sure I'm going to do all this stuff and that might yield me x amount of dollars if I do it correctly but you're not focused on that because in the beginning stages you want this to be so routine and so dry and boring you can't be emotional about it it's just making money or managing losses that's it you have to reduce it to that and that's what a business does they're they're not in the business of worrying about if they're still going to be in business they're not doing that they made money with a business model and they stick to it and what you're doing with this is you're starting your own business model Caleb you have to think about it like that and everybody that you allow to influence you or have an interaction with you they're all going to tell you something that is ass backwards you know who I am you see what I do you see how we lived you know everything I'm your dad everybody else's opinion and the horeshit head up their ass perspective everybody else is talking from ignorance okay you see this you've watched it and you were trying to get serious about it you want to learn how to do it correctly like I promised you you cannot go quickly through this and it's going to seem boring it's going to feel like I don't want to do this part I just want to get in there and push a button if I'm right I'm right if I'm wrong I'm wrong that's what a man thinks that's the bar that's a barbarian or Gladiator perspective I need to learn by losing real money or trading with real money no you don't you stupid that's an asshole's perspective that's somebody that's a idiot that's someone that's clueless and I promise you I promise you they are not making money and I'm talking about living on your ass doing whatever the you want to do kind of money that's a mentorship that doesn't know shit's mentality I had to learn how to trade with real money even if it's a small account that's that's that's and many times it's coming from the mouths of people that don't prove they can do anything they don't even go out there and call it before it happens let alone trade it with real money so you have to guard your your mind from all these other people because these people they want to they're going to want to use you as a way of finding significance in themselves I had to tell Cody I had to tell Cameron I had to tell Caleb I had to tell his youngest son what to do I had to coach him because ICT his dad was telling him wrong I had to put him on point all of you out there are just wanting to have that opportunity to say something to him like you somehow fixed him or you gave him this little Edge and you you all know you know nothing you absolutely know nothing you have no accolades but you want to feel significant because you want to feel like you did something you made an installment in ict's son and that's what you have to guard yourself from on an individual basis because soon as you say you're trying to study what I teach everybody's going to come at you and tell you why you shouldn't do it or it's a complicated thing no it's work it's not an indicator push a button when it tells you here it's a buy or sell when you don't know what the the hell that was all about what's the logic behind that nobody will tell you because to do that they're giving you do a proprietary information that creates that blackbox scenario where it's a flashing Lux algo that does this and does that what's the what's the meth methodology behind it and you're going to trust that versus what your own experience doing something based on time an experience and seeing the fruits of it the next four weeks or so you have an experience ment it's very easy and you'll never have to waste any more time ever if it doesn't make sense to you if you can't see it don't ever expect to learn from me don't ever watch my videos and just for you Caleb just expect that you're going to work the rest of your life because this is as simple as it gets that's it it's either going to go up or it's going to go down why would it go up it's going to go towards relative equal highs or it's going to down to relative equal lows and if they're not obvious in the chart what do you do well you force a trade that's what you do if you can afford 10 contracts or 15 contracts you do as much as you can no you don't do anything you sit on your hands turn the charts off and say okay this is not obvious today it's not obvious if it's not obvious why are you risking money casinos operate on the basis of it's obvious that people are going to come there with money it's obvious that this the odds are stacked in their favor it's obvious that people will not quit when they're up when they're in profit they will not stop trading or sorry they will not they will not stop betting or gambling because the bug bit them oh man I'm up $5,000 I only came here with 250 bucks gertude hey we're going to have a Stak dinner tonight but I'm coming back down afterwards I feel like I'm going to make a real big run yeah you're going to run run home broke but you had a good steak dinner if I would have just stopped right here it's the same thing you have to know when the odds are in your favor and when it's so obvious it's so easy that's what I'm pointing out this stuff and I'm telling people look at this look at that look at this I'm not every single day in tanja's live stream or in uh trades by mat I'm listening to both of them it's it's like background noise until I hear something that's either funny or something that gets my attention or whatever or if I'm waiting for a specific trade setup I'll go to their chat and I'll see if they're in love with something that's opposed to what I'm doing and then I'll use them as sentiment not them particular particular the the you the live streamers but Their audience that they allow for their open discussion of what they think is going to happen and the more cheerleading they think or the more backbiting they think for someone else that has an opinion that may be similar to mine I am much more emboldened by my trade idea because of that very thing and I don't mean that to be disrespectful but I've I've taught this openly you know I use social media as a sentiment gauge and if I have a trade idea or I I expect the market to draw to a specific level and the general public that doesn't think like I teach they if they're diametrically opposed to that to me I like that's the shest thing there is like I have no I have no doubts that it's going to pan out then and then what do I do I share it publicly I'll go into their chat and I'll say look at this or note this and then all of a sudden the people are like oh look it's ICT he's here and then the people that are not looking at me like a celebrity and they're like okay he this cosigned let's watch and see if it goes there and they're like damn he just did it again they're they mind they they got the they understand the the the plan they understood the assignment oh ICT just tipped his hand this is where it's going guys but everybody else is talking to me like hey ICT how you doing hey ICT how you feeling how hey ICT how you doing on the robins cup hey ICT remember that guy that said this about you blah blah blah we saw some really interesting things about him all that stuff is not minding your own business all that chat that chatter that's all wasted time I'm not reading everybody's comment I don't have time for that I'm looking for key words if I'm bearish I want people to talk about being bullish I'm going long or I'm long this man I love that I love that but if I have a trade idea that I'm not all that terribly excited about where I think it's it's still in the early stages of developing and I see so much chatter that's very similar to what I'm expecting I'm not taking that trade what yeah I'm not taking that trade because if the street money is in alignment with what I'm thinking and it's already a lukew idea anyway H uh I'm going to side on the fact that I'm probably wrong I'll just stand out and there's a few times and there not many but it's a few times where I stayed out because of that and it ran without and that's okay I can sleep good with that what I don't like is if I use them as opposing sentiment and it's not just these two live streamers don't think I'm ganging up on them I have respect for both of them I've pushed both their channels I think they have The Moxy to stand out there in front of people they push the button in front of people they tell you what their opinions are um you know it's to me it's incredible to do because I I personally would not do that I I I wouldn't do it frankly none of you deserve it two I it's just not in my character to do it because I I will think about if I'm wrong say I'm wrong on this trade I knew people were putting money behind it and if I lose they lost and I'm going to worry about their money not mine who's in charge of the trade my emotions so I I can't I I can't function that way it's not that I can't trade it's is I can't trade with that type of pressure where if I'm wrong and I can take that loss you might not be in a situation where you can and you probably overleveraged your funded account hoping to get your thing passed in one day because I took a trade that made made it public so I worry about those types of things I I I don't want that problem of having to worry about when I put a trade on I don't care it's either going to work or it's not and I'm I'm devoid of any emotion about it but if I have other people that can Co you know Co tail I don't want that because it it it becomes a burdensome thing for me so I I say that because I I know Caleb wants to potentially grow a channel into something like what I've done with mine and I'm not trying to talk him out of that but I did very very vocally tell him that you you have to be content with enough you know if if he gets his rent paid or half his rent paid with whatever the channel does while he's learning that's a huge advantage and that's going to be an encouragement for FR his study more to get good at doing this better and eventually replacing his income at his job because that's the that's the main goal right now is to match what he earns at his job and then the next goal is to double that and then after he can double that consistently then he has to do two years of saving with whatever he earns on the channel and what he earns in trading and what he can save at his job once he has two years of that salary then he has my blessing that he can quit his job but prior to that that he can't there's no discussion and if he tries to do it sooner than that I'm not going to help him because it's irresponsible you you're setting yourself up for failure if you do it any other way and there's nothing different from what I just said from what I've said in the past about when you want to quit and trade full-time Because unless you have two years of salary and you've had consistently being able to double your income with your trades you have no business thinking about quitting your job and I know a lot of people want to do that because you know that's the life but you don't realize when you quit your job you've made trading harder you've made it harder because now you have to eat on your results and that my friends is very very difficult unless you know exactly what you're doing that means knowing when not to do something and when to do it and when to push it real hard because that circumstance that environment you're inside of right now it it really ripe to really be milked and just take it to the limits but sometimes when we're brand new and we're overzealous about getting in there just to make money you think that social media influencers and I'm guilty of this because I can talk somebody into doing something very easily because of the hype that I place around the things that I promote all my stuff is badass like it's it's top tier stuff there's nothing like it and when you see it being implemented and explained and it happens it doesn't do anything except for get you like hopped up on goofballs you really want to run through a wall you're like I'm ready to do this right now I ain't got time for this IC I need to make my bread right now so the next live stream whatever you say is going to happen next time I'm putting money on that one and if you do that you're an idiot because you're going to feel emotions physical stimuli in your body you're going to feel adrenaline and that's going to increase your heart rate and then you're going start feeling that rush and then you might think about oh man my hands are tingling I feel a little excited I feel like I'm seeing stars and that's cortisol and that's the stress hormone which literally will tear you down you keep doing that and then you're going to start worrying about what you feel like versus what's the price action doing right now and then I got to walk away from the charts I gotta I got to just take a walk real quick if you smoke which you shouldn't do I got to go get a smoke I got my uh vape and stick the in my head and puff on that are you in control of yourself no are you in control of your trade no are you managing everything soberly no but you're trying to make money and it's all the wrong way that's all the wrong way when you feel like you have lost the plot and or you can't see it son don't feel obligated to tell me what you think's going to happen be comfortable saying I don't know today or right now I don't know and there's nothing to be ashamed of in that I be more proud of seeing you do that than trying to tell me when I know with experience this is dog it's not going to do anything it's it's just going to be a mess it's going to be unorganized and it's going to do a whole lot of unfulfilled delivery of price that means it's just chopping around and moving around without any real Rhyme or Reason because it can stay in a Range a defined range and do nothing extra outside of that and I don't want to be involved in a an opportunity like that I want to have where it's easy to run to a range low what range is that well it could be the range of the 7:00 to 8:00 hour it could be the range of whatever the highest high the lowest low since 9:00 or at the opening at 9:30 all these ranges have the potential for you to have your own unique model and once it trades to them you get out you're not trying to get 100 handles every day but some of you think that's what you should be doing I got to make 200 handles a week or I'm not killing it really I have students that have one contract trades they never do more than one contract and they're doing $20,000 a month month after month after month after month and they still keep their job they still have their insurance they're not trying to impress me with I'm trading two contracts now they're like I don't need to change anything this is good you know what that is that's maturity and I love that I love that because that's someone that listened that's someone that did the person inventory on how they interact how do they engage price action how do they work within the con straints of being in a state of not knowing for sure what's going to happen managing themselves following the processes and protocols and just submitting them themselves to the process and being content with enough 20 grand a month do you earn that at your job chances are no you don't I promise you most Trading influencers on social media don't make that in their [Music] trades and I'm certain she could do a whole lot more oh I shouldn't have said that well they can do a whole lot more than that I'm convinced that they could because they only take one setup a day they have a a one trick pony mindset they're not trying to bring every ICT Bell and whistle into the uh the conversation they wait for for one simple little thing and when it happens they take the trade they have their stop loss it's reasonable all the time and then bang once it's trades to a high or a low that they know liquidity is resting at they're done for the day and it doesn't matter to them when it has these big range days how about having something like that as a mindset initially not that you have to aim for $2,000 or you're not successful if you just make one quarter of your income a week and you lose four times out of five trades but you were still able to net that is that is that failure some of you on social media would see that that's that's failure it's not when you are brand new you better expect to have those types of results as a first rung objective or goal because you're going to flounder in the beginning you're going to feel like you don't have what it takes and you're going to look at days where it's challenging technically you know there's days where the market may appear it's going to do so so obvious it's going to go here or go there and I'll get tripped up in that I'm human I might come into it with a case of the ass I'm mad about something to happen a guy cut me off the other day on the road and I'm still pissed off about it you know I'm trying to exact revenge on this guy I'll show him he doesn't even think about me now and that's what we do as humans we bring in all of our mental baggage and we want to have a Triumph that reminds us that we're we're more than what everybody else thinks of us or what we think of ourselves the previous day what do you think it's doing here just like we had over here we had a disruption we have a disruption down here so where is their relative equal highs here and here so what are we looking for we want to see if it can muster the ability to to poke its head above high the day over here I hate when it does that always jumps last second I got to adjust it so we have inefficiency here this could be an immediate rebalance immediate rebalance is when you have a extended range or candle that goes up and then it drops back down and just touch is the candle high and then starts to run to an objective or liquidity or an efficiency something like that we we as we also have this fair value Gap here in this case I'd like to see this fair value Gap stay open not traded entirely down into that candle high and then reach up here so these are all little drills and exercises you can do that will eventually lead to trade entries and Trade Stop placement and management but more specifically it teaches you expectation anticipatory price uh reading where you you study charts real time and you're watching price it has to be on a real-time basis it can't be a market replay because Market replay is like stilted it's like wooden it's stunted um it doesn't have the fluidity that a real- Time Candlestick has where you see the candle like for instance these are one minute candlesticks so they can be seen where at one time it could be looking very much like it's going to be a down closed candle and all of a sudden it flips and goes the other direction that's a dynamic fluid environment you want to be able to see price action if if you think you're going to trade well and consistently without having that exposure to price like you can't skip that part and be good I promise you it it doesn't work nobody ever gets consistently profitable without doing some measure of forward testing and back testing it may be minuscule for some that are very very gifted but it's usually failure without doing it and when you start understanding the things that I'm outlining you'll see that there's plenty of opportunities there's so many opportunities that are there all day long but because you have painted yourself into a corner you think that there's no way that I'm going to be profitable unless I get the big run of the day so I'm going to start hunting just for the big run of the day and you might miss the ideal entry point which that gives me I guess the perfect opportunity to use that 15sec chart as a lot of you were thinking earlier when I said we're going to say this and quit because this is supposed to be a short one right um I'll use this as an opportunity to go into the 15 second chart in a second I promise I won't close the live stream until I do that part because I did mention it earlier but one of the key takeaways by doing this mentorship with you is I'm teaching you son to look at price with these little tiny little pieces of repeating phenomenon and they happen at specific times of the day they happen at a a measure of frequency that is sustainable it is going to repeat weeks and months and years in advance as long as there's a market these things will manifest they will they will repeat over and over and over again all of them will not be profitable the majority of them tend to be okay so I'm setting your expectations and trying to calibrate your your well expectations to a degree that you should not be expecting Perfection okay that's something that should be first and foremost don't expect Perfection don't expect everything that you do to be without pain it's going to be hard especially in the beginning where you feel like you know I have the best of the best dad's giv me the best of the best so therefore I should have no expectations for adversity it's going to be really really hard because you don't know the outcome and as much as you might want to dismiss it psychologically and say I have I have the best of the best you still have to endure the waiting of this to pan out and you still have to go through the process of of developing like the rest of my students there's nothing that you're going to be subjected to that put you at the front of the line there's no shortcuts around this part this is the stuff that every single profitable Trader does and this is what they do to make that money they got to be in front of the charts they got to submit themselves to the idea when they coign and say okay I'm going to assume a trade and take on that responsibility and risk they have to agree on if they are wrong this is what they have to lose and why compound that by saying I'm taking a trade Into The Ether saying I'm going long or I'm going short and this is where my stop loss is for the sake of being able to say you did it when you don't know what you're doing yet or even when you first find profitability young men tend to want to do that because it's like the Gladiator scenario where they want to do something to impress everyone making money wasn't enough for them being profitable wasn't enough for them they want to be lifted up on a pedestal and say you are a goat and that's a sign and character flaw that is synonymous with men usually young men and I don't want you to grow into that I want you to be humble I want you to be modest I want you to feel like you're you're blessed if God gives your understanding to this and I'm praying that he gives it to you um when this is something that you can do on a consistent basis you shouldn't go around like a sharp stick and beat everybody over the head and say you know you're inferior because this is what I'm my pedigree is this and I can do this because I learn this way of doing it number one it's ugly I won't be proud of you for doing that I don't think you would do that but I say that because I know other people are listening and they might have that as an aspiration for I want to do this because I want to be significant in the industry I want to make a name for myself for the sake of clout and the the best measuring stick is being content with what you did how you did it you didn't hurt anybody you didn't belittle anybody you didn't try to measure yourself up against anyone else and you don't concern yourself with those types of things when you trade and live your life like that you will have no drama you'll have no Spirit of competition that you have to live up to you don't owe anybody anything you don't owe Dad any explanations for how you're doing it you don't know anybody on social media an explanation of how you're doing you have no reason to give anybody a testimony or update of where you are and how you're doing but if you choose to do that do it tactfully do it in a manner where it's disarming you're not trying to make anybody else feel like they're inferior you're not looking at anyone trying to say you know I'm better at you I'm better at this than you or I'm going to be faster in profitability because I I know I guarantee you there's lots of students out there right now that are going to try to race to consistently profitable with you and that's a that's a a terrible terrible thing to do because it's not a competition you know it may take you longer than you already think it may take and I want you to know as your dad it's okay it's okay there's no rush I'm not going to ever run out of interest in trying to help you this is what I've lived for I've wanted you to do this and here you go it pans out that was a immediate rebalance uh immediate rebalance is here it trades down touches the candle rallies up and then we have a order block it trades down into that and then expands up to there so if you did something like that where um I don't know now I I forgot where the uh what can because I was so interested in talking but nonetheless it delivered where where we thought it would go I said I wanted to see this stay open here because that would act as a breakaway Gap and then yeah this should have been the immediate rebalance there and then the next candle is it rallies up and then it trading back down into this down close candle which is an order block it rallies up it completely closes in this inefficiency one more time Taps into it there and then finally reaches up I would absolutely be done I wouldn't touch anything the rest of the day there wouldn't be anything else thatd be interest and it could have all kinds of excitement right now I wouldn't touch anything more why because we have traded down we had a disruption took out the cell side after we had a disruption here and now we've come back and touch the high of the day so I wouldn't want to worry about trading in the afternoon I wouldn't worry about doing anything I would be content with whatever it is that you've done whatever you've collected today in terms of uh Insight experience logging um encouragement whatever that is okay it would be content and and left right where it is right now but I want to drop down into a 15c and kind of tell you what I was talking about as we started this live stream let me go down into the 15sec chart let's highlight this first all right and then we'll make that green so it's it's highlighting so here's the five minute price run in here okay and this is the immediate rebalance right there so I'm going to draw a little line on that and as you see everything I'm doing here it's highlighting it it's highlighting it on the 15sec chart okay and now we can take our attention over here so I annotated everything that I was talking about and expecting on the one minute chart real time with you and now we're inside this price run so I'm going to talk about and what I mentioned to my private mentorship the other day um this is the uh price delivery Continuum Theory where you have an expectation where price is going to gravitate to and it gives you a continuous opportunity for you to be a participant in it because the markets are fractal they're going to offer you setups on one time frame and then that time frame has once it's expired all of its opportunities that's used for an entry mechanism you can't do anything else unless you're going to just chase price I don't chase price okay I'm going to show you how you can effectively and efficiently use a 15-second chart should you ever want to do so you don't have to okay but you're going to find that it is very forgiving for Traders that have missed an ideal entry and uh or wants to um I'm going to say this but please do not take this as an invitation to start doing it yet because pyramiding and adding to a trade that's winning that is very very challenging for me as a mentor to teach that because I already know that you want to do as much as you can to make money as fast as you can you see all these people out here to have 15 16 20 accounts and they're doing lots of withdrawals pretty sizable withdrawals from from Trading all that and it's it's important for you to be comfortable being consistent with small trades in the beginning because if you can be consistent making small trades you're building the the mindset you're building the uh well the skill set really that's the best way of saying it to adhere to rules and not Chase extra money and you're going to want to do bigger bigger bigger trades all the time especially if you start sharing your results with people on social social media because the novelty will wear off fast you know when you buy a really nice sports car everybody around you your friends and your neighbors and they're like oh wow that's really nice five weeks later they might look at you as you go down the road but they're not they're not saying that only happens the first time everything's got a novelty um aspect to it it everything wears away and when you start being profitable if those trades are by most of the industries expectations you know $1,000 a week that's awesome I'm a millionaire and I'm telling you now if you can make $1,000 a week trading you're doing really good there's nothing to be ashamed of that's actually something to be very very proud of but what happens if you can only make $200 right now or in the first three or four months of you trying to do this that's not failure failure is I'm quitting and I'm never going to put more effort into this that's that's that's that's bad so you have to load your expectation but anyway as I was showing on the one minute chart it was likely to come back down and touch the top of the candle and then start to expand up into this blue level okay that was the initial high of the day right at 7 o'clock in the morning using the morning session and if you look at what was happening here it traded up and then came right back down you see that what's what is occurring there what's occurring here it's coming right back down and it's rebalancing the inefficiency of this quick sudden price run from this close to that close that's what's occurring so what the algorithm does it refers back to that price point at that time and this is what goes on the market algorithm starts from a higher time frame and refers to key price points that are Salient to where it's at right now at given sets of time as I'm teaching you here it will refer to close proximity points of reference and that means things like this where we have a quick sudden run like this in a 15-second chart in a 5-second chart a onec chart it's cycling through very very fast the the the mechanism that's it's it's going through all these calculations so fast you can't keep up with with with actually going on so when I had to sit down and create a language to try to compare and contrast the closest thing I can and not break any agreements this is what you have you have this visual representation of it where it's likely to draw to this level and just above it it comes back down and where there's an absence of a fair offer for buying on a Down tick okay you ever hear how U like when the when the circuit breakers go off on the the market where it goes too far One Direction there's a circuit breaker they halt trading say for instance the the market goes down too fast too much at one time and they pause trading until the market starts to tick up okay there's a lot of high frequency trading algorithms that operate and engage in the marketplace like that so they're filtering out of they're not trying to buy when the Market's expanding up but what their algorithm seeks is these inefficiencies here and then they once they get inside that range once it meets that threshold of trading into it then once it's met then it trades the first down tick after that and then their algorithm fires entry uh orders to get long knowing that the is repricing here you can if you have the benefit of looking at time in sales you can look at how many contracts were traded here from here that's not a lot of contracts that's not a lot of contracts from here to there it doesn't take a lot of contracts to move price it just needs one contract to book and show time of sales it's not volume that's moving price volume precedes price that's a textbook right out of every retail language book there is volume precedes price what does that mean there's going to be a lot of volume in this area down here why because it took stops out what's below here sell stops so volume will be larger here then it will be in here CU this is all discovery this is all going to levels that are outside the range and while there might be buy stops above this blue line that I indicated the further above that line we get the less volume there will be because everybody wants to have a stop loss real close to a level and it's thinner as it gets up here and that's why you start to see the price start having all these big gaps because it's pressing higher and higher and higher the algorithm is just going to repice higher whether you want to be a buyer or everybody collectively wants to be a buyer it's programmed to keep offering that price because someone is always coming in with a sell order at market and a buy order at Market guess what that does it gives you the counterparty and it's going to book price you can sit on your hands and talk about how you're not going to buy it because it's this that and the other thing there's always some Market orders coming in always and the algorithm knows that that function of liquidity is always present so it will constantly offer higher prices and it doesn't matter how many Tom Dixon Harry's from Goldman Sachs okay or well I like kicking them around we'll just leave it at that all these large investment firms no matter how many Vol how much volume they got or they're trying to push into the marketplace they're not pressing price down they might gloat and say yeah we did this we did that but they're not doing they're stuck in the same delivery Paradigm that every one of us is too the Market's going to go where they're going to go regardless of how much buying and selling pressure there it is period in a story and the common uh equation I uh or not equation but analogy I like to use is you know when there's a limit up Limit Up move in the marketplace how many contracts does it take to cause the market to open up Limit Up say you're trading silver and the markets are closed and then we open up and we open up limit up how many contracts does it take to cause that trade to be locked limit up just one just one contract because it's price oriented but it opened at a time when that first price was offered at the furthest extreme that the exchanges wellow and that means that you have a limit up move so buying and selling pressure is not it okay it's time and price so in here we have price dropping down to overlap this in efficiency there's no Gap in here is there is there any Gap in here sure there is look I'm not Chris Lori when a when there's a uh inefficiency if it comes down and closes it in I'm not done with it relative equal highs here fair value gy it trades outside of it comes back down into it here with a one minute immediate rebounds so it's trading down to a deeper discount so this is your first return in after taking the buy side here but this is left intact so this is still in play so it's dropping down that right there would have been a 15sec long for me if I would have been buying down in here or if I was long here this would be another area where I could go long and add another partial but it couldn't be larger than one contract why because we're we're long in the tooth with the price run and my limit order would be just above here it wouldn't be up here oh ICT you should have been looking for something like that why the low hanging fruit is just above here that's all I want that's where the largest degree of volume is going to be because the order is going to be closer to the levels that are expected the algorithm is going to repic because it's going to do the function of what a wick does where it does the damage it go it colors outside the line just like your son or daughter will and she's doing exactly what she's coded to do but I need to be efficient with executions and remove the element of fear and greed and regret so I'm going to take where it's obvious for me to get out if you start getting out at the highest high and getting in at the lowest low all the time you're going to experience broker problems they're going to slip you they're going to do requotes and you're going to miss because if they've been bbuing you and you'll know they've been bbuing you if you start getting that kind of stuff and you're winning then they'll start messing with you because you're taking money out of their hands you get mad about all you want oh this is it's wrong it doesn't matter you give them permission when you signed up this the way it is if they can get you out with the liquidity then they will but they can't guarantee it so there's their gray area so the 15-second chart when you see things on a onee five minute chart it gives you opportunity for you to get in alignment now let's just say for sake of argument when I was calling the one minute uh institu one minute immediate rebalance and expecting it to run up here okay that is a 40 handle run or more the live streamers on YouTube most of them don't see that they get out with like five handles 15 handles 10 they might say they're aiming for 20 and they get out at whatever they their emotions push them out of the market with and you never really you never really see them enter you don't you don't see when they're actually telling you this is where it's happening right now they they have a Target that's a lofty one they say I think it's going to go up here and then they'll say well see I called it who's doing it like us and they show you the trade after the fact they do that because they don't do what I'm teaching you to do right here and they're going to start doing it trust me and then when they do it their trading will improve and they'll get more confident about pushing the button at the execution points from beginning to end and then they can earn the title of number one day trader on YouTube but until they do that they can't so let's say I missed this opportunity to be long there okay we have a down closed candle inside of a fair value Gap that came back down into an old in efficiency as well after the first run above here this is all extra credit stuff okay so this is this is more or less not for you Caleb it's for the people that are familiar with my stuff but just want a little bit more iceing on the cake when it trades back down into this down close candle here that could be a buy for me as well that one and we can look at this little Gap right there see that that's all it takes trades down to here my limit order would be just above midpoint of that Wick I'm not demanding it gets me filled in there because I may not get it so I'll be a little bit more forgiving and placing a limit order there and then I could use that to get in sync with the run if I felt like it was going to go higher I'm just teaching on the basis of how to use the 15-second chart and how it gives you a plethora of entries there's so many entries offered on a 5sec and a 15-second chart that you don't see in a one minute chart but the algorithm is doing the same thing you're telling me that people are looking at chart and they're looking at reference points that I've classically defined now is as PD arrays the market keeps going back to these price points you mean to tell me everybody that learned from online trade Academy and supply and demand that they're all looking at 15-second charts and they and they're stopping the market right at these levels their buying is stopping it right at those levels and it's keying off of that stuff precisely you're full of it ain't happening Jack it's all algorithmic and it doesn't matter how many buying in selling a specific number of contracts the price is going to go where it's going to go because it's scripted and it's going to go there based on time that's the way it works and you can argue with me and I don't care you're never going to convince me otherwise because I'm out here doing it I'm out here telling you what it's going to do beforehand you're going to argue it in in a hindsight capacity if you want to have a a session where we sit down together and you're going to explain things retail I would love that I would love that I will do a live stream and they could be on one side of the screen and we can take turns talking about what we think's going to happen and I will run circles around you I will literally lay down every single price move all day long but they'll they'll have nothing to say then they won't but other people will still say well that was just one day I was just you know he got lucky it's fun it's really fun but anyway um the 15sec chart affords you that as a mechanism okay it also gives you the ability to reduce your stop loss okay make it a little bit tighter not that you should be trading with really early small stop losses in the beginning because it's important for you to read price appropriately and effectively and efficiently first and then eventually you know when you're into the the part of taking trades where you have to manage real risk and real money uh then these types of conversations are much more pertinent to the discussion but right now it's so outside the scope of what Caleb needs right now it's it's not important at all it's absolutely Ely zero importance zero but I wanted to kind of like outline Something Real Time and and give you a feel for how you can make bread and butter setups and they're real easy to see like it if you understand where the draw is what it's done it it made something Jagged down here and it made something Jagged down here and it left that high in this high in place it's relatively equal when you had the chart spr spread out like this it doesn't look like that but when you compress it we're back in the same discussion of okay it it failed to get back to that one so the second one was lower so what does that mean it's a high probability relative equal High the market will repic to that because it wants to disrupt it wants to disrupt it wants to be that cousin or in-law that comes to the cookout that you really don't want there that's what the market does okay and when you understand that you'll you'll do better in your trades but I've gone on no today I've really overstayed my welcome I'm I'm tired I'm hungry and I want to get off here so hopefully you found this one insightful if you did I would appreciate a thumbs up it doesn't mean you love me it just means that you learned something today and you're continuously getting a deposit in your understanding and that's like a report card for me to either continue or or not if there's 100,000 people watching and there's less than 177,000 uh that's going to be very discouraging I might take tomorrow off if that's the case so let that be a little factor in whether or not you want to give me feedback until I talk to you next time be safe